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Chapter 3: Chapter 3


The Brief family was shocked, awakened by the sound of impact. The entire west city was awake because of it. Whatever had crashed into the earth was strong enough to shake the ground. In seconds every light in the city was turned on as the civilians groggly did the first natural thing;looking through the window in hopes of spotting the source of the defeaning sound.

A certain doctor, who was the owner of Capsule Corporation, was out of his bed. Despite having just gotten out of bed he was strangely full of energy. From the sound and physical shaking of the earth he knew whatever landed on this planet landed in his back yard. A look out his window answered that question. Hence his slight enthusiasm completely overpowering his apprehension. He shrugged on his lab coat as he shuffled out his bedroom. He was curious. A massive crator had been formed almost obliterating his garden. He saw something at the bottom of it, but he needed a closer look. So he headed outside,his family following behind him. They were more cautious,specifically his youngest daughter. The six year old held a self made laser gun ready to shoot at anything that looked dangerous. She knew aliens were real. They all knew. They met Jaco after all.

Doctor Brief shuffled down into the crater,careful not to fall. He wouldn't want to break anything. He saw a pod. A hissing sound was coming from it as it slowly opened. Steam hisses out of it and he stopped his decend. He peered into the pod getting a glimpse of armor. He needed to get closer. He walked the distance and stood in front the pod. He raised an eyebrow as he gazed upon the toddler sound asleep. Her arms were wrapped around a very enhanced looking backpack. She wore a strange device on her left ear and eye,and armor,strange armor. It didn't look strong enough to withstand any great impact. The material looked as if it would crack with a strong enough fist.

"Dad!" Bulma called and unceremoniously ran down the crator almost tripping and bumped into her father and fell back. She stood up immediately like nothing happened. She aimed her gun at the sleeping Sarada. She furrowed her brows. She wasn't expecting a toddler. A very human looking toddler. Was this even an alien? "What?"

Doctor Brief snapped out of his observation. He reached forward, strapping her out of her restraints and carefully picking her up, holding her close against him in an attempt not to wake the sleeping child. It was only then that he notice the odd appendage on her behind. Just above her butt. A brown furry tail resembling that of a monkey's.


The next day Sarada awoke and met a white ceiling. She blinked. She wasn't sitting. She was laying on a soft surface, a bed. She blinked again and sat up slowly. She twisted her neck to the side slowly hearing an satisfying pop. She winced a bit and repeated the action,twisting her neck in the opposite direction eliciting the same sound. Her body was always stiff after getting out of the pod. Especially if she spends long periods of time in it,it was uncomfortable. She needed to stretch her body.

Ever so slowly she got out of her bed. She still had on her boots. She noticed how much lighter she felt. The gravity on earth is ten times lower than on Vegeta. She felt great. She would feel even better after a good stretch. She started with her arm,folding her right over her and pushing it further back with her left by the elbow. Her hand touched her back and she stopped,switching to the other side. Next were her feet and lastly she cracked her back. With her body fully mobile she looked around....A plain room. She didn't really care about the interior. She was just looking for her backpack. She spotted it easily and slung it over her shoulder as she left the room. She knew exactly where she was. The logo was almost everywhere. You'd have to be stupid not know.

Halfway down a hall the delicious scent of food caught her nose. She stopped her movements and turned around. The scent came from the opposite direction. She sighed. Of course her stomach chose this particular time to make its presence known. She hadn't eaten in a while. Shrugging she turned tail and wandered down the hall. She had no clue on how this place worked,she just followed the scent of food,like any normal saiyan would. She has no control over her appetite. It came with being a saiyan.

Heading down a set of stairs and turning a corner she ended up in the kitchen. The scent assaulted her and she practically teleported to the table filled with food. She was drooling lightly, despite herself.

"You're awake"

A sweet voice sounded behind her with a slight giggle. She turned to face the woman. She was met with the familiar sight of Panchy,blonde fluffy hair styled neatly. Closed eyes and a pleasant smile.

"Dont be afraid to dig in, have as much as you want"

Sarada didn't need any more encouragement. She sat down, said a little prayer and immediately dug in,ungracefully stuffing her face full of the delicious food. Sarada is always calm and does things with a certain air around her,but when it came to food she was just another ruthless saiyan. She craved to fill her stomach with as much food as she could. It was delicious. Everything she found in her mouth was heavenly.

Panchy stood watching her eat with a happy smile on her face. She loved to see others enjoy her food. She had never seen anyone devour her food at such a speed and so much even. She giggled to herself as the food on the table quickly depleted. She would have to make some more. She would be more than happy to. Especially for such a cute child.

Bulma came down to the kitchen ready for breakfast and was hoping to see Sarada. She was curious about her. An alien that looked like a human,but she wasn't a human. She had a tail,the only thing marking her as an alien or some weird kid. Bulma stopped right in the door. In front of her Sarada was having a feast. She sweat dropped at the sheer amount of food that was going into the girl's stomach. She must be an endless pit.

