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Chapter 35: We Won

"There are a few things that determine a god's strength. the first is their believers. both quality and quantity are important. The second is the size of the galaxy, the more dimensions a galaxy holds the better... from what these gods have shown, although I find it hard to believe, this galaxy might have been a peak-grade galaxy in the past." Aptal said calmly while looking at Eve.

After finding out their enemy was the gods, Eve quickly summoned Aptal, whom Alex had left behind to act as protector of the Galaxy, Alex had even given Aptal some of his power which would of course be stronger within his hands as it would be empowered by his cultivation at easily Higher Saint.

"Why do you say this?" Eve asked with a frown, galaxy being a peak-grade galaxy reminded her of Alice. She did ask Aptal siblings if there was anything impressive about their galaxy, but they had only pointed out the fact that there were no gods here which was odd.

"The traps were something I had never seen before, they were something light years above my galaxy's wildest dreams. I could have never even imagined the idea of traps which don't need one to understand a law to set up... then again, it is almost similar to the nuclear bombs humans had created on this planet." Aptal said remembering his sister's words who was amazed by the tech of this galaxy before the concept of cultivation returned. 

Eve sat back, rubbing her chin for some time. If a galaxy existed long enough, they could find means to understand how some laws work and use them to create all types of things. it's like how humans understood how friction works, allowing them to start fires by simply rubbing sticks together. 

this was the difference between knowing how a law works, and why it works. those who know why a law works gain the power to just create flames, while those who know how a law works find other means to create flames.

Understanding this, Eve guessed those gods should be extremely old. far beyond a few million years old. she was willing to bet they were billions of years old. they had the wisdom to surpass even Aptal who is from a galaxy that had existed for billions of years old, it could only mean the Milky Way galaxy was older. 

As for the traps, the Dragon Emperor and the army of millions easily got passed them all by channeling Alex's power. they didn't have Alex take over them, but instead gave them powers that allowed them to nullify everything blocking their way. this is what made Jasmine impressive as she didn't need Alex's powers, her skills allowed her to rival Alex's power to foresee the future. 

"The gods should not be able to act for the time being for some unknown reason, for now, we should try and locate their location... but at the same time, we should find means to hinder their eyes on us. they were able to even see lord Alex, so their eyes must be powerful." Eve said while rubbing her hair, her eyes glowed slightly. in 3 months Alex would arrive at that far-off galaxy and would teleport here to see how things were going for them.

She had 3 months to subdue the gods and have them await Alex's arrival, maybe Alex might be able to create a way for the gods to cultivate the believer arts. if thats was so, then the Eclipse race would reach a new level of strength. But since she was most likely being watched, it was safe to say every plan she made would be known by the gods... she could use that against the gods.

"Could this be a test? Could Lord Alex be watching me to see if I have the power to lead even in his absence?" Saying this, Eve's body shook slightly. the Adam and Eve sect was filled with many schemers who had been eyeing her like hungry wolves. She knew she should be replaced by any of them, she had to show that she couldn't be replaced.

"Summon the house of shadows and the Explores" Eve said to a dark figure at the side. this dark figure wasn't a living thing, but a shadow. The House of Shadow was the underground organization that Hope ruled, and they were going to be extremely used like always.

It didn't take long for a sub-leader of the house of shadows to arrive, a woman whose face was covered with scars. She was Hope's right hand and was running things while Hope went away. She went by the name of the Shadow, her organization was a huge one before Hope swallowed it. Hope liking the name House of Shadows kept the name, and had her be her right hand. after all, she was from millions of years ago. Alex saw her worth and allowed her to stay by Hope to act as a teacher and also a guard.

The explorers were tasked with exploring the galaxy, finding new dimensions, treasures, lands that held a huge amount of good karma, and so on. They were tasked to find it all, and report it back to Eve

"all of your stealth formations, bring them out. give them to the researcher to have improved, we need a block off unwanted eyes." Eve said seriously, to which Shadow nodded slightly. In the past, she might have been unwilling, but during a time like this. she would not let greed get in the way of the greater picture,

"the explorers, I need you all to join hands with the Dragon Emperor. You and his army would create millions of clones. You and your clones find new Galaxyy while leaving behind a few to explore the galaxy, the dragon emperor conquers while protecting you." Eve said while looking at the researchers, they were a mix of dwarfs, elves, humans, and many other researchers who wanted to know more about the unknown

The Dragon Emperor had joined under Hana and had created the army of conquer which would follow the horseman of conquest on to conquer. 

