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Chapter 18: Power up for everyone (Zelda & Chari Interlude)

Azul was floating in his Nether World. At a critical point, his mind separated from his body leaving it in the hands of Lluvia. Zelda took over while Galtea was trapped in his memories. She could be brought out but there was no reason to.

"Can you hear me Azul?"

"Ah, a little. Hurts to talk. Hurts to think." Azul said before shutting up.

"Your first heart is now capable of pumping mana as well as your blood faster throughout your body via the circulatory system as normal. An additional enzyme is now produced every time blood is cycled through. The enzyme is called Zoula-I. As well as supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes in the body as normal." Zelda moved over and wanted to provide him some comfort but stopped when an energy repelled her.

"Why?! How can that even be here?" A pyramid flickered in front of Azul then faded away right after. "You dont have any of my people's blood. Or is it cause of the bond? No, that can not be right. You never had this reaction before. But it is fading in and out, you are being tested. I will figure this out later." Seeing Azul still floating she went back to speaking about his changes.

"A triple-walled sac has been added to your Pericardium that encases your heart. This additional layer will serve to protect the heart and anchor it inside the chest, a low-level energy barrier from your biotics and ki has been placed to keep it in Synchro with your body. Between the outer layer, the parietal pericardium, and the inner layer, the serous pericardium, runs pericardial fluid, which lubricates the heart during contractions and movements of the lungs and diaphragm. Your mana is constantly emitting energy into your second heart slowly."

But enough about you, would you like to take this time to go over the upgrades for your team? All categories for them has been based on your thoughts that you believe will help them.

'Sure anything to distract me from this!' Azul bit down hard on his teeth. The pain of cracking teeth through his gums was barely enough to lessen the pain. He felt little holes drilling all over his skin. Seepage was coming through all over. Power but flowing power from everything. His Pather power was taking everything. Slowly a strong bit of power from Galtea and Zelda.

Zelda: Pulling from the Dragonball Xenoverse Universe for Riku... commencing pull ...Low-Level Namekian DNA obtained. Comparing to Al Bhed DNA... genetic clashes detected modifying to give racial bonus without completely changing DNA structure. Riku has agreed to the advancement. Azul, You must give a genetic vial to Riku from your lab. Until then the transformation will not take place.

'Gotcha, gotcha I'll make a vaccine or something like a flu shot. Matter of fact I'll start a medical file on her that Bass can encrypt. That way if I get murdered or something there is proof for her advancements, and a way to help her if something goes wrong. Same as last time.'

Zelda: Azul that was a fair assessment...I am proud. But not funny about you dying. Your mind is pulling you back.

-Back in Mass Effect.-

"Argh crap!" AzuI coughed up some white goo through his mouth staining the base of a lab table. It's a good thing I left Swift on a far table away from the door. Dammit, Lluvia how much longer?'

Lluvia: I rather not say.

"Oh man!" AzuI flips over to his back taking small breaths. Lluvia turned his mouth to the side hopefully to keep him from chokeing himself.

Lluvia: Pulling from the Persona 4 Universe for Mileuda... commencing pull ... connection established with the Empress arcana.. obtained. Comparing to Final Fantasy Tactics internal system... fusing with the squire, white mage, black mage, knight class, time mage, and geomancer class. A stronger class has now come forth. Bonus's have been given to Mileuda for being the first of her kind. Mileuda has agreed to the advancement completely.

"That's great." Azul voice came out strained as he moved his finger's. He was scared to lose control of his hands. They were going numb. Activating his Flame Fist he kept his hands in front of him. "Ha, ha, ahh, Lluvia use something for the newbies if they need it."

Lluvia: Common pull..used.. match for Torbin.. bonuses from User. Halo Odst training and fighting understanding. User, it would be wise to give a genetic vial to him as well from your lab. Until then the transformation will not take place. His biotics will rise to a higher level. Recommend you make a new implant when you have the time or least a small one that we can modify.

"How nice.." Azul groaned. "My Nether World fieels off."

"It is not the same as before. Your body has more or lessed destroyed it. However you pull another one hopefully. Would you like to try?"

"How was it destroyed?!"

"It broke down during the transfer. The System broke it down a few hours ago. Right now the others are just in a little pocket space inside you. It is small and can still be called a Nether World."

