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Chapter 6: Welcome To Olympus

Damian was completely lost, "Daemonic… what?"

The man kept the glare on his face for a moment more before he finally stood back up, "You really don't know anything about it. Interesting. Should we continue anyway?"

Damian thought he had asked him the question, but another voice answered.

"Of course, Deacon. He isn't going anywhere now that he's here"

What in the world were they talking about, Damian thought. He squeezed his hands into fists and the anger in him surged once more.

"I don't care about your bullshit! Just let me out of here! I need to call the police! Jang can't escape!"

Deacon looked down at him expressionlessly. He put his hands in his pocket, "I don't think you fully understand what it is that you've gotten yourself into, boy. Let me enlighten you. I'm sure you've heard of the gods and the titans before. They teach you these things in school, about how the gods drove the titans away from this world and into Tartarus. What if I told you that it was all real"

Damian snarled, "Bullshit,"

"You have quite the mouth on you. Given your meek-looking face, I thought you would be more docile. Guess I was wrong. But believe it or not, you cant change the fact that it did happen. Of course, some of the stories have been changed over the years, but the core of it remains the same."

Deacon bent down and looked Damian in the eyes once again.

"But there is one thing that was omitted from every record of history ever written. The titans were beings of great power. They didn't just wake up one morning with these powers, they built it up, slowly, surely, they gathered enough of the world's essence to build their dynasty. When the Titanomachy was fought, these titans used most of the powers they possessed, but just like a titan cannot be killed, neither can their power be completely separated from this world. There are still traces of their power floating around, like a bad smell left behind from a garbage truck."

Damian was calmer now, but he still had the glare on his face, "Why are you telling me all this?"

Deacon smiled. It was not a friendly one, "Because this power is a form of poison you see. And only a select few can stop this poison. But you, you did the exact opposite. I want you to think deeply. Think about what happened after your friend died"

Damian slowly bent his head lower. Deacon was right. He hadn't lost consciousness after Hugo died, so what had happened? How did he come here?

A flash of memory passed through his mind. A hand approached his face. Damian flinched.

Another flash. A wolf. A black wolf. Red eyes and sharp teeth.

Blood. Pain. Screaming. Crying.

Damians' breathing became shallow and he felt like he couldn't get enough oxygen into his lungs.

A man. Lightning. A giant wolf. More pain. More pain. More pain.

He was now shaking in his seat. His entire body was shaking.

Fire. Blood. Black fire. Enjoyment. Ecstasy.

Damian slowly looked up with wide eyes, "What the hell did you do to me?"

Deacon smiled, "Good, you remember. That makes things easier for me. You see, some of us hold back this poison, and then there are those like you. Those who give in to the poison. It's ironic really, that the descendants of one god are the only ones who -"

"Deacon," a voice from behind said warningly.

Deacon sighed and stood up, "Well I guess I've said too much already. I should just tell you what it is that you've gotten yourself into. You see, we've been given our orders already and these orders are simple.

"You've been sentenced to death, Damian"

Damian gulped, "D-Death? But I didn't do anything wrong"

"Is that what you think? Well, I suppose your ignorance could be forgiven. But you're a risk to this world and we get rid of risks like you."

"B-But this isn't right!" Damian shouted, "I know my rights! You can't just do this!"

Deacon brought out a hand and pointed it at Damian, "There are no rights, Damian. At least not from where you're sitting. All you have are ultimatums."

Damian looked down to the ground and swallowed thickly. He noticed that his hands were shaking but no matter what he did, he couldn't get them to stop.

"But there is a chance," another voice said from the side and Damian looked up sharply. From the darkness of the room walked out a middle-aged man with a cane in his hand.

"But princi -"

The man rose his hand and Deacon kept quiet."The boy obviously doesn't know anything about what he did. And isn't this what we have been searching for all this while? A chance? I will give you a chance, Damian." he stretched his hand out, "A chance to live and become a part of something far greater than yourself. But I want you to know that if you accept this, then your old life no longer exists. Damian the high schooler will be dead and gone. You will be reborn as a new person. Do you accept?"

Damian only looked on in shock, not knowing what to say at all. This was too much. This was all too much.

"Well, I guess you don't have much of a choice anyway," the man said while raising his cane and tapping it on Damian's forehead, "It's either you accept my offer or you die. From my perspective, it's not really much of a choice at all. Is it?"

Damian squeezed his hands together and grit his teeth till then creaked, "No," he snarled out.

The man almost seemed shocked by his answer, "No?"

"No," Damian repeated, "I refuse your offer. And I refuse your death penalty. I don't know who the hell you are, but there's nothing you can do that'll make me accept this as reality"

"Oh," the man said, "Well then, Deacon. Prepare the guillotine"

'Eh?' Damian thought in shock.

He was cut free and then carried out of the room by a large man. He found himself in a larger room that had way too much light in it. Damian had to squint to adjust his eyes properly. When he adjusted to it, he saw that the room was empty, save for one structure in the middle.

A guillotine.


Damian was carried to the guillotine and forced to kneel.


They secured his head in place with a wooden block and then a man wearing a black mask came up to him.

'Wait. Wait. Is this for real? Are they serious?'

The masked man was dragging a large ax behind him and he stopped beside Damian's head. He rose the ax up and aimed for the rope holding the guillotine.

"WAITT!!!!" Damian shouted in fear, "Wait! Wait! I'll join you! I'll join you, dammit!!!"

"Oh really?" the cane-carrying man said from beside the guillotine. Damian had no idea how he simply appeared from nowhere.

"Yes! I'll join you! I'll do whatever you want! Just get this monster away from me!!"

"Oh come on now," the man said, "You've hurt his feelings"

The mask-wearing man sniffled and took a step back. The ax dropped to the ground and he ran away in tears. Damian watched this happen in disbelief.

'What in the world is this?'

"Well, congratulations are in order," the man said as he released him from the guillotine and helped him to his feet. He cut the binds on Damian's hands and legs in one swipe of his cane.

"You are no longer our prisoner," he said while stretching his hand out to Damian. Damian reluctantly took the hand in his and he almost cried out at the sheer power in the grip.

The man smiled.

"Welcome to Olympus"

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