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Chapter 15: The Spider's Nest (3)

That afternoon, when Blake warned me of Kaiser's threat, it really was happening in real time.

The Class-A students were vicious, at one time at lunch, they trampled on my foot and didn't even apologized. They cut in line as if I was invisible to them. Worse of all... They ganged up on me.

Three kids, (I didn't even want to name them) loaded on their Geokinesis on me, splattering me with sand, mud, and hard stones. Next, the daughter of the Bevel family threw knives at my direction, and she even told me I was getting in the way of her target practice.

Then finally, at Physical Education, every single person either brushed their elbows, knees, and kicks my ribs, my thighs, my gut, and my shin.

'This... god damn president.' I held it in. I can't let this get to me. Kaiser told me that if I step out of line... I'll be in something worse.

I got home all sore and battered. But not before getting black tea. I needed the extra drink if I want to relax a bit. Under the night sky of Clandesca, the neon and busy streetlights filled the whole area. Cars driving about, people beelining the crossroads, and friends and colleagues are enjoying the ambient cafes and restaurants. I could already imagine myself and Elios, enjoying the streets with our friends.

But now... with a warning above my head, I don't think that day would come. Kaiser Daymore... His authority is no joke. I don't want to fight him nor his regime, but if he so much as try to attack Elios, I won't let him slide.

When I got to the front of the villa, sure enough. I expected something in the mailbox, but it was empty. But as I got to the gate, vines suddenly sprout around it, and a flower suddenly sprays its pheromones in front of me.

I gagged and sneezed, then my vision begins to turn blurry, my limbs felt like jelly, and my mind went hazy. Then I hear the muffled noise of footsteps, the hushed voices speak in an irritable and lax manner, but I was too high to understand what they were saying.

A few minutes later, I was greeted by a splash of water. I look at my bearings and I was at a white room. My hands bound by thorned vines. I tried using telekinesis, but something was preventing me. An aura... I can't pinpoint where, but... It's making me feel too tired to use my ability. Dampening?! And why was I kneeling?

"Glad you're awake Callahan. I was beginning to think we overdosed you with the pheromones." One venomous voice said.

My eyes widened. Kaiser Daymore. He kidnapped me?! I looked up and he was in front of me, gold hair radiating under the lightbulb, and his menacing eyes changing color, from blue to red to yellow.

"Every kid has a look of terror. But you? You look like you're in disbelief rather than being afraid. You have guts I'll give you that Callahan." He said.

I didn't reply... I don't want to trigger another fit from him.

"I see you learned how to clamp down. But that look of yours."


"Needs work." He said as I land on the floor after he punched me. I tasted blood again inside my mouth. He raised his hand and the earth suddenly rumbled and cracked, followed by a tempest of dust and sharp rocks, slashing my whole body in the process. He then grabbed the hem of my collar and lift me up like a cat. Then I felt it... Sheer terror not from abandonment. But someone stronger than me. Someone who even if I try to protect my family, I would still lose.

"That's it... that's the look I want to see. Now you're ready to talk back to me." He makes me sit down again. "Callahan... my sweet, cute little black bird. You should've just surrendered to McKenna when you had the chance. You know... I had an eye on him as my successor. Until he proved too weak. Well, you prove him to be too weak. Asking mercy? Pathetic. And to you, of all people. A B-Class scholar. I must say I was vexed. My calculations were proven wrong and my plans went awry in that very instant."

"I... I'm sorry." I muttered and he howled in laughter and he gave me a pat in the head. But there was no affection in it at all.

"Oh Callahan it's okay. But I'm in a bind now. I lost a tool in the 1st years see... and what better way to replace that tool, is with a more competent tool at my disposal. If you catch my drift." Kaiser said in his toxic filled honey tone.

"W-what do you want?" I asked and I fell for the bait. Kaiser claps my shoulders.

"Just stay as the little song bird you are. Don't engage to any fights anymore. And I guarantee, you and your brother will be safe. But step out of line... You already know what happens." Kaiser said and his eyes turned purple.

"We're done here Callahan. Oh and don't forget. One slip up... Think about your brother's future." He said as he tears open a portal from space and it took me back to the front gate of the villa.