"Just do it!" Azul said angrily. Above him, his flames warped a little before returning to normal when Lluvia gave his shoulders a squeeze. "Thank you."

Lluvia: High-Level pull has been used on support. Acquired La Pucelle Tactics system. A large portion of reserve points has been spent to prevent your creations from being a phantom. However, they need to be confined from an item. Fusing into the User... User has obtained OverLord title, Your Netherworld is now locked until you have reached the appropriate level. Creatures created from your Netherworld are Human/Demon not a phantom. You receive additional benefits as well. We will go over when you are more cognizant. 2 hours 2 minutes and 34 seconds remaining.

Ambient mana poured around Azul as his body felt stronger and better. He was no longer in massive pain. He now had a proper place for his mana besides his heart.

"Oh by the gods that feels way better . Why couldn't all upgrades feel like this." Azul stopped his flame's and looked at Lluvia.

Lluvia: User the rest of your organ's.... formation are left... I just paused it for the link of you and your Netherworld. The influx of magical energy could have damaged your new heart... so get ready for the pain again.

"You are definitely a Sadist Lady!" Azul glared at her. A few minutes went by and nothing happened. "You were yanking my ..." The pain caused him to shut up.

A little after 3 hours go by, and the procedure is done. His body is matted in raw flesh and old blood. Lluvia spent the last 10 minutes after the procedure is done cleaning his coughing and spitting. What was left over that did not go through his pores, she moved it with her biotics. Standing up Azul moved to the shower with Lluvia following. She didn't undress or remove her helmet. The Auxiliary field was down and recharging.

"I am going to go back to running this ship." Lluvia said as Azul dressed. Her eyes following his every movement. She liked his other body more than this one. This one was more.. magic based. But she knew of some future upgrades to bring him back to tech. Especially a special project she was working on with Galtea. "Don't forget to create a few personal people to help with mechanic work."

"RIght." Azul equipped his clothing from before. It was the Cerebus clothing from Mass Effect 2 just without Cerberus markins on it. The Alliance symbol in its place. As LLuvia was turning Azul grabbed her and held her tight. "Thanks for staying with me. You can go to different world's now right? Find one for just the two of us. I dont care what is going in it. Understood?"

"Umm, yes. Most defiantely working on that." Lluvia shuddered as Azul was sending her there first encounter. "Ahh we need to continue that oneday."

"Yeah and soon. You are not getting away from you know that right?" Azul felt her nod her head. "I may be going Paragon but I will fight and kill all those who stand in my way for you. Dont forget."

"I know. That is how we ended up here. I have a few surprises for you to make up for that." Lluvia pulled her self free and ran to the door and stopped. "Dont keep Hotshot waiting to long."

Galtea: Hope I am interrupting.

'Oh, why would you hope that?' Azul said as he went over some information on his Omni-tool.

Galtea: I will tell you later. To continue from before, common pull used with a conjunction of first free character creation. Merchant was created. Second common pull used, Fusionist was created. Name and credentials have been added. They are now a citizen of the Citadel. Both created near one of the wards that are unstable. Name's have been randomized. Let's go over the upgrades that were all applied to them and your other followers and companions.

'Go for it.' Azul said while looking over his inventory and the shop.

Galtea: 3000 points spent on Shirai/Lin training Intermediate.vThis will bring them up to speed as well fill in any gaps for the ones have trained a little in it already. 2000 points spent on synthesing Shirai/Lin basics in syringes. A nanotech injection will slowly help them with visual stimulation. Total of 20 made. 100 points spent on the engineer to have the Merchant and Fusionist to have knowledge Imperium. 200 points on info weaponry Imperium. 300 points spent on armory info. 500 points spent on copying info on geneticist and 300 as well for them both to be an apothecary. 3000 points spent on creating credits. Conversion rate done. 3,000,000 credits acquired spending on the material. Material on route to the ship.

"Knock knock" someone was at the lab's main door. Azul yelled "I will be there in a few seconds! Hold your horses!" He made his way to the door grabbed a tablet and checked something else.

