/ Fantasy / Chronicles of a Lost World

Chronicles of a Lost World Original

Chronicles of a Lost World

Fantasy 21 Chapters 9.5K Views
Author: Quill_Monarch

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Step into the magical world of Celestia, where Dante sets out on a thrilling journey through a realm filled with supernatural wonders and mysterious secrets. As he explores the landscape, Dante discovers hidden schemes and the echoes of ancient deities, making each step an adventure into a world brimming with celestial mysteries.

Caught in a cosmic web of intrigue, Dante faces the powerful forces that shape Celestia. Ancient deities, once rulers of explosive epochs, now lie dormant yet exert a significant influence, casting shadows across the vast cosmic canvas.

In the midst of this enchanting realm, Dante holds onto a simple yet powerful goal — to return to his home, Earth. Fueled by a determination to reunite with the familiar, he navigates through the twists and turns of Celestia, confronting challenges orchestrated by the will of the heavens. Join Dante in this captivating journey as he unravels the celestial tapestry.

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  1. taedya
    taedya Contributed 8
  2. Lepas
    Lepas Contributed 5
  3. Unhingedlove
    Unhingedlove Contributed 1

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  • Translation Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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Just a shameless author rating his novel 5 stars 😹. Well jokes aside, I put in a lot of work in researching and planning the plot of the novel. I plan to make this novel full of mysteries and Ancient Lore. So if you are interested in those, You are in for a ride!

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LV 11 Badge

It has potential, dont give up author, it is just the start!

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Author Quill_Monarch