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Chapter 14: Chapter 14

My first elaborate victim was called Nathan Sharp, a half goblin like Filtwick but on the uglier side. He worked in Madam Malkin's as a cashier and the bookkeeper. The man even had a son that was barely 8 and led a relatively happy life. Although he was living a very average life, he was content to some extent as he knew how tough it was when he was young. It was still weird how bad this week was work wise as one thing after another was going wrong. The fabric suppliers had messed up his order and gave him the wrong fabric but it was so similar that he wasn't able to identify it. Madam Malkin had discovered it and she was not happy about it. He had done the taxes correctly but there was a new tax added and the information was with Madam Malkin but she had forgotten to tell him and therefore was fined for incorrect taxes. Something which wasn't his fault yet, he had an earful from her. One morning, as he was on his way from a muggle part of London to Diagon alley, he was nearly mugged by a few knife wielding muggles and despite his use of magic, he was stabbed lightly. The use of magic on muggles had alerted the Aurors and they nearly put him on trial. His day kept getting worse from there as there was an outbreak of dragon pox which caused a delay at the hospital. He was late by nearly half a day to work and when he did get to work, madam Malkin was outright furious as one of the fabric suppliers got her orders mixed up again and he didn't notice it. 

The next day, he woke up to see a howler waiting for him to wake up and just as his eyes opened, he got the message that he was now without a job. He was also given a fine because somehow employers could fine employees for their incompetence. He couldn't even contest that in a court because it was written into the contract he had signed while taking the job. 

"That bitch." He grumbled and made a bit of breakfast for himself and his son. 

The was still relatively fine but he had gotten another letter from the Gringotts regarding his loan payment and that the half goblin leniency was running out. With a grievously troubled state of mind, Nathan marched on to Diagon alley to search for a new job. His frustration grew as he was denied jobs, even the measly ones that were clearly open, due to his race. Finally, he had gotten a job at the creepier side of Knockturn alley as the now peddled questionable item to the questionable clients. The next day his house was broken into by a squad of Aurors as he was forcibly detained and brought in for questioning under Veritaserum. Turns out that his new employer was outed as a slave traffickers and was apprehended. Not only that but now he had to pay a fine of 1000 galleons from the money he didn't have. 

When he was finally released from custody, he went back to his house and found that his son had caused more trouble by breaking a few items in the diagon alley which he now had to pay for as well. He went to the shops to try to mend the situation but he was only faced with more scorn and abuse. He had even gone to his previous employer only to be spit upon. 

"There are only a few mistakes I can tolerate but you people deserve less. Now out of my shop half breed." Madam Malkin said, as she went back to work. 

That was the final straw for Nathan as he pointed his wand at the witch. His anger kept rising until he only saw red as the vessels in his eye burst. Memories upon memories kept playing in his mind.

"Nathan, go away before I make you." She said with arrogance and hubris, believing that she was safe even as the wand glowed in eerie green. 

The curse was cast and her lifeless body fell. The rush of dopamine and the wave of relief clouded his already impaired judgment and Nathan fired two more curses at the employees before they could raise alarms. He cast a few notice me not on the bodies and closed the shop before marching over to the bigoted shop owner who had disrespected my before and the dead bodies fell there as well. With his body filled with more happy hormones and insanity infecting his mind, Nathan laughed as he killed the customers in the shop as well. Closing another shop, Nathan went over to the Diagon alley and killed the new owner of the establishment that landed him the fine. On his way, back he had run into another bigoted wizard which he promptly killed but this time he didn't even realise that there were more than 20 witnesses at the scene. He managed to kill another 4 people before an Auror managed to knock him out with a simple stupefy. The Auror with a horrified look removed the wand from the deranged half breed and moved on to the victims.

I conjured a patronus and sent it to inform the ministry which lead to a whole squad of Aurors appearing nearby. The Aurors immediately detained the man and soon enough they recovered many bodies. Moody was more interested in the patronus I had conjured. 

"You have a bogart as a patronus? Why do you have bogart as a patronus? Why didn't you write that down in your papers?" He growled at me. 

"Yes. I don't know. There was no question about the patronus asked. Those are the answers to those questions." I said and got thrown back by a few meters. 

"I will flipendo your ass into oblivion boy." He yelled and began to bark out orders. 

I dusted myself and looked at the handy work and the mess it had caused. Getting dopamine doses from the labs was a good idea and that coupled with adrenaline made a very good compulsion agent. The rest was just a bunch of minute compulsion charm that made the victim act like dicks. Years of constant discrimination and pent up anger  helped a lot but that wasn't my doing. I smiled as the kills were still considered mine as I had gotten a power boost confirming another theory of mine. I sighed and thought about the plans and the actions of the little man and tried thinking of many ways I could have hastened or eased his descent into madness. Maybe hurting his kid was the way to go for this or something more personal like his wife but for now this was fine.

