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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Escape

I only saw darkness. An annoying beeping sound interrupted my peaceful sleep. I counted them. One, two, three, beep. One, two, three, Beep. The repetitiveness of them annoyed me. The sharp shrill beep continued but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. I tried to open my eyes but they were still very heavy. It felt as if there were brick holding them down. How long had I been sleeping? Or was I sleeping? Had I died when Jordan smashed my head against the tub? I pushed all my energy to open my eyes. My eyes peeled open to reveal a white tiled ceiling. I squinted my eyes from the brightness. Where ever I was they must love the color white. I moved my fingers and toes trying to feel if they were still there. I tried to sit up but I felt instantly nauseous. I lay back down and opened my eyes a bit more, letting them adjust to the brightness. I looked at my arms first. There were massive black bruises all over them and two tubes one red and one clear sprouted from my arm. My head pounded and my lungs burned as if I hadn't been breathing for years. I licked my dry rough lips and swung my legs over the bed. I stood swaying slightly. Dragging the intravenous machine along with me as I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were sunken and my face was pale. A huge cut stretched from the corner of my lip to the center of my cheek. I looked at the dark circles under my eyes, then I noticed my forehead. I pulled the gauze layer by layer and it started to reveal the secret underneath. My lip quivered as I saw the huge scar that was forming. I raised my hand and felt where it began and ended. The cut started an inch above my right eyebrow and ended two inches after my hairline. My fingertips ran over the stitches. I counted to ten, twenty, and twenty five, twenty eight. The tears fell down from my eyes. I had thirty two stiches. I sat back down on the bed and cried. He did this to me. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me. I know we may not have the best relationship but how could he of done this to me? I pictured the fight. Him choking me and holding me against the wall. Kicking me in the stomach. When I pictured him slamming me against the tub I felt the pain again. I remembered feeling the blood slide down my forehead and the black spots that I saw. Then I remembered Jordan. His voice as he whispered that this was my fault. I never deserved this, never. What was I going to do now? I couldn't go home, Jordan wouldn't believe me if I told him that I never told what happened to the doctors. What if they do ask though? Who found me? Did I come here on my own? Jordan wouldn't have called an ambulance, mom wouldn't have either because she would be too afraid of the police taking away her beloved drugs. That only leaves Cassy, but how had she gotten into the apartment? Or was it a neighbor?

I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes. Being up and awake was tiring. The shock of what Jordan had done to me was just exhausting. I started to fall asleep again. I wonder if I don't wake up would anyone come and find me. Or would I die and be known as another Jane Doe? My head seemed to pulse where the cut was and the air burned. How long had I been here? I took a deep breath and rolled onto my side finding no comfort. I want to go home. I want to go and sleep in my own bed, in my own house and stay there till I die. I don't want to fight anymore, I just wanted to slip into the darkness never to return once more. I'd feel no pain, I'd feel happy and maybe then if I surrender to the darkness I will finally be free from the body that confines me.

For what seems like days later I woke to people talking. The annoying beeping sound was still there. Instead of opening my eyes I tried to listen to the people talking. The first voice I recognised was Cassy. So she was the one who had brought me here. Thank god for her. I probably would have bled out on the bathroom floor and died. But why had she been at my apartment. I listened to what the doctor was saying. He sounded cute but his tone was serious. He was telling her how I need a lot of rest and a safe and caring environment to be in. I could just picture her standing close to him looking up at him with her big blue eyes. I slightly opened my eyes just enough to see them. The doctor was a tall skinny man. He looked very young to be a doctor, maybe he was an intern or something. He looked at me and then back at Cassy, his face had concerned written all over it. I would be too if a young woman came in looking like how I do. When I saw Cassy it almost brought a tear to my eye. Her hair was messy and her eyes were red and puffy. Had she been crying for me? She didn't deserve to have this stress put on her. First Jordan had almost hit her and now she's in the hospital watching over her beaten friend. What had she done when I didn't answer the apartment door? What was she thinking when she saw me on the floor laying in my own pool of blood? She never deserved to have a shit friend like me. The doctor looked at me once more and excused himself. I closed my eyes, I didn't want to wake up just now I needed to know more. Did they know I had already been awake and saw my face?

