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Chapter 2: Chapter 1- I blow everyone away.

Hello. If you are reading this, then you must know about my story. But I'm telling you this as a precaution, close this book right now! It is very dangerous to read about what I am about to say to you as it could very well find you face to face with people you don't want to meet, or it will cost you and your loved ones your life.

If you choose to continue with this story, don't say I didn't warn you. Maybe stick around; you might learn a thing or two. Some things that you may not know that you could never even imagined. Very well, sit back and relax. I should introduce myself. My name is Ryan. Ryan Mizaki. Now, I know what you're thinking. What kind of name is Mizaki? I get it. But I didn't choose it. My father is from America, and my mother was from Japan. I didn't know much about my mother, though, as she died when I was only a baby. I tried not to bring it up to my dad as I know it would give him a hard time, seeing as how he raised me all by himself. But, to be honest, I wish I knew her. But enough about my dead mother, let's get back on topic. I'm 16 years old with brown, almost golden hair with gold eyes. I'm not strong, but not skinny either. I live in a city called Remus. I believe the city was named after a myth about Rome's founding, but its residents are mostly made up of gangs and troublemakers. My house is a two-story building, but we don't have many possessions inside as my father works as a mechanic. Sometimes I help him out in his auto shop.

Today's my day off, and I was in charge of watching the house while my dad was away. I sat at my dining room table, trying to figure out what to do.

'I guess I could try to do something like a hobby?' I thought. However, I shook my head.

I sighed. There was something I always wanted to do but never been able to use it. I always have a 'special gift' that I had but never fully use it. Sometimes I use it in secret. However, when my dad saw what I was doing, he said never to use it. Under any circumstances, NEVER use it!

I got up from my dining room and walked over to the window. Clouds were partly covering the sky. Specks of the blue sky were visible. Telling from the clouds, it looked like it was about to rain. As I began to look onto the sky, I wondered, ' How could the clouds sometimes look grey but still be able to fly free? Where do they go? If so, will the clouds vanish or keep on staying up in the sky?" I would often compare myself to the clouds above. How do sometimes I feel grey but will want to go up in the sky? Where would my life go? And if I'm there, will I vanish from the existence of the world, or will I continue to fly free with my life now?

"I wish that I could go off on an adventure. To see different people, visit different places, and to find out what life could offer me. Where I could feel like I'm doing something special." I said.

I decided to at least get out of the house and go for a walk. I walked from the dining room to the tabletop, where the home phone was. I grabbed the phone on the desk next to my dad's sofa and dialed the phone number for my dad's work. The phone was ringing as I heard my dad's rough voice, "Hello?"

"Hey, dad. It's me, Ryan."

"Ryan, what happened? Is everything ok?" my dad said anxiously.

"Everything's fine, dad." I groaned.

"I was wondering if I could go out of the house for a little bit?"

My dad let out a sigh, "Ryan. You know as well as I do that you can't go out on your own."

I groaned, "I know that. But I don't have anything else to do. Besides, I can take care of myself."

My dad sighs, " I know that you're old enough to take care of yourself. I'm just worried about-"

"About what other people may think. I know, dad." I finished the sentence. I already heard this warning all the time I go out. "I'll be careful, I promise. If there is any trouble, I'll go straight home, ok?"

The phone was silent for a moment as I heard my dad's voice saying, "All right, Just be back before dark." I felt an exciting jolt of energy running through my body. I couldn't help but jump up and let out a "Woo-hoo! Thanks, dad! I promise to be home on time!" I hang up the phone and quickly went up the stairs. I ran into my room, grabbed my shoes, and tying them. I grabbed my backpack, containing nothing but cards and a mechanical kit. I quickly opened a window and realized I'm on the second floor of my house. I think about how I'm going to get out of here. I thought about how I could've used the front door, but I play by my own rules.

I looked around to see if any people were around. With the surrounding area being deprived of people. I closed my eyes and tried to feel the air around me. Focusing on where the air was going to go while at the same time trying to control my breathing. Suddenly I feel the air coursing through my body while breathing and controlling the air towards my hands and feet. I feel the air began to shoot out of my hands and feet like a rocket. With the air finally out, I leaned forward out of the window and flew from out my window. I realized that I didn't know how to steer myself or how to get down. I lost focus and immediately fell into a bush.

I got up and staggered out of the bush, finding twig branches and leaves on my clothing. I brush myself off, trying to get the leaves off of me as I heard laughing from afar.

"Ha-ha! Nice dive, Mizaki!" a boy around my age with red hair and brown eyes, wearing a leather jacket and blue jeans. There were two other boys; a tall black haired guy who was wearing eyeliner (for some reason) and a guy with blond spiked hair who was wearing a sleeveless jacket with a white shirt. "Yeah. I give that dive a 0 out of 10." said the black hair guy.

" Laugh it off, Micheal. You didn't see anything. Besides, don't you have anything better to do than looking into other people's houses?" I said. Having already getting tired of listening to Micheal and his two goons, I decided to walk past Micheal and his lackeys when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. " Hold it! No one comes onto our turf, and if you do, you don't get to leave." said the black haired guy. "Since when is my house your turf, Blaine? Shouldn't you and Keith have a little lover's date going on?" I retorted back.

I felt a fist colliding with my face, and I fell to the ground. I tried to recover from the attack but suddenly felt more fists beating into me. I realized that Micheal, Blaine, and Keith were beating me up. Landing in more punches than I could handle. I covered my body, protecting myself from the blows. Having already tried to think of a way to get out of this situation, I felt like an instinct. Something I never thought of doing. Feeling that I tried to compress, but the more these feelings grew more and more. Before I realized it, I released a huge amount of wind and blew my attackers away.

"W-What's happening?! What's going on?!" said Micheal. Micheal, Blaine, and Kieth have been blown away from me and landed on the street. I got up from the ground and began to look at my surroundings. Fences were damaged, lawns were uprooted, roof shingles were out of place, even some houses were suffering from damage. People were emerging from their houses to see what was going on. Meanwhile, Micheal, Kieth, and Blaine were getting up from the blast, having some injuries. "What are You?!" said Micheal.

Before I knew it, I ran into my house. I locked the door and backed up from the door. I realized what I did.

"Oh, Sh-"

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