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Chapter 22: Chapter 3: His Thoughts

[A/N: You thought it was a Filler-chan, but it was me, Real Chapter da!!!







Well, the teaser did its job I guess, right my friends?

This chap is nothing grand to be exact.

It's purpose was just to rile you guys up in expectation only to end disappointed in the end (LoL)

And once more, I'll watch ur sufferings up from here~

(The Title of the Chap is... yep yep, repeated. But this is a real chap guys. Really...)

Okay, here's the chap \(ϋ)/♩]


Looking at the numerous tremors which resulted the drones' demise after the snap of his finger, Rei had confirmed that everything is already in place 'for now'.

Rei then opened a [gate] and proceeded to make his exit.

If somebody would ask why is he leaving, then the answer for that is that everything that he should do here was finished.

Nothing more, nothing less.

But if he had to add a different excuse, then he would say that he is just say that he is bored or tired. And then a thought crossed his mind.

'There's no way that wouldn't have happened...' Rei thought to himself as he shook his head in denial.

As for what that is, it was something that isn't worth mentioning for now but would be very important in the future.

Before entering the gate, he then turned his head as his vision landed upon two individuals.

The Nameless Girl who was looking at him with eyes reflecting a somewhat sad glow, and the other was a boy blown away with the explosions that resulted the falling debris of the drones and some facilities around him.

'The plot armor sure is thicc... To think no fatal injuries but only slight scratches wad what he got after being caught up in this skirmish, as expected Shidou', Rei gave off a respective sigh thinking that the plot armor sure gives a total load of bullshit.

Rei then gave an understanding smile towards the girl's direction as he waved his hands on her direction.

Taking a step forward, the last figure that he saw before going in the [Gate] was the unconscious boy slowly being surrounded by a faint light as he disappeared from the area.

"Now then. I wonder how Shidou would react after this. Well, Kotori would explain these things to him later on about Spirits if everything goes well"

Saying so, he completely disappeared from the place for he has really nothing to do here anymore.


[Few Hours Later]

Rei now was currently occupied in one matter.

He sat crossing his legs and had a serious expression as he was drowned on his thoughts.

It's been a few hours since he left the Nameless Girl on that place.

Obviously, the Nameless Girl already left long ago. Rei just didn't know when exactly since he first left there after all.

"Well, not that it mattered much anyways" Rei muttered.

That wasn't what he was currently pondering over at this moment.

It's about how he would utilize the information from his past life and apply it to here.

Rei knows that each person he is encountering here in this world were not some fictional characters written in a piece of paper but are true people who has their own lives. Rei, already realized this after a few days of staying here in this world and he constantly reminds himself not to forget it.


Since the information he holds for now may or may not be accountable for every person has their own lives to live for. There's no author or producer that would guide or control how they act or anything.

That means anything Rei had known about the past may or may not happen at all. In short, the future is uncertain.

To add, Rei wasn't a protagonist of some sort where the 'world' itself would help him if things go dire. He was a foreign variable that was just included in this world due to his wishes and by the whims of a God.

That's why Rei thought to himself that he needs to strive to survive but here's another thing that bothered him the most after all this time.

"What is my goal in life....?"

A wise man once said—

'The Goal of All Life is Death'

Bland and simple yet meaningful.

But Rei doesn't want to stress himself by thinking about death this early. In fact, who would stress himself thinking when he or she would die when he or she was reincarnated or was in the same position as Rei's.

Obviously, none.

Thinking about the concept of death, Rei then realized some facts that just randomly yet quite accurate appear on his head.

"[Divinity] basically means being a 'God'... No, basically, I'm a quasi-god and an reincarnated one at that. So obviously, one of the perks that I have is..."


Basically, having eternal life.

But at the same time, that doesn't mean that Rei couldn't die. Being immortal doesn't mean being invincible to death after all.


A God's authority. In short, Authorities are the divine powers, attributes, qualities, and weapons of gods, heroes, demons, monsters, and foreign variables, which make them unfathomable to lower beings.

Though that would be 'one' of the various explanations of what Authority is out there, Rei himself just thinks that it is something that transcends the bindings of laws in the world.

And to add, Authorities are immeasurably diverse and could be utilized flexibly if given to the right person, used in the right situation, etc.

Though Rei wasn't sure if he got one, there's nothing bad in hoping something like that right?

Also, Rei could somehow pinpoint some details on knowing what kind of God granted his wishes to be exact.

And once more, he mumbled.

"My goal in life is..."

Rei knew the answer to it himself that... he doesn't have a 'concrete' goal as of now.

He was hollow in the inside in some sense.

Some would say that he should just save this world and act like some hero. And his answer to that would be a big "No". It's too troublesome and tiring to do it himself.

It wasn't his role in the first place.

Some would say that his goal should be conquering girls from the protagonist for himself, but he himself knows best that something like that isn't suitable for him.

Rei doesn't plan to do that at all. Well, he might take some but still—it wasn't like he was getting them like trophies or awards only to be a woman to be displayed just like some other people out there.

Rei purely doesn't have that thought at all.

At least, he would learn to cherish them in the process—not like some other guys out there. He could do that.... probably.

As he was drowning from his thoughts, Rei then pulled out the 'expensive' wine from his side and poured some on his glass.

Taking a sip from a glass filled with high quality wine, his serious expression somehow broke as he slowly enjoyed the wine flowing down to his throat.

"Haaa..... I never thought I would get to drink such luxury like this. It really hits different if you are the one drinking rather than the one watching someone drink some high quality drink like this," Rei uttered in delight slightly forgetting about his concerns even for a brief moment.

