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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

"I hope I don't have to tell you how important today is. Everything must go flawlessly. Today, it will make us or break us, so I need everyone to give their 110%. If everything goes well, you will all receive a bonus in your paychecks! With that in mind, fail me and you're fired. I'll also make sure that you never work in the Food Industry again. Got it?" Vitaliya Federovski, gorgeous, emerald-eyed, fair-skinned beauty whose personality is as outspoken as her bright, pink-colored hair, motivates her employees and slightly makes them cower in fear and revere her at the same time. They all turn to each other with looks of uncertainty.

"Is she serious?" a young-looking waiter leans toward a pretty, long-haired blonde about the same age as Vitaliya. She grins widely.

"Dead," Samantha Rogers, or Sam as she likes to be called, the pretty blonde, replies with a smile.

Sam is Vitaliya's best friend and co-owner of the brand-new restaurant they're opening in Los Angeles, California. Normally in the Fashion Industry, it is only at a whim and her dedicated support to her best friend that she decided to take a venture in the restaurant business though her role mostly consists of investing and acting as a silent partner while Vitaliya take the reign.

Vitaliya, on the other hand, at a young age of 23, established a name for herself in the Food and Beverage Industry. She is one of the most sought-after chefs and now a restaurateur known worldwide with locations stretching from the Americas to the Far East. It was Sam's love of food and her weakness to men, especially handsome hockey players, and Vitaliya's two guilty pleasures: fashion and hockey, are the bonds that kept the best friends tied to each other. Vitaliya has a bit of a shoe fetish having been rarely seen in the same shoes twice, though everyone around her wonders how she manages to constantly work in the kitchen in heels everyday but will agree that she looks great doing it.

As for her love of hockey, it was genetically passed down from her famous hockey-playing father, who's currently retired but is still heavily involved in the league. Having only one child, it didn't stop Vitaliya's dad from teaching his daughter ice skating and the basic elements of hockey ever since Vitaliya could walk. To his surprise, she was a natural and grew fond of the sport. She even played till college until she deviated and set her concentration to culinary school. Culinary school is where she blossomed, of course it didn't hurt that she used to sit at her mother's heels imitating her actions with her very own miniature kitchen.

Tonight, will mark another accomplishment for Vitaliya. If this Los Angeles restaurant successes, she plans to open another in San Diego and one more in San Francisco which is why tonight's grand opening is most critical. Everything must be perfect.

Ω -

23year old Yuji, in a dark, navy-blue suit with a blue and white striped tie and dark-brown, curly hair is lying back in his office chair with his eyes closed and a blissful expression on his face. Low moans escaping his lips here and there. One hand disappears under his desk while the other tightly grips the edge of his desk. His office door abruptly swings open, and a familiar face appears halfway in with a look of shock and alarm on his face as Yuji's searing evil glare singes from across the room.

"Sorry," Obito Harada, Yuji's older cousin from his father's side, early 30s, average-height, clean-cut guy in a black suit, orange, and blue striped tie, with freshly cut black spiky hair, apologizes with a mortified smile, turning bright red as he swiftly retreats back out the door.

"Tobi, what the fuck?!" growls Yuji with a look of annoyance on his face.

Yuji pulls his pants up and fixes himself. He scoots his chair back allowing his red-headed secretary, Anna, to get out from under his desk. Anna stands up licking her lips and partly sucks on her middle finger as she wipes the sides of her mouth, making sure there's no leftover residue from her oral escapade with the boss, a voracious smile plastered on her face. She straightens her clothes and embellishes the sultry sway of her hips towards Yuji.

"Did he have to interrupt our time?" Anna whines with her high-pitched voice, pouting her lips as she adjusts Yuji's tie.

"Hn." Yuji replies, looking down at her indifferently using the infamous Harada stoicism passed down for generations. Anna leans in for a kiss. Yuji instinctively leans his head back repressing the look of disgust on his face before turning his head and muttering a thank you. Anna, thinking that the person on the other side of the door is the reason her boss and part-time lover is acting coldly towards her, pouts in annoyance and shrugs before turning around to walk out the door.

