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Chapter 5: Diana!

Another week into my new life here and today is the day Diana is going to spend time with me. Conner ended up bowing out, since my boi got a date with M'gann!!! I can't describe how proud of him.

Since I got here I've also designed Conner a new suit to wear and even enchanted it to be like mine. It absorbs massive amounts of solar radiation and distributes it into his cells for maximum benefits. He can also change it to look like what ever he wants it to, kind of like I make mine look like and feel like other clothes instead of the amazonian armor. We will don our armor and suit when in the field but be able to blend in the rest of time like normal people while still getting our solar vitamins. His new suit is the black and red Superboy suit from the comics. I just have to give it to him before mother dearest gets here in a few hours.

*knock knock*

I knocked on Conner's door and after a moment it opens to my dear brother. "Hey Jason, what's up?" he asks holding up a fist for me to pound.

I oblige, hitting his fist with my own. "I am suppose to go spend time with Diana later, but I had something I wanted to give you first." I tell him before pulling the box from behind my back and handing it to him. He starts opening is, "I know you're not much into spandex like the rest and dear old dad but I made this my self more to your style, and enchanted it so it will change into whatever clothes you can think of. I thought you could let it be the suit when we're on missions or something.." I tell him as he pulls the black and red suit out of the box and inspects it.

"It doesn't feel like the same spandex stuff everyone else wears.." He says rubbing it between his fingers.

"Well that's another enchantment. It's also like my armor. It will feed your Kryptonian cells with yellow sun radiation while also completely blocking red sun radiation. It will dampen the effects of kryptonite as well." I tell him as he walks it into his private bathroom. After a few moments he walks back out in the suit. "Now that's what I'm talking about, lookin' sharp bro!" I tell him and he just shakes his head chuckling. Then with a thought it changes into his blue jeans, combat boots, and black shirt with the red "S" on it.

"Oh this is nice! I can still feel it energizing me but it doesn't even feel like I'm wearing the suit anymore!" He says excitedly. "But." he says before it changes back to the black and red suit. "Around the base, and on missions I think I'll wear it this way." He says before wrapping me in a bro hug. "I appreciate you doing this for me Jason, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. You showed up and pulled me out of that pod at Cadmus then gifted me this awesome life with these people I call my friends now. This is just a suit to help you get stronger. We're not even I still owe you bro." I tell him hugging him back before separating (after a manly amount of time of course).

"Bah.. You don't owe me anything! I got a brother out of that little adventure." He says with a smile as I start walking towards the door. "Have fun with your mom and wish me luck with M'gann."

"Psh, you don't need luck, just be you, she likes you." I tell him before another fist bump. "Just remember to breathe if something pisses you off. Deep breaths. No raging out on your date, show her a good time, and don't do anything I wouldn't do." I tell him with wiggling eye brows.

"Yeah yeah, get out!" He says with a chuckle before pushing me out. "Swing by tonight and we'll work out before lights out."

"Of course!" I tell him heading up to the main hall where leaguers teleport in and out to wait on Diana.


30 minutes later:

I am in the middle of doing a set of push ups when the computer alerts someone is about to teleport in.

" Designation 03 Wonder Woman" the computer sounds off then Diana walks off the platform into the hall to where I am.

"Hello Jason." She says as I get to my feet.

"Hello." I say back.

"So, lets teleport out to the east coast and we'll fly to our destination from there okay?" She says.

"Sounds good." I tell her then we both walk on to the plat form, in a beam of light instantly we come out in an ally way somewhere in Orlando, Fl. "So where to from here?"

"Follow me." She says before taking off into the sky and I follow after her.


20 minutes later:

We are coming up on an island, I can see it from a good distance away. I can already tell, even at this distance it's not a very large island. "Jason, I have a confession." Diana says. I just look over at her for her to elaborate. "Last Friday, I didn't have something come up with the league... I was here at this island setting it up for you.." She says

"Setting up the island for me?" I ask confused.

"Yes, I would have taking you to Themyscira to meet the rest of your people, but you are a man and they wouldn't have taken kindly to your presence there." She says and I just nod, that making perfect sense to me. "So instead I have found this uninhabited island and have set up a smaller version of the palace and the training grounds in Themyscira for you to have as a getaway if you should need it. I had brought sever amazons here to help me build it in just a week but they still did not wish to meet a man. You and I, however will have to erect the barrier to keep people away and the island unseen from the rest of the world." She says and I am utterly shocked.

