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Chapter 3: Pt.3

It is a bright sunny day in the village, the small center is buzzing with people. Kids are running back and forth playing tag, the shops are all open, some pulling carts move here and there. The layout is very distinct, the center of the village seems to have the bazaar as it's rotation point, all the other roads connect to it.

On the right of the road, there are workshops like woodcarving, armory, blacksmiths, jewelry, and other places of that kind.

On the top of the village, there is a bigger building than the others, it is some kind of inn, which, at the same time serves as the house of the village chieftain as well. The chieftain is an old man, he is packing a huge gut, over his lips he has a weird mustache, his eyes seem warm, welcoming, unlike a lot of other people you might encounter in this village. He is serving as a bartender.

A figure in black is approaching from the outside of the inn, dressed in leathery boots with fur, a long cape, leather black armor, and a sword on the left side of his waist, his face seems really rough and wild, his stare angry and his stature dark.

The mysterious person walks into the inn. He manages to turn some heads as he enters, the other people that are drinking stare at him suspiciously, some whispers, some stay silent.

The chieftain greets the man.

"Welcome to our village, you seem to have come from far away, why don't you join me here, come, i'll treat you a drink." Says the old man in a welcoming tone.

The man in black walks up to the bar slowly and sits on one of the stools. A wooden cup of beer is given to him.

"So, where are you coming from sir?" Asks the chieftain.

The man takes a sip, stays a moment in silence, and then answers.

"This time i come from Britain, i was on a task of assassinating someone."

The room falls into silence.

"That's a little dangerous, saying what you said in the middle of the bar, people might get the wrong idea, my friend." The chieftain warns the man.

"There is nothing they can take badly, I'm not here to assassinate any of them. Besides..." The man chuckles. "They cannot do much about it even if i did intend to kill them."

The atmosphere gets even gloomier. Suddenly the door of the inn opens, Freyt walks in. He looks around.

"What's up with the gloomy mood you guys?"

He then looks over to the bar and noticed the man.


He walks closer.

"Ulf, is that you?"

The man in black turns around stands up and opens his arms wide laughing in a deep tone.

"Hahaha, Freyt! How have you been my old friend?"

Both of them walk towards one another and hug patting their backs.

"How many years has it been? 10? 15?"

Asks Freyt.

"I don't even remember anymore, but you haven't changed at all." Responds Ulf.

The chieftain interrupts them.

"Do you know this gentleman Freyt?"

"Of course! We used to sail the seas together and go on adventures all the time. That was a long time ago tho, we had parted ways for years, it is a surprise to see him here all of a sudden." Freyt answers.

"Oh, then i can rest assured that this fellow is on our side, for a moment he was getting kind of scary." The chieftain says.

"He is a little rough on the outside and seems like he wants to kill everything on his path, but he is not like that, at least most of the time."

Both of them sit down again.

"So, Ulf, what brings you to this small town?" Asks Freyt.

"I am here to meet with Erik Hayse, i have heard he was stationed in this town," Ulf responds.

Freyt removes his smile from meeting the old friend after so many years and turns his head down looking at the beer cup.


Ulf stares at him.

"What's with that reaction?"

"Well, Erik... died a long time ago."

Ulf stands up thrown the stool backwards on the ground.


Freyt turns around facing him talking in a comforting way.

"Now, calm down i know this is not good news but it was not something that could be changed."

"No! Eric was not a man who could die easily! How can our leader be gone!?" Ulf shouts.

"Please, calm down Ulf, try to think clearly!" Freyt stands up getting close to Ulf.

Ulf does not let him and moves backwards, he heads for the door.

"I want to see the grave i don't believe it!"

He opens the door of the in and steps outside. As soon as he does, he freezes. Just stands there staring. Freyt follows, stops, stares at Ulf that has suddenly calmed down.

"Ulf?" Asks Freyt.

"Is that..." Ulf asks.

In front of the in, around 30 meters ahead, two kids are playing, a boy and a girl. One of them is Anna and the other one is Enar. Both of them are bending down as if they are searching for something on the grass.

"Is that... his son?" Ulf asks again.

Freyt pats his shoulder softly.

"Yeah... this seems like our childhood all over huh?"

Ulf eyes start to get watery, that manly strong face, a face that has seen death daily, a face so enveloped in suffering at that moment became the face of a gentleman, the face of a kid who is reminiscing a past that was long gone, a past that was much more simple, a past that he had forgotten.

Enar jumps up holding something.

"Found it!"

Anna gets close to him.

"No way!! I have been searching all morning!"

"Hehe" Enar chuckles proudly.

He has a four-leaf clover in his hand. Anna on the other hand seems annoyed that she did not get that herself. As one is celebrating and the other is being annoyed a group of kids gathers upon them, a bunch of small ones and a big fat kid leading them.

"What have you got there Enar? A four-leaf clover? So you think you are lucky now that you found yourself a little girlfriend huh?"

The fat kid grabs the clover from his hand and throws it on the ground stepping on it.

"A bastard like you will never be lucky!" The kid laughs as he crushes the clover ruining it. Anna tries to push him to make him stop as Enar stands there.

"Stop it! That's enough! He has done nothing to you!" Anna yells at the kid.

"It's a mistake that an ugly kid like him is even bo-" A hard slap pushes through the fat kid's face making him fall on the ground. His cheek gets all red and his eyes teary. As he crawls on the ground.

"W-who did that!" The fatso yells.

He then stares up, a long black figure, dressed in leather clothes and a bulky body. It is Ulf, the face of the kid fills with terror as he notices the face of a killer walks closer to him, grabs him by his shirt and points a knife on his throat.

"Pigs like you will only hold everyone back in this life kid. I better get rid of you before you become a problem for someone else."

People around started getting scared and some of them try to walk to stop him. As soon as Ulf is about to poke the kid's neck a hand grabs the knife. It stops him. Ulf gets surprised, he stares at the person responsible, it is Enar, his eyes staring straight into Ulf's eyes, not blinking once. Not saying a word. That kid is not shaken even the slightest, not from the pain of the knife, nor from the man in front of him, someone who has taken countless lives. Ulf is powerful enough to do whatever he wants at this point, but that stare, that silence between them. He lets go of the fat pig, puts the knife in its sheath, and turns the other way. Feeling defeated he talks to Enar.

"You are just like your father kid..." He pats Enars head, Enar's eyes get softer as soon as he hears that.

"Huh? My father?" Enar gets confused.

"We will talk later kiddo."

A man approaches running.

"HEY, YOU! WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO TO MY KID!" The father of the fat kid threatens Ulf, he is just as ugly looking and fat as his own kid. Ulf just turns slightly facing him, staring him dead in the eyes.

"So... you are the father of that fat, spoiled pig that calls himself a human?"

"A-aahh..." The father gets scared and backs off.

Ulf walks one step closer to him.

"Answer me."

The father is starting to visibly panic from the man who is double his size in front of him. At that moment Freyt stops him.

"That's enough Ulf. Let's leave, for now, come i'll find you a place to rest."

"Tsk..." Ulf spits on the ground in front of the father and leaves with Freyt.

Anna on the other side asks Enar who is stuck there just staring at the man leaving.

"Enar, who was that?"

Enar thinks for some time.

"I don't know... but he seems to know my father."

Anna then notices that Enar's hand is bleeding.

"Your hand! We have to treat it fast before it gets infected or anything! Come on we have to go home!"

Enar snaps out of it and suddenly starts yelling.


"Come on, your mom can patch it really fast."


They both leave.

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