"Mr. Harada's ready for you," Anna announces coldly towards the spiky-headed Harada typing on his phone.

Obito raises an eyebrow at the red-headed secretary whose fiery glare is probably burning a hole in the middle of his head giving life to the saying if looks could kill. Obito rushes in the office as if he couldn't get away fast enough from the crazed, red-headed witch and unconsciously raises a hand to his forehead to make sure there's no hole as the door to the highest and largest office in the Harada Corporate building located in the heart of Los Angeles, California shuts behind him.

The room has the same feel as a museum with the world's most expensive and finest things brought in one location. Everything seemed to be in pristine shape and untouched except for the office desk in the back end of the room. It has a huge fireplace at one end along with a long, white sofa and a huge flat screen television at the other. An enormous portrait of the main Harada family - Yuji's father, mother, brother, and him, is displayed on top of the fireplace. Above that one, Grandfather and Grandmother Harada along with Yuji's father, his two sisters and Obito's father. Lastly, at the very top, there is their Grandma Harada's family. Other members of the Harada family also surround the portrait along with Obito's family – his father, mother, himself, and younger brother. He lingered at the picture of his younger brother whom he hadn't seen in a long time. He sighs.

"Yes, I have. Don't worry, I'll take care of it," Yuji confirms to the person on the phone as he sits in his office chair facing the enormous, curtainless window overlooking his office. He swivels around showing Obito his index finger as a sign to wait. Obito shows his cousin a half-smile, already knowing who was at the other end and glad he's not in Yuji's shoes. Better you than me, cousin. Obito chuckles to himself and shakes his head.

Yuji hangs up the phone and sighs, interlocking his fingers and resting his chin on them. Obito laughs earning a confused look from Yuji.

"Man, if you don't look so much like Uncle right now," Obito confesses rubbing his head.

"You always seem to have an impeccable timing," declares Yuji with bitterness and annoyance.

"It's a gift," Obito replies smugly, a mischievous smile creeping upon his face. "You should thank me."

"Normal people knock before invading someone's personal space. Did you need something, Tobi?" Yuji inquires looking unamused.

"Ri-ight...sorry." No sense of humor like him too. Obito continues, his smile waning when he didn't get a reaction from his younger cousin.

"Why do you call me Tobi? I hate that name." He asks with a hint of amusement and irritation.

Yuji laughs and shakes his head in defeat. It's impossible to stay mad at Tobi for long. "I thought I was supposed to be the serious one?" Obito's turn to look confused. "Dunno, you've always been Tobi to me," shrugs Yuji.

Obito shakes his head. "Anyway, what did the old bag say?"

"What's your deal? She's your grandmother too you know. I don't get why you're always disrespecting her." Yuji asks curiously, irritated.

"I just don't like the old hag that's all. I know she raised you and I get why you worship the ground she walks on, but I can't." Obito bitterly confirmed.

"You always say that, but you never exactly say why you don't like her. Just watch what you say about her alright?" asks Yuji.

Obito sighs in defeat. "Fine. I'll keep my opinion about the old –uhh lady to myself if you promise to get an actual girlfriend and stop messing with that secretary of yours. She's no good, Yuji. Isn't she married? You need to leave her alone or it's not gonna end well," Obito bargains.

Yuji shrugs with a smile and a guilty look on his face. "I get bored."

Obito rolls his eyes. "You wouldn't be so bored if you got a girlfriend. Anyway, are you ready to go? There's a new restaurant opening today, thought we'd check it out for lunch. Supposed to be owned by this famous chef who's known around the world or something."

"Yeah, let me finish up. Text me the address and I'll meet you there in a half hour," Yuji replies.

"Whatever. You just better not be saying that so you can finish screwing your secretary. Get-a-girlfriend," Obito seriously urges as he walks out the door. Obito scowls at the red-headed secretary as he walks past her desk. Dumbass idiot. She returns his scowl with a death-glare of her own as he enters the elevator.

