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Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Unveiled Encounter, The Twins of Alpen

In the midst of the dense and eerie fog, the forest exuded an air of silence and mystery, beckoning those brave enough to venture deeper into its shadowed embrace. The ethereal glow of the twin moons cast a crimson radiance, suffusing the surrounding trees with an otherworldly hue that seamlessly blended with the thick fog, creating an unsettling and haunting ambiance.

Guided by a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, Lucias pressed forward, his steps measured and cautious. With each passing moment, the fog seemed to thicken, enveloping the path ahead. He couldn't help but notice the diminishing influence of the moons, their reign slowly coming to an end, as evidence by a faint glimmer of light emerging from the eastern horizon.

As he treaded deeper into the mist-laden forest, Lucias remained alert, his senses keenly attuned to any sign of life or civilization. The pervasive stillness amplified his unease, intensifying his desire to find a human settlement-a village or town- where he could gather vital information about this mysterious world.

With the rising sun gradually ascended, its gentle rays pierced through the dissipating fog, revealing glimpses of the surrounding landscape. Hours had passed since Lucias had managed to escape the confines of the underground chamber, yet the forest offered no respite or signs of life. Fatigue settled into his bones, a reminder of his human limitations. Seeking solace, he made his way toward a serene pond nestled amidst the trees. Bathed in the soft light that filtered through the dissipating fog, the tranquil waters reflected his own image, allowing him to gaze upon his striking features.

"This child... Such a surprisingly handsome and almost ethereal visage," Lucias mused, captivated by the image before him. The sunlight seemed to be absorbed by his jet-black hair, lending it an otherworldly sheen, while his mesmerizing crimson eyes held a depth that hinted at untold secrets.

Driven by both curiosity and thrist, Lucias brought the water to his lips, expecting refreshment. However, the taste that assailed his tounge was far from what he had anticipated, betraying the pristine appearance of the water.

"Blergh... Ackh... so bitter, Is this truly water?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. The contradiction between its alluring appearance and unpleasant taste left him perplexed.

Compelled by a desire to unravel the mystery, Lucias leaned closer to the water's edge. With a gesture of his hand, he summoned a surge of wind, dispersing the water into the air. The overexertion of his nascent power trigger a familiar headache, yet he pressed on, determined to reveal the hidden truth. The swirling cyclone transformed the water into a gentle rain that descended upon the nearby forest, unveiling the previously concealed bottom of the pond.

As the water cleared, a chilling sight greeted Lucias -a peculiar corpse nestled in the muddy bed. Though the pond was not particularly vast, its depth extended beyond what met the eye, measuring around 400 square meter and plunging to a depth of 12 to 15 meters. Undetered by the eerie discovery, Lucias took a leap of faith, descending into the now-dry pond, driven by an insatiable curiosity to uncover the secrets held within the mysterious remains.

The skeletal structure before him bore a striking resemblance to that of a reptile, with only bones remaining. The absence of flesh did nothing to diminish the putrid stench that hung heavy in the air, adding an extra layer of unease to the already haunting scene.

"As I observe from this distance, it is truly a colossal carcass," Lucias murmured, his eyes carefully scanning the skeletal remains. He hoped to uncover any semblance of understanding or unravel the secrets it held within its ancient bones.

Lucias was acutely aware of his limited knowledge about this world. He understood that it was governed by divine beings, and the mysteries it concealed held immense importance to those who sought power and enlightment.

"It seem the secrets do not lie within this corpse," Lucias concluded, his meticulous examination yielding no significant revelations. With a graceful leap, he propelled himself back to the surface, ready to continue his journey of discovery. However, his plans were abruptly interrupted as two figures emerged before him, their sudden appearance catching him off guard.

The young boy's pierching scream shattered the silence, terror evident in his voice. "Aaahhh... a ghost kid!" he cried out, his fear reverberating through the forest.

In stark contrast, the young girl remained composed, her stance alert and poised. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice laced with caution.

Although Lucias sensed no malice emanating from the pair, he chose not to respond immediately. Instead, he continued to approach them, his gaze locked with the girl's eyes, forging an unspoken connection.

"Aaahhh Lyra... the ghost is coming towards us," the boy stammered, seeking refuge behind the girl, his fear consuming him.