Cassy sat beside me in the chair. She wiped away another tear and placed her hand on mine. Her cold hands shivered as she let out another sob. "Please wake up". She begged my unmoving body. "Please I need you Sam. You can't leave me here on my own". She sniffled and took in a deep breath. I never once thought that she needed me just as much as I needed her. I always thought that it was me depending on her, not the other way around. She needed me to wake up. I couldn't sit here pretending to be asleep when it caused her pain. I squeezed her hand back and her head flung up staring me in the face. "Cassy?" I asked. My voice was scratchy and it hurt to talk. "Oh my god!" She bounced out of her chair and hugged me. I cringed and she backed away. "Oh my god Sam you're awake." She exclaimed. "I'll be right back you stay there I need to get the doctor". She started to run out of the room and out the hall. "No" I called back. She stopped and looked at me. "Please don't. Stay with me and tell me what happened." Did she even know what had happened? She probably had pieced it together herself but I really didn't want the doctor in here and examining me just yet. She walked back and held my hand again. "Sam, you're really hurt. The doctor said that if you wake up or I notice you move I'm supposed to get him right way." She started backing away again and walked towards the door. I looked out the window and she left the room. I only had a cut why was I still here? And why had it taken me so long to wake up?

The doctor seemed happy that I was awake. He immediately came by my side and examined my cut. "It's looking good, you're healing quickly" he said smiling at me. "Since I'm awake now can you take these tubes out of my arms?" I asked. He nodded and walked out the door. I could hear his shoes squeak down the hall. When I was sure I was gone I looked at Cassy. "What happened?" I asked. She looked at me and pursed her lips. Her eyes moved along the room as if she was afraid of something. What was it that she wasn't telling me? "See when I found you, I almost thought that you were dead. Then all of the blood I saw it was absolutely horrid." A tear fell from her eye.

I wanted to ask more. How had she gotten into my apartment? How many days had I been in this hospital? I was about to open my mouth when the doctor walked in followed by a short Hispanic nurse. She hurried to my side and started feeling where the tubes connected to my skin. "You feeling better now yes?" The nurse asked as she undid the tape on my arms. I nodded and watched her. She seemed jittery. I hope she doesn't mess up and leave a scar. She pulled out a string like tube that has been in my arm and threw it into the trash can. I didn't bleed much when the tube was gone. Maybe I had lost most of the blood in the bathroom. The nurse smiled at me and excused herself from the room. The doctor stood beside me holding a file with all of my medical history. He looked up at Cassy. "I am sorry ma'am but I need you to leave the room for a few minutes. Samantha and I need to have a private conversation". Cassy looked at me and started to walk out the door. I could tell she didn't want to leave me alone. Why was she so scared?

I looked at the doctor puzzled. He pursed his lips as if even he was afraid to say something. Why was everyone on pins and needles around me? It was only a fight, it's not like I died or anything. "Samantha". He stated to say. "It's Sam. Just call me Sam." I blurted out. He nodded. "Sam, when the ambulance brought you in here and we examined you we found something that might be a shock to you". Dear god, what had they found? Cancer? A life threatening ulcer in the back of my brain? Are my injuries more severe than what I had seen in my reflection? "You had sustained quite a bit of head trauma from the attack." I nodded was he ever going to tell me what he found? "Sam when your blood sample came back there was something that I should bring to your attention. We found high mounts of HCG in your system." He pursed his lips as he flipped through his charts. Now I was really confused. What the hell was HCG? "I don't understand." I muttered. He took a deep breath. "Samantha, you're pregnant." My jaw dropped. No I can't be pregnant. This was impossible. "No I'm not! This is impossible." I said looking at him. Who the hell was this man? He had gotten the blood test wrong then. He had to of messed it up. I tried to look back into my memories. Jordan had always worn a condom. Then I remembered a few days ago. How he pushed me against the wall. How I surrendered and just let him do what he wanted. I shook my head and started to cry. "No I can't be". My skin felt like it was on fire. What was I going to do? I'm too young to be a mother. I can't do this. This can't be happening.

He stood closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder. Sam you have been through quite a bit to take in all at once, if you would like I can set up a meeting with the hospitals psychiatrist and you and her can talk and work things out. The tears stopped instantly and were replaced with rage. "I am not crazy!" I yelled looking up at him. The instant rise in volume must have startled him because he jumped back towards the wall. "Samantha, please keep your voice down." He pursed his lips stepping forward. The psychiatrist is a wonderful woman and an exceptional doctor I'm positive that you two will get along perfectly." What was his guy trying to do? I'm not crazy, I don't need a shrink and I don't need a doctor that's only a couple years older than I am. I sat up in the bed. The doctor flew to my side ready to catch me if I fell back. "You have to take it easy, you don't want to push yourself to much Samantha". My head did feel dizzy but I couldn't let him get the satisfaction of proving me wrong. "I am not crazy and I sure as hell don't need a shrink to tell me that I'm normal." My fists were clutched holding the hospital blankets in a tight ball. What the hell was this guy trying to do? I wasn't going to talk. If I did Jordan would know.