Ω -

The restaurant is now buzzing with an enormous lunch crowd. The news crew left after the initial opening and the interview in which Vitaliya performed flawlessly with an air of professionalism. Both floors of the restaurant, including the patio, are brimming with excitement. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves except for the pink-haired restaurateur who despite having an unwavering smile on her face is a nervous wreck and trying her best not to show it.

Get ahold of yourself. This isn't the first restaurant you've opened you know. Everything always turns out great. Plus, I'll be damned if they see me breakdown. Vitaliya loudly exhales as she pushes her office door open, walking out to greet and mingle with her VIP customers on the second floor. She cordially visits each table conversing and making sure that everything's going well. She addresses one or two of her employees in between to make sure that each table receives their complimentary bottle of wine. She occasionally poses for pictures and signs autographs. A few of her male customers attempts to flirt with the pink-haired beauty which she reciprocates with a sweet smile before politely breaking their hearts and egos.

Sam, on the other hand, the flirt and social butterfly that she is, is currently live posting pictures and videos on the restaurant's social media accounts from downstairs. The results pay off as it is one of the reasons that the lunch crowd is buzzing. She pauses at Obito's table who seems busy on his phone. He pauses to acknowledge her.

"Hold on a sec," Obito commands the person on the phone.

"Hi," Obito addresses Sam whose eyes open wide for a second but was replaced by a wide grin.

"Hi, I'm Sam. Co-owner of this lovely restaurant. Is there anything I can get you?" Sam asks with an exaggerated sweetness to her tone.

"No thanks. I'm still waiting for my very punctual cousin to arrive," Obito replies with a smile placing the phone back to his ear. Sam notices Obito's wedding band. A mini pout replaces her wide grin. She glances back up at Obito who wants to get back to his phone conversation. She smiles.

"I'll have someone bring you a complimentary wine while you wait. Thank you for coming," Sam states with a smile but is back in her normal tone.

"Thank you. I appreciate that," Obito replies as Sam turns to walk away and addresses the nearest waitress. "Sorry about that. Meeting Yuji at this new restaurant. If I didn't know any better, I think Mel disappointed another one of the Harada fangirls," Obito confesses with a laugh to the person on the phone. Obito pauses.

"Please, the better-looking Haradas live on this side of the world," Obito laughs, his smile instantly fading only to be replaced by a stern expression. "He's fine for now but I think we better act soon because the old hag might be making a play. She's sending him to secure the assets in Las Vegas, but I think there's more to it than that. Vegas is Tattaglia territory. If he gets involve with the Tattaglias, he'll be digging a hole he won't be able to get out of." Obito pauses for a reply.

"No, I agree. We can't – won't let him get that close." Obito pauses. "Tell him not to worry, I'll do what I can here. You just take care of your end there. Will do. I'll talk to you later, he's here," Obito replies nodding at the approaching Yuji.

"Man, the food was great! Would've saved you some but you took too long," Obito smirks teasing Yuji. Yuji scowls. "What took you so long?"

"Told you I had business to finish," Yuji replies as he contemplates and reminisces on his finished business. Obito shakes his head in disapproval hoping that it has nothing to do with that red-headed bimbo.



Obito shuts the door to Yuji's office. The com lights up as Anna announces that Yuji has a visitor. Yuji tells Anna to send the visitor in. Detective Kate Mcdowell, in a brown skirt suit instead of her usual uniform, walks in. She looks a little bit older and more mature but kept her appearance well. Her long, silvery hair was replaced by short, wispy layers framing her face.

"Hello Yuji. Long time no see. Sorry I'm late, I uh…" Kate smiling sheepishly. She slightly bows.

