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Chapter 24: The Leviathan Devil Princess (2)

Chapter 24: The Leviathan Devil Princess (2)

The woman chuckled softly, her laughter echoing in the quiet room. "Even if I asked you to release me from this Prison, you don't have the Key."

"Only that bastard, Nosferatu, who now mentors you, can unlock me from this Prison. Obviously, he's not interested in doing such acts of kindness, especially against those he defeated in combat."

"You never know. Haven't you heard the saying 'You shouldn't judge a book by its cover?' You are a Royalty Devil, if you propose to me a better deal than the trash in the Open Library, I will put more consideration into your words," Carl remarked, his tone neutral.

Carl's expression remained impassive as he reached into his coat and produced the Ars Goetia, the ancient grimoire bound in human flesh and skin. The beauty's gaze flickered to the book, a flicker of surprise crossing her features before she masked it with an air of indifference.

Carl settled into a chair he had moved to face Devil-woman, his posture relaxed yet poised, readying himself for the brief confrontation ahead of him with this Ultimate Devil. His crimson eyes flashed with a hint of intrigue as he regarded her, waiting for her reaction like a hunting dog smelling his prey.

As Carl calmly revealed the presence of Ars Goetia, it triggered a reaction that was brief, yet he who was watching her facial muscles twitch, could sense the surprise crossing her features only to be suppressed. Her purple eyes widening imperceptibly before she quickly masked her reaction with an air of indifference.

There was a clear inner turmoil inside her, yet another humiliation for her was approaching. For this, she put on a facade of composed indifference, refusing to show any outward signs of weakness. With a subtle shift in her posture and a forced nonchalance in her tone, she addressed Carl with measured restraint.

"You might be right," she acknowledged, her voice betraying a hint of tension beneath its calm surface. "I shouldn't judge a book by its cover." only for her hatred to spill out when being reminded by the monster who slew her in the past "That bastard actually gave you the Lesser Key."

Carl nodded in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable. "So, it seems you, my lady, are also interested in getting your freedom?"

His words hung in the air, while the Devil woman's initial reaction was one of skepticism. The subtle undertones of sarcasm in his tone did not go unnoticed by the astute devil, and it grated against her already fraying patience.

"Stop with the sarcasm, little vampire," she snapped, her voice laced with a trace of irritation. 

The facade of indifference she had carefully constructed began to crack, revealing the underlying frustration simmering beneath the surface. Her sharp retort carried a hint of defiance, a refusal to indulge in Carl's apparent jests. Beneath her composed exterior, her patience wore thin, her temper flaring in response to the perceived mockery.

"You want a deal to entice you in releasing my soul bound to this accursed world?" she continued, her tone tinged with a mix of resignation and exasperation. The weight of her imprisonment bore down upon her, fueling her frustration and amplifying her desire for freedom.

Carl inclined his head slightly, acknowledging the gravity of her situation. "Indeed," he affirmed. "But not just any deal. A mutually beneficial arrangement that would benefit us both."

She regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. Despite her reservations, there was a glimmer of expectation stirring within her, but watching this Vampire, she couldn't help but be suspicious.

'How could Nosferatu allow this brat to come into my confinements and act as if he is in charge of this accursed World? It's too suspicious.'

'I'm inclined to believe he's tempting me, torturing me with the idea of having my Soul released from this prison.'

"What I will offer you is straightforward," Carl began, his voice calm and measured. "I'm willing to unbound your soul to the Domain using the Lesser Key. However, there will be certain conditions. Of course, not tyrannically from the perspective of an Ultimate Devil, but, I'm still curious what you can offer me, miss?"

The tanned woman's eyes narrowed as she considered his words. She knew better than anyone what 'Contracts' of the Supernatural nature entailed, and taking on such an offer without careful consideration was a fool's doom. Such deals often came with hidden costs and unforeseen consequences.

"Since you have Nosferatu as your 'Mentor' you don't seem to lack much," she mentioned after some consideration, her tone laced with subtle skepticism. "He was a renowned Blood Mage and Swordsmaster in his prime. While, his knowledge in the end is bound to the lens of a human, his ways are what the humans managed to capture from us Devils."

