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Chapter 21: Demon Lord's Castle



Vicente used stepping stone to leverage off the air to pierce a demons head with his blade,

From the <Renoperon's red dagger>, which Vicente had stabbed into the enemy Demon, an effective hemorrhage bursted out as blood started to flood from its heart. Even with two of them, so long as it was no longer supplied with blood, the hearts will shrivel up and die but they could survive a while afterwards.

This was the fearsome resilience of the Demon clan, cutting out their hearts was ideal.

He used his newly developed Tai Chi that had fused with his swordsmanship and Hansoo's fighting style to combat the Demon.



He redistributed his weight to move around effectively with his shoes and used his blade to cut it up.

Using his refined style he used his sword hilt as a medium to reflect the full pronged force a strength type racial skill, shattering the Demon's bones.


He nailed it full of small scale daggers and artifacts to finish it off. His battle style was finely tuned and solidified to utmost killing efficiently and survival: Kendo, Sixth Sense, Resistances, Tai Chi, Exchange, Stepping Stone. His style consisted of the symmetry amongst these Six key components.

They were like a well oiled machine when used efficiently together bringing a great deal of accomplishment, one and one against demons became less and less taxing in addition to being an eye opener. He had finally compensated from his faults compared to Hansoo.

His blade cut down another wave of demons while the clans and his Warriors merely supported and restricted the Demons from a distance, with leisure. He was still going to monopolize the crystals.

They were all locked in combat with the seas of undead and demons. Vicente couldn't fight more than two demons at the same time, so they focused on restricting them until he arrived to kill them.

The Clansmen had other thoughts but they were surrounded/supported from all directions by the non-clansmen who served him, and he wouldn't hesitate to kill them so they did as they always did from his orders.

Sure enough, he was flying around the battlegrounds reaping the lives of Demon after demon.

Kuduk. Kududk.

Vicente ignored the light wounds as he canceled out the curse which activated when he stabbed the heart of the demon with the Nurmaha's ring, took the runes and crystal which had dropped from its body and then flew off somewhere else as he poured mana in his boots.

Since there wasn't much time for leisure in the current situation.


"Damn! It's a mage! Kill that first!"


Endless screams could be heard all around.

A huge number of undeads and Demons which couldn't even be compared to before.

They weren't really giving large amounts of casualties to people.

Since the demons came in pairs when they charged and since both of them were Killed by Their leader each time.

And even now, one had just died at Vicente's hands and the other one was fervently battling him and his katana.

The thing which had caused the most damage to them were mages.

Skeletal Mage.

It was a weak mob in games but reality was cruel.

Every time skills exploded out from it's hands, even though it was only poison, frost and fire for a total of three elements, it froze people down to their bones and burned their skins.

And the fact that it was long ranged and had an AOE move bugged them more.

Vicente only had close ranged weapons and payed them no attention. This was a fight for their lives.

And the Clan Lords were looking at their surroundings with cold expressions.

It was important to maintain their battle strength before but it was even more important as of now.

Since they could take all of their maintained battle strength up along with them.

In the defensive war, where the defense areas were set between them, their improvements and the damage they received were very similar.

But in a situation like this where they were advancing, it was much more different.

Since no matter how fair you set up the rules, one's actions changed how much damage they received by a lot.

It was the same and even worse for their clan members who had a little to much freedom compared to his people who were like mindless machines with a battle cry option.

'Fuck, Why is it like this!'

Unfortunately they hadn't the time to feel inferior and had to focus on the battlegrounds.

The vibration which resonated throughout the island was getting larger.

The fairy had told them that there were over ten days left but nobody knew if those ten days were enough for them to get to the Demon Lord's Castle.

Playing chicken is only when you can, what sort of meaning would playing chicken have in a situation where you would get massacred anyway if you hid around in the back.

The Clan Lords could only advance forward while accounting for the danger while the Warrior Clan acted as if they craved battle and followed their leader who was crazily launching a slaughter.

'Anyway…Are the demons coming out at similar difficulties?'

Yamata, one of the lords, looked at the Demon, which Vicente was killing, coldly.

He was worried that a stronger demon might come out when they got to the Demon Lord's Castle.

But it seemed like these were at the same level as those during the defenses.

And at that moment a noise came from the ground as another demon came up from beneath.

"Uaaakk! Another one came out!"

"Dodge it!"

"Keep it at bay while the leader comes"

The special forces which the clans 'cultivated' weren't all that special as all they did was keep the same 10 in the dungeons which actually spurred displeasure within their ranks.

His special forces were leagues ahead in teamwork and numbers as the consisted of 130 who worked well together and followed orders. A few of them even had awakened traits. But they still followed his lead.