"Detective," Yuji replies standing up and gesturing for the detective to sit at the chair opposite him. The detective notices the slight frown on Yuji's face as she sits. Yuji sits back down and resumes his Harada stance, fingers intertwined in front of him and his chin resting on top. "Forgive me for skipping the idle chit-chat but I have a lunch meeting I need to get to."

"Of course," Kate nods, maintaining her smile. "There's still no concrete lead about your brother's whereabouts but we've uncovered something that we might've overlooked during the initial investigation to your parent's murders."

"Overlooked?" Yuji retorts, raising a brow at the detective.

Kate switches her position in her seat and crosses her legs the other way. She clears her throat trying not to stare directly at the young Harada. She might've known Yuji since he was young, even practically watched him grow up, but it doesn't make his unemotional demeanor less intimidating even to her.

"Well, our usual analyst seemed to have vanished at the time after claiming a family emergency, so we brought in his apprentice. Apparently, the apprentice overlooked the fact that there might've been another person in the room with your brother when your parents died," Kate nervously explains.

"My parents were murdered, Detective, by my own brother's hands. Please refrain from speaking so casually about it," Yuji states with a perturbed look.

"Sorry," Kate sincerely offers, her expression softening.

Yuji's eyes widen a fraction at this. He shakes his head and mutters a 'whatever'. "So, you're saying that my brother had an accomplice?"

"Hmm. It is possible, yes," Kate nods in agreement. "Can you think of anyone your brother might've been close with?"

Ichirou Harada has always been a little different. He had always been more advanced than other kids his age. Hell, one might even call him a genius. Unfortunately, some gifts come at a price. Being a genius and firstborn of one of the most prestigious families isolated him and prevented him from socializing among his peers. At first, it was his parents doing, but as time passed, he eventually grew accustomed to an almost solitary lifestyle except for a few cousins and a daughter of a close family friend. It became worse when they immigrated permanently to the United States. He had no choice but to get used to sharing the spotlight once his mother told him that she was expecting a little brother or sister for him. Who would've thought that this same recluse would come to adore and be the overprotective brother he was.

"Hmm, there's one or two people I could think of," Yuji ponders out loud.

"There's one more thing," Kate quietly announces, afraid of the backlash from the young Harada.

"What?" the stoic Harada impassively questions. His face reveals a mix of displeasure and annoyance.

Oh, he's not gonna like this. "I'll need you to take me to the scene of the crime."

Yuji's eyes widen at the implication of the detective's words. He gasps as he processes the information holding his breath. The scene of the crime. His parent's house. The house he hasn't set foot in since his own brother murdered his parents in cold blood, 17 years ago. He supposed he would have to eventually step foot in that nightmarish house sooner or later. "Is it going to help find my brother?"

"I sure hope so. I'm sorry we've taken a little longer to solve your parents' murders, but my promise still stands. I will do anything in my power to find your brother and put him behind bars," Kate affirms with determination.

"I have complete confidence that you will help me, detective," Yuji acknowledges with a nod. Confidence that you'll help me find him so I can kill him and avenge my parent's death that is. "Is that all?"

Kate nods.



"What's going on in that head of yours, little cousin? And please don't tell me it's about that secretary of yours," Obito questions with a concerned look.

Yuji gives Obito an incredulous look. "What the?"

"Good," Obito nods receiving his confirmation.

"First of all, that's none of your business. Second, what's your deal?" Yuji asks.

"Other than the fact that I think you could do better? She's married. I mean I'd be pissed if Mel even thought about cheating on me, let alone with her own boss," Obito replies with passion.

Yuji nods in understanding.

"I might even go as far as use the family's resources to get the son of a bitch who dares touch my Melani, if you know what I mean," Obito heatedly continues clenching his fist around a glass of alcohol before downing the drink.

"Hnn. I thought you said you'd never resort to getting involved with that side of the family?" Yuji questions his usual kind-hearted cousin with a puzzled look.

