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1.81% Chasing Grey / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Grey
Chasing Grey Chasing Grey original

Chasing Grey


© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Grey

Stretching his long, lean legs underneath his oak desk, Grey Devlin loosened his azure colored necktie. His six-foot-three frame fit smartly into his black suit and crisp white shirt. Steel gray eyes mesmerized under dark lashes; his straight nose and full mouth demanded attention and appreciation.

His large office, warmly decorated in soft brown and cream hues, housed two leather couches in the sitting area, a wet bar and a private bath. His personal assistant entered through the open door of his spacious office. Placing a thick file on his desk, she leaned over him provocatively, deliberately giving Grey a glimpse down her low cut blouse. However, his gaze remained steadily on her face. Her smile swiftly faded as Grey’s face remained expressionless. Disappointed, she stood to her full height.

"Yes, Audrey?" he finally snipped.

She cleared her throat. "Mr. Montgomery wanted to know if you’d had a chance to review his proposal yet. I told him you had, but he insisted I personally hand you another copy anyway."

"He’s waiting on my decision."

"I told him you’d already left for the evening and that you’d get back to him on Monday."

Audrey had worked for him for four years and she had become incredibly adept at anticipating his needs. She charmed all his associates, but she also made a formidable enemy. She used her feminine wiles to get most anything she wanted -- which served Grey well when he needed help with his associates securing a multi-million dollar deal. It didn’t hurt that Audrey was also very beautiful; her cornflower blue eyes flashed with ire when she got angry but could be soft and seductive when the situation called for it. Much to her chagrin, though, that’s where the admiration ended. Grey had no interest in her and she knew it -- although it didn’t stop her from trying to seduce him. If she wasn’t so good at her job, Grey would have fired her long ago. Being someone’s romantic idol grew tiresome.

"There won’t be an offer. I don’t like the way he does business."

She nodded. She knew Grey well and she knew he’d never work with Montgomery again. Montgomery had proven himself to be underhanded and untrustworthy.

"I’ll take care of it. Also, Stanley from Devlin Towers called. He said there’s a maintenance issue he wants to speak to you about before you start the remodel."

He nodded his dark head and stood to leave. "I’ll head over there now. See you tomorrow."

Grey swiftly sidestepped pass her, but her hand caught his arm, forcing him to stop and turn. He looked down at her and her sparkling blue eyes actually twinkled. She smiled softly.

"When are you going to stop fighting me?" she asked.

He heard a hint of hurt in her voice. He removed her hand gently from his arm. "You do great work, Audrey. But if you can't find a way to keep your libido intact, you’re going to find yourself looking for another job. I'm not interested."

She bit her lower lip. "Why not?"

He shrugged. "I'm not into blondes."

"I’ll be a brunette."

"I don’t date where I work."

"I’ll quit," she quipped.

"You’re taking my affection for you for granted, Audrey. Make no mistake about it; I have no problem firing you."

Her eyes widened with shock at the same time her heart skipped a beat at the authoritative tone he took with her. It turned her on. She became a complete mess around him, so much so she barely recognized herself. But she didn’t care. She loved him. For now, though, she would have to keep her feelings in check.

"I’m sorry, Mr. Devlin. I’ve overstepped my boundaries. It won’t happen again."

"See that it doesn’t."

He strolled pass her, leaving Audrey in his office momentarily defeated, but more determined than ever.

The dwindling sun warmed Grey’s face as he exited his office building. At the curb his driver, Barclay, swung open the back door of Grey’s waiting black Mercedes G550.

"Good evening, sir," Barclay greeted formally.

Grey nodded curtly. "I need to make a stop at Devlin Towers."

"Very good, sir," Barclay intoned, shutting the door behind Grey and climbing into the front seat.

Barclay inched the car into the onslaught of Washington D.C. traffic and began to expertly weave in and out of cars. His time driving tanks and Hummers as a Navy Seal had served him well. His skills as a driver were equally matched by his prowess as Grey’s bodyguard. He kept his nine millimeter gun discreetly tucked away on the inside of his jacket. When you had as many enemies as Grey, you had to be prepared at all times.

