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50% Darcy
Darcy Darcy original


Author: Kammy_Mann_0604

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Lucious lavender


Class ends and I try to shove everything into my bag as fast as I can to make it to the other end of campus where my next class is. Next semester I decided to map out my classes before signing up. 709 meters to the next building where my Science class is. I measured it. Takes me 11.5 minutes to get from one class to the next and I have 10 minutes between each class. Yep, I so totally timed it. Mainly because it annoyed me to no end that I had to hoof it so far away to get from each class. I wanted to check if it was even feasible for me to keep taking this class. I figured out that it could work, I looked it up and it should only take a normal adult 4 minutes to walk 300 meters. However, there's always a cluster of people lingering in my way. It is also harder for me to run in flip flops. And I have to make this trip three times a week, every week, for 16 weeks.

I should have dropped this class.

I should stop wearing flip flops.


I try to shove through the crowd out of the Fine Arts Building that I am in right now. There are dumb frat boys/jocks standing in front of the entrance tossing a football around. I try to push my way through the crowd, but no one will get out of my way. I see an opening in between two of the guys and almost pump my hand in the air in victory. I maneuver my way through to the exit and....


Into a freaking wall.

Bounce unladylike off said wall.

Squeak even more unladylike as I land on the floor and out tumble my books from my bag.

"Ugh!" I shout out as I watch my binder of notes fall open and the papers scatter out. I bring my head up to scold the wall. I freeze up. My eyes lock with the most amazing looking male specimen that I have ever beheld. Instead of the screech that I thought was going to come out of mouth, five of the most embarrassing words I have ever uttered fall out. "Holy hot blue eyes, Batman."

Blue eyes take me in and his lips curve up into a smile. His smile lights up his entire face. And what a face. His blue eyes are framed with the longest black lashes underneath thick eyebrows. Hair dark as midnight and looks as soft as silk. A little on the long side with strands of it falling into his blue eyes. Blue eyes that looked down his straight nose at me. His face was square-shaped and dark stubble covered his prominent jawline. That smile he aimed at me was lethal. In each cheek was an indent of his deep dimples.

I whimpered up at him. I have never had this reaction for a guy before. The flutterings in my belly. The moronic comments. This was so unlike me. I should be yelling at him for getting in my way. I should be grabbing my books and trying to run to my next class before I am late. Instead I remain transfixed on his gorgeous face from the ground next to his feet.

"What did you say?" he asked chuckling.

It takes a herculean effort to drag my eyes from him. I would be okay staring into those blues forever. I could drop out of college. Follow him around like a sad puppy. Just looking wistfully at his beautiful face.

Oh my god. Where did that all come from?

"Nothing," I mumble. I feel a blush creeping up my neck. I grab my books and shove them into my bag as fast as I can.

He crouched down next to me and my eyes glance over at his crotch. I am such a pervert. I try to look away, but I am riveted. His pants pull tightly against his thighs, thighs that I am sure are incredibly powerful under those jeans. My fingers itch to touch him.

"Ahem," he clears his throat and my eyes shoot up to his blue ones. I feel my eyes get huge. He chuckles at my reaction. I know that he knows I was staring at his crotch. He doesn't look at all put out. In fact, he is smirking at me. The look of an arrogant and cocky guy who thinks women are all to ready to fall at his feet. Guys that I have a lifetime of experience with already. He has my binder and papers in his hand. I take my binder from him and try to stand, but that just caused me to drop the binder onto the ground and caused the papers to spill out.

God dammit. I look up at the ceiling and pray for the ground to swallow me up. Or the rapture. Anything to take me away from this god-like man standing before me.

"Here," he scoops up the papers, binder, and my right hand and stands. The moment our fingers touch, a whole body shiver occurs. His big hand overpowers my small one, but it looks right, it looks perfect. I think he feels it too because when I looked up at his face, he is looking at our joined hands.

Uh uh. Not happening. This guy is way out of my league. I don't want some arrogant and cocky guy holding my hand and for it to feel perfect. My goal is school, great job, and then find an accountant who is two to four inches taller than my 5'4. Someone who has blonde hair. Glasses, the nerdier the better. Someone who is respectable and responsible. Someone who doesn't have to exist for females to drop their panties.

I will my hormones to get under control. This kind of attraction is dangerous for my self-control. When I am out of control that means that my path will stray from my goals. Goals that have kept me going for the last eight years.

Focus, Darcy.

"Sorry for running into you." I pull my hand out of his and grab my binder. My voice was a little shaky, but with a situation such as this, I'll make an exception to baby steps. I look down at my feet and away from his blue yes. I try to walk around him.