Obito grins mischievously as he gives Yuji a thumbs up. "All's fair in love and war, Yuji. You'll see what I mean when you find that one girl you'd go to the moon and back just to see her smile. Hopefully, you find her sooner than later." Obito winks maintaining his wide grin. Unbeknownst to Yuji, he finds her much sooner than he thought in the form of a pink-haired restaurateur.

- Ω -

"There you are, Vitaliya!" Sam excitedly calls out, reaching for the pink-haired restaurateur with a huge mischievous grin on her face.

Vitaliya raises a brow and eyes her best friend wearily. What is she up to? "What's up, Sam?"

"Guess who's sitting in our restaurant right now?" Sam asks grinning widely with much enthusiasm and excitement.

I'm probably gonna regret asking this. Vitaliya thought to herself, but her curiosity got the better of her, so she decided to play along. "Who?"

"Only one of the most powerful and richest family in town! The Haradas! Not to mention handsome too!" Sam squeals with delight. Vitaliya cringes covering her ears as Sam screams in her ear.

"No... not the Haradas?! In our restaurant too?! I can't believe it!" Vitaliya replies sarcastically.

" don't know who they are, do you?" Sam answers sullenly, realizing that Vitaliya was being sarcastic. Sam glares at Vitaliya.

Vitaliya smiles sheepishly shaking her head and shrugging her shoulders. "No, I don't. Who are they?"

Sam shoves a newspaper into Vitaliya's hand. There's a huge picture of Yuji in one of his dark-colored suits shaking hands with an elderly, sophisticated Asian man, and his son. Obito stands next to Yuji. The headline caption underneath the photo reads: The Haradas acquire project rights to Shanghai Tower, China's tallest skyscraper. From right to left – Idate Morino-Utanabe, Jirocho Utanabe, Yuji Harada, Obito Harada. The bold headline at the top of the page reads, "Haradas Close Multi-Million Dollar Deal."

"See what I mean, handsome huh? The Haradas look even better in person. See?! Especially Yuji Harada, the younger-looking one. He's right over there!" Sam squeals placing an arm around Vitaliya, points at Yuji's picture then towards the Harada table at the younger Harada who's currently wearing a small smile and a defeated look on his face. Vitaliya momentarily freezes and her cheeks turn almost as bright as her hair. Sam smiles gleefully at her best friend's reaction to the younger Harada which she knew she would be right about. Hmph. I knew he was her type!

Oh wow! He is cute! Wait, what am I doing? Get ahold of yourself, Vitaliya. Vitaliya shakes her head, releasing herself from the Harada spell. She turns to her blonde best friend with a distrustful look. "Wait, what does he have to do with me?"

"Nothing if you just keep on standing here. Go over there, take them this bottle of wine and introduce yourself, will ya? Not the older one, he's married but I don't see a ring on the younger one," Sam urges, snatching the paper out of Vitaliya's hand and replacing it with the bottle of wine. Sam shoves Vitaliya.

"Sam! What are you doing?!" Vitaliya shrieks loudly catching the nearest patrons' attention including the Harada cousins. They eye her with concern before resuming their conversation.

"You need to get laid. You've been acting like a little...aah, never mind. Just trust me. Go, you need this," Sam whispers with a hand around her mouth, shooing her with the others. "Good luck!" Sam cheers Vitaliya on with a wide smile and a thumbs up.

Feeling herself flush and the heat of the spotlight on her, Vitaliya spares Sam a death glare as she straightens up, puts on her 'I've got this' façade and strides toward the Harada table. Grr. Sam... I'll get you back for this.

- Ω -

Yuji loudly sighs with an 'I give up' smile and a defeated look on his face. He shrugs. "Maybe but who has time for it. Gram's been pushing me to close accounts all over. It'll be nice to finally lay down in my own bed. I'm exhausted."

"Why don't you tell the old ha- sorry, gonna take time getting used to. Why don't you tell your grandma that you need a little breather?" Obito replies with a worried expression.

"Well, she won't have a choice in a few weeks because I have something I need to take care of. I was actually going to ask if you could watch over things at the office while I'm gone. I'm going to be away for at least two weeks."

