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Chapter 4: Ch-4

Month-1, Day-1-3

I still went out to sea and headed West to Dorne as I needed information on the area and the time period I had found myself in. Last I did not trust the settlements in the Stepstones as they were more likely to rob me than some Dorneish dock master.

The problem is that I only had some rough idea of how long it would take to reach Dorne (about 2 days) which meant I will have to stay awake for most of the night as I do not want to crash into something.

During the day I did catch a couple of fish which I decided to experiment on for healing magic as I had long had the opportunity to try It out.

Making a transfigured tank from my stock of wood and glass I cast a diagnostic spell on the fish detailing its age, Sex and a variety of information from blood type to cholesterol levels.

Then I moved on to actually casting healing charm which is when things went weird, I had cast a simple wound sealing charm when my wand fought against me.

Like it was resisting my attempts at healing as if it was the very opposite of it self, I did stop on my second attempt as it suddenly felt as if the wand would bite me for doing so.

I then read through my Hp-Verse book for why my wand would act as such, I after spending the first couple of days just searching any books on types of magic and effects of blood rituals, until I came upon a book called "Effects of Sacrifice" (L-1).

Which notes that objects forced into magical power can have issues casting certain spell or magic as the sacrificial mana is oppressed to healing based effects excluding those that involve sacrificing another's life force to heal.

Which will annoying can be worked on later, but after that I began planning on how to implement my knowledge from Factorio as it is more expanded that in the base game, Aircraft, Steel Ships, and the infrastructure to support a modern civilization.

I did spend a couple of days designing a smeltery to build as high quality metals are extremely important in my future development as a steady supply is crucial.

On the third day I finally saw the coast of Dorne where I had no idea but I did see a fishing village.


Adham Fadel, day had been like many before it. He woke up in his home along with his wife and children and then went to work on the small fishing vessels his village had owned for 3 generations now.

Then his day changed a ship he had never seen before and a flag at the tip where it denotes a harp? In the hands of a Mermaid on a deep green color.

It was also armed but the Ballista was pointed skyward, he gave the order to head to the docks and put the village on alert as you can never trust random strangers.

Only a half an hour had passed when the ship hit the docks and painted in bright gold lettering is the [Explorer], manning the ship is a man wearing merchant's quality clothes his over cloak is also a dark green and his most prominent features are his stark white hair and Crystal Blue eyes.

The noble(?) brought his vessel against dock and yelled out "I apologize for the inconvenience but I have been lost in the Step-stones for a number of months and could used some directions." The man gave the gathered crowd of villagers a pleasant smile and waited for them to answer.

The Villagers then looked over to Adham who sighed and slowly approached the man, Adham then brought his hand out for a shake. "You are in the village of Dibsi Faradż, on the tip of the broken Arm of Dorne and I am head fisherman Adham Fadel. Now who are you sir as your vessel is nothing I have ever seen before."

Colt-"Thank Mr Fadel, I am Samuel Colt a man far from home and I am a craftsman by trade. Now if you would be so kind to give me the date and the direction of Sunspear as I have some thing to sell."

Fadel-"Just stay along the coast for about 3 days and you will see the castle with a large over hang in a curved horn shape as for the date it's 290 AC and not but a couple months ago the Ironborn rebelled against King Baratheon."

Colt-"Thank you good sir, now if your people would mind can I dock for the night and leave in the morning and maybe trade some of the things I had made while lost."

Fadel gave a nod and spoke to his village and the crowd dispersed, but quite a few looked over the goods I had made on the island and while at sea. Most are odds and ends like fishing hooks made of mussel shells or fishing spear heads made of bone and bunch of utensils.

The small folk of course where not flush with spare coins or valuable trade goods they did have quite a bit of things to barter with. Some brought loaves of bread, others herbs and spices that while common here are hard to come by elsewhere, I also made sure to get any scrap piece or rusted piece of metal for future use.

So by the end of the day I had gathered an interesting mix of goods and Information on how valuable certain goods are in comparison as in Sun-spear I did not want to be swindled by the merchants their.

Month-1, Day-4-6

I did leave the next morning with an invitation to comeback with more goods as they did not receive many merchants and they were quite happy with my bone goods.

So I headed farther south letting the magic of the ship keep a steady heading while I worked on my garden in my workshop as with the steady growing supply of seeds and plant samples I decided to go ahead and start the magical breeding program.

Which I had come up with a number of ways to speed up the process for plants and indirectly animals. By using some rituals of Demeter [L-2] and runic arrays from Eastern Asia that "pulled" the natural flowing mana of the world into a concentrated area, that I had put on some clay pots. [L-3]

This causes the the chance of Magical mutation to exponentially increase but the area the pots are placed will effect the mutation.

For example at sea the plant could mutate to survive under water and then be used in potions of under water breathing, but plants on a battle field or massacre could mutate into carnivorous or into a Shrieker that can literally yell at you to death.

So in unregulated or the wants of the wizard this set up could be used to make abominations against god that the Sarkic cults of the SCP verse proud.

So I of course planted a species of wheat that I had got form the village along with some herbs and lot the natural mana of the ocean flow through them.

Upon reaching Sunspear I payed the docking fee with what little coins I had gathered from the village and began walking to the center of the city, after I set a number of wards aboard my ship just to be safe.

And on the walk I could feeling something consistently looking at me, not just because I was dressed differently or trying to rob me of my goods but as if it was studying me. Then While I was walking a couple of House Martel soldiers approached me not in aggressive manner rather a kind forcefulness that I was to be guided to the Castle.

I not being in a position to fight my way out of the heart of a city filled with guards agreed but began to study the guards an their gear, and what surprised me was the presence of silk in certain places but the forge corrected ok this as it wasn't just regular silk rather spider silk, and I suddenly felt a pit form in my stomach as I glanced around the area and saw the many bugs that didn't behave in a correct way to organize.

The guards had me drop off my cart and goods while I was guided into the main castle it self where I was greeted by the Prince family The Martells.



In my years of duty I have witnessed a great many rituals to my gods and gods like her, and like the gods of old they require sacrifices. For gods like Heka she asks for sacrifices of food, animals, and other comforts that are while not damaging are actually worth something to the worshiper.

And if done correctly the worshiper can receive a great number of gifts, for example a wizard could be inspired in creation of a new spell while a non-mage could become a Cleric of Paladin of their faith and sacrifice is great enough.

But in the case of my colleague Ilhicacoh his god requires a greater sacrifice, human or sentient sacrifice. This can cause a even greater reward or punishment in turn, as in the case of the collapse of the Maya civilization by a massive sacrifice by the old Aztec Empire.

"Effects of Sacrifice" [By Ammenepthes the Head priest of Heka and Ilhicacoh Head priest of Tezcatlipoca]


Rituals of Dementer preformed require the worshiper to the case of small ritual to sacrifice or preform a series of complex prayers and Hymns but in large cases pigs and other livestock and even chariots where to be killed or burned.


Usually preformed in Japan and other East Asian countries a demon or malicious spirit would be sealed into a variety of objects and would then be protected and have further rituals to keep it sealed. In this case by using a different application of this style a "mana trap" was created to soak the souls and plant and cause to eventually gain magic.

But in doing this "Karma" and the other emotional energies can cause dangerous or "evil" being to effect the plant. For example a plant on the blood soaked battlefield can become a corpse Flower in extreme cases.

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