While they locked down the Demons and fought the undead, Vicente was making his way over to do the same, he doubted the blade would dull, nonetheless he used the sheath for mobs and the blade was demon privileged.

The human battle front was well organized into several sections that employed different methods supporting each other whenever they could.

Nonetheless while the same, their special forces banded together as one to deal with demons as well, he'd grab the kill afterwards as he couldn't allow that but he had the leisure to watch on interestedly.

Artifacts that could slow down the movements of the Demons instead of ones that would damage them fatally.

And resistances and buffs to deal with the basic AOE attacks of the Demons.

They had a decent assortment.

Their movements and attacks couldn't follow up to Vicente's.

But they were filling the gaps with various skills and traits.

'If you do that then you can definitely hunt it safely.'

The opposite method of Vicente's.

If Vicente was trying to catch it as fast as possible by taking on the hits while trusting his resistance and his dodges to suppress it down with an overwhelming attack then this method was a safe hunting method in order to receive no casualties whatsoever.

But Vicente's battle had the added flair of conservation of energy as he used his opponents strengths against them mostly.

His Kendo and Sixth Sense attacked to kill and injure.

His resistances, and Sixth Sense defended.

His Tai Chi dodged and blocked with Stepping stone and his Sixth Sense.

The Clan lords were beginning to buckle under the pressure of their members dying more than Vicente's and them being collectively stronger, the gazed with hate at him.

"Damn this bitch, can't he

just drop dead already fuck!"

It was frustrating having this power yet being beneath someone and someone who didn't grow to be on friendly terms with them but just grabbed it by the john. Their clan numbers were decreasing by the day as they weren't as strong as them, and they were forced to be the vanguard although they were weak.

But the culprit of this couldn't care less about them and their problems.

He was diligently getting stronger by the hour.

'But if I collect crystals at this rate then I can even obtain <Envy of Esrado>.'

<Wrath of Juto> was a set item, modelled after the seven sins. It was unlikely he'd get all of them but he could possibly get the combat oriented ones which were around 4.

Starting with <Envy of Esrado>, which he needed 52 crystals for, then he would be able to progress through the Demon Lord's Castle with much more ease from the synergy of the two.

Vicente finished his thoughts and then jumped at the Demons just like that.

He was starting to look like a dancer in he air, as he gracefully bent his body in all sorts of positions to spring upon the demons.



His blade clashed with a demons armour type skill, in nicked the armour and pushed it back a bit, he bounced in the air rapidly and swung two blades plus his katana in a diving position over its head.

The air split as his blades descended with great force upon the Demon, he supplied strength from his runes into his arm without tension and stabbed while slashing with his blades, his senses peaked from the rune increase giving him an overload of information about his surroundings, his brain like most humans couldn't process it all.

This was so before the runes as well, you smell and see a lot without realizing it. However the runes worked in a mysterious manner to enhance all senses. If there was some method to increase brain activity humans would become a terrifying race.




He was thinking while attacking which gave the demon an opening which it fully took advantage of,


He clicked his tongue inwardly putting up a tough mental front while the thoughts within his thoughts went something like this,

'It f*cking huuuurrrrrrtttttttssssdss ahg!!!!!'

The demon bit off a section of his abdomen. Obviously it wasn't a direct hit as his sixth sense notified him and he leaped backwards but it still hit, so instead of its fangs piercing right through his body it only took a bit of the surface.

His vengeful nature that he usually tamed was spurred,

'You f*cking- no pure thoughts no curses, be the best version of yourself, still I'm going to cut you into bite sized pieces lizard eyed fellow- yes that sounds better self.'

He perfected his Levi Spin Dual wielding over the past couple of fights and now was able of fully performing it,he frequently lamented on not being able to see himself as the badass mc in his anime in addition to being one, eventually the reality of experiencing it rather than just seeing it through a screen won over his greed to have both.

In addition to this, he finally found his talents, the talent he couldn't find while being envious of those choir male singers getting girls at schools, the early entrepreneurs who made a small buck from highschool days, those athletes and all his other acquaintances and friends back in his first life.

In this life.

In this world.

In this moment.

He couldn't help but smile as he felt his body tingling with excitement, his blood was boiling, as he rid himself for the first time ever in this place, of all tribal thoughts, he had only one goal, win.

His body felt lighter as his movements became smoother and smoother, he felt it but he fretted about acknowledging it, what if it disappeared, in this very moment he had reached an all time peak of himself, he was taking down the demon like an expert.

He moved so quickly that at his fast moments his movements blurred despite his rune count not exactly being at that state as yet. He fought so well that it seemed he was fighting all his life, no it was like he was born for this.



The light was gone from the demon's eyes.

