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Chapter 17: Danganronpa Plus

Chapter 17- Alisa's Sudden Management

Monoplus P.O.V

The atmosphere has been pretty hopeless after the last class trial came to a close. Friends who were always together became distant. The boy who always encouraged unity has suddenly lost faith in everyone around him, dwelling himself in his own anger and frustration. The students managed to successfully escape the hell I trapped them in.

Only to be brought back the next day.

"Puhu - Upupupupu".

It can't be helped, this was going to happen sooner or later. Failing to despair, the worst instinct of them all is something I love to see….However, this is not good for the game. In order to give the world despair, I must have these students cling to senseless hope for just a little while longer. Without hope, the students will lack the motivation to move forward. They must move forward if a next killing is to happen!

While bickering to myself, a perfect thought had crossed my mind. A thought that could possibly solve the issue I'm having. "These kids, they most likely won't kill again and since I can't use the same motive twice….".


"Memories and Dreams! That's the key!".

Knock! Knock!

Shockingly someone was knocking at my door in the middle of the night. Only one person is aware of my location during nighttime. That person, the mastermind behind all this is standing beyond those doors I'm assuming. "Come in" I stated.

Upon hearing my permission, the Traitor amongst the students walked inside my office. "Hmm, do you know why I'm here Monoplus?". I was given an intense glare, I could tell she was upset with me. I am partly to blame for this outcome.

"The students have all lost hope. I know the perfect solution for this situation".

"I'm all ears".

"Dreams! I could implant good dreams inside them while they sleep. I'll ensure that the dream motivates them to latch on to hope. We have the technology to make this happen, it will work!".


The mastermind gave no reaction to my idea. "I'm going to sleep. Do whatever it takes to liven up the killing game. In my opinion, it's been pretty boring so far. All you're doing is repeating the last killing games. Think outside the box, be creative from now on". She exited after uttering those words to me.

The killing game has been pretty boring so far?

Be more creative?

Repeating the last killing games?

"If that's what you wish". Throughout the night, I gave everyone motivational dreams. For some I reminded them of their dark secrets, for others I revealed their lost memories to them. Also, I got rid of the restrictive wristbands I gave the students. They weren't as enjoyable as I anticipated.

Tomorrow I expect to see students who are willing to unite once more. If these dreams affect them like I am expecting, there won't even be a need for murder motives.


Cj's P.O.V

Friends are like seasons. They will change overtime, only a rare few will remain a cherished friend at the end. Shawn, Alisa, during the last class trial I had to betray those two. I pretended to be someone I wasn't. Now they are furious with me, especially Alisa. She was the one who told me to never change after all.

"Unreasonable". How could I not change? The hope Makoto Naegi showed the world has no value here. My idol, is the number 1 suspect for being the mastermind. How can I stay the same like she wanted? The incident with Sue and Jasmine was an inevitable outcome. Fei would have eventually killed his sister one day, whether we were in a killing game or not. Same goes for Sue killing Jasmine. Knowing that was the main reason I became an accomplice to Fei's methods. Even Fei's plan to trick everyone to vote for the wrong person, I had absolute faith the plan would fail. That's why I could willingly go along with it.

Its morning now and I'm starving. Wonder if Alisa made breakfast like she normally does? Will there be any for me this time around? Hehehehe, I shouldn't count on it. She feels betrayed by me. Just thinking won't solve anything. It's as my teacher once said, friends are like seasons. I wont apologise to Alisa, I regret none of the action I committed. Fei will be my current friend for now, until it changes again.

On my way to the dining hall, I saw Paul and Terry arguing with each other. To this day, they still debate on which is the better way to fight. With a weapon or bare handed? I would say both, unfortunately those two just can't compromise. Their silly argument halted upon seeing my face.

"Cj!" Terry blurted.

"So you're showing your face. After what you and Fei did, I thought you'd hide in your room" Paul added.

"This is no illusion folks, and I'm not sorry either. You two gonna kill me for it?" I asked them.

