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Chapter 98: Overwatch HQ

The next morning, I awoke to a few messages from the chat, but before I read them, I took a shower and got ready for the visit to HQ.

"Wake up. We have to go soon." I said as I shook Ciri awake.

"Five more minutes." she said as she swatted my hand away.

"Fine, five more minutes. We can teleport there anyway." I said while chuckling before going to the kitchen to make breakfast while reading the messages from Uzui.

Uzui: Took care of the base of the gangsters that were affiliated with Talon. Made it seem like a rival gang did it.

Uzui: Took care of a CEO that was affiliated with Talon. Saw the opportunity while he was driving in the rain and I took it. No one will think it was anything but an accident.

Uzui: Took care of one of their smaller bases. I stored their computers and servers in my inventory for you to look at. Let me know when you want to look at it.

"He's been busy." I mumbled to myself.

Matt: Nice job. Send the items over when you can, and remember to rest. No reason to rush things at the moment. Also, keep an eye and ear open for anything related to Null Sector.

After sending the message, I focused on making breakfast which was enticing enough to wake up the sleeping beauty.

"I thought you wanted five more minutes?" I teased.

"I couldn't resist your food." she said as she was still rubbing her eyes to wake herself up.

"All part of the plan." I said as I put a plate of food right in front of her.

"When are we leaving?"

"In an hour. But I want to fly there. I've never really used my nanites for long periods of time and I want to do it now." I said as I sat down next to her to eat.

"Okay, sounds good to me. What machine are you using? The jetpack thing you've talked about before?"

"No, it's like the hoverbike I've told you about before but this one will be able to fly in the sky. So like a jet bike. With all the tech I've stolen from Cyberpunk plus the capabilities of the nanites themselves, the bike should be pretty fast. I'm talking 1,000 MPH easily." I said.

"Wow. You look so handsome when talking about your toys." she said as she patted my cheek.

"Sigh, women can't understand a man's dream of going fast."

"No, I definitely do. I've experienced it first hand after all." she said winking before going to get ready.

"Well, that was unnecessary."


After Ciri got ready, we went to the outskirts of the city where we wouldn't bother anyone before I communicated with my nanites and thought of how I wanted the bike. A few seconds later and a beauty appeared from my bottom half.

"Phew, that's a beauty." said Ciri as she looked at the bike.

The bike that I had created was reminiscent of the Oppressor from GTA but longer and more futuristic since I took inspiration from the Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X from Cyberpunk. And even though I say jet bike, it would be incorrect to call it that since it's not using a traditional jet engine but a combination of ducted jet fan and some experimental ion propulsion engine tech from Cyberpunk.

The ion propulsion engine was something I had gotten from Arasaka and Militech when I was pilfering through their data. But it was all very early stage because they didn't have the technology to keep them powered for long nor they did work all that well. Thankfully, my nanites were able to get around that and improve on them a little bit by combining it with a jet fan. It couldn't completely recreate the ion propulsion engine because it didn't have enough data to work with.

And all that only made me put a higher priority on pilfering the technology of the world of Overwatch. Depending on what I got, I might not even have to go to the Scholar world. Comparing the two, the world of Overwatch is much more advanced so it would save me both time and points.

And as to why I wasn't using the technology of the Yautja engines for the bike, it was because I wanted to test the ion propulsion tech for feasibility.

"Yes, she is. Hop on." I said before she got on behind me.

"Now, let's see how fast this baby can go." I said with a smile as I revved the engine only to hear a purr unlike anything I'd ever heard before taking off.

The initial takeoff almost launched Ciri off the bike but I was able to grab onto her with my TK before she did. And good thing we went to the outskirts because the sonic boom that was created from the takeoff would've been enough to shatter all the glass and ears around us.

But I was able to quickly adjust to the bike and then it was like, well, like riding a bike. A super-fast bike.

"Woo-hoo! Go faster!" yelled Ciri, barely audible even with the TK barrier covering us.

"Alright, hold on." I said with a smile before pushing the bike even more.

If before I thought we were going fast, but after pushing the bike, it was like we were snails. The ground and surroundings started to blur and I had to concentrate to keep my TK barrier up. We were going fast. At least double the speed we were going at before.

"This is awesome!" yelled Ciri.

"We'll be there in no time!"

"Wait, shouldn't we call ahead?!"


"Because we're in an unidentified aircraft that's going super fast and we're going to enter their airspace!"

"It's fine, we'll just land once we're near and go the rest of the way on the ground!" I said to her.

"If you say so!"

And that's what we did. Once we were about to reach Overwatch airspace, we landed the bike and I lowered the speed before we continued to HQ.

"I have to say, it feels like we're not moving at all." said Ciri who had her head leaning on my shoulder as she died of boredom.

"Can't blame you. We were going 2000+ MPH at the end there and now we're barely going 200. But we're already here so no need to worry." I said as I looked ahead and saw HQ.

A giant mountain lay before us and nestled in it was Overwatch HQ, the headquarters of the world's leading peacekeeping organization. The main building had been built into the mountain in a way that complimented it, not overpowered it. Almost like it had been there since the beginning. The rest of the HQ spread away from the mountain and made it seem like a college campus.

Before we could enter the grounds, we had to pass through a security checkpoint that was a facade. The real security system of Overwatch was handled by an AI that was developed by Liao but that was only known by a few people.

"IDs." said the guard.

"Here." I said as I handed him both of ours.

He scanned them into the computer, read the info, and then his eyes widened before looking back at us.

"Sir!" he said saluting.

"At ease, soldier."

"Sir. Sorry, sir." he said before handing me the IDs back.

"Don't be sorry. It's protocol. Good job, soldier. Keep it up." I said.

"Sir!" he said saluting me one more time before the gate opened and we drove on through.

"That was kind of hot. Seeing him respect you so much." said Ciri behind me.

"Alright, keep it in your pants lady." I said chuckling while driving up to the front steps before undoing the bike.

"I'm going to go see Angela." she said.

"Okay, I'm going to go catch up with Morrison. Fill him in on the details so I'll have an easier time with the tech. I'll probably head your way after." I said before we went our separate ways.

As I walked into the building and to Morrison's office, some of the soldiers would recognize me and salute me. And even though I say soldiers and salute, Overwatch wasn't exactly like the military so there was no punishment or requirement to salute me. It was more of a formality and show of respect for being with the organization for so long.

After a decent walk, since the building was so big, I was finally at Morrison's office.


"Come in." said a gruff voice from behind the door.

I opened the door and saw Morrison, or more accurately Morrison's scalp because he was face first in some documents. Taking a look around his office, I saw it was full of documents littered everywhere.

"You really need an assistant." I said, causing him to look up.

"Matt? What are you doing here?" he said with a grin as he got up and walked over to me.

"Came for something but I decided to see an old friend. How you doing you son of a bitch?" I said with a smile as we both stepped forward and simultaneously swung from the hip as if to land a punch but instead our hands clasped together, forearms bulging in a test of strength.

"Come on, put your back into it old man." I said with a smile as my arm didn't budge an inch while his trembled.

"I'm not even putting my all into it. And I'm only a few years older than you." he retorted as we just stared each other in the eye, still arm wrestling until I put some strength into it and beat him.

"Sigh, you've gotten stronger." he said as he rubbed his arm.

"It's nice to see you, Morrison." I said as we hugged real quick before separating.

"Nice to see you too. But why are you here? There's no Blackwatch business is there?" he asked as he sat down while I did the same.

"No, I'm here on a personal matter."

RubberPeen RubberPeen

Ninety-eighth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

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