"You did this for me?" I asked incredulously. She just smiled and nodded in reply. "But why?" I asked.

"Ah, well, Clark should have handled things better with Conner and then again with you. However, I have no misgivings about training you and treating you as my child if you would let me?" She asks.

"I, I don't know...." I say still shocked. I see her face fall a little in disappointment. "I don't know if I should trust you, but... I will try... You are not like Clark, and I do hope he comes around, at least for Conner. But I will try, if you are serious... I don't know how to be a son though so you'll have to forgive me if I'm bad at it." I tell her honestly. In my past life my mother dropped me off at the nearest fire station immediately after I was born, after that I lived in a few orphanages but was never adopted out. So I don't actually know how to be a son, but I am genuinely touched that she would go through all this for me and want to be a mother figure to me.

"I don't know how to be a mom, hahaha. You're 17 physically so we're skipping all the younger years so this is even more complicated, but I still want to try too. I am very excited to try if I'm honest." Diana says excitedly with a big smile. "Come, lets put the barrier up then we can explore the island and I'll teach you the way we Amazonians are trained." She says flying down to the beach.

After she taught me the spell to put the barrier up and we completed it she showed me around and showed me a few forms for sword fighting and spear fighting on a training dummy. Then we strolled through the palace and the gardens. For only having a bit over a week to throw all this together she really went all out. It's fucking gorgeous, yet comfortable as well. And best part is it's all mine.

"So, I'll probably be bringing Conner here." I tell her.

"I figured as much Jason. This is your island and your home. He is your brother so its natural that he come with you when he wants. There's 2 equally large rooms in the palace for the both of you along with several other slightly smaller rooms for any guests you deign trustworthy enough to bring here." She says with a smile while patting my shoulder. After a moment of hesitation from me I wrap my arms around her.

"Thank you for this, all of it! I can't tell you how much this all means to me." I tell her hugging her. After a moment of shock she wraps her arms around me back and hugs me too.

"Of course Jason, my son." She says rubbing my back. After a moment we separate. "We should head back though it's getting late back at the Mount Justice and Conner will be waiting for you. You said you two work out every night, yes?"

"Yes we do, mainly weight training, and light sparring to practice what Black Canary and the others teach us." I tell her.

"Hhmm, one night, if it's okay with the both of you, would you mind if I joined the both of you?" She asks and we're flying away from the island.

"I wouldn't mind, I'll talk to Conner about it later and let you know." I tell her and she just nods hopefully. "Do you have a cell phone or anything so we can talk or make plans?" I ask.

"I do.... However you will have to put your numbers into it and set up the contact. Truthfully some technology still confuses me. I grew up on a remote island that didn't have any of that so you'll have to be patient with me. I can text but I'm dreadfully slow." She says a bit embarrassed while handing me her cell phone.

I program my number and contact info into it for her. "It's okay. Some of it confuses me too. Must be in the genetics, haha." I tell her with a laugh that she joins in with. Which is partially true. I was never good with technology. Cell phones yes, gaming consoles sure, and minor computer stuff was fine, but I was clueless how Robin could hack things and play his little computers like musical instruments to do all kinds of wondrous things. He had tried to show me but truthfully I was hopeless at it all.

A few moments later we're landing in the same ally way as earlier by an old phone booth. "This is where I leave you Jason, I have to go to the watch tower but you have my contact information now so please do talk to me often. I have very much liked getting to know you, and would like to continue doing so." She says before wrapping me up in another hug. (You know just some wholesome hot mom bonding)

"I will, Mom." I say and she stiffens a bit at the name. "I'm sorry I just thought it was rig-"

"It is right... I would very much like for you to call me that if that is what you want." She says interrupting my ramble.

"Okay.. cool... I'll see you next Friday yeah?" I ask.

"Of course! And call me just whenever." she says

"Okay Mom.. Be careful out there.." I tell her.

"You as well." She says.

Then we take turns teleporting to our destinations.

So that was my day with my hot mom!

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