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Chapter 2: The Turnabout Part 1

Calvin got accused of murdering Sarah and the authorities arrested him, his only hope to is his friend Eric who is a lawyer. Calvin knew that something a bit off when Sarah brought a knife with her, is he the one who was to be killed?

Two weeks after...

-October 2, 10:00 AM--District Court, Courtroom No.4-

Judge: "Court is now in session for the trial of Calvin Bradford."

Eric: "The defence is ready, Your honour."

Prosecutor Connell: "The prosecution is also ready, Your Honour."

Allen Connell was 34 years old prosecutor who could not sleep a single if he lost a case. He was a little intimidating and frightening when talking. Obsessed with victory, he would do anything to win a case.

Judge: "Very well... Mr Connell. Your opening statement, if you please."

Prosecutor Connell: "The incident occurred September 18, in front of the defendant's house. The defendant is accused of killing his -lover-, the prosecutor will prove that the guilty party is none other than the defendant!"

Judge: "Very well. Your first witness, please."

Prosecutor Connell: "Bring Detective Brian Freeman to the stand"

Then Detective Brian Freeman Showed to the stand.

Prosecutor Connell: "Witness, state your name and occupation."

Detective Freeman: "Brian Freeman, Detective in charge of homicides down at the precinct, sir."

Judge: "You look very young. How old are you?"

Detective Freeman: "21 years old, Your Honour."

Prosecutor Connell: "Detective Freeman had displayed us his intelligence and talent in several cases before. His position as a Detective is only natural."

Judge: "A generation of geniuses!"

Prosecutor Connell: "Indeed, but it seems that someone of them got ahead of himself and ignored the law and even commit murder. How shameless!"

Then Prosecutor Connell looked at Calvin who was sitting in the defendant's chair, Calvin was clueless about how a trial would undergo but he knew that his friend Eric would help him.

Eric: "OBJECTION! The prosecution, please stop insulting indirectly my client."

Judge: "Objection sustained."

Prosecutor Connell: "Detective Freeman, describe for us the details of this murder."

Detective Freeman: "Understood."

He brought the pieces of evidence he collected and began to read from one of his files.

Detective Freeman: "The murder happened on September 18 in front of Mr Bradford's house. The victim is Sarah Baker, a 22 years old student at a medical university. She was stabbed in the heart by a knife and died from loss of blood."

Prosecutor Connell: "The details are listed in the report that was distributed yesterday."

Judge: "The autopsy... The estimated time of death is well documented!"

Detective Freeman: "It was the defendant who called us at the time of the murder, and the research confirmed the time of death."

Judge: "But if he were the one who called for help, it doesn't make him look like the culprit at all!"

Detective Freeman: "Your Honour, I can affirm that the defendant is guilty because of two reasons. One, the victim was unconscious so he could easily kill her while calling to clear doubts about him. Two, we have found the murder weapon in the kitchen of the defendant's house."

Eric: "My client called for an ambulance to an unconscious person. Not a dead person."

Detective Freeman: "A fine strategy I may say."

Prosecutor Connell: "Outstanding! Your honour, let me submit this knife as evidence."

Judge: "Very well. The court accepts it into evidence."

The judge began to read the knife's report then he discovered something he didn't know.

Judge: "Wait that knife has both the defendant's print the victim's print and also the victim's blood!"

Detective Freeman: "Yes indeed."

Judge: "It sounds very incriminating."

Eric: "But it's the victim's knife, to begin with, and it's a kitchen knife, she might have injured herself."

Detective Freeman: "I heard Calvin's story but is it as simple as you claim? Mr Robles, the only way you can get Calvin Bradford out of this is by adapting the Self-defense plea."

Judge: "So Mr Robles, what is your position?"

Eric responded without even thinking.

Eric: "The defence keeps the not guilty plea!"

Judge: "Very well. Witness testifies to us about how the victim was killed."

Detective Freeman: "Understood."

--Witness testimony--

Detective Freeman: "The victim met the defendant at 2:00 PM. The defendant got mad because of an old grudge. The victim took out a knife to protect herself but she was too weak and got knocked out. The defendant killed the victim with her own knife while calling to clear doubts."

Judge: "Mr Robles, please proceed with the cross-examination."

Eric:"(You better prepare yourself.)"