Grey glanced out of the darkly tinted windows and then his eyes slid toward the rearview mirror. He could feel Barclay’s stare. He arched an eyebrow at his good friend.

"Forgive me, sir, but you seem preoccupied. Is everything all right?"

‘Wildly observant as usual’, Grey thought to himself. Barclay had been a longtime friend of Grey’s father and had known the Devlin family as long as Grey could remember. Grey knew the older man cared deeply for him and worried about his well-being. The feeling was mutual, despite their seemingly formal relationship.

"That’s a loaded question," he jibed.

"You seem more in your head than usual is all," Barclay said, averting his gaze back to the road.

A million things went through Grey’s mind at any given time. At the moment, his thoughts swirled around his former business dealings with Montgomery. Why had Lance Montgomery suddenly resurfaced and made a business proposition knowing Grey would deny it? Grey could already sense Lance must have an ulterior motive.

"Montgomery contacted me again today. He sent over paperwork regarding a purchase he wants me to make in the Navy Yard district," Grey confided. He watched Barclay’s shoulders tense at the mention of Lance.

"Why would he do that?"

"That's what I intend to find out."

"If you need me to handle him...," Barclay trailed off, his intent clear.

"I’ll let you know."

They rode in silence the remainder of the way until the Mercedes truck glided to a smooth stop outside of Devlin Towers. The evening valet opened the back door.

"I’ll be about an hour," Grey remarked to Barclay as he exited.

"I’ll wait here."

The valet man tipped his hat. "Good evening, Mr. Devlin."

Greeting the valet with a silent nod, Grey strolled into the wide marble foyer.

"Good evening, Mr. Devlin," Melody at reception said brightly. She tossed a strand of red hair over her shoulder.

"Melody. How are things?"

"It’s been a quiet night, sir. Can I get you anything?" she offered, the tone in her voice obvious and too suggestive.

"No, thank you. I’m just waiting on Stanley."

"Here I am," Stanley piped up from the doorway behind the concierge desk. He came around the desk, shaking Grey’s hand. "I know we’ve already gone over the inventory list, but there are some things I overlooked that you need to be made aware of."

"Show me."

Grey knew he had a knowledgeable and capable staff who could take care of minor matters. But he took great pleasure and pride in the real estate empire he’d built and personally handled as many situations as possible. It also ensured things were done right and to his satisfaction.

He followed Stanley into the bank of elevators and up to the twentieth floor. At the end of the hallway, Stanley knelt down. Grey followed his lead. Stanley lifted a portion of a broken tile in the hallway and glanced underneath it. A significant amount of moisture had accumulated underneath the tile and mossy green mold had begun to grow there.

"One of my men was sent to fix this tile this morning and found this. I need your permission to tear up some of this area to see if it’s spread. If it has, we need to add this to the financial worksheet. If the damage I suspect is there, this remodel is going to cost you more than you expected."

"I want Devlin Towers to be the premier apartment building in D.C. I’ll spend what I have to.

See to it."

Stanley nodded. "Understood. I’ll update the cost worksheet and have it sent to you on Monday for final approval."

"Excuse me. There’s an emergency in my apartment."

Grey and Stanley stood together, simultaneously turning toward a woman’s voice. Grey felt his pulse accelerate as his gaze roamed over the intoxicating woman in front of him. Her damp black hair lay piled on top of her head in a messy bun, a single curly tendril sweeping across her cheek. He fought an unexplainable urge to reach out and tuck the loose strand behind her ear. Her jade green eyes shone under heavily fringed dark lashes. Her plump lips parted and her cheeks were flushed in frustration. Her college T-shirt hugged her chest and her cropped sweatpants revealed shapely legs. Easily the most exquisite creature he’d ever seen, he heard his breath catch.

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