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Chapter 3: Eye patches and Wheelchairs

Ray woke up the next day, feeling oddly fine. It was definitely out of the ordinary because of the fact that he had pushed his body to the limits at the gym the day before. He muses to himself as he brushes his teeth and gets ready for school.

Slippy spoke up behind Ray, answering his Master's questions, "that's because of the system. Your exhaustion disappears within a set time limit, allowing your body to develop and advance faster than normal without as heavy consequences as a normal person who has to take rest days."

Ray nodded along as he finished up in the bathroom and went downstairs. Breakfast could be seen prepared on the table with the cover on as to keep it warm and with Miley nowhere to be seen. Ray assumed she left already.

Ray was unlucky enough to get mauled on the first day of his transfer to a new, grungy high school, all in the mistaken attempt to defend his sister from the thugs that bothered her on their way home.

That was because while Ray ended up going to a new high school due to their family's relocation, Miley remained at her private all girl's academy back in the richer neighbourhood they came from. Miley's private school took so much work to get into, that the family didn't have the heart to take her away from there. The delinquents caught sight of her fancy uniform and assumed that she had the status and money to take from, like candy from a baby.

Thus, Ray, the unfortunate older brother was the one who ended up at a rotten school full of violent gorilla students who spent more time out of school than in school.

After finishing a serving of hashbrowns and eggs Ray prepared to leave when a voice spoke up from his backpack. "Why are you leaving? There is so much food left-over!"

"But I am full?"           

"Kid. I know from past experiences that eating more and training with consistency goes hand in hand in getting muscles in general."

"Is that really how it works?" Ray mentally responded.

"Yeah! There's a reason why you don't often see kids or teens under the age of 18 getting any gains. That's because those that hit the gym are there aren't consistent and are just playing around, pretending to be tough. Meanwhile, on the other end of the spectrum, there are kids who want to train but are discouraged by their parents and peers who believe in the myth that if you train too much when young you will get shorter!"

"So how does eating a lot fit into this?"

"Well, you need a lot of nutrients to grow correct?"

"Well, ye-"

"Well, you see my host! You need a lot of nutrients to also build muscles!"


"Don't give me a blank look," Slippy sighed, "What happens when you take away nutrients used for getting taller for building muscles?"

"You get muscles?"

"Yes, Sherlock. You will also take away the nutrients needed to grow taller."

"What? That's bad!"

"Yes, that's bad! Which means you should eat more if you want to get more muscles!"

"Muscles are gross!"

"Huh? What did you think we went to the gym?"

In the end, Slippy was unable to convince Ray to eat more. The two bickered the entire way until they reached Ray's high school without realizing it.

The school was an old building with 2 floors. The exterior looked deteriorated without any signs of repair or care in the past ten years. It was also covered in dirty graffiti by the students over the years. The school's name on the plaque near the fence was unreadable due to the amount of vandalism done to the sign.

Ray shuddered as he preemptively felt a presence, only to get hit in the face with someone's shoe. 

"WHAT WAS THAT??" Slippy huffed as he expected his master to at least dodge the flying object.

Ray picked himself up just as a skinny looking kid dressed in a greenish cover vest with a tattered eyepatch walked out from the entrance of the school.

"Yo, sh*tbag! Give me back my phone!"

Dazzled. Ray looked at him confused by what he meant.

"Kid. I think he means the phone that's laying on your left.."

Wait, Ray wasn't hit by a shoe. He was hit by a phone!

The student walked down the stairs looked at Ray arrogantly as if he were an idiot.

"Hey ret*rd! Did you not hear what I said?"

As the student walked closer. Ray could swear that he could see an eye peering at him through the tattered eyepatch. What was the point of wearing an eyepatch if there was a hole in the eyepatch?

Ray pointed dumbly, "Why are you wearing an eyepatch?"

The kid in the green vest touched his eyepatch proudly, "Huh? Oh, this? I got this from a trip to the hospital." 

"Why were you in the hospital?"

"Oh, so you want to know?"

"Yes, I do! So stop stalling you pathetic piece of weebsh*t!"

Ray was spooked, as the voice was neither his nor from the kid who was accosting him. 