Calvin was just watching Eric reading some files and asking Detective Freeman and getting nowhere.

Eric: "How did it take to the ambulance to arrive at the scene?"

Detective Freeman: "Almost immediately, the hospital isn't too far and there was almost no traffic that day."

Eric: "Your honour, there is a contradiction."

Judge: "Please explain to us."

Eric: "The witness said that the ambulance arrived almost immediately after the victim's death and the defendant's phone call, the defendant killed the victim with her knife. Is that right?"

Detective Freeman: "Yes, that right."

Eric: "But the knife in question, where did you find it?"

Detective Freeman: "In the kitchen of the defendant's house... Wait!"

Eric: "Exactly, there is clearly a contradiction."

Judge: "So what do you suggest Mr Robles."

Eric: "The knife is not the murder weapon!"

Prosecutor Connell: "So what? The victim was stabbed, any sharp object can do the work."

Eric: "That correct, any sharp object can do the trick. But the knife was found in the kitchen of my client's house."

Prosecutor Connell: "So?"

Eric: "So in order to the knife be there, my client has to enter his house."

Prosecutor Connell: "So?"

Eric: "And remember what my client has done when he returned to his house."

Prosecutor Connell: "Call an ambulance."

Eric: "Yes but not only that, he made himself a tea."

Judge: "Tea?"

Eric: "Yes, my client is a big tea drinker, he made some to calm himself."

Judge: "How strange but drinking tea is good for one's health. Anyway, please Mr. Robles, continue with your arguments."

Eric looking at his friend: "Yes Your Honour. Calvin, How much does it take to make tea?"

Calvin: "About 3 to 6 minutes"

Eric: "Anyone could kill an unconscious defenceless woman in that period of time where nobody is there!"

Everyone in the gallery was shocked by Eric's theory, even Calvin. He realized that his friend would be always with him and would always stand for him. But Calvin also took it in the wrong way, he thought that he was weak and in need of other's help.

Judge: "Order! Order!"

Prosecutor Connell: "Without evidence, your theory is just a theory. You have to prove that your client was making tea."

Judge: "Yes, I agree. The defence has to prove their claim or the theory just submitted will not stand up anymore and they will be panelized for wasting the time"

Eric: "(I can do it. No, I have to do it. For Calvin's sake, for our friendship, for his future. I have gone too far to look back.)"

Judge: "So Mr Robles, can you prove what you have claimed?"

Eric: "Yes, Your Honour."

Prosecutor Connell: "You got guts, kid. Your winning streak will end here."

Judge: "Very well, then proceed."

Eric: "My client's house is a villa. When you enter the house, you will find first a large living room, then two rooms at your left, and the bathroom and kitchen is located at the other half of the house."

Judge: "Yes, keep going."

Eric: "And the knife was found in the kitchen."

Prosecutor Connell: "Go to the point."

Eric: "Even a monkey can figure it out."

Judge: "So are suggesting that the knife would be anywhere in the house. But if the defendant had made tea, the knife would naturally be found in the kitchen after all it's merely a 5 minutes gap."

Prosecutor Connell: "What!?"

Eric: "(Wow, I didn't think that the judge would finish the job for me.)"

Judge: "That does make a lot of sense, at least for me."

Prosecutor Connell: "Impossible!"

Judge: "I think that once again Mr. Robles has proven the defendant's innocence."

"This court finds the defendant, Calvin Bradford..."

*A moment of silence*


Judge: "Prosecutor Connell! What is the meaning of this?"

Prosecutor Connell: "I didn't think that I would resort to this, but you leave me no other choice."

Judge: "Hum?"

Prosecutor Connell: "While Detective Freeman was investigating, a witness emerged."

Judge: "A witness?"

Eric: "OBJECTION! Your honour, you were going to hand down your verdict."

Judge: "We may find the true culprit after hearing what this witness has to say. Objection overruled!"

Eric: "(Argh, dammit! I was so close. Are the heavens against me today?)"

Judge: "Prosecutor Connell, please bring us your witness."

"I'm already here!" A person stood up and shouted in the gallery. As soon as Calvin saw him, he stood up as well.

Calvin: "YOU!!"

"Long time no see, Brad. You as well Eri," he said.

Eric: "W-What?!"

Then Calvin yelled angrily: "IT ALL HAPPENED BECAUSE OF YOU!"


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