"I heard that story," Carl replied evenly, his voice calm, but deep down his mind was playing out the story of Highschool DxD as if it was the Bible. "About how Humans reverse engineered the Devil's Magic System, leading to the creation of Magicians."

To his relief, Krassius' mind was far sharper than what he had in his first life, making such high-mental energy expander tasks a breeze. Maybe he had the intellect of a psychotic character, but enjoyed the benefits of being a 'normal' dude without being a broken person with one or two screws loose.

"Indeed," Tsufaame acknowledged, her gaze never wavering from his, yet she felt irked by this sudden reveal of information, reminding her that Carl was certainly put by Nosferatu to fuck her up mentally by extending the olive branch. 

"But, you see, Human Magic is considered Lower Class. Sure, you get certain unique individuals who sign contracts with those High-Class Devils to advance their magic capabilities, but it is rare, since the Vatican has a strict law forbidding 'Witchcraft' and 'Satanism'."

"My lady, it's been half a millennium since the Great War," Carl continued, his voice unwavering. "I bet you that Humans developed their Magic System to be on par if not better than those of the Devils."

Tsufaame's response was immediate, her disbelief evident in her tone. "... You jest. How could those inferior creatures possess the intellect to surpass Perfection?"

But Carl remained steadfast in his assertion, his smirk betraying a hint of amusement at her arrogance. "It's not a joke," he countered calmly. "Especially after Humans had the opportunity of reincarnating as Devils. They could have access to the Devil Magic System and share it with the Humans."

"Greed is in Human Nature after all."

Tsufaame's initial shock gave way to panic as Carl's words began to piece together the puzzle in her mind. She struggled to comprehend the implications of what he was suggesting, her frustration mounting with each passing moment.

"Wait, there's no way vermin could be turned into one of us? Who was it? Was it that bastard Astaroth who managed to sway the Satans while I was on this vacation of mine?" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with disbelief.

Carl's smirk only widened at her reaction, his amusement evident in his gaze. "Hooh, you really don't know, miss?" he taunted. "Hasn't Nosferatu shared the news with you about the Great War?"

"What news? Wait, what am I missing? That smirk on your face… Don't tell me?" panic flashed on her face.

The realization dawned on Tsufaame that she was being played by Nosferatu once again. In a sudden surge of rage and frustration, she lunged forward, grabbing Carl by the collar in a desperate attempt to confront him. 

'Heh? Really? Let's see if you can pull something against me while I'm in my own Mental World.'

'While, I don't have all the authority over this Mindscape per se, I'm 2nd in charge before Nosferatu.'

Carl followed her extended hand and was slightly taken aback since she was an Ultimate Devil yet he could follow her movements. But before she could lay a hand on him, the air crackled with energy as the crimson amulet around Carl's neck began to glow with an intense light.

In an instant, a powerful force erupted from the amulet, repelling the devil woman with a forceful energy that sent her stumbling backward. The blast was like a shockwave, knocking her off balance and propelling her several feet away, where she collided with one of the towering bookshelves.

'I thought so too. I'm at ease in this location, even facing her. How could a prisoner dare to bite the hand of the New Warden? I guess, even the Sacred Gear thinks it is blasphemy.'

Carl watched Tsufaame's outburst with a cool detachment, his crimson eyes glinting with a hint of amusement at her display of frustration and anger. Despite the chaos unfolding around them, he remained eerily composed, his demeanor unaffected by the chaos that had erupted in the room.

"Urgh, the humiliation!" she spat, her voice tinged with anger and frustration. "That Cursed Longinus!"

"Such theatrics," he remarked dryly, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere like a knife. "I expected more from an Ultimate Devil such as yourself."

His words were laced with a cold indifference, a stark contrast to the beauty's emotional turmoil. While she seethed with rage and humiliation, Carl remained icily calm, his expression betraying nothing of the satisfaction he felt at having dominated her.

"Perhaps you should reconsider your approach, my lady," he continued, his tone dripping with condescension. "Attacking me won't change your situation. If anything, it only serves to prove how desperate you've become."

