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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Soul Origin

Somewhere in a galaxy, far, far away- I mean, it's far from Earth. You know what, it's in earth but a size of a cell. A soul was being created into a Soul Hunter, a Soul Hunter is an individual that hunts for souls for power, some hunters come out positive which keeps the souls alive, they just harvest their power. But negative Soul Hunters kill the souls, each soul they kill becomes their power, but 10x stronger than normal. The top wanted Soul Hunter is Sinner, Sinner is a very dangerous soul hunter, he killed 5,000,183 souls, multiply that by 10. His power level currently is 50,001,830. One of the strongest individuals in the entire galaxy. Now, back to the Soul creating witchcraft. The mother of all Soul Hunters is currently making a soul, she says "This soul is going to be the greatest Soul Hunter of all time." She says that about every soul she creates. Enough narrating.

Life, the mother of soul hunters says "Just a little of that, and this, and...OH! A sweet tooth of course, and pow!" While she's adding cells into her new soul hunter, the soul is forming, Life says "I feel like I forgot something....oh wait. I forgot to add emotions!!!" she hits her head multiple times. The soul is fully formed. Life continues whining, the soul turns into a human body. Life looks at the soul and says "Woah! we should put some clothes on you..." as she dresses the soul up. The soul opens its eyes, it looks around. Nothing but a blue void, the soul looks at Life and says "Who are you?" says with a straight face. Life says happily yet sadly "Yay! Your first words...and you don't know who I am..." The soul looks at her with a straight face, Life looks back with a nervous face and says "Don't look at me like that, you're scaring me..." The soul says "I don't mean to scare you. Whatever that is." Life says excitedly "Wait! I have to give you a name! What should I call you?....Something creative, maybe?" The soul says "Whatever you call me, will be my name till I die." Life says "That doesn't help very much, why not...Soul? Nothing to creative, just basic. Plus I haven't named any of my hunters that yet." Soul says "Sure, Soul will be my name forever. I thank you for giving me a name, but one question" Life says curiously "Yes, my new creation?" Soul says "Could I change clothes? I'm fine with the pants but, I don't like the upper wear." Soul is currently wearing a vest that shows 90% of his upper body. Life says "S-sorry, that's all I could think of at the moment, if you like, we could look for something else that you're comfortable with." Soul says "Like....interesting word, yes, I would like to find something else." Life says as she's distracted looking at Soul's muscles "Um...yeah! So which would you like?" As she opens a closet full of clothes "A shirt with short sleeves, no sleeves or long sleeves?" Soul says "None." Life says "Okay, what about nothing?" Soul says "No." Life says sadly "Aw...well, what about a sweater?" Soul says happily but not smiling...? "Yes, I would like to have a long sleeved sweater, a blue, white sweater." Life mumbles "why a long sleeved sweater..." as she passes him the blue, white sweater and a white shirt to go with. Soul takes off the vest, and puts on the shirt and the sweater. Life peaks at him and giggles. Soul says "It's comfortable, I feel like me when I where this." Life says to herself "I should've turned him into a guy that doesn't like wearing clothes." Soul looks at Life and says "So, where are we?" as he looks around the blue void. Life says "Oh, I forgot, sorry, I tend to forget a lot. We are in Soul World, where our world generates on souls, we soul hunters collect souls so our world can live, what kind of souls? Evil souls, souls that committed murder, manslaughter, etc. but when a soul hunter kills an innocent, that's okay but if they keep doing it, they become a Negative Soul Hunter. A negative soul hunter feeds on innocent souls, when they consume more souls than our world, they could end the entire galaxy. But luckily, that never happened yet. It might though..." Soul says "Why do you say that?" Life says in fear "There is one soul hunter that killed 5 million innocents..." Soul says "5 million? Doesn't seem that much." Life says "Oh don't know your numbers. Anyways, his name Sinner, I didn't give him that name, I gave him the name Bless, he gave himself that name...." Soul says "Can I change my name?" Life says "NO!" Soul says "You seem unhappy." Life says "It's called yelling, I'm not angry." Soul says "Life, what else could you tell me about Soul hunting." Life says "Well, each Soul Hunter need weapon and a Soul Cross." gives Soul a Soul Cross "That's where you can put your souls, you can either absorb them, or erase them." Soul holds the cross and looks at it intensly. Life looks at Soul, worried and she says "Ready to pick your weapon? You should choose a basic weapon, a sword, guns, or nun-chucks. My swords are a top pick." as she shows the weapons on her hologram. Soul says "Neither." Soul looks at the selection and sees something that catches his eyes then grabs it. Soul says " Can i have this?" Life says "Don't touch it-woah, you can touch it! No ones ever done that....are you...the choosen one?!" Soul holds up the Soul Hammer and says "Chosen one?" Life says "You- I- what?!" Soul says "Why are you surprised? It's just a hammer." Life says "Not just a hammer, it's the number 3 most powerful weapon in the soul world! I have the first one." Soul says "So am i as powerful as you?" Life laughs and says "No, you're just a beginner, you're as strong as a normal human, you'll need 10 million souls, my power level is 100,000,000. Your power level is 20, but with that's hard to say. I think it holds 50 souls, so your power level with that is 500." Soul says "Hmph, guess I have to go collect souls." Life says "Not so fast, I have a special reason for summoning you. I created you to take this guardian competition thing, neither of my hunters can go, since they don't wield the 3rd strongest weapon, I was gonna send Sinner but he turned negative..." Soul says "Guardian?" Life says "My sister is holding a guardian event, if 10 individuals pass the test, become the guardians of the universe. Why don't I do it? Because I'm not interested." Soul says "A guardian...when do I start?" Life says cheerfully "Right now. Me and one of my soul hunters, Light. Will be coming with you and cheer you on!" Light jumps in and says "Are we ready to go ma'am?" Life says "Yes we are ready!" Goes close to Light and pulls Soul in, Light teleports them all to the location where the event is held. Light says in a serious attitude "We are here, mother." Life says "Thank you my, sweet daughter." Pats her head, Light enjoyed it, but hid it. Soul looks around and says "Such a beautiful area. Is this where my life begins?" Life says while hugging Soul "Yup, good luck my new creation!" Soul walks up to the other participates are. A individual with light orange hair looks at Soul. Soul holds the hammer on his back and waits.

Hola, hope you liked this chapter of Cexus Infinite. I'm gonna try and make these long as possible. Have a nice day.

Character Profiles:

Soul-Soul is a new soul that was created by Life, he doesn't have emotions. He has black hair, blue eyes, white skin. His hair is similar to blood's but shorter. He wears a blue, white, sweater and black pants. He is still learning about the world. Power level-500

Life-Life is the mother of all soul hunters, her recent creation is Soul. She is a cheerful women, but she doesn't act her age, she's over a thousand years old. She has light blue long hair, blue eyes, and white skin. She also wears a dress, showing her cleavage.  Power Level-100,000,000

Sinner-Sinner is a dangerous threat to the world right now. His location is unknown, but here are things about him. He covers his right eye and jaw just to hide his infection. He wears a purple cloak and wears a belt full of soul bottles, and also the 2nd strongest weapon in the soul world. The Blade Of Consume. He has a purple eye, white hair, and brown skin. Power level-50,001,830.

Light-Just a side character but here are details, she wears an eye patch on her left eye, has light blue short hair and eyes. White skin and wears fur on her shoulders and steel armour, wears shorts. Power Level-10,000. Meaning she collected 1,000 souls.

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