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Chapter 35: I Know Everything

"Beat him to death?" Batman visibly calmed down after hearing him say this. "You're mistaken. I would know if I had beat someone to death."

"No, you wouldn't, and I'm not mistaken."

"Let me see..." Drystan said as he pulled up the full file on this guy.

"Jared Terronson, the son of Richard and Betty Terronson was brutally beat to death in an alley in southside Gotham."

"Six years ago when you were new, only a few months in, you found this guy attempting to rape a young girl and beat him within an inch of his life. He didn't even make it to the hospital before he passed."

"That doesn't make sense."

"Why not?"

"I have every report where my name comes up. If this happened I would know."

Drystan nodded and said "Not if she didn't mention you."

"Why wouldn't she mention me?"

Drystan looked at Batman "Your really talkative today."

Receiving his normal glare from Batman Drystan continued his report "Girls commonly refuse to mention anything about their rape, and in a case like this she might have thought you would get in trouble for killing her would be rapist."

"What's the girls name?"

"Excuse me?"

"The victim. What's her name?"

Drystan sported a grin "Secret."

When he said that Batman quickly grabbed the back of Drystans head and slammed his face against the table.

"Fuck!" Drystan said plugging his now bleeding nose.

"You have a really short temper you know? Its not like you couldn't find out within five minutes by making a phone call, but no beat up the poor computer guy."

Drystan then backed out of his victims folder and went over to the Identities folder.

"What are you doing?" Batman asked menacingly.

Drystan didn't answer and after a few quick clicks he was on the page he wanted to be on.

A few images of a girl popped up in which she wore different costumes.

"Carrie Kelly, born in march 2001. When she was 12 years old she was walking home from school one day when she was kidnapped by Jared Terronson who later attempted to rape her."

"After being rescued by someone Carrie claimed not to have seen her savior. But after a couple days she started drawing pictures of Batman in he journal. Batman was new at this point and the media hadn't released a clear image of him yet but her drawings perfectly coincided with Batman's early costumes."

"After that she developed an obsession with Batman and followed news of him closely. A year later she made her own costume and started hunting down some petty con-men in an attempt to find Batman again."

"After saving Batman's life once when he was endanger he agreed to take her on as his apprentice, thus the first Robin was born."

"Yada Yada Yada, in the future when Batman took on a second apprentice and she was going through a rebellious faze she abandoned the stupid colorful costume and sought out Batman's girlfriend at the time Catwoman and became her apprentice becoming the first and last Catgirl."

"A few years later she came back though and took on the moniker of Batwoman."

Drystan looked at the shocked Batman and giggled "Hey don't you think its funny that your first apprentice is basically the same age as your apprentices now even though you took them so far apart?"

"She knew?" Batman was in disbelief that his first apprentice knew he had killed someone this whole time and didn't tell him about it.

Quickly snapping out of it as he took on a vigilant role "You know all of this?!"

"What else do you know?"

Drystan smiled and made a few clicks opening up Batmans folder.

"I know enough Bruce. Don't tell Babs that I know though, I have a few pranks that I need to pull on her first."

On the laptop sat a folder that had almost every detail he knew about Bruce Wayne.

"Do you know all of us?" Batman asked incredulously.

"No... you and the Arrow were the two easiest ones to find out."

"I still cant find out Martian Manhunter. But the other big time heroes weren't that difficult to figure out."

"You and the Arrow disappeared for a number of years and immediately started being vigilantes upon your return, plus the both of you tend to use extremely expensive toys when fighting crime which really narrowed down the possible suspects."

"Superman and Supergirl don't were masks, plus they both write about themselves as reporters so that was easy to figure out.

"Wonder Woman and Aquaman dont attempt to hide their identities, The flash almost always runs to Star labs after his fights, and Cyborg really stands out as a half robot black kid."

"Martian Manhunter is an alien that shapeshifts so its difficult to nail down whatever false identity he is using."

"Its the Green Lantern that leaves me frustrated. I have absolutely no idea who the Green Lantern is. For all I know he could be an alien that lives off planet."

Batman just looks at Drystan for a minute before he takes out a cell phone "We have a code Purple emergency, gather at the Watchtower at 18:00."

"Your coming with me." Batman said as he started dragging Drystan out the door before stuffing him in a car.

"Code Purple is for identity leakage huh? If Martian Manhunter starts messing around with memories I'll kill myself and it will be your fault."

"Plus my files on all of your identities will be leaked automatically unless I stop it, just letting you know."

Drystan just started whistling as Batman put a bag on his head and started bringing Drystan to wherever the Watchtower was.


The girl was actually the third Robin but i made her the first because i wanted to.

Plus i think she was just attacked by muggers not sexually assaulted.

In the next few Chapters the main character will be meeting some of the Justice league so if you have any opinions on how it should go let me know and if one catches my attention I might use it.

Drystan also let Batman know partially what he knows as at this point in time he has information on almost everything he considers important.

So they know how skilled he is at investigating and he knows their identities they are basically forced to interact with him in the future.

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