"Naturally we won't. If possible I would like for us to get along. At least not hating each other is decent enough too" Paul said as he pointed behind me. I turned to where he was pointing and to my surprise, Xavier was approaching me at a fast pace.

"Cj" he called out. He was coming from the direction of the dojo. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?" he suddenly asked. "No, I'm heading to the dining hall right now" I told him. Xavier grabbed onto my shoulders. "Don't waste your time. Alisa didn't prepare anything for you, and what's worse. She confined all the available food in the cold punishment room. She alone has the key, the only way to access food is through her".

That doesn't sound good. I thought I could at least cook something for myself if necessary but Alisa took that option away. How vexing.

"I'll ask her for the key for you. She probably won't even look at you if you ask her directly" Xavier told me. "Fine, thanks".

 He took off to go and find Alisa. I'm glad to see my actions have not affected Xavier all that much. "Cj! We need a witness for our battle. Come with us" Terry said forcefully. Before I could reply, Terry dragged me along with him.

Terry, Paul and I ended up in the gymnasium. There was a lot of space there for a brawl and it won't be in the open for everyone to see. Not a bad location. "Now, you have the power to stop the match whenever you like. Make sure you're only stopping us when a victor is clearly decided" Paul informed.

I nodded yes in agreement with him. "Don't forget this fight Cj, I'll show him that weapons are superior to bare handed martial arts" Terry said strongly.

"You sound stupid bro. Let's get this over with" Paul sighed. And thus, they begin combat. Terry drew his katanga out of it's sheaf. At the same time, Paul did a fighting stance. Bending both his knees while keeping them far apart, many martial artist used this stance to perform swift and powerful punches. At first glance the stance he took was a normal Mabu Stance. People of the west refers it as Horse Stance. The odd thing about the stance he took are his arms, I am no expert but I know having both your arms so far apart when fighting a weapon master is insane. His right hand was far from each other, wide apart as if he was offering a hug. "First time?" Paul noticed my confused face.  The first one to make a move will be….


Having one hand on his sheaf, he used the other to swing his blade at Paul. Aiming directly for his stomach. Before his blade made contact, Paul swung his right hand downward. He caused the sword swing to miss it's mark with only one hand movement. Paul's stomach was wide open and Terry's strikes are said to be faster than the eye can follow. Paul avoided the swing with great effort.

"Hehehe, did not expect you to lose with my first strike anyways" Terry laughed it off while gaining distance. Paul stayed in the same position. He has no intention on going to the offensive anytime soon. "What's wrong? Aren't you going to fight back?" Terry asked slightly annoyed.

"Come at me. Since you're welding a weapon, you have a longer range than I do. Put it to good use".

Veins appeared on Terry's forehead suddenly, Paul's words must have infuriate him in some way. "Precisely my point! Because I am holding a real katana, you shouldn't be standing there like that. I might kill you ya know!" he blurted.

Paul replied "Why should I fear a sword? It's humans who are worth fearing, luckily you're not one of them. You're far weaker than I am".


Terry's next strike came without warning. He slashed at Paul's chest but his sword was redirected by his left arm. A strong upswing was all it took to prevent a mortal injury. "HYAAAAHH!!".

As Terry went in for another strike, I realized the reason behind Paul's odd style. He continues to stretch his arms far apart. At first glance it looks like he is leaving openings for Terry to strike. For an expert fighter like him, his reflexes are almost instantaneous. Thanks to those crazy reflexes, the wide opening that is only seen as a big target for Terry is what's helping Paul to predict the sword swings. His neck, stomach and knees are all in danger, Terry can't help himself but to launch attacks at those areas, causing him to be predictable.

"So predictable".

"You think so?" Terry grinned. Once again Terry charged, preparing to slash Paul's chest.

"Useless! Your sword will never touch m—".

