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Crystal's Confessions Crystal's Confessions original

Crystal's Confessions

Author: Dashprincess11

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Down the hall, a girl stumbled through the dark, a bottle of alcohol in her hand and her eyes glazed over. She ended up smashing right into a door, which hurt her head and caused her to slightly lose balance.

"Hello?" A voice called from inside the door, and the girl looked at the door curiously.


"Yeah. Who's there?"

"Crystal..." Crystal walked in suddenly, not allowing him to let her in. She stumbled over to the chair at his desk and plopped down in it.

"Are you drunk?"

"Yeah..." Crystal lifted the bottle to her lips and took a drink, "Had a shitty night." Considering the distant look in her eyes, Levi could automatically tell she didn't see him, so who was she seeing?

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Levi asked curiously, he never liked Crystal being with Jean, he knew Jean would just use her beauty.

"I had a boyfriend... Caught him fucking another girl." Levi's breath hitched in anger, he wanted to storm out of his office and force that asshole to clean until his hands rotted off, "Sorry... You probably don't want to hear this shitty story."

"Not a problem," Levi replied softly, making Crystal's heart flutter in her chest.

"The thing is, I'm not even that hurt over him cheating on me... I never really loved him. I loved someone else." Crystal looked off to the side, her red blush getting worse, and Levi hummed for her to continue, "I loved you." Silence filled Levi's mind, as his heart started to race. Does that mean she loves him? Or did she fall out of love...?


"I'm still madly in love with that ridiculously handsome face of yours..." Levi tensed up as she shifted in her seat, and sipped on her alcohol, "I might regret telling you that... Hell, I might not even remember."

Levi felt his self-control slipping, the urge to remain professional overbearing in his chest as he stood up, "Let's escort you back to your dorm."

"Please don't kick me out..." Crystal muttered, tears suddenly forming in her eyes, "I know I'm just a dumb cadet but being here right now is the only thing keeping me from crying my head off."

Levi felt a wash of guilt go over him, she looked so heartbroken, he assumed she liked Jean more than she let on, "Perhaps you should take a shower. I have one in my room attached to my office," Levi pointed at the door, "There's no other way in so no one will disturb you..."

Crystal looked down at herself when the gears in her head seemed to turn, "You're right. I look like shit..." She got up and wobbled a little.

"Do you need help?" Levi swallowed his pride about being touched and walked up to her, he would help her to the bathroom. But as if he had splashed scolding hot water on her she jerked her entire body away from him in one swift leap backward.

"N-No! Don't touch my filthy body!" She said in a shout, "I've got it! I can walk just fine." Crystal started to etch towards the door, never turning her body so she could keep an eye on him as he stood there dumbfounded.

Levi watched as she disappeared into his bedroom and he slumped against his chair. Remembering the first day that crazy cadet joined their ranks.


"God I'm so nervous." Hanji grumbled this was the first time she would be inviting training cadets into the Scouts Regiment, "What should I say?" she looked at Levi who made a 'tsk' noise.

"Just tell them the situation honestly and what joining the scout's means." Armin spoke up, "Thats what Erwin did."

"Yeah but I doubt they'll join..." Hanji sighed as Shadis finished his speech and she looked up, swallowing her nerves, "Here I go."

Walking out to the center of the stage, she watched as the cadets all did a salute to her, "My name is Hanji Zoe and I'm the commander of the Survey Corps! Now this is my first time so I'm a little nervous, but let's get to it then shall we?" She said with a large grin, "The situation against Marley has grown significantly and we will be losing a lot of people in battles to come. We no longer fight titans, but instead, we will be fighting humans. With this being said we have many scouts who are great strategists and our missions have grown in success rates. But we predict that half of you will die if you join us by the first mission, the other half will be shaped into stone-cold soldiers." Hanji could sense the animosity in the crowd and felt her confidence dwindling, "But this is for the best of all of Paradis! When you stand with the scouts, you pledge your heart and body to the cause of protecting the innocent civilians here! Please consider this! That is all! All who wish to join the scouts remain here, the rest of you are dismissed." Hanji closed her eyes, afraid of seeing them all leave.

But she heard their whispered criticisms and their footsteps leaving. Her eyes stung with tears as she hesitantly opened an eye, but both shot open at the sight of a singular girl.

Her salute was firm, her face blank of emotion, and Hanji looked at her for a moment.

"I... Said you were dismissed-" Hanji started when the girl spoke up loudly.

"I wish to join the Scouts, ma'am!" She shouted, tightening her salute, and Hanji couldn't help but feel hot streams of tears flow down her face.

"You have earned my utmost respect." Hanji saluted the girl who smiled at her, and Hanji felt weird, "Please. Come with me." Hanji motioned for the girl to follow her backstage.

"Did you not get any new scouts?" Armin asked, not noticing the girl behind Hanji at first, "Oh. Only one...?"

"My name is Crystal Shigorati, sir!" She shot straight into a salute, "I wish to give my heart and body to the cause!" Hanji looked at the girl with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"Didn't you hear a single word that Hanji said?" Jean suddenly spoke up, "Half of the soldiers joining were suspected to die. If you're the only one..."

"My life is no longer mine, Sir! My life belongs to the scouts!" Crystal shouted brightly, and he scowled.

"Like I said... You have earned my respect." Hanji said shakily, "Even if it means your chances of survival are minimal."

"Hanji." Shadis spoke up behind them, "I have brought Cadet Shigorati's files." Hanji walked up and took the yellow folder, "I believe she will be a good asset."

"Thank you." Hanji nodded and then in a flash they were all getting onto a wagon to leave. The new Scout not uttering a single word of protest and not a single ounce of emotion.

"Oi." Levi said towards her and she jumped slightly, "My name is Levi. You will refer to me as Captain." The girl looked at him and nodded when suddenly Hanji screamed.

"YOUR RECORDS ARE ALMOST AS GOOD AS MIKASAS!" Hanji shouted back at the blonde, who jumped again at the loudness of her voice.

"That means she might have a chance of survival." Armin said softly, "My name is Armin Arlert."

"I'm Jean Kirstein."

"Nice to meet you." Crystal's voice came out awkwardly, "I-I'm Crystal Shigorati from Wall Maria."

"From Wall Maria?" Armin questioned, "A specific town?"

"No I lived alone in a cottage." Crystal replied like a robot and Armin seemed to grow in curiosity.

"We just reclaimed Wall Maria, so... How long ago did you live there?"

"I've been living there for the past 5 years." The girl said simply, "Before you guys sealed it up."

"What?! You lived amongst the titans?!" Hanji shouted, "How are you alive?!"

"Oi, shitty glasses." Levi cut in, noticing a shift in the girl's demeanor, "Give the girl a break. I'm sure it's barely sunk in what she's signed herself up for, let alone having two people pry into her personal life."

Suddenly the two light blue orbs on her face changed and she looked up at him, them growing wide, "... Thank you, Captain." The way her eyes sparkled made him a little uncomfortable as he made a 'tsk' sound.

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