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Chapter 1: Darth Vader

(Vader POV)

'No' ... Pain. That's what I feel right now — only pain.

'No' ... But it isn't the physical pain that makes waking up so hard ... it is the face of surprise and fear that flashes in front of me.

'No' ... Padmé's face, as she holds her neck and I ... choke her. 

"NOO!", my voice sounds and I use the Force and my anger to push Palpatine away and make him crash into the wall. 


"You told me you could save her."

"In your rage, you chose .. a different path.", Palpatine says and pushes back with the Force. 


"Padmé ... is dead, my friend. Even the power of the dark side cannot bring her back. But in her death, she has given you a gift.", Palpatine says, "Pain."

Pain ... he is right. Pain is all that I feel right now. Pain and anger. Anger at him for lying to me. Anger for his machinations and his plots that led me to this stump of a body and the death of the love of my life. Anger at Obi-Wan, for making Padmé come to me that day and especially anger at myself. Anger for my great weakness, the lapse of judgement that made me Force Choke Padmé and anger for losing to Obi-Wan and falling that deeply and blindly to the Dark Side ... while losing the only thing that made me do it in the first place. 

"Now you must choose. Will you accept that gift? Will you use it ... or will you die?", Palpatine asks me. 

"I ... will live.", I answer him. 

"Good. And now ...", Palpatine starts and then ...


... he fires powerful blue Force lightning at me and electrocutes me, causing me great pain. I see, he has made the suit very susceptible to lighting in general. He wants to keep me under his control. 



"Where is your Lightsaber, Lord Vader? Use it's power! Defend yourself!", Palpatine taunts and tells me. He knows the answer to that, but he still asks. But why would I use a Lightsaber? I won't accept this ... I focus and use the Force to stop the damage and to push back slightly. 

"Lost. In the fight with ... Obi-Wan. He ... took it.", I say as I begin to push back and memorize this feeling of Force lightning. 

"NO!", Palpatine screams and then stops, "That blade belonged to another. A Jedi. You are a Sith.", he says and activates his red Lightsaber. Then he points it at my neck. 

"I realize this has been a ... traumatic time for you. But if you touch me with the Force again, I will finish what Kenobi could not.", Palpatine says and deactivates the Lightsaber. 

"You are my friend, Lord Vader. I do hope we never find ourselves in this petition again. Rise. The great work must continue."

He is right. It has been more than traumatic. I will forever be haunted by the image of me Force choking Padmé and know that I am to blame for her death and the way my body now looks. I am not strong enough to fight against Palpatine. I need more strength. I need to grow more powerful and then take my revenge. This feeling is strong within me. 

"You think of revenge. You wish to leave, to find the source of all your pain. I can sense it. Set such feelings aside. Your personal vendettas pal net to the needs of our Galactic Empire. Come with me. I wish to show you something.", Palpatine says. He can sense my feelings. I need to be careful and make sure that he doesn't suspect anything. I will have to grow in secret until I am ready to confront him. 


Palpatine, now the Emperor takes me to a balcony overlooking the old Jedi Temple. There, we watch as Mas Amedda directs a ceremonial burning of the lightsabers of all the Jedi who had been killed in the Temple. 

"Never again will we fear the Jedi!", Amedda says directing the people. As we listen, Sidious talks to me. 

"Do you know why our blades are red, Lord Vader?", he asks me. 

"No, Master. the Jedi teachings on this subject were ... incomplete.", I answer him. I call him Master because I will use him as such. I will take all he can teach me and then destroy him. Mark my words. 

"Through the grace of our Emperor Palpatine, we were saved from their treachery.", Amedda continues. 

"Ha! The fools hid the knowledge they found uncomfortable. They could not face the darker truths, and they paid the price. A red saber is no different than any other. Except ... it has been made to bleed.", Palpatine explains.

"The Jedi are gone. The emperor saw through their separatist plots, their lies. He survived their attempt to assassinate him. And now, at last ... we are safe.", Amedda declares and shows many Lightsabers from former and now dead Jedi. The clone troopers attending threw a basket full of various lightsabers into the incinerator, including Yoda's.

"The crystal from any Jedi's saber will do. As you know, the Kypers are alive, in their way. Like any living thing, they can feel pain. Through the Dark Side, you must pour your pain into the crystal. And when, at last, the agony becomes more than it can stand ... a beautiful crimson. The colour of your rage.", Sidious explains the process to me. 

"We have entered a new age. An age of freedom!", Amedda declares. 

"Freedom. hm. None of them understand it. None but you and I. Do you understand, Lord Vader?", he asks me. 

"Yes. You could have given me any one of those Lightsabers to corrupt. Even Yoda's. But you did not. The saber of a Sith is not given ... It is taken.", I say as we watch the lightsabers catch on fire and a moment later, a powerful blast of energy was released into the air as the kyber crystals were destroyed.



