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Chapter 5: Chapter 5







Whiping the sweat off his forehead, Corven looks at the fallen tree.

"Finally damn, tough bastards."

Its taking a lot of work, but hes managed to cut down enough for a more secure entrance to his cave.

Storing the trees to bring them all back to his cave, he take out one when he gets back, and begins to chop a log off one of the trees, tall enough to bury partly in the ground, so it'll hold while it covers the entrance.

Once he's done, he strips the log of its bark, storing the bark for later, then grabs a large stick that he cuts a lip in.

Using the stick, he uses it to beat into the ground, breaking apart the dirt,and scooping it out

"Those *pant* guys id watch when I was bored made this look fuckin easy *pant*, with just their sticks and *pant* baskets, they built those big ass huts." says Corven tiredly as he digs.

Soon the hole is dug and he puts the log in, hitting the top with a rock to help get it secure, and then shoves the dirt back in, beating it back into place.

The first log just barely covers a edge of the cave entrance.

With the first log done, Corven gets to the rest.

Cutting logs apart and stripping off the bark, he makes a new, more sturdy wall, with a hole in the middle for a door, and a big hole on the far left side for a chimney.

When he's finished getting the logs put up, with a couple of trees to spare, he collects the leftover dirt into a pile, and digs up more from the inside, slowly making the cave floor deeper, and making the pile bigger.

When he's done, he has a small hill worth of dirt to work with, using a giant leaf from one of the trees, he heads to the river and holds some water in the leaf, carrying it and pouring it into the dirt pile.

After a few trips to get water, the dirt pile has gotten plenty wet, he uses his stick to stab it and mix it, making it into mud.

Using the mud, he makes a curved layer around the chimney hole, and using flat stones from the river, he makes a layer onto of that, keeping up the pattern, slowly narrowing it towards the top, and when the chimney is finished, he puts one more layer of mud, and places 4 small wood logs on it, with mud on those, and then a massive rock to cover the chimney top, while allowing smoke to go out, and finally he ends it buy digging a small hold underneath the chimney, to the fire pit, for better air flow.

With the leftover mud, and moss he had on hand, He starts chinking the gaps between the wood logs, and smearing the mud over and between them.

When he's finished with the walls and fire place, all he has left is the door.

So getting 4 large sticks, he cuts them down until they are wedgable into the door way, and ties them together with the metal string.

Now that he has the frame set, he gets more sticks and ties them to the frame horizontal wise, and when he's finished, he starts chinking the gaps and applying mud like he did with the walls, and then his door is finish.

Putting the leaves and moss he has back inside, making him his bed, he heads out and puts in his door.

"It may have been hard, but it really is nice seeing what I've made."Says Corven as he smiles and admires his now home.


"Though it does work up an appetite" he says with a chuckle.

Heading inside his cave, he admires his work while setting up the fire, and when its lit, he takes out 3 of his fish, and skewers them on sticks, and leans them over the fire to cook.

"While thats cooking it might be best to wash up." Says Corven as he walks out of his cave to the river, to clean himself up while the fish cooks.


"God some rice and a stew would go great with this..." Says Corven as he fake cries, missing food other than fish.

"I need to save points.. but I do still have the boar...I suppose I'll have to go to the pond later."

Finishing his fish, he drinks some water from a small wood cup he managed to carve.

"Now what do I do... those Turtle-Boars lurk around here and I need to kill them for EXP, but they're always in a pack..."

Pondering over what to do, Corven browses his inventory, seeing the dead Turtle-Boar carcus and his bloody spear, he gets an idea.

"EUREKA" he yells out, rushing outside.

When he gets outside, he follows along the mountain,

looking for a specific spot.

It takes a few minutes but eventually he finds a spot that'll work.

"This angled wall will keep them from getting behind me, and since it funnels in, they'll think I'm stuck." Approving of the spot, he looks up at the sun, seeing it almost mid day, he hurries and gets to work.

Pulling his digging stick out of his inventory, he starts beating the ground and digging the dirt at a curve angle.

He works and digs all day long, only taking small breaks to rest, drink some water, or use the bathroom, but by the end of the day, hes made quite a dent into the ground, having dug about 4ft down with the length of it being 6ft.

Having stored the dirt as he dug, his inventory is filled with dirt, he plans to keep it for when he needs it.

"Aaagh..Everything hurts...."Says Corven as he painfully lays down for the night.

"Tomorrow im thinking..pork for breakfast" Says Corven as he starts drooling.

Looking towards the wall, he sighs and carves a mark into it with his knife.

After he carves the mark, he puts away his blades, and drifts off to sleep for the night.

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