"Leave it to us." The head explorer, a middle-aged human said while stepping forward and bowing slightly. Eve nodded slightly, before summoning the Dragon Emperor. out of everyone within the Eclipse race, he had the greatest power other than the horsemen of conquest, Alex, Hope, and the others in his power to conquer others

The Dragon Emperor had to conquer the believers of the gods, and somehow get past the cultivation arts they cultivated. He had of course tried when he captured them, but it didn't work. and he couldn't show his hand within the enemy ground, so he returned, and was planning to go all out to conquer those captured

Eve headed towards a prison, and there he saw a group of people who were chained up. they were covered in their blood. they had been tortured both mentally and physically, but their faith in their god allowed them to power through it all. 

"These guys are something, they endured 10 years of Tsukuyomi, and that was with every second stretched to be 10 years. by the end, I had to stop as their minds were about to kill themselves to stop enduring the pain." A member of the house of Shadow said calmly, Hope titled this guy the god of torture, this man enjoys seeing people suffer. There was nothing else to it, the sight of people in pain brought him a sense of pleasure which turned him on.

But at this moment he was looking at those who were locked away in amazement, to think there were such loyal fools out there. even when pushed to the breaking point, they rather die than have to suffer

"Even with their gods abandoning you all, you remain so loyal?" Eve asked calmly, to which the young man in a white weakly snorted. it was a weak snort and couldn't even be seen or heard, but Eve saw it perfectly. but before he could speak, Eve cut him off.

"I have interest in your next words. today, I want to see just how capable you are." Eve said calmly, these guys' minds were protected behind powerful seals that the gods had shown them to create. even trying to nullify these seals would end up killing these guys... of course, there were ways around this.

Soon, the Dragon Emperor arrived, but he had not come alone. The vampire lord had also arrived. Eve had the Vampire Lord step forward to go do his thing, what would he do? The Vampire lord had the biggest imagination Alex had ever seen, so he was gifted with the power to turn dreams into reality and the other way around.

Eve had told the Vampire lord that the group they had captured had already submitted, but they were only willing to speak to the vampire. so she called for him just in case something was off... and as expected, thanks to what the Vampire Lord expected, the reality was warped to suit his wild thoughts of what they could want to tell him.

"So, mind telling me about yourselves?" The Vampire lord asked calmly, the seals that protected their minds shattered and killed the group. but as The Vampire Lord didn't know about this, their effects were not even noticed, leading to the group's death being rewritten as their soul was destroyed, only to pop back into reality as if nothing happened. It was so fast no one noticed a thing.

"Well, the gods had reached out to help us at our lowest point in life. we were given great knowledge, from cultivation arts, pill making, and countless other things. we were tasked to create churches for them..." as if nothing was off, the young man in white talked normally, telling them everything.

From them, Eve quickly understood their enemy and even got the cultivation arts the gods cultivated off them. So, it turned out the Milky Way galaxy was the first galaxy to come into existence about 13 billion years ago. back then Uranus was the first god to ever be born, and following him were the others. Gaia, Nyx and the list went on

they ruled this galaxy for billions of years it was said that through him many races were born. the giant race, the Elves, and many other races all came from Uranus. Uranus birthed many things, although Gaia helped. So yeah, everyone should thank Uranus. Uranus did a lot of stuff...

Anyways, Uranus and Gaia gave birth to many demigods, but through Aptal words, gods shouldn't be able to mate with other gods to give birth. this was unheard of... but Uranus and Gaia gave birth to many offspring, so could these offspring be called Demi-Gods? 

Cronus was one of Uranus's offspring, who went on to betray his father when he was in a weakened state of creating life. after his father was defeated, Cronus launched a sneak attack on the rest of the gods, and sealed them all away... all but a few who kept to themselves, and simply sat back. but these gods were soon sealed away by cultivators.

