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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

After getting out of the portal and landing on what feels like grass I got up and looked around only to see that I'm in some kind of forest.

I also noticed 9 inventory slots, which I assumed were the hotbar, 10 hearts and also the hunger bar.

Immediately, I called out "System" trying to access It, but nothing happened.

"Inventory" I tried next and an interface with 36 slots appeared in my field of vision, complete with an image of me, 4 armor slots, a 2x2 crafting grid and an offhand slot. There was also a list of various items on the right side, which upon closer inspection seemed to be all vanila items.

Next to the inventory there was a slot named [Mods list]. I pressed It and another interface opened. At the top of the list there was [Just eneough items] (JEI). At the bottom there was a plus button, which upon pressing showed the message




"Alright so, I need to join a familia. Good thing I watched the anime. But I only really watched It until the Xenos arc and then I just stopped caring I guess and even then, I watched It a few years ago, so my memory of it is pretty foggy."

"From what I rememer, I know for sure that there are also monsters on the surface, that although much weaker than the ones in the dungeon, are still very much deadly. Especially now, when I'm not wearing any armor and have no weapon"

"Then there is also that stuff that the ROB said about the multiverse so It is very possible that I am in an AU, which might render my knowledge of the future useless"

Ending my musings, I get straight to doing what any Minecraft survival player would.

Punching trees

As I go to the closest tree, I realise that it's a normal tree and not a blocky Minecraft one, which gives me some doubts about being able to actually gather the necessary wood.

Thinking that It wouldn't work I start searching around for any fallen or already cut but forgotten wood. Unfortumately I only managed to find fallen branches, sticks, stones and leaves.

Upon putting them in my inventory I noticed that the branches, sticks and leaves turned into actulal Minecraft sticks and leaves while the stones remained the same, meaning I can't use them in crafting.

"Well that's a bummer. I can't make stone tools from the start. At least they will make decent temporary weapons. Horrible weapons but better than nothing. At least they stacked."

And that's another thing I noticed.

The 64 stack limit applies. I noticed when I got a stack of sticks and half a stack of rocks.

Deciding that I probably won't find any wood just searching around I go back to tree punching.

Clenching my teeth and getting ready for the possible pain I start punching It and... no pain. But the tree had a crack in It.

Encouraged by this turn of events, I continue punching It until It breaks, only to notice that physics apply and the tree started falling.

Upon falling the tree turned in 5 blocks of oak wood, 6 sticks, 3 apples and 4 sapplings.

Happy with this development, I gathered all the resources and broke a few more trees ending up with 64 oak logs, 2 stacks of sticks, 20 apples, of which I ate 3 of them, and 34 sapplings.

Deciding that I was going to need some tools I open my inventory and go straight to the crafting grid. I already had plenty of sticks so I didn't need to craft any extra. I turned 1 log into 4 planks and then into a crafting table which I placed on the ground and started crafting my wooden tools. A pickaxe, an axe, a shovel and a sword. I doubt I'm going to need a hoe any time soon, especially a wooden one. I also noticed that the tools had the same texture as the normal Minecraft one. The blocky pixelated one.

Under each tool I noticed that It is written their attack damage and their durability.

Each one had 59 durability. The pickaxe had +2 attck damage, +2.5 for the shovel, +4 for the sword and +7 for the axe.

Now with the tools and everithing else I was ready to start my trip to Orario, but before that I need to test a theory I have been thinking of ever since I broke that first tree. 'Do phisics only apply to real world objects or does It also effect Minecraft blocks?'. To test that theory I used my remaining 3 oak planks and placed them in a short L shape and broke 2 of them.

Apparently gravity doesn't apply to Minecraft blocksas the plank just floated there 1 block above ground, but logic tells me that blocks like sand and gravel can still fall.

After picking up my stuff I started the to wander off in a random direction until I get out of this forest. After that, If I don't see the gigantic Tower of Babel I will just ask someone where Orario is.

On my way out of the forest I suddenly heard a sound

*rustle* *rustle* *rustle*

Upon turning in the direction of the sound I saw a shaking bush from which about 3 figures jumped out of. Their glowing red eyes, green skin, small stature, and everithing else about them allowed me to instantly identify them as goblins.

As this wasn't normal Minecraft, I could use both of my arms, so I equipped my sword and my axe in each arm.

Upon focusing on the goblins I noticed that they had 5 hearts above them, which meant that they have 10 HP each.

"Huh. Neat. I have damage indicators. That's going to be useful".

After that revelation I realised that 1 hit from each one will be more than enough to dispose of them since the axe deals 7 damage and the sword deals 4 damage which means 11 damage while they have 10.

Immediately, one of the goblins lunged at me only to get a wooden axe to face. It flashed red for about half a second and got knoked away from me. As It did, I noticed some particles that looked like sparks coming out of it, signifying a critical hit.

The goblin then fell over with the hearts above It becoming black and, therefore empty and turned into white smoke particles droping a very small purple stone looking thing.

'Looks like I won't need to dig out their cores'

Not understanding what just happened, the remaining 2 goblins also lunged at me.

I hit the first one in the head with my sword, getting a crit and knocking It back, taking out 8 HP and the other one received an axe to the body, knocking It back but not getting a crit.

'Apparently I need to hit them on the head or in a weak spot in order to get a critical hit'

Once again they lunged at me only for the same thing to happen.

'Looks like i didn't need to use the stones'

After dipatching the goblins and picking up their cores, that stacked as It said they were from a surface goblin, I continued on my way, not encountering any other monsters.


"Finally! I'm out of that forest"

Upon looking around I notice a certain tower in the distance.

"Looks like that's where I'm going next"

*Another timeskip*

After an uneventful treck to Orario I finally reached the wall surrounding the city only to see the long line of people waiting to enter.


After an annoyed sigh I hot to the end of the line and started to play the waiting game.

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