It would only get worse if I was to talk to someone, plus I have friends to talk to for that, I don't need a special doctor to tell me what's normal in life. Why would I ever want to be normal anyways? To be like everyone else? A molded clone for society to chew up and spit out. I don't fucking think so. "I'm not going to another doctor and I want to leave this place right now." I said pulling off the covers. I looked at my legs and saw the bruises. Glass cuts and bandages covered them. Deep dark bruises splattered over them. "Sam, you won't be leaving. At least not for a couple more days." He said sternly. "And why not? I'm awake, I'm fine, now let me go, I don't want to stay here". He looked at me. His eyes were plastered with fake emotions. What was he trying to do? Make me feel sad so I would stay here? Or make me calm down so he could drug me and lock me up in an insane asylum. "Sam, you have had serious injuries to your head and minor to the rest of your body. You have enough bruises covering your legs than most people have had in their whole life. If you strain yourself you could cause brain damage and then would have to go through more testing. I am only here to help you Sam. I only want what is best for your health." I looked at the window. This isn't what's best for me. I need to be on my own. Away from everyone and everything. "When can I get out of this place?" I asked. He flipped through his papers and skimmed them. "We need to do a few more tests. Just some basic tests to make sure there's no brain damage and then we can get you set up on antibiotics to help heal the cuts and then you will be released after you give your living arrangements to the hospital". I shook my head. "Why do you need my address?" He looked at me with the fake emotions. "How did you get these injuries Sam?" He asked looking me up and down. "I don't think that it's any of your business how I got them." I can't believe this. What was I going to do? I can't tell him what really happened. "If you want to get out of here in less than a week I suggest you talk to someone." He said walking out of the room.

I laid back on the bed and put my hands over my eyes shielding away the light. What was I going to do now? Had the fight hurt the baby? Was it even possible for it to be hurt? He never told me if it was ok. Does Jordan know I'm here? Or did he think I just left? I rolled over to my side and closed my eyes. My eye lids felt heavy. I wiped my eyes and let out a breath and waited for sleep to come. A part of me hopes that I wouldn't wake up. Why would I want to anyways?

When I woke up, Cassy wasn't in the chair beside me. Maybe she had gone home or to work. I hope she's safe. I couldn't imagine Jordan coming after her now. What was mom thinking? Or had she even noticed I was gone. I looked around my room. There were no clocks and everything was white and sterilized. There were no tubes in my arms anymore but I did notice one thing was different. There was a stack of clothes lying on a side table in the corner of the room. I looked around the door searching for a nurse or the young doctor. The hall seemed surprisingly empty and quiet. I moved over to the clothes. Walking seemed much easier now. There was only a tiny bit of soreness in my legs and arms but that was probably from being in bed this whole time. I lifted up the clothes and looked at the dull grey material. Where the hell did they find these, the lost and found bin? I held up a pair of dull grey cotton gym pants. I held them up to my body, they were definitely a couple sizes too big. I tossed the sweats onto the bed and looked down at the shirt. Bronx community college was written in black over the grey shirt. How dirty were these clothes? I looked down at what I was already wearing. The clothes were a huge upgrade from the light blue hospital gown I was wearing.

I closed the door and started undressing. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Disappearing bruises covered my body. I must have looked like I had been hit by a train when I came in. I slipped on the clothes and looked at my face in the mirror. How had I gotten into such a mess? I was worthless, a no good worthless stupid girl. I sat in the chair and brought my knees up to my chest. My body was tense and tight. I stretched my spine till it cracked. I pushed out my arms and pulled the muscles. I took a deep breath trying to push out my ribs. My whole body felt sore. I sat there and turned my neck to look out the window. Cars passed by and people walked with ought a care in the world. They were like tiny little ants all moving in a sequence. All controlled by the thought of being normal.

Another doctor walked into the room. She looked different from the usual long white doctor's coat and white shoes. She wore a simple floral shirt and pure black pants. Her hair was in a simple pony tail and her makeup was plain. I looked her up and down as she came into the room and stood in front of me. "Hello Samantha. My name is Dr. Andrews". She must be the psychiatrist. "I know who you are." I said to her. "I don't want a shrink." She looked at me with a blank face. "I was recommended by the doctor on staff that you have some things that we need to talk about." She smiled a sweet smile and sat on the bed. She looked at the papers she had with her. Flipping through the pages to find something to talk about. What was she going to bring up? Or had the tests come back saying something else was wrong. Her eyebrows pushed together.