Cronus would soon be defeated by his sons, and be sealed away as well as he couldn't die. Zeus would then go on to rule the galaxy for about 500 million years before his downfall. This is how the heavens were left in an injured state. Zeus was also sealed away, but it is unknown where he was sent, or if he was even in this galaxy.

So yeah, that was the history of the galaxy. This eased Eve slightly, although she was confused as to how Earth had information on these gods from billions of years ago. there were even gods like Odin, Ra, and other gods she wanted to know about. but this answer was simply to answer, that those gods were a part of Zeus' generation, and had formed their group of gods. of course, no one would dare to do this if they didn't rival Zeus in some way shape, or form.

With this information gained, Eve left the dragon Emperor to conquer these guys, while she went to go see Aptal. there she asked for information about the gods across the universe, and from him, Eve realized that gods normally had one title, like the god of fire, the god of water, and so on. there is no such thing as the god of lightning, sky, order, and so on. A god shouldn't have more than one power they rule over... but the second-generation and 3rd generations of gods have more than one title?

This leads Eve to wonder if the heavens regretted creating the gods to have the power to give birth. did the heavens realize its mistake but it was too let? did this lead to other galaxies that came after, having gods that couldn't birth with other gods?

What did it mean to be the god of fire? it meant that one is born with the power to be a god when it comes to fire. they have near-absolute power over a flame, to the point that flame attacks of all forms would bow before them/

Within another dimension, a church stood tall and proud. this church was huge, almost like a mansion. within this church, a woman could be seen walking around while singing to herself. she was a beautiful woman, although a human, her charm was above even most elves, reaching those elves which would be called beauties

"I love Uranus, and Uranus loves me. I love Uranus, and Uranus Loves me." She sang happily, before stopping when she appeared before an image of Uranus, seeing the image, stars appeared in her eyes seeing Uranus. This was a worshiper of Uranus, a loyal faithful believer of Uranus. This was the Uranus Church,

"Uranus is truly great, what I wouldn't do to see him in person." a man in silver armor said while walking up behind the woman, who nodded at his words. 

"Our location has most likely been compromised, we should get going. but Lord Uranus has said it a whole army heading here, due to the size of the army and them having to find this place, they should be here within the day at least." the man said calmly, making the woman frown unhappy

"Lord Uranus should just send us to baptize those sinners," She said with an annoyed look the fact they had to be careful before those she saw as weaklings annoyed her greatly. but the word of their god must be followed, so she went to go get ready to leave. but as soon as she took a step, the world suddenly began spinning. it was only after a few seconds she realized her head and body were no longer connocted

her head fell to the ground, a stunned look on its face while it looked at her body, which had blood jetting up into the air. disbelief filled her eyes which quickly lost all signs of light,

"You managed to dodge my attack... interesting." the Dragon Emperor said calmly while crushing the head of the woman. the man in silver armor had a stunned look, he had jumped away from the woman when his instants kicked in, but he didn't expect the enemy to arrive just a few minutes after their lord told them this.

"You are different from the others." The Dragon Emperor said softly, his eyes narrowed for some time before he stepped forward. The man in SIlver armor shot forward to meet the dragon emperor, and as soon as the two clashed, the whole church exploded.

The Dragon Emperor was stunned, most members of the Eclipse race had the power to ignore and bypass most attacks. yet what was happening here? his attack wasn't bypassing this guy's defenses, but the Dragon Emperor quickly understood why. this man in Silver armor had an armor empowered by the gods, giving him the power to negate his powers. Of course, if this armor was before Alex, the armor would have been nullified. Alex's power to nullify stuff was unmatched, with [Endless Nine] [Almighty] and many other abilities that could nullify stuff used into one, Alex was matched

Alex even had [Imagine Breaker] from To Aru Majutsu No Index, which shows its power within one's right hand, and could nullify anything supernatural it comes into contact with, even luck is nullified. but Alex has complete control over such an ability and it was not limited to his right hand...

The Dragon Emperor and the man in Silver armor battle heated, and the two shot into the sky with their blades clashing nonstop. they seemed to be equals until the man in silver armor began to slowly try to flee.

The Dragon Emperor didn't back down and simply kept pressuring him, forcing the man in silver armor to have no choice but to fight. but when he noticed that the dragon Epepror was evolving to counter him, he quickly channeled the power of Uranus.