Paul was caught by surprise when he saw Terry's left hand into play. Up until now Terry has been holding onto to his sheaf, holding his sword with only his right hand. Just now, Terry performed a double strike that happened one after the other. Paul redirected the blade but was not prepared for the strike coming from the sheaf. He received a hard slap to the forehead.

"Yep, you really are predictable" Terry teased.

"Come again?".

"Hahahaha, you think I'm a fool? I know fully well your stance was design to bait me. Bait me to attack your openings, a swordsman such as myself don't usually ignore opportunities such as that. Most circumstances, I would cut down the opponent easily if they did what you did. That damn reaction speed of yours though, it's like a perfect defense for attacks you're expecting hehehe. What did you hope to achieve by being so defensive?" Terry asked Paul.

It was a rare occasion to see Paul having a smile on his face. "Well, I just wanted to show you how easily a weapon can he useless when faced by me".

"That so?" Terry put those words to the test. A sudden thrust pointing directly at Paul's throat. He was so close, I became frightened by the sight before me. Blood began to fall rapidly on the floor while both fighters stare at each other intensely. "You actually caught it. HAH!".

"You know I would have caught it. Otherwise you'd been executed in a Class Trial".

Was it a miracle? Neither Terry or Paul treated it like one. The sword that was about to pierce Paul's throat was caught at the very last second. Terry stepped back curious if Paul could continue on. "My hand is fine" he said.

"That's Cap! Your hand is bleeding, we should stop the fight here" I told him.

"Not yet, I have to break his sword first".

I looked over at Terry, hoping he would agree to stop the fight. "We can stop after I break his arms". Why so unnecessarily violent towards one another? "Why don't you play offensive this time?" Terry asks.

"Not happening. Come at me first" Paul stated. Terry made one thrust with his sheaf, causing Paul to step back a little. During that same motion Terry already swung his blade at Paul's torso. In order to dodge in time, Paul deliberately fell on his back. While he was on the floor, Terry's instinct told him to jump.

The moment he jumped, Paul did a sweep kick. Sadly his kicked missed because Terry saw it coming. As soon as he got back on his feet, Paul began stretching both his arms. "You know, dodging two of your fast strikes are difficult. Are you experienced with dual welding?".

Terry has been using his sheaf as a second blade. From the looks if it, his sheaf is as hard as metal and is heavier than his katana. Once Paul dodges one of Terry's weapon, the other one was already in the process of attacking. What Paul needs to do now is expect every attack from Terry to be two strikes each. "Yeah I am experienced in it. Are we turning this into a mind game?" Terry asked.

A mind game? What does he have up his sleeve?

Terry struck first once again but this time Paul didn't evade, he simply caught the sword with his already bleeding right hand. Terry attacked with his sheaf immediately after but Paul blocked that with his left arm. In that same moment, Terry was kicked in the stomach sending him flying into the air. "Mind games? I don't play those with idiots!".

"What did he mean by that?" I asked Paul.

"Simple, he wanted me to get used to his two strikes. Once I adapt to it, he was going to mess up my rhythm by using one lethal strikes that would overwhelm me. He still has powerful moves that can be used by one sword. The average fighter would think to avoid one attack and counter the other, then fight back. That way, you can receive minimal damage. That chain of thought won't work on Terry. I need to show him that I'm not scared of his two weapons". Terry stood up still feeling the pain in his stomach.

"Your kick felt like an iron bat. What the hell!?"

"How can a kick be so strong?" Terry was bewildered by one attack. That kick may have been the only clean blow Paul made this whole fight.

Hmm, Paul took the risk and shut down two strikes that could mortally wound him. He is just like his father, The strongest man. "Now, I believe I said I would have snap your sword" Paul reminded.

While their fight continues to get even hotter, Xavier and one other entered the gymnasium. Beside Xavier was the blonde girl who everyone is wary of. "Shawna, good morning" I greeted her.

"Morning, how long has these two buffoons been fighting?" she asks.

"Ten minutes at most".