As Lucias drew nearer, a sudden projectile shot towards him from the girl's hand. Silent and swift, it aimed directly for his face. With reflexes honed by survival instincts, he managed to dodge the attack, but not without a shallow scratch that marred his cheek, causing a small droplet of blood to trickle down.

"You...?" the girl's voice held a tone of disbelief. "You truly aren't human."

The boy's fear deepened, his trembling intensifying in respone to the girl's statement.

"That attack almost pierced my head. Such precision," Lucias thought to himself, his keen observation recognizing the girl's formidable potential.

Despite possessing the power to overpower both of them, Lucias recognized an opportunity to finally escape the foreboding forest. Overusing his power would only invite more headache, so he decided to approach the situation with diplomacy. Raising both hands as a gesture of non-aggression, he spoke in a calm and sincere tone.

"I.. I'm not a ghost. I am a human, just like you," he asserted, his words infused with truth.

The girl remained skeptical, her hand poised for another strike.

"There is no way you could be human," she asserted firmly. "No one can survive in the depths of the Alpen forest. The influence of the crimson moons drives every sentient being to madness."

"Furthermore, your ability to dodge my throwing dagger and your peculiar appearance raise suspicions," she added, her tone serious and cautious.

Lucias carefully processed the information he had just heard, searching for any means to convince them of his humanity.

"I have no knowledge of these crimson moons or the madness you speak of," he replied, his voice laced with genuine concern. "I assure you, I am not what you think. I am just as human as you are."

The boy who had been hiding behind the girl stepped forward and spoke, lending credibility to Lucias's words.

"Lyra... he might be telling the truth." the boy said, his tone reassuring.

Lyra sighed after hearing the boy's words, her skepticism slowly giving away. "If you say so, then it might be true. But Kael, if you're wrong, I will haunt you every night under your bed," she warned, her voice carrying a serious undertone.

Kael's face contorted with fear at the thought of being haunted. He had a deep-seated fear of ghosts.

"Hiiiikkhh...," Kael stammered, his fear palpable.

Observing their interaction, Lucias deduced that they were likely related, possibly even twins, given their close bond.

"Fine.. Since my other half trust your words. You might be telling the truth," Lyra relented, though she maintained her guard. "But I still don't fully trust you. If you make any suspicious moves, I will strike you!"

Lucias nodded and smiled at her, appreciating her cautious nature. He joined the two, taking the opportunity to observe their appearances more closely.

"Since the girl called Lyra said the boy is her other half, it means they are related, possibly twins," Lucias thought to himself, nodding as he made the connection.

The boy, Kael, possessed a tall and well-defined physique, hinting at his strength and athleticism, although his fear of ghost contradicted this image. His sun-kissed brown hair and pierching green eyes, akin to sparkling emerald gems, held a captiviating intensity.

On the other hand, Lyra exuded both beauty and strength. Her slender frame belied her capabilities as a skilled combatant. Her luscious dark brown hair framed her delicate face, adding to her allure.

"They both seem to compliment each other's strengths and weaknesses," Lucias pondered, intrigued by their dynamic.

As the three of them introduced themselves, Lucias slowly explained how he ended up in the forest. Lyra and Kael listened attentively, still harboring a sense of mistrust. However, upon hearing Lucias's explanation, Lyra seemed to make a connection.

"When you mentioned confinement, offering, and the ceremony, it seems to be related to the people from Baron Weirner," she shared the information unconsciously.

"Umm.. I think it might be the work of the devil worshippers," Kael added, his voice filled with hesitation.

Curious to learn more, Lucias politely requested additional information, offering to repay their kindness in the future.

The twins exchanged glances, silently agreeing to share information. Lyra took the lead in speaking.

"Alright, we will tell you about that information. I don't know what kind of favor you possibly offer. But first, could you explain why the water in the pond has disappeared?" Lyra demanded, her gaze intense as she stared at Lucias. "We both saw you come out from the pond."

Lucias took a moment to concoct a respone, weaving a tale of secrets and hidden powers. He explained that prior to his arrival at the pond, he sensed a mysterious power emanating from within. This power caused the rain and ultimately dried up the water. Upon investigating further, he discovered the massive corpse of a creature.

Lyra's eyes widened in shock as she looked towards the bottom of the dry pond. Kael joined in, confirming the nature of the corpse.

"That's a dragon's corpse," Kael said, his voice filled with a deeper understanding of history.