"So Sam, I see here that your tests have shown that you're pregnant." She looked up at me as if that was a question. I nodded and she continued to flip through her papers. "And do you know who the father is?" She asked tilting her head slightly. I looked at her. If I told her that Jordan was the father would they try to find him? Would they ask how old he is? Or would she bring up my numerous bruises and cuts? "You don't have to talk to me right now Samantha. We can always talk another day." She said walking towards the door. "I don't want to talk to you or anyone about my life". I could feel my body getting hotter. Who the hell does she think she is? Am I supposed to let this stranger walk into my life and I have to tell them everything about me? Am I supposed to just sit here in this bed and let her judge my decisions and tell me what I should be doing instead of what I am? "I am here to help you Sam. I'm here so we can talk and prepare you for what comes next in your life". I shook my head. She took one last look at me and walked out the door. What was I going to do with a baby? Would Jordan even care? Tears came from my eyes. There was nothing I could do. I can't keep this baby.

I sat in my bed and looked up at the ceiling. My life was over. I looked down at my stomach. How in the world was there a tiny baby growing inside me. I barely had any money to support myself not to mention my mother and now I have a child to take care of. I had only been awake for a few hours and already I was exhausted. I closed my eyes and just as I started to fall asleep a knock came from the door. My eye opened and Cassy walked into the room. She smiled and sat down beside me. "How are you feeling now?" she asked holding my hand. Her lips pursed as she examined my tired face. "I just want to go home and sleep Cassy. I hate being here". She nodded and walked over to the side table.

"I brought u a pair of clothes from my house and I was thinking maybe you could stay with me for a couple of days, just till you're fully healed". Cassy smiled and placed the clothes on the end of the bed.

I scratched at my scar. "Yea sure, maybe that will be best". I didn't want to stay with anyone. I wanted to go home and sleep for years at a time. I sat up trying not to make myself dizzy again. She smiled and walked out the door to let me change. My body was sore and my bones cracked as I pulled on a pair of jeans and shirt. I didn't realize how much weight I had lost by being in the hospital. My hip bones stuck out and my fingers seemed long and boney. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was pale and my skin seemed as if it was tightly pulled over my bones. It looked like I was dead, a walking skeleton. I let out a long sigh and walked out the door to meet Cassy. She was just finishing signing my release forms when I reached her. She smiled at me and grabbed my hand leading me out to her car. She was silent on the drive home. The whole time couldn't help but wonder if I was going back to my apartment or hers. If we went to mine would he be there? Just sitting waiting for me to come back so he could finally kill me. I could just picture him sitting on the couch watching TV and then when I walk through the door he would jump up and continue the beating and this time I doubt I would wake up.

Cassy drove past the turn off to my apartment and followed the busy streets towards her apartment. I had to admit I was somewhat relieved, I mean there's no way Jordan knows where Cassy lives and there's no way he could just come and barge into hers with ought a key. For one I was probably going to be safe. Looking out the window I watched the cars and people pass by and then the car pull into the parking lot. Cassy smiled at me and got out of the car pulling out a plastic bag from the back seat. I look at the bag puzzled. While you were asleep I went to your apartment and got a few of your clothes. I nodded wondering how the apartment looked. Would there still be blood on the floor? Had Jordan trashed the place? Cassy was just lucky that she had gone there when he was gone. I thought about him picking up her tiny, frail body and throwing her against a wall. She would never survive his beatings.

I followed her up three flights of stairs. Each step my body groaned from the strain. I had been asleep for so long that even walking upstairs was hard. I was exhausted by the time we reached the door. She unlocked the door and stepped back to let me in first. There was a twinge of fear. I pictured Jordan rushing to me and grabbing me by the neck, throwing me down the stairs and watching me fall to my death. Cassy looked at me tilting her head. With a little shrug of her shoulders she walked past me and into the apartment. Tossing the bag of clothes onto the couch she walked into the kitchen area and opened the fridge. I walked slowly into the apartment, making sure the door was tightly locked and secured. Standing in the kitchen doorway I watched Cassy get two glasses from a cupboard and pour water from a pitcher into them. Handing a glass to me she smiled and walked into the living room. She seemed as if nothing fazed her, as if my accident had never happened. Sitting beside her I took a sip from the glass. I thought about what I was going to do now. I couldn't go back to the apartment alone, but I couldn't just leave. What would happen if mom walked into the apartment and Jordan was there waiting for me. He would hurt her till she tells him where I am and if she didn't know, he would kill her trying to find me. He would kill anyone who knew me. Everyone I know is in danger and it is all my fault. Tears started to form in my eyes. Everything is my fault. People will die because of me. I tried to hide the tears, tried to swallow the lump in my throat, but I was too late and Cassy noticed. Her eyes grew sad and she pulled me closer. Taking the glass she set it aside and held me.