Chari stands before him in a military issue training bra, combat boots, and shorts. Those are what he noticed first. Then I saw the combat knives on her legs with ankle weights, arm weights. She also had a brace on her back with metal coils that went to the legs and back up to her arms. Moving had to be extremely difficult. The training level had to be ridiculous.

"Sunstrider are you gonna invite me in or just stare at me all day?" Chari had a smirk on her face that showed coldness and maybe a hint of amusement. At least she still treated him the same. "We have some things to discuss.

"Come on in," Azul said to her as he moved for her to enter. He leaned on the frame with his hand on his chin taking in the sight. "I can stare at you all day in my room without others getting in the way." Her scent hit his nose. "Damn you smell nice. Same as last time. So what can I do for you?"

Galtea: You are horny as usual that second heart of yours will also increase your arousal state. In time you should be able to handle it... I think. Consider it as you are going into puberty again.

Before Azul could address her. A spike of biotic energy went off near him. He didnt try to dodge as he threw up a shield. "Biotic Shielding." The blow from Chari went right through his shields and almost smacked across his face. "Pat," Azul palm pushed it to the side and she hit the wall.

He then felt it. A fear of gettig killed by him manifesting. She stepped forward. Azul mimicked and punched out. His palm striking heading straight for her head. "Bwoom," a whitish-blue barrier absorbed the full blow dissipating the energy. "What the hell was that, why do you feel that I am going to do that? You felt the need to send that while we spar."

Chari just looked at him. Hands curled like she was ready to use him as a punching bag. She started to yell. "What's wrong with you? Do you have a death wish or something? Experimenting by yourself in a lab without alerting anyone, what were you thinking? Bad enough all the entrances where locked and no one else could get in. Maintenance is pissed that the codes were changed to get in. I am, pissed that my codes can't get in, I am fucking security." She paused finally.

"You must be done." Azul was wrong. She came up right to him and pushed them against the wall."

"What would you have done if you died? Nothing cause you would have been dead you idiot. Do not do that again!" To emphasize that point she pokes him in the chest as she pronounced each word. "Dont do that." Tears started to form in her eyes. "Dont scare me like that. At least till I pay you back. Then you can go kill yourself."

"Near free reign as long as result show or good motivators," Azul mumbled trying to get her to calm down. "I have to make sure we idiots stay alive you got that?"

"Just be more careful," Chari said finally calming down a little. "Sit down on the table." She walked over and grabbed a medical scanner. "Come on Azul."

Moving over Azul sat down as she said. He didnt know what the heck was going on. Especially since they had a big argument back in the old life. There interest in each other died down exponentially. Which fit him fine considering he couldn't actually remember.

'Galtea I cant remember why I dont like Chari anymore. That is really odd.' Azul moved his head around. He remembered everything but it stopped at Super Robot Taisen with her.

Galtea: I dont know either. Ask her yourself.

"Hey what is this?" Azul asked her. "Chari this seems off."

"What's it look like?" Chari countered with her own question. One hand moved on his thigh slowly as she checked him over.

"I dont know. That is why I am asking. I know we didnt get far previously." Azul spoke freeley when felt a small Auxiliary field dropped in the room. "There are only a few reasons I dont proceed in a relationship. So what happened?"

"I did something you couldn't forgive," Chari said as she ran her hand on his implant. Her hands trembled. "I made a mistake Azul. You wouldn't forgive me for it. I couldn't forgive you for not forgiving me for it. You stopped trusting me. I resented you and.."

"And what?" Azul cocked his head in wonder.

"I almost died resenting you. Yet you still came and save me. You lost your arm for it and I almost died." Chari said when she stopped running the scanner. "You still saved me despite it all. You didnt talk about why you did. You went back to stop trusting me right after. It was insufferable. That is why I came here. New start. This you is working on forgiving so that is what I want. I want your forgivness. The same as.."

"Hmm that is.. ok I think. Well, hope we can get back to a good place. Kind of like we are now." Azul felt her biotic strands as a wave of relief washed off her.

"That sounds good." Chari said smiling. "Let me finish running this check." Chari was right in his face, her breath smelled like fresh-cut lemons. "Go over what happened recently. Answer my questions. Same as last time." The auxiliary field went down.