Xavier was immediately captivated by Terry's incredibly fast swings, and the fact that Paul can barely dodge them speaks for itself. "Those two are just playing. What a waste of time" Shawna said disappointedly. "Playing? I think they are giving it their all". She quickly disagreed, "If they were serious, the fight would not last a minute. What distinguishes these two?".

"Killer Instinct" she answered her own question.

"Paul fights as a sport. Terry fights to kill. The moment Terry stops holding back, Paul will be obliterated. No diff". Shawna whispered those words to me. The last thing she wants would be for the fighters to overhear her. "I'll keep that in mind. Killer Instinct". Now that she's mention that, I do realise that Terry is fighting mercilessly. He knows he has a real sword but he is still trying to slash vital places on Paul. That's just how he is grown I suppose.

Xavier tapped on my shoulder and apologized. "Sorry Cj, Alisa didn't give me anything. Somehow she caught on, knowing I was going to give you the food".

"How did she even gain control of our food supply?" I asked Xavier.

"Ah! Some of us woke up before 7 am today. Terry, Shawn, Shawna and I were all present at the dining hall when Alisa was moving the food in the freezing punishment room. She's basically using that room as a giant cooler. We confronted her about it, we tried to stop her. Sadly we were too late, she had already moved over 90% of food inside the cooler. Soon all the food will be covered in ice, She's planning on starving everyone to an extent". We still have the garden that bears plenty of food, but that room is locked and even barred. Alisa alone has the key to that room".

"Crazy how she pulled this off overnight" Shawna mentions.

"What does she hope to achieve by shortening our food?".

"To have authority over us maybe. Sooner or later, we'll have to get that key from her in order to save the food from wasting in the cooler. The food is her hostage for some scheme" Shawna assumed.

My stomach began to growl. Hunger finally struck me after thinking about food. At this rate, I'll pass out if I don't get something to eat. I didn't even had dinner yesterday so I'm extra starving. "Alisa gave everyone breakfast already. She said she won't be handing out anymore food until 3 pm today" Xaiver sighed.

3 pm! That's six hours from now. Can I survive that long?  This is a total mess, she probably won't let go of the key no matter what. Even if we force her, threatening her life is meaningless here since a class trial would start. That Alisa, what is she planning?

Over half an hour had passed, Terry's sword finally snapped in two while his metal sheaf was bent inward. Paul lost all feeling in his left arm after receiving several slashes on it. Terry's left eye was crushed beyond recognition, he will need an eye patch like the one I wear. I didn't have to tell them the fight was over, they already knew it was. To end things off, they hugged each other out of acceptance.

"Weapons are deadly when welded by guys like you. You're a monster hehehehe" Paul complimented.

"True! I can't imagine the training it must have took to endure so much pain while fighting. Your reflexes are out of this world too, you're truly a monster hehehe. Barehands can be good too. I knew that all along" Terry laughed.

"Same here, I knew weapons were great for gaining the advantage in a fight. They aren't for cowards at all".

Paul and Terry hugging each other was not something I was prepared for. They finally accepted each other's style of combat, it took them long enough. Costed them an arm, an eye and a prized blade but they finally seem to understand one another. Maybe a long fight was what they needed from the beginning. For expert fighters, arguing with words is a waste of time. They should settle disputes with their skills, not their mouths. "Wow, this was a let down. I was hoping to see Terry getting killed today". Shawna ran off before Terry could give chase.

"Wanna train together? It's been lonely after Ricardo's execution".

"Of course, as long as you don't hold me back". Their senseless arguments and disputes ends today. Their hug signifies that fact. Everyone went their separate ways after the fight concluded. I headed to Fei's room, curious to how he's holding up. Her sister died because of his actions, I wonder how that will affect him in the long run? I have heard of instances where loved ones killed themselves after hearing the death of someone precious to them. Fei not only lost his sister, but his beloved secret girlfriend Jasmine. "Stay strong man" I greeted him with those words.