"It seems to have been here for a long time. Dragon-kind have been extinct since ancient times," Kael added, showcasing his knowledge of history.

Lucias listened attentively, joining the twins in examining the dragon's remains. Though he saw nothing out of the ordinary, he wondered why Lyra appeared so excited.

"This is an incredible discovery," she exclaimed with enthusiasm. "By the way, what was your name again?"

"It's Lucias," he replied.

"Do you see anything in this corpse, like a dark-colored ball?" Lyra asked, her curiosity piqued.

'A ball?' I didn't even see something except the skeleton.

Lucias was certain that he hadn't noticed anything like that. "No, I didn't see anything except for the skeleton," he answered truthfully.

"Perhaps someone else has already discovered it before us," Kael suggested.

Lyra seem to be down upon hearing the fact that the orb already taken by someone else.

"In the book related to history of dragonkind, it is said that when a dragon dies, it leaves behind an orb that contains its legacy. This orb can serve as catalyst for those seeking to enter the supernatural realm," Kael explained, slowly providing more insight.

"It also could be used as an artifact." Lyra added.

Left with disappointment, Lyra urge to salvage what remained. After all, there is still value in the dragon's bones.

"Since the orb is nowhere to be found, we can salvage what's left. The bones, in particular, are quiet valuable. Many alchemist would pay handsomely for the powdered remains," Lyra declared, starting to break the bones into smaller pieces as she spoke.

"You mentioned the Alpen forest. Where is it actually located?" Lucias asked curiosly..

"Alpen is a small town in Severil mountain region. It is an uninhabited place due to several mysterious events that have occurred here. It's also a hub for illegal activities, such as the one you were involved in. It appears that the Baron's people might the one who brought you here from somewhere else," Lyra explained, her voice tinged with disdain for those who used human sacrifices for their gods.

"The ceremony you mention before, it definetly related to the Temple of Mother Desire. They tend to use slave children as sacrifices for their ceremonies. I don't know why they do it," Kael added, his expression filled with anger towards those who would so callously take human lives.

"The Temple of Mother Desire is considered a false religion. Their nature of using sacrifices as catalysts to grant their wishes goes against the teaching of the two major religion in the Chromium Empire. If it is revealed that Baron Weirner is involved with that entity, he will face death sentence according to the imperial rules." Lyra further explained.

With their task of salvaging the dragon's remains completed, Lyra and Kael invited Lucias to accompany them to their home, as it was dangerous to remain in the forest.


Emerging from the eerie depths of the Alpen forest, Lucias found temporary refuge in the cozy home of Kael and Lyra. The quaint house, nestled in a quiet corner of the town, offered a sense of security in the face of the unknown. Over the past three days, Lucias had grown accustomed to their presence, gradually building a bond with the twins and gaining insights into their world.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the horizon, Lucias sat at the wooden table in the kitchen, enjoying a cup of warm tea. Kael and Lyra joined him, their presence comforting and familiar. It reminded Lucias of a distant memory, a blur of warmth and companionship. The flickering candlelight added an enchanting ambiance to the room.

"We're grateful that you chosen to stay with us, Lucias," Kael spoke, his voice calm yet filled with genuine warmth. "It's not often we encounter someone like you. Beside, the house feels livelier with you here. My sister might come across as tough, but she's not a bad person."

Lyra's eyes narrowed as she loocked her gaze with Kael, her expression poised and ready for a retort. "What exactly are you trying to say, Kael?"

Realizing his slip of words, Kael hastened to clarify his intentions. "Oh, I didn't mean anything negative, Lyra. I just meant that having Lucias here feels like we have a new family member, like a little brother." Kael's eyes shimmered with warmth and sincerity as he turned his gaze towards Lucias.

It seemed that such banter was common between the twins after spending three days together. Lucias chose to ignore their playful exchange and continued sipping his tea. After the tea in his cup had emptied, Lucias finally spoke up.

"I appreciate your hospitality, Kael and Lyra. Your willingness to shelter me and share your knowledge means a great deal for all of us. I must admit, I'm still trying to understand the extent of my abilities and the nature of this world."

Kael leaned forward, his green eyes gleaming with determination and curiosity. "We believe that there's more to your powers than meets the eye, Lucias. There are legends and ancient text that speak of individuals with extraordinary gifts, destined to play pivotal roles in shaping the fate of our world. Perhaps you are one of them."