"What kind of things do you need to take care of little cousin?" Obito asks wearily, intently studying Yuji.

Before Yuji could answer, Vitaliya arrives at the table with her award-winning smile she knows men go weak for and showcases the bottle of wine. "Hi, my name's Vitaliya. Welcome to Federovski's." She pops open the wine bottle and serves the Harada cousins with a warm smile. A bright aura radiates off the pink-haired beauty or so it seems to the younger Harada. Wow...what the hell did they put in this drink?

"Complimentary wine," Vitaliya offers as she hands Yuji his glass and rouses him back to reality.

Yuji silently accepts his glass with a slightly open mouth. He closes it abruptly realizing that he was staring and silently nods his thanks. Obito grinning widely watches his cousin in amusement. Vitaliya's cheeks flush a little as she nods in acknowledgement.

"Excuse my baby cousin's manners since he has none because he was raised by a she-wolf," Obito replies grinning and extending his hand out to Vitaliya. Yuji scowls at Obito, downs his drink, and silently curses the elder Harada. "Obito Harada. This no-mannered Harada is my bachelor baby cousin, Yuji." Obito emphasizes the word bachelor.

Vitaliya earnestly shakes Obito's hand. "Nice to meet you. How do you gentlemen like the place?" Vitaliya addresses Obito while giving the younger, reserved Harada quick glances and smiles. The younger Harada steals glimpses at Vitaliya and miserably fails to hide his growing blush. Obito beams and takes advantage of his cousin's situation.

"It's great so far. Thank you. The atmosphere and the staff are most definitely pleasing to the eye. Don't you agree little cousin?" Obito presses Yuji with a mischievous grin enunciating the staff being most definitely pleasing to the eye part. Yuji murderously glares and pouts a bit towards Obito which cracks him up since it reminds him of what Yuji used to do when he denied him a piece of candy or told him he was too busy to play.

Tobi, you're so dead. "Yes, very," Yuji murmurs taking a one-second look at Vitaliya and trying desperately hard to hide his growing blush as he looks away and raises his glass over his face to drink. Vitaliya sheepishly smiles.

"Would you say that this restaurant has more appeal, less, or about the same as other restaurants?" Obito eggs on pressing his luck mischievously knowing his cousin could erupt at any moment. The wine glass trembles in Yuji's hand as he tries to come up with a hundred ways to make his cousin pay for putting him in such an embarrassing situation.

Hope you said goodbye to your family, cousin, since you won't be seeing them anytime soon. Yuji smiles fiendishly at the thought. "More," Yuji challenges Obito. You want to play, I'll play.

"Yeah, I think the place turned out beautifully as well," Vitaliya chimes in pleased and clueless to what the Harada cousins really meant.

"Hey, Vitaliya!" Vitaliya looks up to see a spiky, blonde-headed man about her age, with a wide grin wearing a suit and a loud orange tie waving at her from across the room near the entrance. A dark-haired, pale-skinned man, also around Vitaliya's age, standing next to the boisterous blonde, slightly waves as he smiles wide making his eyes disappear into a slant.

Bradley. Vitaliya growls internally at her more than energetic best friend, holds her index finger up and mouths a "be right there." "Vitaliya!" the overexcited blonde repeats as if the whole restaurant didn't hear him the first time.

"Sorry. Would you gentlemen excuse me for a sec?" Vitaliya apologetically excuses herself from the Harada table. "Of course," Obito responds with a nod. Yuji casts an evil glare at the loud blonde, inwardly cursing him from shifting Vitaliya's attention before getting lost in her bright, gleaming emerald eyes. Vitaliya's cheeks fluster as she stares back at his dark obsidians and smiles. Yuji's lips lift at the corner revealing a small smirk as he nods. Vitaliya walks off toward the loud blonde and his pale friend.

- Ω -

"Hi guys," Vitaliya greets her longtime friend, Bradley Winters and his Head of Security, Deivid. Brad rushes Vitaliya practically toppling her and squeezes her in a tight hug.