Tsufaame recoiled at Carl's cold response, her pride wounded by his dismissive demeanor. Despite her attempts to regain her composure, she found herself struggling to maintain her usual air of superiority in the face of his unyielding calm.

Her chest heaved with frustration as she glared daggers at Carl, her purple eyes flashing with a mix of anger and disbelief. She had expected him to cower in fear when she used her Demonic Power even if it was suppressed by the Domain, but instead, he stood before her with a confidence that bordered on arrogance.

"You dare to mock me, little vampire?" she spat, her voice dripping with venom. "You know what. I'm no longer interested in entertaining you. Fuck off, and tell Nosferatu to shove Murad's dick deep in his ass." 

"I'll never forget this humiliation. I, Tsufaame Leviathan, will have my revenge."

Her threat hung in the air like a dark cloud, a silent promise of retribution for the indignity she had suffered at Carl's hands. Despite her bravado, however, there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice, a nagging doubt that lingered at the back of her mind.

Carl remained unfazed by her words, his expression unchanged as he regarded her with cool detachment. He had no intention of backing down or showing any weakness in front of the Ultimate Devil who now stood before him.

"Save your threats for someone who cares," he replied dismissively, his voice devoid of emotion. 

Carl's laughter echoed in the confines of the study room, a sharp sound that cut through the tension like a blade. He shook his head incredulously, amused by Tsufaame's overreaction.

"You Devils are really a group of edgy fucks who use their emotions to guide their lives," he taunted, his tone mocking. "No wonder you rebelled against poor old God from the Bible. You react as if I was the one who killed your family, when I just tell you some news from the outside world."

Tsufaame's anger flared at his words, her pride stung by his mockery. But deep down, Carl's words made sense to her, but how couldn't she overreact when hearing such unscrupulous words on the current turn of events. She had allowed her emotions to cloud her judgment, falling prey to Carl's calculated manipulation.

"Fuck off, lowly Vampire," she retorted, her voice tinged with frustration. "I already learned what I wanted to know from you."

Carl's smirk widened at her outburst, relishing in the power he held over her. He knew he had struck a nerve, and he was determined to push her further.

"Slut, does it hurt you if you act with the dignity of a 'Royalty' that you claim to be, as a Leviathan Princess?" he taunted, his words dripping with scorn. "Besides, you learned what? I didn't share much with you to begin with."

"We Devils lost against those Angel assholes," she spat, her voice laced with bitterness. "Azazel probably teamed up with Michael for the Good Old Times, to backstab Lord Lucifer."

Carl has a good laugh, almost turning a bit hysterical, seeing the tanned gal overreact and overthink so much, was quite satisfying, especially sensing that helplessness from her when she couldn't place her hand on him.

"If you sign a contract with me, I might tell you the fate of the Devils in this current Era."

"I'm not signing anything with you, brat. I'm an Ultimate Devil, a Royalty, I have my dignity and honor to preserve. The prestige of my Family that I have to uphold."

Carl felt his time was ticking away, and he didn't feel like going empty handed from this excursion of his, and since she started to ignore him again, he began smiling maliciously as the seconds passed by.

"There's no point in upholding the honor of your Family. In the end, the name of Leviathan has turned into a Title for the current Devils. Everything you've cherished, has turned to dust."

Tsufaame Leviathan had a dumbfounded look on her face, vividly morphing her expression based on the emotions she was feeling. "Impossible. Empty lies to humiliate me, and what I stand for. Curse you, spawn of Nosferatu. You're as hateful as that bastard."

"Well, I'll take it as a compliment for a lady Leviathan. I'll leave for now, but I will return soon enough. By that time, consider this proposal. Sign a contract with me, I'll let you taste freedom, and also allow you to reclaim your lost 'Honor'."

"Unlike my predecessor, I'm more prone to giving second chances. See you soon, Lady Leviathan." said Carl as if he was preparing to leave the Mindscape of the Bloodbound Domain, and trigger a reaction from Tsufaame who might see the chance of freedom disappearing.

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