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Cyberpunk: Solar RE-evolution Cyberpunk: Solar RE-evolution original

Cyberpunk: Solar RE-evolution

Author: Cursed_Shaman

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A Protostar ['t]

???: "Questions, what do you think is the most improbable yet just barely possible way to die? For me, it would be for a bomb to intlstantaiosly Transmute itself into existence using cosmic radiation and the soundings matter , only for the bomb to blow up under a 50 ton gas truck.

Then to have that trucks explosion launch its head at you at 3 bajillion miles a second, to note, you are on a skyscrapers tip. It hits you, but you just barley survive.

You get stuck in you nuts by 12 lightning Bolts at the same time, only to have that energy move to the phone, it collects all the energy and explodes, teaching you legs how to file a restraining order to you body.

Only to still be alive, and fall to your death by crushing you head onto a pavement.... Luckily only that second half happens d to me! Haha....hahhhh.

Yes, I do mean I'm dead. I juts tripped on my balcony, fell to the ground, but not before I was struck by 12 lighting bopts at the same time, having my phone explode, and dying from having my skull turned into a Polana all fruit knock off.

Yeah, bot a fun way to go, luckily I couldn't fell any of that happening. Boy only the my adrenaline mute it, the lighting burnt out all me pain receptors, and died before my brain could process it.

How ever, that wasn't the end, instead it was like I woke up from a very long dream, and ended up on this cloud, in the middle of nowhere. With nothing to do.... atleast that have unlimited cookies!"

Once said, he would continue to eat the seemingly endless plate of cookies. Sitting on the previously mentioned cloud was a young boy, somewhere in the 12 to 16 range, though they were most likely 14. Wearing a basic black t-shirt with "Soul" written on it in Greek. With black cargo shorts. Distracted by the cookies, the boy didn't notice when a nearly human looking figure sitting on the opposite side.

This man looked to be in the 20-30 range of age, with tan copper skin, silver hair, a white Eastern European robe, and white flames instead of a face. It was only until the man seemingly coughed into his hand that got the boys attention.

The boy was startled and dropped the cookie he was holding, and fell through the cloud and disappeared. Somewhere on an earth in a diffrent universe, someone was smacked in the head by a oatmeal and raised cookies.

The boy nervously looked up, buy then had to squint to look at the man, after all, their face was one fire.... OH MY GOSH, THEIR FACE WAS ON FIRE!!


The boy Panicked, their eyes darting all around for something to help, their hand shaking and weaving in the hair uselessly.

The man, feeling a bit humorous, but also bad for the child coughed again. Clear their throat, if they even had one, and proceeded to speak.

Man On Fire: "Calm down, young man. There is no need to worry. My face is fine."

The boy stopped, but was still filled with panic, looking at the strange man. Containing their anxious energy.

Unknown boy: ".....what...."

The man smiled, even though it couldn't be seen, and lasted down their clothes. Speaking again, hopping to calm the boy just a bit more.

Man On Fire: "This is merely a vail, ment to protect your eye, or rather, your mind from breaking down. As my face cannot be seen by most mortals, unless they pass on into my heaven, or have a much stronger mind then most."

They boy blinked a bit, while at the moment he could really comprehend much, he understood just enough clam down. However, still filled to the brim with anxious energy.

Unknown boy: "So that mean I'm dead... does that mean your God, and I'm going to hell?!"

The man spoke their head, grabbing a cookie and having everything of its exsistace burned away by the vail. The took out a folder from under the table, and placed it on top.

Man On Fire: "Yes, sorta, and no. You are dead, I'm a god of this universe, and no... you're not going to hell."

The boy buffered for a few seconds, and like a youtube live, speed up to meet their time. Speaking to fast for most to understand

Unknown boy: "Of this universe, does that mean their are other universe, and other gods. Since I'm dead not going to hell and since I can't see you face I'm notgoingtoheaven Doesthatmeanimgettingreincarnated. Willitbetoanotheruniverseorsomthingsimmilar-"

The man coughed into has hand again, reminding the boy of his presence and stopping to race of words. He calmly breathed and answered the questions.

Man On Fire: "Yes, their are other universes. And other gods, as mortals call them. Yes, you are getting reincarnated since your going to neither. And if you want, it can be to another universe."

The boy looked at the man, thinking of the last two questions he asked, and built of of them. The boy raised his hands, asking to speak. The man simply nodded him to ask away.

Unknown boy: "Why do I get to reincarnat, what do you mean 'If I want'..... and..... what of my parents....."

The man let out a sigh, dropping his head a but. He always prepared himself for this, but it would never be easy to do. He took a deep breath before speaking.

Man On Fire: "You may have lived 14 years, but your soul is only 3. You see, souls don't age by any form of time, or control. It ages by your mentality, it's a bit ti complicated to explain fully but.... while you may have lived for 14 years, your soul is only 3, and their for cannot be judged. So you may not go to heaven or hell. While I used to be able to take the young souls, I am no longer allowed, and therefore you must be reincarnated, to give your soul time to grow and choose."

He took a pause, letting the information sink in for the boy, knowing he would need a bit of time. Once he knew the boy had enough to understand, he began again.

Man On Fire: "Your parents, will live a normal life. However you are dead, and no... I cannot send you back, no matter how much both of us want it. You parents will mourn you death, but I have set something up go help them coop and heal. So you need no worry."

The man gave the boy some more time, letting it be processed. He knew the boy didn't care much for his own life, but cared alot for others. Infact, it was that love for others, and the love that they gave back that kept him alive. As long as they could be happy, he would be to.

Once the boy finishes understanding, he smiled, just as the man predicted. Nodding his head for the last answer. He could live through that.

