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Chapter 14: CHAPTER 12:POWER UP

Months passed as Brendan spend all his time training in the basement of his doppelganger with the butler, Sebas gave him ass whopping when training hand to hand combat without Brendan not use his power.

Sebas is programmed by my doppelganger to master all martial arts that exist in this world.

And this damn butler has a shapeshifting ability that made him turn his body parts into any weapons from this world ranging from human to alien except some weapons but still, he is one such tough opponent.

Now, he is training in the gravity room(10X) the gravity of Earth with him gritting his teeth enduring the heavyweight on his body while trying to do push up with one arm while the other is on his back.

He is trying to break his limit which is 500.

"595,596,596,598,599,600!" He said and laid his body on the ground.

Sebas then deactivate the gravity and approached Brendan.

"Sir?" He called but sadly Brendan has passed out making him sigh.

"That is the 4th time he passed out this month," Sebastian said.

"Guess no matter which universe my creator is, overtraining is a routine for him until he passes out." Sebas laid Brendan on the bed with preparing food and drink for Brendan.

Several months have passed since Brendan defeated Titans and the villains as now the world started to pay more attention to his action.

Each city now has many heroes patrol the cities which make Brendan has to choose a different city to patrol. Currently, he mostly patrols New York since no heroes are there. It is not he is afraid of the heroes, it is just troublesome to handle those heroes.

Besides, if he ever feels very annoyed with these heroes, he can just end their life with a single touch which will solve his annoyance.

But the heroes are necessary since they protect the city despite giving chances to the criminals to crawl out from the prison.

And speaking of criminals, he only heard about the villains be defeated are in treatment due to his damages he delivers to them, both that he cared of as those are villains. So what if villains are beaten to death, no one cares about them anyway, surely many people will hope they will get sick and then die.

Many time he has killed Ninjas that kept coming after him as those ninjas keep asking him to follow them but being a rebellious teenager, he ends their life which makes him wonder if his doppelganger has a relationship with Talia Al-Ghul.

It is just 2 weeks before New Year arrives and that means he will be 14 years old.

Harrison Wells and Jesse meanwhile are busy preparing for something that even the butler robot did not know.

The butler robot then activated the computer and calling someone.

"Miss Diana." Sebastian, the butler robot called the heroine who appeared on the screen.

"Yes, Sebas. So any new news about Overhaul? Both older and young Overhaul I mean." She asks Sebas.

"As you know, the older Overhaul is currently fighting Parallax in the space and he said that he will be back in a month. As for the younger Overhaul, well, let's just say he kept pushing himself like the older Overhaul we knew until his body tired out." Sebastian reported to the heroine.

"Hmm. Different age Overhaul, but still have the same habit. I am going to visit him right now." Diana said with a ring can spot on her hand.

"Permission to enter the basement has been permitted. Commencing the teleportation." Sebastian said with Diana got teleported directly to the basement.

"Greeting Miss." Sebastian greeted the Princess who replied with a smile.

"Where is he?" She asks the butler robot.

"Follow me." The butler robot said and lead her to the unconscious Brendan who is snoring very loudly.

Leaving Diana alone with Brendan, she sits on the bed while looking at the snoring Brendan.

Taking out the same ring that she used to teleport directly to the basement, he called someone with a screen appeared.

The call then got answered with a face can be seen. An older Brendan can be seen and this is the Overhaul, the one who many people truly fear.

He can be seen wearing a yellow armour with a symbol of the skull on his attire. On his hand is a yellow lantern ring.

"Diana." A rough voice called her making her smile.

"Hey. How are you doing?" She asks with a gentle tone.

" Currently resting and preparing to fight with Parallax." He replied.

"Geez. And look here who got." She moves the screen making the older Brendan looking at his younger self.

"So this is my doppelganger huh? The young me." The older Brendan said to Diana.

"He is a lot like you. Like kicking many heroes and villain ass. He already defeated Teen Titan except for my young sister." Diana told Brendan.

"Hmm. Guess he will not tarnish my name than when he takes my place to take care of Earth."

"Yeah, and the League is searching for ways to capture him," Diana told the older Brendan.

