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96.42% Branded - (RWBY) / Chapter 27: Ch 26: Human II

Chapter 27: Ch 26: Human II

"So what you're saying is that you beat up some drunks who were trying to pick you up then you found this kid in an alleyway and decided to basically kidnap her?" Sienna held a stern look towards the groveling Maru.

"That is correct." Maru's muffled and unnaturally stiff response drew a sigh from the tiger faunus.

Sienna pinched the bridge of her nose, already feeling the beginnings of a migraine forming. "How isn't this the worst thing you've done whilst in the fang." Sienna surveyed the room taking note of the newly arrived Swan, the white haired swan Faunus, fussing over Rosa as Nyx tried showing off to her, failing miserably in the process, her eyes then roamed towards Virdis passed out on a lounge Sienna couldn't help but let out a weary chuckle at the absurdity of the situation, her gaze finally landed back on the still groveling cause of it all.

Seeing the woman who she at this point could comfortably call her best friend look so anxious made Sienna feel a tinge of sympathy. "Maru get up, you're not in trouble, we just need to fix this, we can take her to an orphanage. I'm sure someone will give her a good home." Regardless of Sienna's reassuring words, Maru's expression stayed anxious, Sienna sighed. "Come on Maru, if anything you did a good thing, no child should live in those sorts of conditions. We both know that."

Maru's expression softened as she turned to look at the young girl who was completely paranoid of anything around her just hours before, giggling and smiling as Nyx made an ass of himself. "I guess you're right I'm sorry for making your life harder than it already is and I know that the fact she's human could cause trouble, I'll make sure that it doesn't."

Sienna rubbed the bridge of her nose at the mention of the fact that Rosa was human but she just ended up sighing and smiling at Maru's determination. "Just don't do something like this again without consulting me first." 

Maru smiled looking like a kid who had just had all her dreams come true, she jumped up and tackled Sienna in a hug. "Thanks you're the best!" 

Sienna just smiled as Maru jumped up and rushed over to Rosa, she grabbed the young girl before promptly jumping on top of Virdis' stomach as if he wasn't there, the poor guy looked up seeing that it was Maru and just sighed giving up and going back to sleep.

Chuckling Sienna walked over to the other two in the room. "She acts as if she's twelve."

Swan chuckled slightly looking towards Maru, who was switching channels on the tv trying to decide what to watch as Rosa watched with curiosity. "We both know that's just one of her charms."

"Charm? The damned demon causes more trouble than she's worth sometimes." Nyx grumbled receiving a slap on the back of the head from Swan.

"Honey you may be cute but that's only when you're quiet." Swan's smile made Nyx shiver.

Sienna chuckled. "Do you two need some alone time?" Nyx's face went bright red whilst Swan just chuckled and waved her suggestion off, Sienna looked back towards Maru with a smile. "I'm surprised Maru's getting along so well with her. She got attached really quickly."

Nyx grunted, his ears still red. "Even if she's part of the fang she doesn't have any animosity towards humans, she judges each individual and doesn't blame an entire group for the actions of an individual."

Sienna looked down a bit until she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning to its owner she saw Swan with a warm and comforting smile, the tiger Faunus smiled back. "Never thought I would say this but I could probably learn something from our resident dunce."

The group chuckled before Nyx smirked toward Sienna. "That's what we're here for, you look after us all the time so if you ever need it we will look after yo-." 

"Fuck!" The loud exclamation that came from the resident fox Faunus startled everyone in the room. "That mother fucker!"

Sienna, Nyx and Swan all turned towards the commotion, on the screen of the tv there was a Mantle news station, the headline being 'Crimson Fang strikes again.' Maru growls at the mention of the damned name.

The news anchor showed up on the screen holding a pile of papers. "Welcome to The Local Mantle we bring the best news available, we have some interesting news this evening according to a witness from Mantle the infamous serial killer and White Fang fanatic, Maru Arktis or better known as the Crimson Fang was seen causing trouble for some locals, currently the military is taking action to find and arrest this psycho and make sure she is brought to justice."

The room suddenly went quiet, everyone staring at the new local celebrity sitting on the couch in a cold sweat, Maru slowly turned to smile nervously at the stony faced Sienna, sweet started to drip down her face as she let out a brittle chuckle. "Hehe whoops"

Another wave of silence swept through the room before it was abruptly broken by the innocent words of Rosa. "Miss Fang is famous! She is on the tv!" Suddenly all hell broke loose as everyone but Maru had to rush to restrain Sienna's attempts at strangling her, as the fox fauns made a mad dash away.

"You are a dead woman, Arktis!"


A/N I posted within a somewhat reasonable timeframe yay, anyway i honestly have no clue how I wanna continue this whenever I think of writing my mind instantly goes to other fics im trying to work on though they'll probably not come out for a while due to me not wanting to rush them like I did with this I really should of waited to post until I has like 10 chapters though its been a good motivator due to not wanting to just drop this and leave you all hanging regardless thx for reading power stones are appreciated yada yada and ye any questions or suggestions its appreaciated thx :)

Angel_1860 Angel_1860

Word count: 918


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