"Don't worry Sam everything will be fine. We will get you a new life, a new job, a new place and you can even stay here until you get yourself back on your feet". I nodded and she wiped the tears from my eyes. "You should try to get some sleep" she said standing to her feet. I wasn't tired, but I nodded anyways. Walking to the hall closet Cassy pulled out a blanket and laid it in the couch. "I think I should get some sleep too" she said smiling at me. She gave me a kiss on the forehead and said goodnight. "Goodnight and thank you for letting me stay here" I said as she walked into her bedroom. Poking out her head form the doorway she smiled. "It's okay Sam you're my friend".

I stood looking towards the doorway for a couple of minutes just soaking in what had happened. Looking at the couch and blanket I decided it was best that I at least try to sleep. I lay down and pulled the covers up to my chin. Resting my head on the pillow I closed my eyes. I was restless, tossing and turning I couldn't find sleep. Turing on the TV and flipping through channels didn't help. I turned off the TV and turned onto my side facing the back of the couch. I started counting the flowers on the patterns and soon I fell asleep. I dreamed of nothing, just blackness. Hours seemed like minutes and when I awoke it felt like I hadn't even slept. I sat up on the couch and took sip from the glass of warm water. Looking around the apartment it seemed very quiet. I felt something odd like danger was coming for me. I looked at the door but nothing happened, though I still felt as if something was wrong I lay back onto the couch and watched the ceiling. I listened to the ticking of the kitchen clock. The rhythmic sound made me drowsy. I closed my eyes and listened. Tick, tick, tick. After a couple minutes I fell deeper into my sleep. I didn't know what time it was, but with the footsteps out in the hall it must have been morning. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. Only two thirty in the morning. I listened harder. The footsteps grew louder. My heart skipped a beat. I closed my eyes and wished that the steps would disappear. I counted each step. One, two, three, four, nothing. I breathed a sigh of relief. I stood up and walked towards the door. Looking out the peep hole what I saw made my heart drop and my chest tighten. I backed away from the door slowly trying not to make a sound, but he had found me. I turned around and ran into the bedroom. I shook Cassy madly trying to wake her. "Please Cassy! Wake up! He's here he found me, please wake up". Tears streamed from my eyes. I was going to die he wasn't going to let me go. I would have to die to escape him.

His boot kicked down the door and he barreled through the hall to find me. Cassy jumped up out of bed and started running to Jordan. Cassy screamed at him to go away. I was helpless, I fell to the floor of the bedroom and waited for death. I could hear everything. I heard Jordan slam Cassy against the wall, I could hear her scream for him to leave and I could hear him ask where I was. He didn't know where I was. He didn't know I was here, this was my chance. I stood up and started to run out the door. I barely got past the front doorway when I felt his rough hands pull me by the neck. My body crumpled to the floor beside Cassy. Blood was streaming from her mouth and a gash on her forehead. Her body lay lifeless on the floor. I got up and dragged myself to her. I shook her but she didn't wake up. My lip quivered and tears fell onto the floor. I killed her. My best friend was dead because of me. Jordan pulled me to me feet and turned me to face him. "See this?" he asked "this is what you did. You should have ever fucking left me". I nodded surrendering to him. He set me back on my feet and his fist connected to my face. I closed my eyes and let him beat me. His foot kicked me in the stomach and head. He beat me till blackness surrounded me and held me in its grasp.

When I woke up I was beside Cassy. She was sprawled on the ground with dried blood covering her face and arms. A pool of blood beside her mouth. I tried to get up but I fell hard to the floor. I cried dry tears and pulled myself closer to her. I put my hand on her shoulder and shook her slightly. There was no response from her, I put my hand against her chest trying to feel a heartbeat. I felt a faint beat pumped in her chest. I pulled myself up slowly trying not to fall to the floor. I sat on the couch resting my head in my hands I started to cry. I cried so hard that I was choking from lack of oxygen. Cassy took a deep breath and groaned. Her eyes opened slightly and searched for me. "Cassy are you okay? I'm so sorry Cassy, I never wanted this to happen. I didn't think that he would find me" I said tears falling from my face. She moved her hand to her head and grimaced in pain as she felt the gash. She tried to talk, but only confused mumbled came from her mouth. She propped herself up on her elbow and looked around the room noticing the tipped furniture and the blood on the floor. She raised her hand to her mouth and felt at the cut in her lip. Tears came from her eyes as if the pain was just becoming noticeable. "I'm so sorry" I muttered to her. I looked at her face trying to see if she was angry at me or upset. It took her a few seconds to pull herself together and wipe away the tears and blood, but then I could see it in her eyes. She wasn't scared anymore or even upset. She was angry.