Lyra chimed in, her voice laced with caution. "But with great power comes great responsibility. We know nothing about the secret ceremony you mentioned the other day, the one that granted you your powers. We must proceed with cautions and learn more about your abilities before we can navigate the challenges that lie ahead."

Lucias contemplated their words, understanding the gravity of his powers and the responsibility that accompanied them. Although he have no idea what kind responsibility he have, he will just ignore that fact. He couldn't deny the allure of uncovering the secrets of his abilities and discovering his purpose.

"In that case, our first step should be to capturing Baron Weirner and extract all the information we can from him." Lyra said.

Lucias turned to them, a hint of uncertainty in his expression. "Are you both sure about accompanying me on this journey? It won't be an easy path."

Kael stood up from his chair, his voice filled with determination. "Of course we're sure! How could we leave our little brother to travel alone?"

Lucias raised an eyebrow, surprised by Kael's choice of words. "Little brother?"

Lyra quickly interjected, trying to cover up Kael's slip of words. "We're not just following you, Lucias. Truth to be told, we're tired of this place. Our lease is also about to expire." She hesitated for a moment before admitting, "But we also worry about you traveling alone. The past three days we spent together have been meaningful, and we've learned so much from you. The knowledge you shared about the secret ceremony is invaluable, and the power you've shown has made me hungry for strength."

Lucias nodded, appreciating their honesty and concern. "I understand. I am eager to learn and unravel the secrets of this world, as well as my own past. Together we can face whatever challenges come our way."

Lyra smile as she come to Lucias chair and patted his head, "Despite your body looked like child, you are much more mature inside. Unlike Kael, he still like a child inside."

Kael who heard this also approach Lucias and hug him tightly, "Lucias don't listen to her, Big brother will learn and change. I will be a big brother you could rely on."

The two start to banter again and Lucias ignore the two and continue watching them like a fun entertainment.

As the evening progressed, the trio delved into discussions, sharing tales of ancient prophecies, mythical creatures, and the hidden forces that governed their world. They were determinded to uncover the truth and face whatever awaited them.

The Chromium Empire, a vast land divided by two major divine entities, was a topic that had captivated their discussion throughout the day. The Church of Divine Storm, led by the Imperial Family, worshipped the God of Storm, while the Chruch of Eternal Light, with the Holy Kingdom of Luminos as its capital, worshipped the Goddess of Eternal Light, led by Saintess of Her Eternal Light.

After hours of engrossing discussions and research, weariness finally caught up with them. Lyra busied herself with wrapping up the notes she had taken, while Kael and Lucias made their way to bed. They found themselves sharing a comfortable bed in Kael's room, seeking solace and rest from the day's revelations.

As they settled beneath the warm covers, a sense of camaraderie and trust had already formed between them. The flickering candle on the bedside table cast a soft, gentle, glow, creating a tranquil atmosphere within the room.

Turning to face Lucias, Kael wore a tired but content smile. "It's been quite a day, hasn't it? I'm grateful to have you here, Lucias. Your presence has made these nights more peaceful for me."

Lucias shifted his position, no longer facing Kael. "I can't say I'm thrilled either. I would have slept in Lyra's room tonight if you hadn't insisted."

Kael move closer and hugged Lucias, afraid of being left alone.

"Please, Lucias, stay here tonight," Kael pleaded, feigning sadness.

"You know, sometimes I wonder who's the older one here," Lucias teased, allowing Kael to use him as a dreamcatcher charm.

Kael grip tightened, seeking comfort in Lucias presence.

"I must admit," Kael began softly, vulnerability coloring his voice, "I am a coward compared to my sister. I'm scared of dark place and ghosts. When you told us about being confined in a dark place without light or hope, it ignite a rage within me towards those who did that to you."

"I may be less capable than my sister, but since you've been here with us, I want to change. Having you by our side gives me courage," he declared, determination evident in his voice.

Lucias moved back to face Kael, placing a hand on top of his, a gesture of understanding and support.

Kael's eyes welled up with tears. "Lucias..." he said, his voice filled with joy that brought him to tears.

Soon, Kael feel asleep, holding onto Lucias. As the room grew quieter, a comfortable silence settled between them. The flickering candlelight danced on the walls, casting subtle patterns of warmth and tranquility.