I gasped and gagged. I could use my ability again and my senses began to sharpen again. But my limbs feel sore and on fire, the cuts on my body was staining my uniform. After 5 minutes of laying down on the ground, the feeling of my legs returned and I was able to stagger back to my feet. The villa was quiet and dimly lit, but I could smell the waft of food from the dining room. My food was inside a self-heating cover, and Elios was sleeping by the fire place, a book resting by his lap.

I smiled at my brother's figure and pats his head. I head over to the table and found a note.

'You left your journal at home. The one you brought was a travelogue, so don't worry too much.' - E.

I couldn't help but laugh a little and ate the food, but I couldn't finish since every swallow hurts. After that, I used my ability to safely lead Elios back to his room and tuck him in.

"Sleep well E." I said and head for my room. Once inside, I crumpled on the floor from enduring the pain for so long. I mended myself with my ability, but only with small bruises from gardening and fixing toys for the kids, but injuries of this scale is beyond me. I tore off my battered uniform to assess the damage of my body. Black and blue patches covered my rib area, and my arms, neck, and face were filled with different cuts. My glasses was also on the verge of breaking. I patched up the cuts on my arms and face and reduced the swelling of my right cheek, the pain remained, but at least the wounds healed.

I found myself laying down on bed, not even bothering to wear a new pair of trousers, I just wondered to myself:

'What comes tomorrow?'

Elios still needs to recover, plus... I don't know whose on Kaiser's side. And whose after us just because of our family name. I'm not afraid of protecting my brother.

But if I take action... Then we'll be in even deeper water. What am I going to do? Should I just... redirect myself as their target rather than Elios? Yeah, I can take a beating, as long as Elios is safe.

I closed my eyes, telling myself that tomorrow, I have to make their focus on me so Elios can have a peaceful day at school.

The next morning, Elios woke up early because he needs to catch up for the time he was absent. He's still wincing in pain, but at least he can walk, albeit with a cane. His light brown coat suited him nicely, but he was having a hard time wearing his white armband.

"Are you sure you want to go back? You can still take a break." I reminded him and he shakes his head.

"And miss out on lessons, Big red, I feel like you want to pull a fast one on me." He joked and we laughed. In all honesty, I was still worried. Worried that Elios might get hurt or something. I tried to shake off that nasty feeling, but it's still gnawing at me.

When we arrived at the front gate, we were barred by a very tall and bulky boy and a girl from Class-A. Aside from their commanding aura, they seem to have a flower pin on their collars as part of their uniform. A crysanthemum to be exact. I looked at Elios and he was getting cold feet. Then I remembered from history class, the Crysanthemum is the symbol of House Daymore.

"What's going on?" Elios demanded, he went between us, his hands radiated scarlet energy all of a sudden. As if displaying a threathening presence.

"The Headmaster would like to see Mr. Marc Callahan Noan, while you, Mr. Elios Dracon Noan, will come with me to the 3rd floor." The girl said. "My name is Lydia Crux Stellaris, Young master Daymore's personal Assistant."

"And why should I follow you?" Elios demanded and the tall boy clenched his fists. As if warning him not to be disrespectful.

"Alistair, don't be rude." Lydia chides the boy and he calms down. "Sorry, my bodyguard hates it when people are rude. This is Alistair Grace. Mr. Marc, he will accompany you to the Headmaster's office."

Without even saying a word, Alistair grabs my shoulder and easily lifts me like a bag of chips. I could only smile in worry and Elios just gave me a shocked expression.

'Don't tell me he'll keep carrying me up until the office.' I asked myself and to my surprise. (And humiliation) he did. The office was located at the top floor of the Valley Building. The teachers were shocked to see a burly Class-A Student carrying a scrawny Class-B student, but they dismissed it instantly as if it was a normal occurence.

When we got to the Office Doors, Alistair beckoned me to go inside.

"Thanks?" I said with concern and fixed my coat and necktie. I'm about to meet the Headmaster of Lupus Alma. The Alpha Wolf of the pack. I went inside and I immediately felt an unimaginable amount of pressure.

The man sitting by the window overlooking the whole school with his legs crossed, enjoying a cup of joe as his gaze pierced the glass. He turned his gaze on me once I entered and I immediately looked down. His alabaster eyes seem to scan my whole body. My heart won't stop thumping on my chest.