"First I absolutely love this position. How did you know I love lemons? Second, what's wrong with me? Well, my body is really weak and I need strength to accomplish my goals, and strength to help the people I promised to help. Deathwish no. Been there done that, don't wanna do it again but most likely will. Third, if the experiment had any adverse effects wouldn't want it causing a problem for the crew just that simple. Plus I was not paying attention and was like 99.00% sure I would be ok." Chari raised an eyebrow at that last part. Azul moved his legs behind her keeping her really close. "What, you have to have room for error."

"You are full of errors defintely," Chari said smiling.

"On the final parts.. well I would have been dead so we wouldn't have this conversation. I understand that it's your job to keep me alive I am in good hands then. Just make sure you keep a good grip ok Chari?" Azul his eyes locked to hopefully show he was serious. She placed her hands on his upper thighs.

System: Charm Check 25 Pass

Chari+ 156.

System: Companion Quest unlocked Special. Chari looks forward to the day you forgive her. It will show personal growth for you and her. Rewards: Vary Paragon only.

"Lunastider are you trying to seduce me?" Chari said playfully. "Her eyes hardened and her fingers tightening on his thighs. Her mouth turned into a snarl. "Well are you," she said licking her lips seductively.

"Oh absolutely," Azul said smirking.

"Men aren't strong enough for this body. It is annoying when they break. You have no idea when you turn your biotic body from a weakness into a strength to survive, the amount of inconvenience you bring to yourself and others. How many people won't come near me? The lack of intimacy is terrifying. The lack of companionship is maddening for a kid. But you! You talk to me how you see fit. It is refreshing, if it wasn't for the captain's orders I would have made a move on you as soon as you were picked up after the prison."

"The captain huh?" Azul questioned. 'He didnt catch that part last time. But then again he messed a lot of stuff last time.

"Leaving you with that Turian..with Slipp.. it hurt, a lot. But orders are orders. If it wasn't for the captain..." Chari shook a little. A bad memory and a strong biotic strand. "I don't know where I would be. I already read your old file. Over and over your a tank, well was a tank. Now you are back and better than before. I don't care about your personal past. It doesn't matter anyway. Not much was in the files for that part. You used to be sickly looking beforehand but now," she trailed her lips on the side of his face. He could feel her tongue touch his cheek very lightly. She pulled back slowly. So much hesitation in those eyes... and fear.

System: Willpower Check 27 Pass

Azul lean into her a little. Locking his leg's right behind her. He whispered into her ear, "I want to calm you down a little. I am, also most definitely trying to seduce you. I am bad at it though I rather just say and do what I feel like doing at the time."

"Heh, I know you are." Chari said chuckling. "Your awkwardness is nice."

Azul turned from her ear. His hands coming to brush next to her bangs. Came close for a kiss. "Do you want me to stop? If you could tell from the state I am in, I don't want to." His erection was pushing against her stomach.

System: Charm Check Auto Pass

Chari+ 86.

Chari hands dug a little more into his thighs, "don't play with me Azul. I don't like games." Her faced scrunched up even more so. Her eyes were darting around looking all over his face and body. Guess looking for a tell for his past self. " He could feel her tremble before she was able to contain herself after blinking a little. She looked so vulnerable it scared him a little.

'Someone so powerful was scared what the hell happened there?' Azul thought. He kissed her as gently as he could. Grabbing her by the chin with his hand. Then placed the other hand with one of hers. 'Should have remove one of the ones gripping on my thigh. What a grip.'

They started off slow. Just trying to get a feel for each other's taste.

"Your lips are soft Azul." Chari began to kiss again slowly. First, it was like she was afraid his lips would run away with him. Once she realizes they were not going anywhere, she started to do everything in the book, to his face. Biting lips, sucking on his tongue.

'Jeez, she was really into this. I am gonna have to grab her face, to stop her.' Doing just that he did. "Let me lead a little, alright?" She nods her head a little. Azul starts to kiss her chin. Tracing little lines all across her jawline. Up to her earlobes, Azul stopped after taking a slight bite of the bottom portion.

"You stop and I will break your thigh. I swear!" Chari said tensing a little.