Sarada sighed. She couldn't eat anymore. She ate a considerable amount, the entire feast to be exact. She was full and feeling very content. She relaxed against her seat and closed her eyes. She could doze off at any moment.

"What's in here? "

Bulma found Sarada's bag and was about to open it when Sarada snatched it out of her hand. Her movement was so fast Bulma didn't know what happened. She had the bag one second ago and the next Sarada held it to her chest possessively.

"You do not touch" Sarada said. Her voice was hoarse due to not speaking in some time. No one was to touch her projects,no one at all. It was for her to experiment on and perfect. Well she already perfected them...she just needs to make a few adjustments,a few tweaks.

Bulma smiled a bit. She can speak their language. That's something learned. Just like Jaco.

"I won't touch, but what's in the bag? "

"My scientific experiments" Sarada answered truthfully. "I collected objects on each planet I have visited and did my research on each object"

Bulma beamed. Someone else who loves to experiment just like her. This isn't so bad after all. She could have a study partner,someone other than her father who could keep up with her,someone close to her age.

"If you don't mind me asking" Doctor Brief had also made his appearance known in the room. He sat on the opposite side of Sarada. "How many planets have you been to? "

Sarada hummed. How many planets had she visited? It wasn't something she needs to think about. She remembers each planet. It's inhabitants. Their culture,she remembers it all.

"Around 10" Ten planets. In her years on missions she had only visited ten planet. The missions she went on were mostly long ranging because her power level was suited for it.

"That is a lot"

"Can you tell us a bit about you and your race"

Sarada actually chuckled a bit bitterly. Tell them about her race? They'd be horrified. They might fear her,but scientists tend to have unexpected reactions.

"Saiyans" She picked at the lone strawberry in front of her. How did she miss it? "We're not necessarily known as  friendly creatures. We're rather ruthless actually". She paused and sighed. "To put our job simply. We're space pirates,invading and taking over planets and selling it to the highest bidders".

Bulma was horrified. Does that mean that Sarada has to take over the planet?

"Do you have a mission?"

Sarada shook her head no. "No, I won't ever have one again. Our planet was destroyed by an evil tyrant named Frieza" Sarada said the name with so much venom. "I managed to escape with my mother and baby brother just on time"

"You're not going to take over earth are you?" Bulma had to ask.

"No" Sarada ran a hand through her hair. "Like I said I have no mission. Besides I never liked what we did"

"You were also tasked with planet destruction? "

"Yeah, believe it or not. I was born with an exceptionally high power level. Because of this I was a valuable asset. I went on my first mission when I was around two years old"

"Two?!" Bulma could not believe it. "That's impossible"

"Not really. If a child shows any signs of fighting instincts before the age of four they are allowed on missions. And with my high power I was sent on the more dangerous missions. I dealt with hostile planets mostly"

For the next hour Sarada answered any questions thrown at her. The Briefs were fascinated with every answer. They happily agreed to let her stay with them for as long as she needed. Bulma was happy to have someone she could relate to and Mr. Brief was glad he could study both Sarada and her ship. Panchy was just happy to have someone else to cook for,someone who would eat everything.

After the whole interrogation Sarada found herself being pulled up the stairs by the arm. Apparently Bulma had decided to show Sarada to the shower. Sarada knew there was an alternate motive to this,she could see it in the bluenette's eyes. She wasn't going to complain since she did need a shower.

"Clothes off"

Sarada sighed but did as told. She stripped herself of her armor and handed it to an excited looking Bulma. She had stars in her eyes as she looked at the armour.

"You plan on experimenting on my clothes, don't you?"

"You said we could" Bulma defended herself as she directed Sarada to the bathtub,making sure she got in. She sat down beside the tub, having taken the fluffy tail of Sarada in the process. Sarada let her be since she was gentle and causing no harm. She would just enjoy her warm bath.

"You said you have a brother and mother who also landed here right?" Bulma asked as she poured shampoo into Sarada's spiky and out of control hair.


"Do you know where they landed?"


"Are you going to go find them anytime soon?"

Sarada was quiet for a moment,thinking things over. She planned on going to see them in two months. Should she go through with that? Her mother must be worried sick. Gine knows Sarada can handle herself,but that never stopped her from worrying.

"In two months"

"Why two months?" Bulma wouldn't have waited that long to go see her family. Not without a reason at least.

"I have something to do"

That was all she got out of the younger girl. After her bath Bulma let her dress in some of her clothes. It was a bit big, but would have to do for now. They would get her some clothes later on.

Sarada made her way through capsule Corp in search of the Doc. She was planning on requesting a couple of things.

She found the man working on her pod in his lab. He seemed very curious about it's workings and build.


The old man turned his attention to the young girl with a smile. She came just on time. He was hoping to ask her some questions regarding her space pod and her race's technology.

"Is there something you need?"

Sarada nodded as she observed the lab. It was filled with various tech and works in progress. It was a utopia to her. All she had back on her plant was a little shed that could barely house her projects.

"I have a couple of requests"

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