Fei was in his room playing games on his MonoID. He was so focused on the game that he didn't glance at me when entering his room. He did not even react to what I said either.





"Cut it out! I'm speaking here!". In the end I had to grab his monoID away to grab his attention. "Cj, what is it?" Fei suddenly asked. He looked half asleep while he faced me. "Didn't you sleep last night? After we had our talk". He nodded no in reply. "I can't wrap my head around it. How the hell are Jasmine and Sue dead? I could have avoided this outcome so many ways but here we are"

"Your lost weren't ever come back Fei. I'm Sorry. Right now, we need to escape this place ASAP".

Last night, Fei dreamt about how lonely he's going to be. His parents, sister and lover are all gone. Now he's only surrounded by people who could kill him at any moment. "Escape, is that even possible?" he asked.

"We escaped before didn't we? We made one mistake though. We should have never slept in Naegi's house. The two times we were brought here, it was from Naegi's estate. I don't trust him very much. Next time we escape, we should just hide from everyone". "Hmm, the least we can do is try. Let's escape together, just the two of us".

"Sure thing".

"Wow, you agreed to that way too easy. Wouldn't you want to invite Shawn, Julie or Alisa? I thought for sure you would".

"I had a weird dream last night. Turns out I was a member of the disciplinary committee. Not to mention I was the Ultimate Moral Compass along with being an Astronomer. I have multiple talents within me see. Right now, my talent is telling me to trust very few". Fei got off his bed then began stretching. "OK, let's look around. I have a talent of finding important things after all".

Yes, I can't believe I forgot one of my talents. Monoplus is one smart bastard, he knew if I had memories of that side of me. Killings might have never happened in the first place. My method of uniting a group and enforcing rules onto them are exceptional. That's what people around me always say.


When 3 pm arrived, everyone gathered in the dining hall. Terry and Xavier complained to Alisa about her unfairness. "What gives you the right to keep all the food to yourself!? We're going to break your limbs for that key!" Terry threatened. "You're making our lives harder than necessary. Stop what you're doing Alisa. Please" Xavier said politely. Terry has a strong point. Alisa has no right to be keeping all the food. Or does she?

"Keep this up and we may have to pin you down" Shawna mentioned.

"Settle down everyone. Let's not get ahead of ourselves" Shawn attempts to calm the situation. However, it escalated to physical contact rather quickly. Terry grabbed Alisa's collar while he glares at her. "Give me the key! Something tells me you're planning on starving us".


Alisa turned her face away from Terry. "Bitch! Not all food is meant to be in a cooler! Are you deliberately wasting our food!".

"What makes you think I moved the food to the freezing room? I'm pretty sure I burnt everything to Ash this morning" Alisa replied.

"Wait what? If that's true, what are we going to eat?" Xavier asked panickingly. Shawn pulled Terry away before he could land a punch on her. "Easy there, violence ain't necessary" Shawn said. "Excuse me!? Violence is absolutely needed in this context. She basically killed us all" Terry shouted.

"Shawn seems to be the only one who understands what's happening. The rest of you are all fools" Alisa said as she fixed her collar. Shawn then told us what Alisa's true motive was for acting like this. "Well, Alisa is going to be our boss from now on apparently. She wanted to hold something precious to us as hostage. This is her way of forcing us to submit to her".

"Aha, especially you Shawn. Devote your very soul to me, we'll live happily ever after" Alisa interrupted.

Shawn ignored her and continued. "Yeah we have no food to speak of. The storage and warehouse has nothing. I bet the garden is ruined by now since none of us observed it. Alisa is not the type to starve herself, she has some means of collecting food. If we follow her orders, we won't starve. If we disobey her orders, we'll die of hunger. Her aim in all this is to rule over us with an iron fist".

Alisa applaud Shawn for explaining her intent clearly to us. "Monoplus! Show yourself" she called out. Like that, the machine puppy showed itself out of thin air. "HEY FOLKS! WHAT'S UP!".