"Wait," he says and grabs my arm. "What's your name?"

I shook my head. No way. There is no way I want him to know. I'm too screwed up in the head right now and I've been in his presence for like four minutes.

"No? You don't want to give me a name?" he asked confused.

"Not even a little bit."

"Why not?"

"I need to go to class and you need to do whatever you have to do." I wave my hands as if to indicate he can proceed. Probably to find another girl who will insanely attractive to him once she gets a whiff of his amazing scent.

"All I need to do is get your name."

My heart swoons a little.

"Nope, you're going to be Blue Eyes and I am going to be at least..." I look down at my watch and I feel my eyes bug out, "I'm going to make a spectacle of myself going to class ten minutes late."

He puts a hand under my chin and brings my eyes reluctantly, okay honestly not that reluctantly, up to his. He has a smile on his face. His dimples popping out. I lick my lips because I want to lick them.


His smile gets bigger and his eyes glitter in amusement. I'm pretty sure he knows where my mind is at right now. "What should I call you?"

"How about She Who Ran Into Me And Fell To Ground?" I'm not deliberately being coy. I really don't think it's a good idea for me to see him ever again.

He chuckles and his laugh is a like a caress to my skin.

Jesus, this guy is potent.

He shakes his head and pulls me closer. "That's too long. If I shorten it, it would be Swrimaftg." He strings the first letters together and attempts to make it into a word. "That's kind of a mouthful."

It takes a ton of effort for me not to smile. I raise an eyebrow at him instead.

"How about we start over? I say, 'I'm Reese.' This is where you say, 'I'm insert name here.'" He points to himself and then at me. Kind of like 'Me Tarzan, you Jane.'

"Well, damn, you spoiled the mystery. I like Blue Eyes better."

"What name should I call you?"

"You can come up with your own name for me. I have to go to class though." I bite my lips to keep from smiling.

His blue eyes watch my teeth against my lips before it makes the slow descent down my body. I feel his eyes on my body as he was skimming his fingertips against it. His eyes go all the way down my body and stops on my toes. I wiggle them at him.

"Lavender toes?" he asked bringing his eyes back to me.

I laugh. He's adorable. And hot. Insanely, unbelievably, hot.

Mayday. Mayday.

My heart is rioting is my chest and I swear he can hear just how loudly it beats. I need to get out of here. This guy has danger rolling off him in waves. He's got confidence and swagger rolling off him in waves. He looks like he eats little girls like me for breakfast. He reminds me of my brothers. There are so many reasons why this is a bad idea. He tips his head to the side and it takes me a moment to realize that he asked me a question.

"Actually it's luscious lavender," I respond.

His eyebrows furrow in.

"That's the name of my nail polish color," I take advantage of his confusion to pull out of his arms. I turn away and head towards my class that's probably going to be half done before I make it across the quad.

"I'm liking the lavender toes!" he shouts after me. I can hear him chuckling. I can see his dimples deepening in my mind.

I laugh at his words, but don't turn around. Instead I shake my head and disappear into the crowd.


Dayum. That girl was gorgeous. I've seen her around, but she's always in a hurry to get to her next class. She has never even looked in my direction. That's something that doesn't happen to me very often. They at least glance in my direction. The more confidence ones always stop me because of football or because of who my family is. Girls either want to be with the quarterback or with a Jordan.

Not this girl. I remember the first time I saw her. It was the first week of school. She was in a Purdue sweatshirt. That got my attention quickly. You don't see other schools sweatshirts here on campus. Then it was the glasses. They had black frames and made her eyes look huge. Dark hair that cascaded down her back. She glanced around the hall and when her eyes came around to where I was standing and it was like she didn't see me. I have never not been seen.

Class has been in session for almost 5 weeks now and she still doesn't even pay attention to the other guys on the team that are always loitering in the halls. My teammates and I decided to take this Communication class together and we don't have class again until after lunch. No one is ever in a hurry to get anywhere after class. I normally hang out in the halls waiting for a glimpse of her and the guys hang out with me. Then the girls hang with us.

Today one guy brought out a football to toss around. I would have told him to put it away, but today it served a purpose. It stalled her just a little longer. Long enough for me to make a play.

I saw her exit her class and try to make it through the crowd. Bumping into her has been the highlight of my week. Hell it has been the highlight of my month. Up close her eyes are even more beautiful. They are a deep gray, like the clouds on a stormy day. I itch to touch her long dark hair.

And her scent. She smells like vanilla.


She wouldn't give me her name though. I don't think she's being coy either. I don't think this is a game to her. It makes me want her even more. My dad once told me that it's the girl that makes me work harder for it that I'm going to fall for the hardest. As usual, my dad isn't wrong.