The rage-filled yell came from his backpack. Slippy had been listening in and grew impatient with the kid egging them on, but not really revealing anything about how he got his eyepatch. The vest kid also looked confused, as it didn't seem like Ray was the one or the type to have insulted him, but nobody else could be seen within sight.

"A-Anyway, your days are numbered!"

Vest kid, whose actual name was Guy Law, was the kid who sucked up to the strong.  Hearing of a new transfer student, who recently got beaten up, Guy thought that he found a chance to raise his prestige around the school, and finally escape being known as the weakest guy in school.

Slippy warned Ray, "even though he looks weak, you're still weaker than him! You should run away while you still have your legs!" Slippy knew that anyone, no matter how weak they looked, would be stronger than Ray, who was abnormally weak. There was no way Ray would win in a fight against a stray dog, let alone an actual human.

Ray listened obediently and motioned to run, but then, he was smacked in the head by another flying object. A shoe!!

This time, it was an actual shoe!

Ray enraged decided enough is enough and picked up the guy's left shoe, as well as the phone that guy threw and ran for his life. 

Guy now realizing how stupid he was for throwing his phone and shoe at Ray, now had to chase Ray half barefooted in order to get his phone and other shoes back. 

"Ray! You managed to unlock a special mission!"


Impromptu Mission Alert!

Don't get f*cked up by Guy 


-As long as you don't get beaten by Guy before 12:40pm, you'll pass

-Use whatever means possible 

-Remember, don't get f*cked up by Guy


Ray: Eeeeehhhh!

A loud ringing sounds resonated within his mind. Even worse, the mission board has swear words! He eyed Slippy, who was still hidden in his backpack. Man, this system sure has a personality.

The two dashed throughout the school, causing utter mayhem among the student, including riling up some of the tougher students who shouted: "Watch where you're f*cking going, turd!" when they bumped into them during the run.

Ray ran until he felt as if his heart was about to pop out of his chest. Slippy warned him again, "Ray, your energy levels are dropping. Pay attention to your status!"

Ray thought it was bullshit because although Slippy granted him a system, he never really learned how to use the system. At most, he just knew how to use it as a tracker system that showed him his levels and stats. 

Slippy continued to bug him.

"Ray you gotta hide somewhere before you lose your momentum and get caught!" 

Ray solemnly nodded to Slippy with a tense face. 

Ray ducked behind a corner and dashed into a  room. He quickly looked at the door and saw a lock. Immediately locking the door behind him.


"What's your problem?!"

A boy in a wheelchair was by the sink, washing his hands. Ray had run into the handicapped washroom. The good thing about the handicap washroom is that it was a single stall room that had a lock. This way, for sure, Guy wouldn't be able to come after him.

Ray mumbled, "sorry, this crazy guy was after me for no reason."

"Guy? Like a random guy? Or is his name Guy?"

Ray looked at him and said, "I don't know".

"WHERE ARE YOU?! i'm GONNA KILL YOU!" A voice roared from beyond the washroom door.

"Oh, that guy. Yup, that's Guy Law alright. He's infamous for two things."

Ray looked at him interested.

The wheelchair boy noticing Ray's interest continued.

"He is known for picking fights with people who he's confident in beating whether with his own strength or others, and he is the weakest member of the Blood Lake."

Wheelchair boy looked at Ray after he finished drying his hands. "By the way, I haven't seen you around before. Are you new to the Sirius region?"

"Yeah, I came from the Betelgeuse region."

The boy noticed the phone and the shoe in Ray's hands. "Oya? Did you manage to take his phone and his shoes? Not bad." The boy in the wheelchair praised Ray, even though Ray only picked up the items that Guy had thrown at him. Wheelchair boy probably thought Ray managed to take thee items by force from Guy.

Ray wondered why this boy in a wheelchair was so calm despite another male just ran into the washroom with him. Actually, if this is a single stall handicap washroom, why was the door unlocked?!

The boy smiled at him slightly before wheeling past him, "excuse me. You're blocking the door."

Ray stepped aside and pushed the button for the boy. As soon as the door opened, Ray sneaked outta there as the handicapped kid looked on amusedly. 

"What an interesting school."

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