'How disappointing. Sigh. I was on a roll there. I still have to do that though yea'

'I keep my promises I'll cut you into little pieces besides....'

His hands blurred once more as he began to cut the demon into chunks of gory flesh. He had made a promise to himself, also he wasn't for those shitty plot points like,' Hah I've killed you, nani! you came back as a cyborg! or Nani! you can grow more heads!'

Of course he already knew a little about demons but better safe than sorry right, well he would be leaving soon anyways....

It was at that moment that Vicente saw the runes and crystal that were at his feet.

He lightly facepalmed.

"Oh, I forgot."

Runes or items equals dead. However runes didn't always drop so when that didn't happen he would give them the chunky treatment of this demon just in case.

He looked at the several chunks of demon flesh while holding his chin.

'They aren't all shaped the same. Oh those are...But those aren't hm. Oh-'

He bent over backwards and cut an enemy behind him. While springing up and continuing his killing spree,

'No time to think.'

Nearby the Warrior Union was fighting well with the special forces of 130 men fighting at the forefront killing demons and the rest struggling against the strong mobs.

"Arggghh fudge block you idiot. "

"You're the idiot-"

Such arguments were present here and there but the mobs didn't let them finish so it ended like that, unended. If they lived maybe they would take it up with each other after but there wasn't the luxury of 'after'. They only had now.

"It's skill is activating!! Those with defensive skills to the front!"

"Fall back!!"

"Support the long distance shooters!!"

"Damnit you greedy bastard leave the runes of your-"

That also happened a few times as well, comrades died and wolves jumped to strip them of equipment and runes.


Brain matter was splattered all over a small radius. A bulky undead killed him in that moment as his guard dropped.

The others inwardly snickered while some said it out loud, serves you right bitch.


The number of demons which had appeared to them within the past three days was about 50. He had slaughtered all of them with the slight assistance from the others who restricted them when he was overbooked.

'Here it is.'

The Door of Bones was getting closer in the distance.

He grasped both katanas as he stared at the door, Envy of Esrado was also a katana but it had a normal colored metal blade with a purple sheen to it. The special skill of this katana was corrosion. It worked well with the goblin poison he it could even.affect The demons.

Envy slowed them down while killing them at the same time.and he finished them off with his Wrath.

His next target was <Pride of Eukalion>, an armour which had a defense skill attached, Pride, which used both the users mana and his enemies' to defend. Cost of 48 crystals.

In the upcoming battle a lot of his men would die, so he planned on leveling the playing field by having the lords lead.

They will receive more damage than usual as the environment gets harsher if they did not have the commands of a Lord.

But he wouldn't disperse them as they could be of more use to him.


A giant door that seemed like it was made of hundreds of thousands if not millions of bones.

One could see that from the door that reminded of France's Arc de Triomphe, a fearful aura was coming off from it.

'Let's see… the remaining number is 1300.'

300 died in 3 days. They had no idea more than half of this number was Vicente hunting for runes amongst their clans.

Which was trivial in the bigger picture, all thanks to Vicente's battle tactics and strength.

While Clan Lords were looking dejected, a familiar existence appeared in front of the Giant Door.

"Hello everyone. Welcome to the first of the three doors, the Door of Bones."

<Door of Bones>

There wasn't any other name that more befitting.

The fairy who had seen the people's expressions nodded.

"It's very simple. Do you see the giant door over there? You just need to get past it."

"…It's closed."

The giant door that the fairy pointed to was firmly closed.

But then climbing the walls that stretched tens of meters next to it seemed impossible.

No, if they were meant to be climbed then why would the door exist.

'We don't even know if the fairy might kill us as an example on the way up.'

Their lives were too precious to test climbing up the wall when they could just talk it out.

The fairy laughed as it spoke.

"Eehee. You need to pay a passing fee."

Everyone made a bitter expression at those words.

"What do we need to pay with?"

The fairy shrugged as it spoke.

"What else. The crystals on you guys.

" Crystals. Just pay 30. Then it'll be a free pass."


Curses almost exploded out from their mouths.

The sum total they had hunted in the past 3 days was 50.

They had seen it all converted to that weapon on The Tyrant's waist as well. They were eaten and couldn't be puked out.

The reason why they were able to plan things about while trying so hard was because they had a backup plan which came from the crystals.

The <Tower>, which was right above the Central Island, was shown on the Islands Map and was told to have even more opportunities than now.

The reason why the name Central Island was given was because it was an island right below the Tower.

And they, who had already gained a lot in the central island, could still look out for opportunities even if they go up with heavy losses.

But if they lose the crystals then they would have to give up on all of those opportunities.

And the fairy had told them clearly.

That there were 3 doors.

Which means there was a chance that they will get robbed 2 more times like this from now.

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