This is the first time that he drank true 'wine' to be exact.

Rei doesn't have the time to waste money for pleasures like these since that money is important to secure his living expenses.

Well, he didn't really needs to think about it since it's all in the past now.

"The past and future are completely unnecessary matters in front of the present....huh. What a great phrase"

Mind first what's present before you. Not those that you could see ahead, nor what's left done behind.

Though this statement has flaws on its own right, many people would surely agree and think about it.

Brushing off these thoughts aside, Rei felt the cold night breeze brush of his body. It wasn't like he disliked it or anything, it's just—something normal that he put attention on unlike in his previous life whereas he doesn't need to concern himself with these unnecessary matters.

"I'll let my future troubles trouble the future me....." Rei muttered to himself wondering why is he talking to himself like a drunk right now.

The time right now was approximately around 11 PM in the evening.

He was sitting in the veranda of his mansion as he observed everything from above and below. Breathing a sigh, his eyes then shifted up and down occasionally as he observed the magnificent view.

The city lights which was like a flock of stars flickering around and the genuine stars that were shining brightly glimmering within the vast sky.

As he was enjoying the view, Rei could not help but think that something was amiss in the sky.

"That circle—no, ring..."

Yes, there was a gigantic ring formed in the sky. In the middle of it was nothingness. No clouds or anything but the astral view of the stars above.

Rei already knew about this matter several weeks ago. It is just too conspicuous not to be noticed in Rei's observation.

It somehow sent shivers to his body. Rei felt he was really forgetting something important right now. The problem is that he doesn't know what it is.

This somehow dampened his relaxed mood as one worry was again to his stockpile. Rei then stood up as he felt he needed to take the rest now for today.

It was then he remembered once more.

"...I don't really need sleep do I?"

No one answered his question.

Of course no one would, right?

"Still, an instinctive habit is surely hard to kill. Sigh. Time to g—"

Ring! Ring!

It was then, he heard something that ring on the table on the room inside.

Ring! Ring!

It still doesn't stop.

What is currently ringing right now was a 'telephone'. And what Rei meant of that was not a 'mobile phone' or 'cellphone' which could be just put in a pocket if you are wondering.

It wasn't the digital one but of those in the 70s. It's very classic and old in Rei's opinion.

"Now that I think about it, how should I answer this.... If they were 'their' acquaintances, how should I respond..."

After contemplating for a few seconds and still seeing that the ringing doesn't cease, he proceeded to pick it up.

It's a naive decision to be honest which Rei knew best himself. What he is currently doing now was basically risking his identity to the person calling right now.

Rei plans to answer it for a while and try to discern who was the person calling.

As far as he knows, the Ainsworth's doesn't have any close relatives nor acquaintances. This in fact means that whoever the one calling right now had some business with the Ainsworth's or something.

And Rei already took care of that matter within this month whereas he declined the mother's applications of jobs in this city, severed ties with all information related about them to others except for some important things.

'I'm gonna dispose this after this call' Rei thought calmly within his mind.

"GACHA GACHA GACHA? Eh? Mashu, handle this call for a moment—ah, wait Senpai!— GACHA GA——"

Rei quickly shot down the telephone as he stared at it with a blank expression. For some reason, his lips and brows were constantly twitching in nervousness and annoyance.


For a few seconds, Rei stood there silently as he spoke a few seconds after.

"...I must be drunk already to hallucinate and hear things like that," Rei muttered and then added, "That's right. Sleep is the best medicine! Yup, time to go to sleep"

And so, he proceeded to his bedroom and proceeded to his slumber.

The last thoughts on his mind made him unable to sleep for a while which are 'Spirits don't get drunk since they are mostly immune to such human complications in the first place right?' and 'How do Spirits breath in Space and not be affected by the lack of oxygen?'

After pondering with those thoughts for over for a moment, Rei fell asleep.


[<Fragment of Chaos>: Fragment No. 969, [Mimic]-{Foundation}]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: Due to an [Event] happening, Host would receive a immediate breakthrough-<This would result longer breakthrough progress in the next breakthrough>]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Divinity] extraction in progress; [Authority] unlocking in progress; [Mimic]-{Foundation} completed]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Mimic]-{Foundation—World of DAL; Spirit Sealing(fake)} <Limit-?>]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Immortality]-{Trait} has been attained]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Quasi-Entropic Regeneration]-{Trait} has been attained]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: Authority—1st Seal Unlocking in progress; 4.4% complete]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Divinity] extraction in progress; 12.1% complete]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: Interference shall be postponed until the Host's next breakthrough]









[A/N: Quite short(long) chap right? Also, not too much character development seen on MC but BOOM! U get some changes are happening on the plot right???!

Well, I planned this novel to be slow-paced so yeah yeah.

Suffer waiting for some developments inthe next chaps!

To add, some ideas here belonged to other FF's. Well, isn't it just normal to see some resemblances in FF's? No probs right?

P**giàrí*m is out of the talks obviously by just copying some ideas from the original... right?

This is a Fanfic! Don't slander meh!!!

With that said—






- WannabeGilgamesh (Author)

PS: Read the AN guyz]

Wryyyyyyyy Wryyyyyyyy

How is it?

Share ur thoughts in the comment section!

Point out some errors btw

Also, this chap literally shows Rei's insecurities that he faces. Not a proper character development, but a budding one to be exact.

The chapter title finally did some justice!!

Lastly, I plan to shape out some of Rei's CharaDevelopment in this arc.

PS: About fgo...... ehem. Nvm.


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