She pulled herself up and rose to her feet. Wobbling a tiny bit, I could see that she was as shaken up as I was. "That's it!" she screamed. "No one comes into my house and fucks with my friends". I could feel the anger pulsing off her body as if she wanted the world to feel her hatred. She turned and stomped into the bathroom. I could hear the faucet being turned on and off and her move through the cupboard, but I didn't move. I want to freeze my life. I don't want it anymore. I want a new one, a better one. A damp cloth hit my face and broke me from my trance. I looked up at Cassy dabbing her face trying not to flinch at the pain. I opened my mouth to speak, but as normal Cassy was the one to talk first. "Get ready Sam" she told me. "Get ready for what? Where are we going?" I said dabbing my face. She looked back at me as if I should have known the answer. "We're just going to stop over at a place I know and then we're going to get your life back." She took one last glance in the mirror then spun on her heels and walked towards her bedroom. I was still sat on the couch thinking of what she meant by getting my life back. I didn't want my life back though. "Here put these on you look like a wreck" She called as she tossed a pair of clean non-blood stained clothes at me. These definitely weren't my type of clothing, tight fitting jeans with a short cropped shirt. Fumbling around to put the clothes on I could feel where he had kicked and grabbed me. My arms ached and were already becoming stiff as I stretched them up and through the shirt. I had to hold my breath when putting on the jeans which made my ribs feel like they were about to burst from my skin. I was just finishing wiping the last of the blood from my face when I noticed she was already standing at the door, keys in hand waiting for me. I was careful not to step in any blood as I walked through the living room. It was disgusting how many spots and rubbed off blood was on the floor. Our cuts weren't bad, but they sure as hell bled. Standing beside her she motioned for me to go first almost as if she was scared that he was waiting for us out there. To be honest I was too. I took the first step out and quickly looked both ways as if I was a five year old just learning how to cross the street. It was clear, we were safe for a little longer. Locking the door behind her she quickly pushed in front and almost ran to down the stairs and to the car. I was very surprised how quickly she was moving considering the amount of pain she must be in. We barely had enough time to take a breath before we were speeding down the busy streets.

After a few minutes of staring out the window I had realized that we were exiting the city. "Cassy where the hell are you taking me?" I asked sternly. She shook her head. "To my father's cabin it's only a few minutes out of the city". She said keeping her eyes focused on the road. I saw the exit sign pass and looked back at her. "Why?" I asked still looking out the window. I didn't want to see her face get angry with me for asking questions. "Sam! Shut up and let me drive" She yelled back at me. I was stunned. Cassy never yelled intentionally at me. At least not in anger. She was planning something, something that even I wasn't supposed to know. I tried to think of what there could be at the cabin. I never even knew she had a cabin, I'm guessing she had probably talked about it before, but I didn't care enough to listen. Stupid me. I couldn't even listen to her and she had to get beaten up by my boyfriend, had to get her face slammed into the ground for me to realize she was a good friend and I wasn't. I looked at her face where bruises were already starting to form. This was my fault. I had made him angry. I had put her in danger. It was my fault, everything was.

"I'm sorry" I muttered. She looked back at me, I could tell she wasn't angry anymore, but there still felt like something was off. "Don't be, I mean what are friends for right?" She smiled and then flinched once again. "Where are we going?" I asked softly trying not to make her angry. I just didn't want to be yelled at any more. I want silence. " In about twenty minutes we're going to reach a road where my father has his cabin that mom doesn't know about, he keeps a spare key hiding somewhere by the door so I could get in if I ever wanted to go there or mom pisses him off." She smiled at me. What in the world was there for us? What could we possibly need? Money? A place to stay? I sat there and bit at the scab on my mouth. Looking out the window, I watched the trees pass by. Quaint little farm houses with horses and a couple cows every couple of minutes passed. I had never been outside of the city before. Possibly a couple times but nothing that I could remember much of. It was like a huge beautiful new world outside of my tiny horrible one.