After the ceremony, Sidious takes me to the planet Gattering in the Mid Rim. 

"Your armour, Lord Vader. How do you find it?"

"It ... will serve your purpose. It is some of the worst work I have seen, but it will work for what it was designed to.", I answer him as we land on the planet. 

"Why have we come here, my Master?"

"I need your help, Lord Vader. I have very high hopes for what we might achieve together. But first ... you will need your Lightsaber. You must seek out a Jedi from whom to take a Kyber Crystal. A daunting task indeed, after our success together in eradicating them from the galaxy. However, I have great faith in your resourcefulness and capability. Go now, my apprentice. 

Hmm, I had a vessel brought here for you to use. It appears to have been stolen. Ah, this lawless galaxy. Truly, it cries out for our giadance. Are you at a loss, my friend? Take heart. Your path is simple. Embrace the Dark Side. Bend it to your will, and it will provide everything you need. 

Your power will become endless, Lord Vader and then we shall rule ... as one.", Sidious says as the ramp closes and the ship takes off. 

Limitless huh? You are correct my Master. It will become limitless and I will make sure it does indeed get there. I will grow more powerful. I will use this terrible work of a suit, to grow more powerful. Every step I take, every breath I take, every single movement I do ... it will fuel my strength. The weight of this block of metal almost feels like I am walking through many times gravity. I am glued to the ground. 

Palpatine did that on purpose. He is punishing me for my failure and makes me see that. He believes that this will make me more powerful and he is right. But he also thinks that he can control me with pain and fear because it is weak to lightning. He is wrong!

I will use every walking moment, to grow more powerful. I will use the Force to breath, to walk, to eat and to heal. The uses of the Force are nigh limitless. I will make use of them. And who decided that I can't use the abilities of the Light Side of the Force? I will use whatever I can to take my revenge, and you better believe that. 

I activate a different mode in my visor and see traces leading further into this desert of a planet. Time to get to work. I use the Force as I have been doing since I woke up, to move each limb. I move my thigh and then use the Force to get more fluidity and stability in my step. Each step is supported by my use of the Force and I lift the heavy boots. 

I close my eyes and only focus on this task as I make my way forward. I somehow get into a state of hyper-concentration, enhancing my learning ability. I can feel every slight mistake that I make as I move forward. I feel myself getting better at this the longer I walk. The progress is something I haven't experienced before, not even as Anakin Skywalker. 

This progress continues and I finally open my eyes again. I would be happy if this was still Anakin, but Anakin Skywalker is dead and I am all that remains. I stand in front of the nearest settlement from my position. I can feel ... people here. I was never particularly good at feeling other's presence, but that will change. 

I make my way into the settlement and hear two people talking. 



(3rd Person POV)

"Would you look at that thing? What a beauty. Just lying out there in the desert too."

"We can probably sell it even if we can't slice past the encryption. Should fetch more credits than we'll see in a year of slavi-"


A piece of metal and technology slams into one of the two and stops their talk. As they look up they see a figure in black armour lifting different pieces of metals and debris telekinetically. 

"That ship ... is mine.", the figure declares. 

"Kill him!", one of the thieves says and more people come running out of the barracks. They grab their blasters and begin shooting at Vader. Vader tries to dodge their attacks. He jumps down and uses telekinesis to shoot small pieces of metal and screws as projectiles and impale the thieves. 


One blaster hits Vader though.

"Got him! I got hi-", the one that managed to hit Vader is celebrating but it is too soon for that. A strong push of the Force slams into him and pushes him off the cliff that their base is standing on. 

He uses two men as a shield and blocks blaster fire. Then he shoots them telekinetically into other men and that leaves him with only one man remaining.

"By all the ... Why are you here? What do you want?", the man asks. There is fear in his voice and Vader can feel his fear. 

"From you? Only this.", Vader says and breaks the man's neck. He stops for a moment and waits for the adrenaline to come down. He closes his eyes again and replays the fight in his mind. The breathing apparatus was slow to respond a few times, leaving him without enough air for a short time. 

Moving fast is still hard for him and moving while also using the Force for other things is still not acceptable for him. He needs more training. He got hit by a blaster by these no-named thieves. He uses something he never knew how to use when he was still Anakin Skywalker, Force Healing. He never used it and only ever managed to slightly calm himself and some minor revitalization. But this time he will use the full version. Maybe he will couple it with Force Drain.

He concentrates again and bends the Force to his will. No matter what Sidious said, he doesn't realise how right he was. For Vader is still the Force personified and given enough time, he will grow immensely powerful. 

Darth Vader uses Force healing and feels that his small injuries are slowly healing. This is the way he thinks to himself. That is the way for him to regain his body in the future.

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