The next day, a trial was called and the man was found guilty of murder. The sentence was carried out by throwing him to Azkaban for life in isolation. The man had confessed under veritaserum and since he didn't have enough money to buy his way out, he got the full sentence with no chance of escape. The unhinged use of Killing curse had also took a toll on his psyche as he was now constantly rambling and permanently deranged. He didn't have a proper mental shield like the dark lord or other psychos and took the full brunt of dark magic as it infected his soul and mind.

 Another few months had passed and Tonks had judged my dueling skills to up to standards and I got upgraded to a full Auror. My grades on the NEWTs and my knowledge of the wizarding laws also helped me get the job but I assume it was mostly my dueling skills. I had even worked with Arthur Weasley for a few days and it was a great experience to see him table the political side of the Aurro work despite the discrimination he faced. I actually dosed his food with a bit of THC just to fuck with him and boy was that hilarious. Arthur for nearly three day was constantly dropping truth bombs on people like it was going out of style and earned himself a rather strange reputation. He was no longer the goofy dad of the Weasley family, as he literally kept up with the Malfoy in verbal combat and even injured his ego quite a bit. 

I actually wanted to dose Moody as well but didn't because no one should be near that psycho on a normal day and God knows what he might have done on drugs. During Christmas, I had even participated in an assignment and gotten my first official kill as I saved an Auror from an oncoming killing curse. I simply dropped a chandelier on to the dumb wizard and he was dead.


"Moody, is not gonna like this." Frank said as he calmed down. 

"Wow, you almost died mate." I said and he looked at me with a smile. 

"That would have been better than explaining this to Moody." He said with a laugh. "Thanks mate. I really owe you one." He said sincerely. 

Frank Roseir was my partner for the foreseeable future and was senior to me by nearly a year. He was also a part of the Noble family club and had received the same benefits as well as a few more due to a handsome donation by his father. He was an average wizard but had good instincts when it came to negotiations or politics. This particular assignment was to investigate a smuggling ring for magical creatures. It was a cold lead and was just a regular follow up but things went to shit as soon as we knocked on the door. 3 wizards began to attack us, thinking we were newbies. Well they were right about Frank but I was a super newbie and wrecked to two wizards in a duel and Frank almost got killed so I had to save him as well. 

"Let's look for the creatures before alerting the department." Frank said, but I hit him on the head. 

"That is what idiots would do." I said and shook my head. "Aparate to the ministry and get some back up. I will stay here." 

"Is that okay? Isn't there a protocol for this?" He said with a frown. 

"There is a protocol and we are following it. Now, go." I said and he popped away. 

It was barely 2 minutes and a team of 4 senior Aurors were on the scene. Thankfully, my common sense was intact and I had called for a back up because 7 more baddies showed up and began to engage in a full wizard battle. We did come out victorious but one of the senior Auror got severely burned. Soon, more Aurors were on the scene and luckily no other idiot appeared. We even recovered one phoenix, 37 dragon eggs, 14 unicorns, one wampus cat and one baby water wyvern. It was one of the biggest busts in the past 3 years and Frank and I even made it to the front page of the Prophet for our success. Despite that Moody chewed out our years. 

"So, you moron had the bright idea to raid the place alone. Thank merlin, one of you had a brain and decided to ask for back up." He said glaring at me. 

"Sir, it was Ace' idea to call for a back up." Franks said in a quiet voice.

"If it was up to me I would ship you both to Azkaban for not following protocol." He yelled and he punched Frank in the gut. "You boy, you even killed one of them. What do you have to say for yourself." 

"I was. . . ." I began.

"Sir, he was saving me from a killing curse." Frank said from the floor. 

"Is that true boy?" He yelled.

" Yes, sir." I said and got a flipendo to the face.

"Good, job both of you but next time use your useless brains and call for back-up earlier." He said and went away stepping on Frank on the way out. 

I silently cast a few episkey charms on Frank and myself and we walked away from that nightmare to the leaky cauldron. A few drinks later, we laughed at each other.

"Mate, can you believe that? He even praised us and insulted us at the same time." Grank laughed. 

"I was half expecting to die back there." I replied laughing as well. 

We had a few more drinks and hobbled our way back to our homes. While, I was completely fine but having to keep appearance up was a big deal and something I must do. Also, we had like 5 drinks in total back there. How was he completely smashed in 3? 

"Freaking light weight." I grumbled in frustration. 

In the meanwhile back at Hogwarts, McGonagall felt like one of her enemies was suffering and had a wonderful sleep.

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