Meanwhile, in another room, Lyra remained engrossed in the papers they had discussed earlier. Thoughts swirled in her mind as she planned their future actions. The information about the secret ceremony that Lucias had shared intrigued her. Although she had never considered herself religious, she believed that gods were human-made constructs to control masses. However, the existence of supernatural powers and creatures in the world made her question the origin of these beings.

"Baron Weirner... from what I've heard in the tavern, his daughter has been sick since birth. The connection between the ceremony, offerings, and the people from the Temple of Mother Desire is clear," she thought, devising a plan to venture into Baron Weirner's terittory.

As weariness weighed heavy on her eyes, Lyra closed them and uttered a faint vow, "Mother... Father... I will avenge you."


In the darkness and cold of the void realm, Lucias found himself in a state between dreaming and wakefulness. It was a place that reminded him of his previous state of existence. As he walked through the void, his head began to throb with an intense ache, the pain spreading throughout his body. He tried to withstand it, but the agony became unbearable, and he fell to his knees, wordlessly crying out in pain.

Suddenly, cracks appeared in the void, gradually revealing a radiant light seeping through. As the cracks expanded, the excruciating pain in Lucias's body vanished. The void transformed into a mysterious realm, adorned with towering pillars and an air of enigma that permeated the surroundings. It resembled a palace, but one of unparalleled majesty.

An imposing door, unlike any conceived by mortal minds, loomed before him. Intrigued, Lucias ventured through the enterance, crossing the threshold into a vast hall drenched in a misty haze. Gray fog obscured his vision, lending an aura of mystery to the space.

Driven by curiosity, Lucias pressed onward, his steps echoing softly as he explored the hall. At its heart stood a long table, its purpose veiled in secrecy. On a raised platform, a solitary throne commanded attention, surrounded by twelve chairs that beckoned with unknown significance. Lucias felt drawn to the throne, his gaze fixated on the glowing symbol engraved upon its back. The intertwining blaze of light and crescent captivated his attention, while inscriptions accompanying the symbol eluded his immediate comprehension, yet resonated deep within his mind.

"The Beginning with no Ending, The Ruler of the Unseen, The Constellation Master."

Perplexed by the crycptic inscriptions, Lucias descended from the throne, his focus shifting to the twelve seats and the enigmatic table. As his eyes fell upon the symbols adorning each chair, a faint voice reached his ears, drawing him closer. To his astonishment, one of the seats began to radiate with a gentle glow, revealing the symbol etched upon it. In that moment, a young boy with golden locks emerged, tears glistening in his azure-blue eyes, his body bearing the marks of bruises. Though tall, nearly the same height as Kael, the boy's age mirrored that of Kael and Lyra.

Trembling and teary-eyed, the boy stared at Lucias, his voice choked with emotion. "Are you... my deity?" he whispered, tears streaming down his face. "My prayers have been answered."

Lucias was left speechless, his mind racing to comprehend the bewildering situation, yet instinct guided his actions. Gently brushing his hand across the boy's tear-stained face, a transformation unfolded before his eyes. The boy closed his eyes, and as Lucias's hand passed, the chilling coldness melted away, replaced by a comforting warmth that enveloped the boy's being. The pain and bruises vanished, leaving the child with an expression of wonder, as if experiencing true warmth for the very first time. This unexpected encounter would chart a new course for both their destinies.

Lucias felt a strange sensation coursing through him, stirring unfamiliar emotions that had been awakening within him since his time with the twins. It reminded him of something long forgotten, a memory just beyond his grasp.

To add to the bewildering turn of events, Lucias realized that his body in this realm appeared taller, and he wore a robe that concealed his entire form, except for his hands.

"What in the world is happening..." Lucias muttered, completely perplexed by the unfolding enigma.


Author's note : Hello, my dear readers. I'm really sorry for the late update for this chapter. The next chapter will be update next week on Friday. I really thank you, thank you so much for reading my novel. This chapter with the twins, do you like it? Also it seem we finally meet our new boy here. Our Lucias will need to work hard in his acting.

Next chapter title, Unveiled Dreams: ????

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"As the veiled dreams unfold, my path takes shape, Golden locks shine, a smile in serene grace. With warmth and peace, the moments embrace, Whispers of destiny, secret interlace."

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