After a few more minutes we reached a long dirt road. The car shook as we drove down the winding dirt path. I tried to look ahead of us too see the cabin and if anything special was there, but the trees that lined the path kept it hidden. That was very true, it wasn't till we were almost past the gate that we could clearly see it. It looked old and rustic, with a dark wooden exterior and a moss covered roof. It was nothing that I had expected it to be. I looked around trying to find something that stood out, but there was nothing but a small shack that probably housed unused gardening tools and a small stack of precut firewood. Cassy must have noticed me looking around the yard at all the things because she let out a soft giggle. "What are you laughing at?" I asked with a smirk. She looked at me again and giggled. "You look like a child in a new store that's all". She smiled once more and pulled the car up beside the front of the cabin. Shrugging my shoulders I got out of the car and followed Cassy to the door. She stood looking at it for a second as if it was going to magically open any second. "Are we going inside?" I asked puzzled. Rolling her eyes she reached up and felt around the top of the door. "Aha! Found it" I looked up to see her holding a tiny bronze key.

"Mom's too short to ever be able to reach this high up." She said with a smile. I watched her unlock the door, my heart was oddly racing as if there was gold on the other side of the door. What could possibly be in there that could help us? The door creaked open and the smell of stale air rushed past us. Cassy stepped in first and immediately went to the back of the room. My eyes gazed at all the little ornaments and paintings on the walls. The inside of the cabin was much nicer than I expected. I looked back at Cassy to see her pull out a large square black box. I peeked over her shoulder as she pulled off the lid. My jaw dropped as she pulled out the shiny silver gun. "Oh my god Cassy!" I yelled. I took a step back. I didn't want anything to do with a gun. "What the hell are we supposed to do with that?" I asked. She gave me a little smirk and held the gun in her hand. "We're going to get your life back". Cassy put the gun back in the box and tucked it under her arm. As we walked out the door I felt like there were eyes on us, staring at us. We got into the car and Cassy immediately placed the box on my lap. I felt weird knowing that there was a gun lying on my lap. I felt like a criminal as if I was about to get busted by the cops. The whole car ride was silent, I could feel Cassy's bubbly energy as she drove back to the city. I was just staring at the box the whole car ride. What did Cassy have in mind with this thing? Did she just expect to see Jordan and just shoot him? My mind was racing with thoughts about what she wanted to do with the gun, what she already had planned and if this was going to work.

As we drove into the city I recognized the streets and I knew where she was driving. We were going to see Jordan. I looked at her and saw nothing but joy on her face. She smiled and looked back at me. "I told you we are going to get your life back". I shook my head. "What do you plan on doing? Just walk into his apartment and shoot the place up?" Shaking her head she turned the last corner and parked the car. She pulled the box from my hands grabbed the gun and tucked it into her jacket. I looked around making sure no one was around to see us. The street was oddly vacant as if the world wanted us to break in. Cassy nudged me to get out of the car. I took a deep breath and climbed out standing right in front of the apartment building. I had never been in his apartment before and now I'm breaking in. Cassy walked right up to the front door and stopped to turn to me. "How do we get in?" I asked her. She looked around us and smiled at me. "Watch" She whispered. She walked up to the voice box and pressed the button to an apartment. A scratchy male voice came on and asked who it was. With her sweetest voice Cassy explained she had forgotten her keys and if he could unlock the doors to get her spare set. The door buzzed and it was unlocked. With a peppy thank you she rushed into the building. She went right up to the mailbox and looked for Jordan's mailbox and apartment number. Tracing her fingers along the labels and smiled and turned to me. "Found him, apartment B4". She shrugged her shoulders and started up the stairs. It was stupid but a part of me wished she never found his name. No matter how much Jordan had hurt me, I didn't want him hurt or killed.

I followed her up the stairs hoping that the apartment was empty. She stood in front of the door, and fumbled around the door frame for a key. Part of me hoped she wouldn't find anything. No matter how much Jordan hurt me I didn't want anyone else to get hurt. What if he is in that apartment? What if he saw us? Would he kill us this time? I smiled when Cassy didn't find a key. "Cassy let's just go" I asked pulling her hand towards the exit. She pulled away. "I just want to try one more thing". I sighed. There was no key so what other way did she plan to break in? I watched her hand move towards the door knob. Jordan can't be stupid enough to leave the door unlocked. Cassy turned the knob and pushed at the door and with a click it opened. She walked right in and I quickly followed behind her. Looking over her shoulder I searched for any sign that Jordan was home.

No shoes, his sweater was gone, I breathed a sigh of relief. We walked around the living room and into the kitchen. Cassy seemed to be looking for something, but what would he have that was worth any value to us? I stood in the kitchen watching Cassy root through the apartment, looking around I saw that Jordan's door was closed. I only had been here a couple of times, but never had I seen the door closed. The feeling that something was wrong shook through my body. Could he be in his room? His shoes were missing but I guess he could have worn them to bed. As I walked over towards the bedroom I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror Cuts covered my face. My lip was cut open and a small cut on my cheek was still covered in dry blood. Bruises were already forming on my face, neck and arms. I looked over at Cassy, her lip was cut but few bruises showed. I can't believe she is still here, sill my friend through all the shit that's happened. She was beat up just because she's my friend. She didn't deserve anything that happened to her, But did I?

