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Crystal X [Insert Character Here] Crystal X [Insert Character Here] original

Crystal X [Insert Character Here]

Author: Dashprincess11

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Cafe/Superpower AoT Levi Pt.1

Crystal was your average girl, working as a barista in Shiganshina. The city was flourishing as always, and the cafe she worked at was buzzing along like a florescent light.

She picks up the latte she was making, and snaps her fingers, creating the logo to the cafe out of creamer with her magic, she walks over and puts the cup down in front of the customer.

"That'll be $8.75." She says softly, and the woman shuffles through her purse before forking over $9.

"Keep the quarter." The woman walks out of the coffee shop and Crystal drops the quarter in her tip jar. She hears footsteps approaching her register.

"Welcome to See You Latte. How may I help you?"

"I'll take a black tea, no sugar." The man says and Crystal looks up from her register. Her eyes lock with steel-grey eyes, and all she could think was how handsome he looked.

"Alright, sir. One moment." Crystal spins around and goes to the tea station, she puts a black tea bag in a porcelain cup before filling it with piping hot water before snapping her finger, making it just the right temperature. Walking back over to him, she smiles, "That'll be $2.50, sir." 

"Thank you." The man drops a $10 bill and takes the cup from the counter top. Crystal opens her register to start counting out change, but when she looks up she noticed he had left.

"Sir?" She calls out, but as she searches the small cafe, she knew he had left. Putting the change into her tip jar, she starts to clean the counter as she waits for a new customer. Looking down, she notices that her locket had come out into full view, and she grabs it before dropping it back behind the collar of her shirt. 

The ding of the front door goes off, and she lifts her eyes before noticing a familiar trio. They always came in and ordered the same thing, so she already started putting it into the register.

"Hello, we'd like a-"

"A Earl Grey tea with milk, A coffee with extra creamer and whipped cream, and a green tea with honey, right?"

"Yes, you have great memory." The blonde smiles at her.

"I'll get that ready for you guys." She walks back and starts the coffee machine before getting two cups for the tea. Pouring the milk in first for the Earl Gray, and adding the honey to the bottom of the other, she waits for the ding from the coffee maker as she puts the two tea bags in their respective cups. Putting a coffee cup next to the two, she pours the liquid creamer in before grabbing the coffee pot in one hand and the pot with hot water in the other. 

Skillfully pouring each perfectly, she snaps her finger as she goes to put the pots back to finish up the drinks and lifts the teas in one hand and the coffee in the other. Walking back to her register she places them down.

"That'll be $10.50." Crystal says, and the brown haired man gets his wallet out, handing her a $20.

"Keep the change as a tip. You're always so quick at what you do." He grins before taking the Green Tea, the other two follow him out with their drinks. Crystal puts the $9.50 in her tip jar and sighs happily. Today was a good day, she'd be able to close early if it keeps going this way. 

The day went on like any other day, as the sun set and it started to get dark, she prepared to close when the door dinged as someone walked in.

"Hello-?" Crystal turns, before looking at the customer she starts, "I'll be closing soon."

"Not going to be long." The man responds and she blinks as she notices how rough he looked.

"You okay? Need something?"

"I'll be taking your tips." The man says roughly, "I need the money more than some pompous rich girl."

"Are you homeless?" Crystal asks as she reflexively takes the jar away from the counter as he approaches, and the man glares at her.

"Yeah and I'm willing to risk going to jail if you don't hand it over."

"Hold on." Crystal tilts the jar over and dumps the money out, coins hit the counter loudly, "Let me exchange the change for bills." 

"Tsk. Hurry it up then." He says harshly as she begins to count the change quickly, and looks up at him.

"There's $50 here in tips, do you want a $50 bill?"

"Yeah." Crystal gets the bill out and hands it to him, "Thanks for complying, sorry it had to be this way."

"You're fine. I get life gets rough, please do come back if you ever need a drink or some food, I'll give you a free meal whenever." Crystal smiles kindly.

"Tsk. You pompous people never own up to it. I'll see for myself though." The man walks out and Crystal locks the door behind him. Going back to her register she sighs, she had only made $35 in tips, but she felt bad for the man. Putting the tips into the register she begins to count it out when a knock comes to her glass door, she looks up and recognizes it as the handsome man who ordered a black tea earlier.

"I'm closed." Crystal mouths, and the man proceeds to wave at her to come out, "One second." Crystal messily throws the money back in her register before shutting it and walking up to the door, unlocking it and opening it she looks at him, "Need something?"

"Was wondering if you'd make me a cup of Black Tea again." He says simply.

"I'm sorry I'm closed."

"Oh... Okay." the man goes to turn to walk away when Crystal felt guilt wash over her, a simple cup of black tea would only take a few minutes.

"Wait, I'll get it for you, come on in out of the cold." She says as she opens the door wider and the man walks in.

"Thank you, I work late shifts."

"That's fine. I'll try to keep that in mind and stay open a little later if you want to start coming here for a drink after work." Crystal says kindly as she walks behind the counter, "Same thing?"

"Yes." Crystal grabs a cup and turns her pot of water back on.

"It'll be just a moment." She says as she walks over to her register, and restarts what she was doing before he knocked.

"I saw that man come in earlier." The man says, "Did he cause any issues?"

"Oh, no. He was a homeless guy needing some cash. So I gave him my tips." Crystal says simply as she inputs the money into her register.

"Do you know if he's really homeless?"

"None of my business." Crystal shrugs, "He looked and sounded as if he really needed it. Probably needed it more than me. There's more days, more tips to be earned." 

"I can't tell if that's foolish or generous."

"Maybe both." Crystal snickers a little before finishing up her count and walking over to the pot of hot water, grabbing a black tea bag, she pours the hot water into a paper cup before snapping her finger. Carrying it over to the man she smiles, "On the house, have a good night sir."

"I insist." The man puts a $50 bill on the table, and Crystal blinks in surprise.

"Wait, I can't-" Crystal goes to say but all she seen was the door shutting behind him as he walked off, she stares at the bill and smiles, she didn't know what made the man so nice to her. Most saw her as just their drink maker. 

Putting the bill into her register she input it in and sighs.

"I made $5 in profits." Now removing the cash from her register, she puts it in a green bag and puts it in the safe underneath the counter. Locking the front door again, she goes back to the door behind her counter, opening it up she's greeted by her small apartment.

It was a singular room with a bathroom attached, the bathroom didn't offer a shower, but that was all she could afford for the moment. 

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