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Chapter 3: Skyport

Lucas sat on the bed, absolutely stunlocked, his expression frozen in disbelief as the weight of the news settled upon him. The realization that he had daughters in this world left him utterly stunned, struggling to comprehend the unexpected turn of events. Montague Beaumont, an affluent man nearing his fifties, having children seemed within the realm of possibility. After all, it was not uncommon for someone in his position to have a family.

However, he's not Beaumont. Just yesterday he was still a 20-year-old college student studying for his final exams. His entire life so far, up until that point, had only been textbooks, lecture halls, and the occasional reading of a few webnovels here and there. Anything romantic, like relationships and having a girlfriend, is such a far fetched idea for him. He'd never had a girl even tell him that he liked her, let alone being able to pull a girlfriend for himself. No first kisses, no first date, no first anything!

The notion of fatherhood is so alien to him, that it never even once crossed his young mind during the 20 years that he'd been alive.

It felt as though he had been thrust into a role for which he was ill-prepared—an inexperienced youngster attempting to navigate the complexities of raising children. It's like having a kid raise another kid.

'Ohh nooo...' his face paled, as all blood have been drained. He felt as though he was a newbie, still at level 1, and have been suddenly forced into a level 50 account. No tutorials, no guides, just him having to find his own way by himself, in a situation he's utterly not familiar with.

"I'll meet them at… Skyport" He had to search his memories to remember where exactly he was supposed to pick up his daughters.

Lucas found himself surprised that the pain in his feet are already mostly gone, and it has only been 4 hours since the medicine had been applied. "That medicine really works wonders, doesn't it?" he couldn't help but comment.

Hearing that, Reginald smiled and said, "It's one of your company's finest products"

'Oh damn…' Lucas couldn't help but fall silent at that.

"I'll arrange everything for you, sir." then with a bow, Reginald left my room.

"Aghh… I'm a father… I'm a father… I'm a father…" he kept repeating those words as the reality of it slowly set in. He is now the father of not, but two daughters in this world.

"Ughh… I was still living with my mom just yesterday."

About half an hour later, Lucas started getting ready.

He went to the dining table to eat the sumptuous lunch that had been prepared for him by his own professional chefs. Had it been in any other situation, Lucas would've taken my time enjoying the fine meal that had been presented.

However, his mind is currently filled with nothing but thoughts of the upcoming meeting just an hour later.

He found it strange that when he did his first memory recount earlier, he somehow missed such an important and crucial detail! How could he just completely miss the fact that he has daughters! Hell, if Reginald didn't bring it up earlier, he would've completely forgotten about them!

The mere thought of two little girls waiting at the airport, lost and abandoned, tugged at Lucas' heartstrings. It was a scenario he couldn't bear to imagine. Grateful for the intervention of his valet, he acknowledged the importance of having someone to help him navigate this intricate web of familial connections.

Unbeknownst to Lucas, the original Beaumont had made arrangements for his butler to collect his daughters from Skyport, ensuring their safe arrival. The weight of worry that burdened Lucas was, in fact, unnecessary.

As he meticulously prepared himself for the day's engagements, donning the carefully selected attire chosen by his dedicated servants, Lucas contemplated how the original Beaumont would have interacted with his daughters. He understood the delicate balance required to ensure a seamless transition, not to arouse suspicion or raise any unnecessary questions. Any sudden change in his demeanor might raise concerns or cause them to perceive him as acting strangely—a circumstance he sought to avoid at all costs.

While he never feared the revelation of his transmigration being exposed, the notion of appearing "weird" in his daughters' eyes troubled Lucas. And so, as he continued his preparations, he meticulously gathered fragments of knowledge about the original Beaumont's interactions, determined to bridge the gap between the original Beaumont and himself.

However, he ran into an unexpected issue – he couldn't find any memories of the original Beaumont interacting with his daughters! Beyond the fleeting exchanges during evening greetings upon Beaumont's return, there seemed to be a void in his recollection. The absence of these crucial memories left him bewildered and anxious.

The carriage to Skyport was now in motion, but Lucas's uncertainty persisted. He had no knowledge of his daughters' ages, their habits, friendships, likes, or even their opinions of him. The frustration mounted, and a sense of urgency gnawed at him. "What the hell am I forgetting?" he muttered in exasperation.

Doubts plagued him as he considered the various roles a father could play. Should he be a loving and affectionate figure? Would he spoil them with gifts and adoration? Or perhaps he should maintain a certain degree of emotional distance? The idea of being cold or, heaven forbid, abusive sent shivers down Lucas's spine. He desperately hoped it would not come to that.

As the carriage rattled along, the clock ticking away, Lucas grappled with the weight of uncertainty. He understood the significance of this meeting with his daughters, and the stakes felt impossibly high. With each passing moment, he yearned for guidance, a lifeline to help him navigate the uncharted waters of fatherhood that lay just beyond the horizon.

In the end, he just decided, "Fuck it, let's just wing it."

If his daughters were to come running towards him, asking for a hug, then he'll give it. He decided to observe what their reactions would be, to test the waters and see what kind of relationship do they have.

The carriage then jolted, tilting upwards as if ascending a steep incline. Lucas gripped the armrest, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected change in trajectory. Minutes ticked by, and the carriage maintained its elevated position before returning to level ground. The reason for such a long ascent is because, unlike Lucas's first expectations, the 'Skyport' isn't actually a singular airport which receives airships.