I took a deep breath and walked towards the bedroom door, turning the handle the door creaked slightly as it opened. My heart stopped when I saw Jordan passed out on the bed with bottles of beer surrounding him. I started to close the door when Cassy stopped me and slipped into the room. Cassy silently walked over to his dresser and looked in the drawer. "Cassy let's just go, please" I whispered to her. She ignored me and continued searching through the drawers. Jordan wouldn't have anything that's of value and if he did it was probably going to be pawned off for booze money. On the last drawer Cassy smiled and looked up at me. She pulled out a single roll of cash and flipped through it. It must have been a hidden stash that Jordan had forgotten about. "There's about 300 dollars in here" She whispered to me. Tucking the money into her back pocket we slipped out of the front door and back into the safety of her car. I didn't ask where we were going next, Knowing Cassy we would be going to rob bank next.

I looked out the window and started at all the people. They seemed so happy and care free, just focusing on their little lives. Why couldn't I have a life like that? No, the world hates me, pregnant with my abusive boyfriend's baby. I was destined for a bad life, sometimes you just have to accept the inevitable. We pulled up to the front of my apartment building. It looked so run down, so trashy, so my life. We walked up the dull grey carpeted stairs and into the empty apartment. Cassy immediately walked into the kitchen and tossed me a couple Wal-Mart shopping bags. "Fill them with all your stuff" she said. "I'm getting you out of here." I furrowed m brow thinking of where I was going. My clothes filled only one bag the other two had a couple of towels, makeup and a hairbrush. I didn't have anything worth taking with me. I walked into the kitchen and motioned for us to leave, just as we were walking through the doorway I saw a pen and pad of paper by the phone. Would it even make a difference if I told mom I was leaving? She deserved to know that I wouldn't be paying for her habit any longer. I wrote very clear for her to read, just in case she was going through withdrawals and needed her next fix. I told her that I was leaving, she would be on her own and that I love her. I signed my name at the bottom and placed the paper on the counter.

We climbed into car and silently drove to the train station. The whole ride I thought of just my mother. What if she doesn't see the note? What if Jordan walks in and hurts her? I feel bad for leaving her, but then again, was she really much of a mom? I remember the time she OD'd in the bathroom and slammed her head against the sink. She begged me not to call the police or a hospital, so I stayed with her all night holding her head in my lap till the bleeding stopped the next morning. All the times that I stayed with her, all the money that was stolen and all the childhood moments missed because of her. I should have called the police that night, they would have put her in rehab and when shoe would get back we could be a happy family, just like all the others, but then I think harder. If she left I would have been taken away and put in some foster care home, tossed around by family after family. It would have been worse than it is now, or I guess was. I put her in the back of my mind, she is no longer my main concern.

Cassy parked the car, grabbed my bags and together we walked u- t the ticket booth. The lady looked at us with pure boredom. "What can I do for you girls?" She asked smacking her lips. She chewed her gum as if it were a huge rock she was trying to crush with her teeth. Cassy pulled out a fifty dollar bill from her back pocket. "We need one ticket out of here, the first train that's leaving. One way please." Cassy smiled sweetly. The woman took a glance at her computer. "The next train out of here is Tyrrell County, North Carolina." Cassy looked back at me. "It's perfect" She said. The lady's long nails snatched up the money and son returned with a skinny slip of paper telling us which train to take. "You better hurry up you have ten minutes before the train departs". Cassy pulled me towards the train and held my hands in hers. "This is your chance to get out, to be whoever you want, to do whatever you want. You have to go Sam! This could be the best thing that ever happened to you." She said shaking my hands. "But Cassy I've never been to North Carolina, I have no idea what to do or what the city is like." I knew nothing about where I was going. She handed me my bags and reached into her back pocket and pulled out the huge wad of cash. "This will give you enough to get a hotel or even a cheap place for a few nights and you can pawn off a few things for emergency money. Just please be careful, I'll miss you. Here take this too" She pulled out her wallet and handed me another hundred. I knew she was a better friend to me than I was to her. "Thanks Cassy, I'll miss you too" I said pulling way. A man came over the intercom and announced that my train was about to depart. I gave Cassy one last hug, gathered my things and rushed off to the train. Looking back I saw tears fall from her eyes. She saved me.

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