"Tell me where do you like to be kissed?" He whispers into her ear gently. Mixing the use of his Pather power to heighten her senses. This bypasses her special physiology and allowed her to feel it more than last time. He blows a little were he just kissed at. "No aggression we have time, to figure out all that you like." He moved his hand gently across her neck. Dragging her fingertips gently down her spine.

"Ah, keep your hands around there. Don't you stop, keep it up. Move your finger's more slowly there." Her mouth opened a little. "You sick bastard I will make sure you stay the Paragon route."

System: Charm Check Auto Pass

Chari+ 172

"That has never been an option before. That level of feeling. It was just wham bam and that's it. I like the gentle approach so far. Your body is strong enough to resist my biotics. Going slowly will be quite pleasant." Chari said as moaned lowly. "I like this better. A lot better."

After a few minutes, Azul moved both their gripped hands to his face and kissed them. "I am gonna try something more. Bear with me." Azul focused all his powers and a little of his medical knowledge and move their hand across her body. Slowly around. Using his training with his fingers to gently push on spots on her back. "Here you have stronger muscles then most people. Let's try to get them to relax a little."

"Ahh," Chari moaned as he pushed down hard on her. This caused her to push into him with her chest. Only a little painful at first for her. But the energy flowing into her was making her feel fantastic. Like warm coals raking down the back.

"Let's move up to a more higher area." Azul trailed theirs hands along her spine and moved them across to her collarbone." Is this area good for you or no?"

"Good but ticklish with your hands." Chari leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Smooch." She pulled back and created a little room between the two. "My back felt better. But I dont dislike it."

"I see. Next area then. Let's go down." Changing both of his hand's to MIsty Fist he gently traced hands slowly down to her breasts. " I am going to send a little biotic energy first at least an inch before our fingers that will trace after."

The water from the biotics moved slowly move across her skin. Illicting some more moans from her. "Ahh, thats nice." Azul broke the water into tiny water strings. They moved like little wisp's and brushed touched her skin and drops to her nipple. "You little.. ah," Azul took that time to latch on to her nipple and flicked it a moment of impact. Moving his head down, he took a bite on the tip and slowly moving his tongue across its surface. Biting through the tank top seems to be better than removing the top.

"Ah, the roughness of my shirt and your soft tongue feel great. Don't stop!" Chari moans this as she pulls his head closer in. "Ah, what is this I can feel your desire. What you want between us. How is that possible?" Chari closes her eyes and licks her lips slowly. Opening her eyes she looks at Azul and says, "your desire for me is raw. But you are actually starting to care for me as well. How are you transmitting this?" Chari's face was a little rosy in the cheeks. It was hard to tell with her complexion. She leaned in close, "you dont forgive me but you actually care again."

"H..h..h..ey, lovebirds you have a patient over here! Ha.. ha. ha.. knock it off!" Rayna was sitting up on her table looking at them red-faced. Well her helmet looked extra foggy. Breathing quite heavily.

"Dammit," Chari grumbled. "She couldn't sleep for a few more hours, we are busy over here." Glaring at the Quarian. 'Why did she wake up now I was just getting somewhere with Azul.' She thought rembering what happened last time. "Is it a Cerebus experiment thing to do stuff like this?"

"Haha," Azul laughed. "It will be fine I swear."

"Commander you have to let me go. Tend to your patients," Chari said as she smiled angrily. She pulled back and looked at him. She was stopped by Azul's leg lock around her back. "Oi your patient."

"Ughh she is fine. But.." Azul stopped when he sensed Chari's disapproval. "Fine then. This was at least progress." He removed his leg's as he told her, "whenever you are ready, come back to see me. Or call me to you...we can just talk we don't have to do the sex part."

Chari backed away slowly. She nods and walks out. "You should take care of that boner. Dont use it on your patients either."

"Alright, so did you enjoy what was happening? You were up for most of it, and only interrupted after a good bit into it." Azul walked up to her and sat back down on the stool in front of her. He picked up her chart and started to go over it. "Everything looks good, you just have a hard choice to make."

"I didn't enjoy that shut up!" Rayna said angrily. She cooled down when she met Azul's gaze. He looked angry at her with something she thinks she would never feel from a human. Anger. "What choice do I have to make?" Rayna asked scared. 'I dont want to die.'

"Freedom or Death?" Azul never looked up from her chart. "Like I said a choice."

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