The man in silver armor shot into the sky with his sword glowing with the powers of the heavens. the dragon emperor seeing this frowned slightly, he remembered Uranus was the god of the heavens and Sky... it seemed like the two meant the same thing. Uranus had the power to control the very heavens to some degree.

"Heavenly Slash" The Man in Silver roared before shutting down. a slash shot toward The dragon emperor, holding the power of all the laws within the galaxy. the Dragon Emperor's eyes shrank, he quickly swung forward to meet this slash, but he was quickly overpowered with his whole body erased.

At that moment, it didn't matter if this was the clone or not. all of the Dragon Emperor clones, the millions of them all suddenly disappeared, who knew if one of them was the main body or not? the Dragon Emperor disappeared as if he never existed...

Far away within a unique space where all of the gods could enter, Uranus sat on his throne, as the king of the gods, he was the strongest god there by a long mile. some came near his power, Gaia, Nyx, Chaos, and so on... but they were not here. Gaia wasn't sealed, she was still walking around during the era with Zeus and them. Nyx was later sealed by the cultivators, and Chaos was destroyed using the power of the heavens.

"It seems like my power is the only way to kill them..." Uranus said with a smirk. Uranus' power to channel even heaven's power was just broken, the heavens created them so it could of course even erase them. clone or not, the main body would be affected

"Go on, and capture them... no, we should use them to break the seals binding us," Uranus said with a cruel smirk. although he would have wanted to show this ability later to catch the enemy off guard, this was good. they just killed off the enemy elites, the enemy was weakened and the fact they just died might even make them fearful of them.

"We should be careful, as of this moment all formations should hold your power. I will also use my power to make them have a harder time seeing us." A woman swallowed in light and said calmly, this was Hemera the goddess of the day. She had given birth to the god of dawn, The God of noon, and The God of sunset

"Indeed, the enemy leader seems will return in 3 months. we have to enslave this whole race within this time." Uranus said with a smile...

Meanwhile, in North Wind Galaxy, a ship appeared through a wormhole. within this ship, an annoyed Lily would be found as she looked at Alex, Hope, and Alice who were singing the same song.

"Kiss me through the Cellular, Kiss me through the phone. Can't You see I'm into Ya? can't you see I'm in love?" The 3 sang, Lily, was annoyed with the fact the 3 barely knew the lyrics and were mumbling through the parts they didn't know. as someone who knew the lyrics, it annoyed her to see people who could perfectly remember anything not bothering to know the lyrics to a song.

"Can I pick the next song?" Hope asked, to which Alex shrugged not caring much. and so the two began singing, while Zaki came over to tell them of the news, but she didn't dare to bother the family of 3 enjoying themselves.

"Think of you when I'm goin' to bed. When I wake up, think of you again, You were my homie, lover, and friend. Exactly why! You light me up inside, Like the fourth of July. Whenever you're around, I always seem to smile, And people ask me how, Well, you're the reason why. I'm dancing in the mirror and singing in the shower!" The 3 sang, before Alex suddenly stopped singing, causing the two to freeze before throwing unhappy looks towards him as the mood was just destroyed.

"... I will be back," Alex said before teleporting over to the Milky Way galaxy, within his throne room. Alex had gotten his hands on many teleportation abilities, the best one being instant transmission which sends one into a realm where space doesn't move, allowing one to instantly appear anywhere they want to.

Upon arriving in his throne room, which was currently filled with many cracks and damages, Alex sat while looking at Eve, Dragon Emepror, and many others who were kneeling before the throne. They were covered with many serious injuries. serious injuries to members of the Eclipse race weren't the same as serious injuries to humans. their heart can be destroyed and it would grow the next moment

"My lord, we have gone to war with the gods..." Eve said with a tired look

itachi1010 itachi1010

I shouldn't try and nurf the MC. if I try to affect him with the plot, I might only make him stronger. yes, I would make everyone so overpowered he would look average compared to them. Once they kill him I'm dropping this story. the gods can die, I used them to introduce the concept of clones and being everywhere all at once to be pointless. I want to be over with this as soon as I can. maybe I should start having a more broken MC pop-up... DC or A Marvel System? I need to think deeper about this.

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