Eldoria is a city that was once nestled in between a great valley. The valley's peaks served a natural wall, a formidable fortress that protected the city located below, which is filled with fertile soil and a large flowing river. Such geographic blessings are the reasons for its earlier prosperity.

However, over the centuries, with the city's relentless expansion, the original valley which the city was built on is almost unrecognizable. Houses and structures sprouted like mushrooms, spreading across every inch of available land, from the fertile riverbanks to the open plains. Even atop existing buildings, new constructions emerged, leaving the original valley unrecognizable.

From this evolution, a district emerged atop the lofty peaks, aptly named the "Skyport." It had become a vibrant hub, a melting pot for airship manufacturers, skilled pilots, and passionate enthusiasts. Exclusive clubs and establishments dotted the landscape, embodying the opulence that defined Eldoria's second-most affluent district, second only to the prestigious Clockwork Heights, where Montague Beaumont had made his home.

Picture a harbor several hundred meters above the bustling metropolis below. Airships, resembling magnificent zeppelins, gracefully descended upon the docking platforms, their mighty engines humming with restrained power. Balloons, inflated with etheric gases, billowed overhead, providing buoyancy for the intricately crafted wooden ships tethered beneath.

In the wake of the enigmatic Great Silence, the once familiar paths that crisscrossed the land had become treacherous, impassable routes, besieged by towering and ferocious creatures. These monstrous beings, with their sheer size and savagery, posed insurmountable obstacles to human and horses alike. The rivers, once lifelines of travel and commerce, now flowed through perilous territories, harboring untold dangers that lay beneath the water's surface.

Thankfully, within the last decade, technology had advanced to the point that it allowed traveling by air! And since then, boarding an airship within the Skyport made it possible for a person to be able to travel through the different human settlements and cities scattered throughout the New World.

Based on what Lucas had recalled from Beaumont's memories earlier, he himself isn't actually a native to Eldoria. He came from another relatively smaller settlement, called Arkhantia, further inland within the New World. It is there that he rose to prominence and built his wealth.

However, with the rise of airships and the dawn of a new era in travel, Beaumont recognized the immense potential that lay within the skies. The advent of air travel presented an opportunity to bypass the limitations of land and river routes and connect distant settlements like never before. It was a chance to establish his presence in the greatest city that humanity had ever built on the New World: Eldoria.

Having recently arrived in Eldoria, Beaumont dedicated two months to meticulously laying the groundwork for his new life. His tireless efforts were directed towards securing a prestigious manor in the illustrious neighborhood of Clockwork Heights, assembling a dedicated staff of loyal servants, and scouting potential avenues for expanding his business ventures within the city. Once everything was set, he sent a letter to his family back in Arkhantia, saying that they can now join him in Eldoria.

He received a reply from them, saying that they will be arriving in the city at the 13th of August, which is today.

'I can already see the difference in ability between the original Montague Beaumont and me. There's no way I would've had the foresight and business sense to do the things that he'd done.

He felt like a young baller thrust into the spotlight, tasked with stepping into the massive sneakers left behind by an NBA superstar – There's absolutely no way he could do it!

Finally, his thoughts came to a halt as the carriage stopped, indicating that they had reached their destination. His valet opened the carriage door for him, letting him step out smoothly.

"As expected of the second richest district in Eldoria" Lucas couldn't help but comment.

Despite Skyport being clearly inspired by the architectural design of the docks in the Old World, it deviated from the typical bustling harbor atmosphere. Instead, it exuded an air of modernity and efficiency, resembling more of an airport than a traditional seaport. Being the second most opulent area in Eldoria, it naturally had a heightened sense of security and order.

As Lucas approached 'the Docks' of Skyport, he couldn't help but notice the conspicuous absence of shady characters and illicit activities that often plagued lesser neighborhoods. The presence of an extensive guard force, composed of uniformed officers, could be seen patrolling the area with a visible sense of vigilance. Their authoritative presence served as a visual reminder that Skyport was a tightly regulated and protected district.

The guards were well-trained and equipped, reflecting the emphasis on maintaining law and order within the precincts of the airship hub. Their disciplined demeanor and attentive gaze conveyed a sense of readiness, as if they were prepared to swiftly respond to any potential security threat or disturbance.

The heightened security measures were not only a testament to the value placed on the safety of passengers and cargo but also a reflection of the district's prestigious status. Skyport catered to the affluent elite, influential figures, and respected dignitaries who frequented the exclusive clubs, luxurious establishments, and high-end airship manufacturers that dotted the district.

Lucas glanced at his wristwatch, his brows furrowing as he took note of the time. "1:45… It's 45 minutes past the scheduled landing."

He arrived sometime around 11:30, a few hours before the supposed landing schedule, a natural course of action for someone who had been to modern airports. Simply being on time isn't enough, who knows what kind of accident might happen along the way which could cause one to miss their flights.

Of course, he's not the one taking a flight this time, rather he's receiving one. But the habit remained all the same.

"Well, I guess they can't match the precise timings that modern airports have. With such primitive technology, it's still rather difficult to predict the exact time an airship would arrive." Lucas commented, having waited more than 2 hours already.

It is only around 2:03, a full hour late from the schedule, that the airship his daughters are boarding finally arrived at Skyport.

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