Man On Fire: "Finally, if you want to. You have 3 choices open for you, since your soul 8s so young, you will remember this and your past life, so you may have a choice of what to do with that. 1: Be reborn back into your worlds, either as a child, or a formally dead body. 2: Be reincarnated into a diffent world, experience something new. Or 3: Roam exsistace as a spirit, and try to see what you can do. I do not recommend the last one, as reaming as a spirit in the physical world, is unnatural and unhealthy, most who chose it, insane."

The boy did nothing for a bit, before visually crossing out the last option, doing little hand motions with it. While the first one may be nice to him, his world wasn't very fulfilling for him. That only left the boy one option in his mind.

Unknown boy: "The second one, please... but I want to know, is their anything else more then just the reincarnation ti a diffen world??"

Mam Of Fire"Hmmm, no. Not normally. However your soul, mind, and body are all very young, and therefore easy to change. So if you wish, I could grant you some help, but nothing to big, you soul might be soft like clay, it's not as adaptable as rubber. If I give you to much, it might break, so only small changes that can grow."

The boy nodded his head thinking, deciding to snack on a few more cookies. While in deep thought, the man decided to make some tea for them, pouring them both a cup. He got the Boyd attention by putting the cup infornt of him, drinking his own.

The boy was knocked out of his head and saw the tea, he smiled at the man and drank it, feeling the warmth in his body. After a bit more time thinking, the man didn't mind, the boy came up with an answer. He couldn't figure out any gifts to chose, he was too indiciceve on that.

Unknown boy: "If you may, I want to be reincarnated into the cyberpunk world, with a helpful start if possible. And for a gift, something to help me with machinery and plants, and mixing the two!"

The man nodded, and proceeded to get some stuff ready. While me may already know the reason, he new the boy would like to talk about it, and so asked.

Man On Fire: "May I know why that world, and why that type of gift. I would imagine most would chose to be able to add as many cybernetics as possible, so why that?"

The boy smiled happily, all giddy from the idea. He took a deep breath, so he could speak clearly.

Unknown boy: "Simply because, I want to help. That world is cool with its advanced technologies, and dystopian style, UT it is literally dying and destroying the world around them. I want to save that world, and I want to be the first solarpunk. Simmilar to cyberpunk, or steampunk, or dieselpunk. Solarpunk unique thing is fussing nature and technology, to work together and protect eachother. Plus, it's ment to signify unity, I can create a safe place for people to be free."

Both the boy and the man smiled, that is why his soul is so young, still so pure and soft. While older souls can still be kind, they are aslo more Ruthless. They will kill one life, to protect another. While both souls may be kind, one is soft, the other is unyielding and can be brutal in its protection.

Man On Fire: "Wonderful! Oh, silly me. We haven't even introduced ourselves, I'm the god of humanity. My two most recognizable names are thoth and Hermes, I'm also known as Prometheus and Askr. But you can call be Adam, the first human and closest to God. Now what is you new name, child!"

They boy was stunned for a second, their mind racing through all of that. As the boy proceeded that, Adam grabbed the needed things, Bringing them to the table and tinkering with it. After some time, both Adam and the boy where done with what they needed to do. The boy smiled.

Unknown Boy: "I shall now be called Oliver Ash-Tree, ment to mean similarly to an olive branch, symbolizing peace and unity.... saying that out loud sounds so cheesy."

Adam chuckles and pats the head of the boy, a smile on his unseen face. He held up the item to the boy.

Adam: "Cheese it may be, but that doesn't mean bad. I think it fits for what you want, and it's not a bad name, something your find in a book. Now, I have finished, and I believe you wish to go now. But before you do, I have dome things to say."

They body tenderly grabbed the item Adam held out, it looked like a solid cube of unknown material, white and gold on one corner, black and red on the opposite one. He looked at Adam and listened.

Adam: "You will meet me 3 more times after this, once when your alive and need help. Once when you're close to death. And finally when you actually die. What every you do in that world is up to you, all choices have consequences. And not all is fair and justified. You will be granted the mind of a genius, but that doesn't mean you will know and can do everything, you will just be able to understand and things better then anyone else. And lastly, you will have no parents, but I have set up something to help you. Do you understand."

They boy shook his head, nodding once in agreement, Both tense a ready to begin. He ate one last cookies and hoped for the best. Adam smiled and ruffled his hair.

Adam: "Good, you will be born in the time of David, but younger then him. Your memories of that world will be vailed. While you'll understand they stuff, you won't know the future, as not to cause too much damage. Now, twist that cube at both end once your ready, opposite directions."

The boy too a deep breath, calming himself. A smile if nervousness and excitement on his face. He looked up at Adam, putting the cube down, Oliver ran up to Adam and hugged him.

Oliver: "Thank you for giving me this, and thank you for helping my parents. I do hope when I see you, it is of good things. Goodbye."

Adam smiled, hugged Oliver back befor patting their back. Their flame vail wavering a bit. The boy ran back to the table, grabbing the cube. He took a deep breath and nodded to Adam before twisting both ends.... or trying, they didn't move.

Oliver: "Uhmm.... I might have broken it...."

Adam laughed a bit and motioned for himself to do it the other way. Oliver mouthed and 'O' and smiled sheepishly. He took a deep breath again, and did it right this time. A swirling vortex tore behind Oliver as he closed his eye, the vortex wrapped around the boy befor closing up, sending him ti a diffent world.

Adam: "Good bye Oliver, I hope you well on your adventures. And that you may succeed in your dream."

Adam turned around and walked away, dissipating after they stepped of the cloud. Leaving the place empty, for now.


Drum roll please!



Not much compared to 5,000. But I think I did good since I wrote this in around an hour or so!

So, goodbye, and have a greater day!

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