"I've missed you! Man, this place looks great! Looks like another award-winning restaurant for my Vitaliya!" Bradley boasts grinning wide. "Brad- I can't..breathe." Vitaliya struggles. Brad eases up and lets Vitaliya go. "Heh. Sorry, guess I got a little excited," Bradley confesses. "Thanks, Brad," replies Vitaliya.

"Hi, man-eater. Drained anyone new of his blood, sweat, tears, and money yet or are you still lonely and single?" Deivid greets Vitaliya with a genuine smile.

"Isn't it too early for you to come out? Won't the sunlight turn you to ash or something?" retorts Vitaliya, returning the genuine smile. Vitaliya and Deivid laugh as Vitaliya pulls Deivid in for a hug. Deivid momentarily freezes, still trying to get over his fear of physical contact due to his PTSD from his time in the military, eventually returns Vitaliya's hug.

"Glad you guys can make it," Vitaliya proclaims.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. We have two hours to kill before we gotta get back to the convention. You're still coming to see me talk tonight, right?" Bradley asks.

"Of course! Sam and I will definitely be there," Vitaliya assured her old friend. Sam's gonna kill me but she owes me one after what she pulled earlier. Ha! Bradley relaxes. "I still can't believe that my knuckleheaded friend is a world-famous motivational speaker."

"You better believe it!" Bradley cheers with a thumbs up and a wide grin. Vitaliya and Deivid laugh. Bradley leans into Vitaliya and nods his head towards the Harada table. "Hey, Vitaliya. I think you better get back to that table because your boyfriend keeps giving me the evil eye."

"He's not my boyfriend!" Vitaliya objects, blushing hard.

"Maybe not, but your red face tells me that you like him, don't you?" Bradley instigates. "How come I never got that reaction from you?" Bradley mutters bitterly.

Brad-ley Thomas Winters... Vitaliya growls inwardly. Vitaliya makes a face that Bradley knows all too well when he knows his life is about to flash before his eyes due to her promise of bodily harm.

"Uuh...I think it's time to eat and say hi to Sam," Deivid intervenes pushing Bradley away from the fuming pink-haired restaurateur. "We'll see you later."

- Ω -

"Beautiful is the right word! Eh, Yuji?" Obito chides the internally pissed Yuji. "About what I mentioned earlier..."

"I don't have the time but if it'll get you to shut up then I'll do it. Besides, I already told you earlier I've been looking forward to getting back in my bed and that'll definitely give me a reason to. Don't you think?" Yuji arrogantly interrupts.

"Hn, very well then. The rest is up to you. Excuse me," Obito excuses himself from the table and nods at Vitaliya who just arrived at the Harada table, with a pleased smile as he leaves. Vitaliya smiles slightly at Obito.

"So, are you gentlemen locals or just visiting?" Vitaliya sweetly asks Yuji trying to break the awkwardness.

"Just on lunch," Yuji answers concisely finally placing the glass down and looks at the pink-haired beauty.

"What kind of job do you do if you don't mind me asking?"

"Construction. The Harada Construction Company. Our corporate building is the tallest one down the street with the flower in flower crest on it."

"Oh wow! Sounds great," Vitaliya exclaims surprised.

Yuji studies her. Please don't be one of those crazy, gold-digging fans. Yuji shrugs nonchalantly. "I didn't really have a choice. Just something to do till I accomplish my real goal."

"Good luck," Vitaliya encourages Yuji. He looks at her sincere smile and lifts the corner of his mouth. "Thanks."

"Can I recommend the Chef's special – our Mediterranean-Japanese fusion of Pan-roasted Salmon topped with white-wine cherry tomato sauce?"

"Mediterranean-Japanese? Sounds dangerous, though it probably won't be as good as the ones I've had in Japan," Yuji replies with a hint of arrogance.