I slowly follow the other guys into the cafeteria, still deep in thought. I'm trying to come up with a way to see her again. I've only seen her in the Fine Arts building after my Communications class. She's not a law major like me. After class, she's always in a hurry and sometimes I can't catch up with her. We have had 12 classes altogether since the semester started and I can only count on one hand how many times I have actually seen her. I feel out of sorts over a girl I have seen a handful of times and have spoken to once.

I make my way over to the pizza and feel someone grab my hand. It's Abby from class and someone I had the misfortune of hooking up with one time. She is definitely one of those girls who definitely wants to date the Reese Jordan as opposed to just Reese.

"What's up, Abby?" I ask as I untangle my arm from her grasp.

"I've been calling your name all the way in here and you ignored me." She pouts. I don't know why girls think it's sexy to pout. Makes her sound whiney. It actually makes my dick want to shrivel up.

I shrug my shoulder and pick up two pieces of pizza and place it onto a tray. On seconds thoughts, I grab another piece. I'm famished.

"Been a lot on my mind."

"I can't wait for your home game next Friday." She says with another pout. I think back to Lavender toes and her plump red lips. I bet she would look fantastic with a pout. With her lips slightly parted. In an O. Wrapped around my...

"Reese," Abby exclaims loudly as she yanks me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I grab two brownies and a bag of Cheetos. I am getting annoyed now. Good thing I'm around food or I would seriously snap.

"I asked if you planned on going to that party at Delta Sigma?" She flutters her mascara clumped eyelashes and all I can think about are dark thick ones that frame gorgeous gray eyes.

"Saturday?" I ask. I think one of the other guys mentioned it, but I'm not sure. I wasn't planning on going. I hate those kinds of parties. Sorority girls who think they can hook up with someone from the team. Girls who flaunt their big boobs and even bigger agendas.

"Yes!" Abby exclaims and puts her hand on abs and leans in closer. "We would love to have you. I know I would love to have you." Her innuendo is clear and I could care less. Abby and I kissed one time at a party during freshman year and I heard her go on and on about making out with a Jordan when I went to get her a drink. I was so turned off that I didn't come back to her side. Instead, I took both beers and got hammered with my friends. She apparently didn't think that was a dick move because she's been trying to get a repeat ever since.

I move back. "Yea, I don't think so." I walk towards the cash register.

"Why not?" She pouts again.

I shrug. "Busy." I swipe my student card to deduct the food from my meal plan. I head towards the other guys who are already sitting down at our usual table. They weren't waylaid by Abby as they made their selections.

"Reese, it's going to be epic." She says. I don't look over because her voice is even more of a whine meaning she is pouting again.

"Great, then you will have fun." I take a seat next to Eric Moore, who is a running back. He's smirking at Abby. He thoroughly enjoys the girls wanting to date him because he doesn't care if they want to date the Eric Moore. Well actually he doesn't date them. He just bones them against an available bathroom wall. He tells me all the time how easy it is to get Abby to blow him whenever she tries to get with me and fails. He only allows her to blow him because it amuses the fuck out of him. He's a douchebag, but a fantastic running back.

"Sup, Abs." Eric says. Abby smiles coyly at him as if she's not going to be choking on his dick in ten minutes. This is another reason why I turn her down every single time.

"Eric, maybe you can talk some sense into Reese. He isn't going to the Delta Sigma party this Saturday. Tell him how much fun you have." She pouts at him. It almost puts me off my lunch, almost.

"Right, right." He scratches his chin and looks over at me. "Abby is right. It would suck if you don't show up. Seriously, Abby and I have the best time whenever I come. It would seriously blow if you don't make an appearance."

I shake my head at his stupidity. "I have a big test this coming Monday and then I have that thing planned with our parents on Saturday."

"Saturday?" Eric asked.

"The dinner at the Country Club?" I remind him. "The one where after we come back from the away game we are going to?"

"Oh fuck," he rubs his hand over his face. "I forgot all about this."

"Yea, I know." I tell him. He hates going to these events where his dad parades him around and talk about his accomplishments as if he wasn't a person, but a trophy.

"You know what," he pushes his tray away and grabs Abby by the hand. "Let's go find a quite place where we can discuss how to get Reese to the party."

Abby tries to protest, but Eric is already dragging her away. I watch Eric make his way through the cafeteria with Abby in tow. She glances back at me for second, but keeps following him. I feel bad for both of them, Eric because of his need for false intimacy and Abby for allowing him to be used by him.

I take a big bite of my pizza and half listen to the other guys talking. My mind really isn't there at that table. It is with the gorgeous girl with gray eyes and lavender toes.

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