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2.85% Bride Of The Demon King / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Bride Of The Demon King Bride Of The Demon King original

Bride Of The Demon King

Author: Eyitee_101

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

The secrets of the night…

"Charlie, come back here!" Ordered Luther, the king of the Daivie clan.

"You can't decide my destiny," Charlie yelled back as he walked away in the middle of the heated argument that had just ensued between father and son.

"The Daivie is your destiny, you can't escape it,"

"We'll see about that."

Charlie has had enough of all this. It was time to make a decision, one that he never thought he would summon the courage to make in years, but now he knew it had only been a matter of time before this was long due.

"Where are you going now? Do you think you can avoid all your life's problems by running away? You can't!" Luther growled in a rage.

Charlie didn't respond as Luther followed after him. He'd already exited the large house that sat atop Cleo, the largest mountain in the Daivie which held the clanhouse, home of the king.

Luther saw what he was about to do. This boy! Why doesn't he ever listen? Just like all the arguments they've had similar to this one, Charlie always skitters off to somewhere else for a few days to avoid Luther's noise, leaving the matter unresolved, with nothing said about it. This only made their next argument even much worse.

Luther was not going to have any of that today. It is either Charlie faces his truth, or he's no longer worthy to be called a son of this house.

Charlie had already released his wings, and was about to fly away from this place. Walking out on his father in the middle of an argument regrading the clan's ruling had become like a normal routine to him, but Luther was not going to tolerate any of that this time around.

Next, he uttered the words he never thought would come out of his mouth.

"Charlie. If you leave this house, don't bother coming back."

If Luther expected surprise from his son that day. He didn't get any. Charlie only smirked, turning for a second to speak before launching himself into the air.

"Don't worry. I don't intend to."

Then he flew away.


***500 YEARS LATER***


The sound of Stacy's phone ringing woke her up from her daydream. This was her way of forgetting about the endless troubles that came with her dead-end job. She checked her phone to see who it was.

It was her boyfriend, Kale.

"Hey babe, what's up?"

"Hey Kale, everything is fine," she said, acting like she hadn't just been yelled at a few minutes ago by an angry Asian customer who couldn't speak English.

"Cool, just thought I'd call to remind you about our date tonight, in case you forget, AGAIN!"

"Oh right."

She didn't technically forget the last date, she'd just overslept due to being tired from working late that day, and by the time she had woken up, Kale, who had waited for hours only to get a no-show, had already left the restaurant annoyed.

But this time, she had forgotten. Thank God, he called to remind me this time, she thought to herself.

"Good, I'll pick you up by 7."

"Um… I'm kind of working late today again, don't worry about that. I'll meet you there at, um, let's say 8."

"Ok, fine," Kale replied with a grunt

"Don't worry, I won't forget this time, I promise."

He hung up.

She should have felt a bit annoyed that Kale couldn't even give a proper goodbye before hanging up, but the workload she had for the next few hours didn't give her the luxury to worry about anything else. Stacy sighed as she went over to the shelves to rearrange the boxes of cereal the angry customer had dropped on the floor, she didn't even know when she went back to daydreaming.

She felt so lucky, having a guy who had stood by her all these years. She had known Kale right from when she was a teenager, having met him the day she lost her parents. Even though it wasn't enough, he promised that he was going to give her all the love that she would be missing for the rest of her life due to that tragic day. He promised to fill that empty void, and he did, Stacy smiled to herself.

After a few years, he went from being her friend to her lover. A part of her felt that this relationship was going to blossom into a long-term commitment, maybe even marriage. But no, it had stayed the same way for almost 10 years, just like her job. Kale wasn't just ready to commit.

She then realized something.

Kale had never wanted to go on a date so badly with her before, except of course, during the first year of their relationship; and the time she lost her virginity with him.

"Maybe there's something he wants to tell me, maybe he's finally ready to propose! Oh, how much Stacy had wished for this! It sure would bring a lot of light and hope to this gloomy world," she said to herself as her cheeks flashed red.

No matter what, she decided she was going to make sure to look her best for him tonight. After work, she was going to head to the mall to get a new dress and do her make-up instead of going home. She didn't have much money for a new dress but she didn't care. She shouldn't be wearing old clothes to something as memorable as a proposal. She felt so excited as she kept working, she couldn't wait for her shift to end.

Just then, she spotted a man who she noticed had been watching her from a corner of the store for a very long time. He had been there even when the angry woman came in, and he was still there, watching her.

Thank goodness she was done arranging the shelves, she could head back to the counter now.

"What a creep," she hissed as she continued her way. She didn't ponder much about the person that was watching her a few seconds ago, she had more important things to think about, like how by this time tomorrow, she probably would be an engaged woman, with a beautiful ring on her finger.



"You didn't tell her, did you?" Emma asked Kale as he dropped the phone on the table.

"I can't tell her over the phone, I at least owe it to her."

"We've been having an affair for over a year, and you think that telling her face-to-face is going to make her feel any better," Emma replied with a smirk, rubbing her slender hands over her rounded baby bump, her favorite product of the one-year side relationship she had with Kale.

"At least we'll get to say our goodbyes properly. It will be a much better break-up than over the phone," he stated.

Emma scoffed, "Do it however you like, all I care about is that she finds out today."

"Yes ma'am," he replied.

"So, where we before the phone call?" Kale asked her with a seductive smile.

"Oh, I remember," he said as he grabbed her and captured her mouth with his, feeling her naked body against his with an urgent lust to fuck her senseless, just like he'd done a few minutes ago, before she'd paused shortly, urging him to call Stacy.

Now that that was concluded, they could resume their lovemaking session. His anticipation to be inside of her made every cell in his body feel alive. He loved the way she touched every part of his body, the way her eyes lit up, and the way she smiles.

He loves how each time they have these intimate moments together, they become more and more addicted to each other, that's how they've been able to keep on this cheating affair for so long, because of the intense affection they felt for one another. But now, Emma will have none of these behind the door relationships anymore. She doesn't want to pretend nor hide anymore when she's around him in public. She wants to be the number one chic now. Either that or nothing. Emma knows this because Kale doesn't love Stacy, at least not anymore; he loves her, and only her.

She smiled inwardly as their lips intertwined. Just as Kale loves her, she also loves him too. He has no idea of the power he holds. Around him, all her instincts kick in and she is left feeling like merely a puppet to his desires. She feels drunk in his presence, and oh… That moment when he grabs her with hands and holds her, touching her. He weaves her like he's been doing it for centuries. Over, under, around; again and again. She is wet just from this encounter.

He sweetly touched her cheek, running his hand at the base of her neck. Her stomach tightened, she felt her face flush and for a moment, she meets his eyes. Her thoughts run wild, she needs him so much. He kissed her softly and a whimper escaped from her; it's almost too much. She feels wild, yearning for him to pin her against the bed and shove his tongue down her wet hole. He pulled her head back as he kissed her neck, then pulled it back down to force her to look at him. Every fiber of her being wants more of his touch, wants more of his mouth on every inch of her body.

He gave her another soft kiss as she continued making love to his woman.

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