"Welcome Mr. Noan, please take a seat." He said in a mild voice, he sound like a peace loving grandfather with his salt and pepper hair, his monocle hanging loosely and his black and white pinstripe suit in mint condition.

"P-pardon the intrusion sir." I muttered weakly and unconsciously fixed myself. Once I took a seat, the headmaster stood up and walked towards the cupboard.

"Tea or Coffee?" He asked.

"Yes." I suddenly replied and I felt my face burning with embarrassment. He only chuckled and hands me a glass of cold water.

"For the nerves my boy. And relax, I did not summon you to reprimand you." He said as he sat down in front of me.

"So why did you summon me?" I inquired. "If this is about Argent's immediate transfer I-"

"That is not what I wish to talk about. It's about your situation with President Daymore." The Headmaster said.

I froze. Why would he wish to talk about that?

"Did he threaten you in some way?" He began the questions.

'One slip up...' Is this what he meant.

"N-no. He didn't." I squeaked.

"You hesitated a bit. Are you sure?" He pressured, and my hands was leaking sky blue energy, my nervousness was affecting my abilities yet again.

"Y-yes I'm sure." Why won't he just stop? I don't want to answer his questions anymore.

As if he was reading my mind, he sighed and gives me a card with a mask on the front.

"If you require my aid boy, don't hesitate to rip that apart." He advised and told me to go. "And a piece of advice. You won't get anything done by doubting yourself. Try trusting yourself a bit more."

I didn't understood his words and I left the office. My heart was still beating fast, my hands were still leaking the sky blue energy. I clenched them to a fist and breathed in and breathed out to calm myself.

'Don't make anymore mistakes Marc... For Elios' sake.'

But sometimes... Wishes aren't poppies. And most of the time, reality is cruel.

The thing about my telepathy is, whenever I feel nervous, it activates. It also expands to cover the whole of the academy's grounds. Then I heard it.

'Holy shit that's the Noan kid.'

'Someone get Dr. Belforma now!'

That voice was Lady Emma's voice. My face paled as I ran for the source. My lungs hurt, my feet protested, but I ran as fast as I can.

'What happened? I didn't do anything!!' My mind raced as I head for the front of the Lune Building.

And once I reached it I gagged and fell to my feet. Why? A broken cane, a ripped coat and arm band. Eyes dull and I couldn't even see him breathing. Why?

'E?' I used my telepathy on him.

'hurts... Big red... I... I can't see.' He said.

Dr. Belforma came running towards him and applied first aid healing on him, but he grit his teeth.

"Miss Emma, call the paramedics! We have a Code C!"

Code C... Subjugation Abuse. That's what Dad told me before.

The paramedics came 2 minutes later and drove Elios off. I ran after it but Lady Emma stopped me.

"Let me go... LET ME GO I HAVE TO GO WITH MY BROTHER!" I pleaded but Lady Emma held me tightly.

"Come with me. I'll escort you to the hospital with him." She said and we both get to her car. She drove right behind the ambulance. They rushed him towards the Emergency Room and I waited. My hands were dangerously emanating sky blue energy again. No amount of calming down was going to help me. Three hours later, Elios' doctor came out with Doc, who was looking exhausted.

"His life is not in danger anymore." Doc announced but his face isn't relieved.

"But his mind is still under the influence of a subjugation power. It seems he resisted it quite well, but someone forced their commands on him and left him like that. He kept muttering the name of 'Kaiser Daymore'." The hospital Doctor said and my mind went blank after that.

They were still talking but my ears closed, my eyes darkened, and my nails were digging deep in my palms. Then something was rising from my heart. Hot, boiling, and uncontrolled.

"C-can I see him?" I asked quietly.

"For now, we don't allow any visitors because it might affect his psyche. Let him rest." The doctor said and I nod.

Kaiser Ysvelt Daymore... I didn't do anything. So why? Why did you hurt him?

I didn't know what came over me, but I marched back to the school on foot. My fists were solidified by sky blue energy, as if I was wearing gauntlets. I burst through the Lune Building's doors and smashed the Student Council Office's doors.

The officers, all Class-A students were shocked by my appearance. They all started shouting but I cut them all off. I made a slashing motion and their mouths were sealed by my psychokinesis.

"Where is he? Where is that son of a bitch!"

SibboMarco SibboMarco

15th Chapter yay!!! Thanks for the support Classmates!!!

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