"Monoplus, tell them what we've discussed earlier".

"Ah, OK. Alisa here has given herself the responsibility of managing food ladies and gents. Unless you all want to starve, I suggest you sign a legitimate contract on the matter". As he said that, she pulled out multiple copies of paper. "Write your signature down at the bottom".

"Failure to sign that contract means no food by the way. Think carefully".

"Alisa here will be the one purchasing meals for you all starting today. All the food I stored has been turned to Ash. I have no more funds to buy new stocks anymore. It was already a big chore, buying stuff secretly on the outside. So I wouldn't do anything unless big cash was involved".

"Upupupupuh, if it weren't for Alisa's generous offer, you'd all be in a hopeless situation. She gave me access to her bank info, now I can buy a new supply of food for you all Upupupupuh".

"Her money is what's going to keep yall alive".

What Monoplus and Alisa are saying just did not feel right with me. Alisa burnt all our food to Ash but because she is willing to buy more stocks, she gets to control us? In Nomal circumstances, Alisa would have gotten beaten to death. Sadly, because of the class trial rule, that cannot happen here. Her plan is actually ingenious. Food is a necessity, we need it to survive. She gained total control over  it.

"Wait up! If any of us die of starvation. Wouldn't Alisa become a culprit?" Shawna asked.

"No, I'm giving you the choice of signing the contract. If you decide not to, then your decision is what caused you to die of hunger. Not me. You all can die and I won't receive any repercussions" Alisa answered.

Some of us didn't bother to delay the inevitable. Xavier, Paul. Shawna and Shawn all signed the contract immediately. Leaving Julie, Terry, Fei and myself. "Hmm, what about you four?" Monoplus asked. Terry tore up the contract given to him. Julie held her head as if she has gotten a headache. "I'll think about it" she said. Fei and I weren't fond of the idea, being controlled by Alisa so we declined.

"My oh my, seems like the nine of you are split in two groups all of a sudden. Wonder how daily life will turn out Upupupupuh". "Alisa has more copies of the contract. Feel free to ask her if you can't bare hunger anymore". Monoplus disappeared right after he said that.

For the entire day, I ate nothing. I could feel my insides crumbling by the minute. There's no way I can sleep like this can I? When nighttime arrived, Alisa closed the dining hall. Ensuring that the four who denied her contract won't get even the pleasure of seeing her cooked meal. "Having authority over half of us. I should probably follow her footsteps" I told myself. I've led groups before at Hopes Peak Academy. Based on stats alone, I'm the one who should have taken charge all along. Alisa is stuck up at times and Shawn is naïve for expecting so much from us.

Starting tomorrow I'll show everyone a way to escape this awful place. Everyone else seems to have weak resolve and mixed priorities.

Alisa's P.O.V

A way to escape this place. After thinking about it long and hard I arrived at a few number solutions. One of them stood out to me so i decided to attempt it. A way in which nobody else has to die. Within three days, if all things goes well everyone should be able to escape here. I burnt all of our food not for the reason I displayed.


Sure, it would be nice to gain control over everyone but what I really wanted was to strengthen my resolve. By burning all the food to ashes, the countdown for our escape begins. Monoplus told me that he will store a week worth of food. After one week is over, he will restock again. For him to gain more food, either him or someone else will have to leave the school grounds. Leaving school grounds with such big walls in the way tells me that there is another route leading to outside. A secret route that none of us knew existed, how else will Monoplus managed to restock.

I'll find this secret way out if this prison, even if it kills me. First thing on my agenda is.....

"There are only 4 people who did not sign my contract. I need at least Terry and Julie to sign them. Fei and Cj can rot in this place for all I care. They deserve it after attempting to make everyone vote wrong".

"Plus, he betrayed me! He never remained the same like he promised. What a jerk!".

Monoplus P.O.V

No matter what, I can't let these kids know Izuru kamakura is close by. I wish I could overpower him, he's such a nuisance.

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