"I beg to differ, sir, the ingredients are flown internationally and handpicked by the chef herself, so everything is fresh and of the highest quality. Also, the chef received many compliments from the best chefs in Japan and Europe who praised her for her combination of unique use of ingredients and her innovative techniques," Vitaliya huffed a little put off.

"I'm not saying it wouldn't be good, I'm just saying there's certain things that shouldn't mix - Mediterranean and Japanese is one of them. If you've had real Japanese food from Japan, you'd know exactly what I mean. Have you ever been to Japan?"

"Actually, I have been to Japan numerous times, but it seems that I have a more sophisticated and unbiased palate than some."

"Hey, I know you're just doing your job and your boss would be very impressed at how well you're trying to sell the most expensive item on the menu..."

Did he just...pompous prick. Vitaliya closed her eyes for a second to calm her nerves before she turned the table over and yank the handsome, cocky, dark-haired devil by his collar and throw him out herself. "It -– was just a suggestion. I'll give you a few minutes to decide and I'll send someone over when you're ready. Enjoy your meal and thank you for coming." Vitaliya blurted, cutting the handsome devil from adding more insult to her already wounded pride. Arrogant jerk!

Yuji stared confused and dumbfounded at the pink-haired waitress who just bumped into his cousin on his way back from the restroom. Obito asked if she was alright, and she apologetically offered a half-smile for the incident before continuing.

"Ran her off already, little cousin? What did you say to her? Usually, the Harada men have women running towards them not away from them," Obito claims chuckling as he sat back down.

"I'm...not sure," Yuji honestly replies. Most of the time he knew exactly when he made someone feel weak, inferior, or just downright offended them and pissed them off. For once in Yuji's 23 years of being alive he truly had no idea what he said or done or why it was eating him up that she couldn't get away from him fast enough like he was the devil incarnate himself.

"It looks like it's up to my son to carry out the Harada name since it looks like we won't be getting any help from you," Obito grins while Yuji casts an evil glare at his cousin.

Ω -

"Can you please take over Table 33 for me?" Vitaliya requested the nearest waitress.

"Of course. What's wrong, another one of your overly pushy admirers?" The young waitress asked smiling with a warmth of concern.

Vitaliya shakes her head and smiles. "No, them I can deal with, and you can get the weekend off just for helping me out and dealing with my very special customer. Thanks, Amari." Vitaliya winks at the beaming waitress.

A few minutes later, Sam barges into Vitaliya's office who's busy tapping the keys on her phone.

"So... spill. When's Prince Harada whisking you away on his prized bronco or better yet let you ride his bronco?" Sam grills Vitaliya with her "I wanna know everything and I'm not leaving until you tell me" smile.

"Feel free to ride the prince's bronco yourself because you can have him," Vitaliya answers without looking up from her phone.

Sam's mouth falls open and crinkles her forehead. "What the fuck? I practically gift wrapped him and handed him to you on a silver platter. What did you do?"

"What makes you think it was me?" Vitaliya asked defensively staring questioningly at her best friend. "It's not my fault he's a pompous jerk whothinksheknowseverythingaboutfood."

"He's a Harada, he was raised to think that nothing will ever be good enough for them. Just promise me you won't eat him up the next time you see him. Leave the eating to him." Sam winks.

Vitaliya rolls her eyes. "Sure, Sam, I promise." Like I'll ever see him again anyway. "By the way, I told Bradley we'll be there to watch him tonight."

It's Sam's turn to roll her eyes. "Ugh, fine. At least that cute head of security of his is gonna be there too."

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Here we have introduced our key players: our main ML - Yujimoto Harada aka "Yuji", our main FL - Vitaliya Federovski or Taliya (Talia), and a few of our supporting but important characters. The next chapter will be a view of what's happening at the same timeline as our main protagonist that our main characters are unaware of but we readers need to know. It also just gives a little more in depth look at our "other" main players in the story. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and come with me on this journey. Hope you continue our journey and stay with me till the end. As always, Enjoy & Happy Reading!

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