"Yeah, believe me, this "me" from another universe is the same as me which means he is cunning as a fox-like me."

"I know that. Already told them but you know how The Batman characteristic, still optimistic to arrest this young "you". Diana told him.

"I will return in a month, Diana. Do not worry as I will return to you." The older Brendan told Diana who smiled hearing this.

"And take care of him. He is a reckless one."

"Like you," Diana said making the older Brendan revealed a smile.


"Goodbye, love." Diana bid goodbye to the older Brendan who also bid her goodbye.

"So you both are in relationship huh?" The young Brendan ask Diana.

"Yeah. He is a good man despite many called him a cruel man for killing many being." Diana said to Brendan who kept quiet.

"Look. I know you are young and as I knew, you did not have anyone back in your original world but how about you pay to visit your world? I am sure you miss your old world." Diana told him.

"Why should I go back to my world? No one liked me there. Flash, Green Arrow, ARGUS and Batman of my world is probably searching for me to arrest me just because I killed scumbags in that world." Brendan told her.

"But I am sure you have someone who missed you in that world," Diana said to him but Brendan shakes his head.

"Nope. I did not have anyone in that world. All alone." Brendan said and walk away from her making her sigh.

"A failure huh miss?" Sebas said to Diana who sigh.

"Even my beloved Overhaul also is like that when we first time met. Do not worry, I am sure I can ask him to visit back his original universe." Diana told Sebas who nodded his head.


"Urghh. Why the heck they kept demanding me to go back to my universe?" Thought me as I kept avoiding punches from 5 robbers who then had their joints got dislocated easily by me leaving them groaning in pain on the ground.

Then he opens a warp gate and returns to his bed where Diana is now eating her ice cream.

"Want some?" She asks me.

"No thanks., I replied.

" So what is your decision? Will you return to your original universe?" She asks me as I nodded my head.

"I mean, it is not like I expect for someone to wait over there at that universe."

But then he remembered something.

"Oooh. I forgot about Zoom. Wait a minute, if I remember, Barry will create a new timeline when Zoom killed his father or maybe that will not happen. Whatever let's return to my " universe"." But then the sound of the alarm can be heard as he quickly goes to the monitor to see what caused the alarm.

Diana and Sebastian are there as they started at the monitor.

"Rival." Diana muttered as he sees the evil speedster now is battling the Flash where both speedsters are hard to be featured by the reporter.

Not only there is Rival, but there are also Atomic Skull and Live Wire who now is wrecking the city.

"I got this one," I tell her as I open a warp gate to the Central City.

Arriving at the top of the near a building, I landed in the ground as I made a huge ice spike that hit Livewire who got frozen instantly.

"Overhaul." Atomic Skull muttered as he blasted his purple fire to me.

"Hmmp." I scoff as I counter back with my blue fire making our fire collided.

"Give up," I tell to him but Atomic Skull just blasts increase his blast as I sigh seeing his stupid action.

"Fine. You are the one who asks for this." Blasting a green wave toward Atomic Skull who now is a freeze in time, I approach him as I touch his body as my half cold do its freezing work his entire body, even his cells.

Time resumes as half of Atomic Skull now completely has to to to turn into ice as he tries to smack me away but I kick him away applying Strength Force on my kick, he crashes toward the frozen Livewire.

Not glancing at them, a huge icicle stabs their bodies as I avoid their heart and other organs that make them alive though that is not the case for Atomic Skull, at least half of his body now is ice right now.

A hand almost punch me as Still Force is blasted around me as I copy this moves from Trafalgar D. Law where I make somewhere contain Still Force to spread at a certain radius.

"Zone. Yup, that is the name of this technique." I mutter as I see Rival who now is front of me with Flash is the same.

Seeing both speedsters in front of me make me smile evilly knowing this is the perfect time to send a warning to both heroes and villains in this world.

I activated my beloved Quirk: Overhaul and touch Rival's right leg and Flash's left leg as I snap my hand making the Zone disappears as both speedsters crash to a store.

Black chain sprout from my back as I bind both speedsters and then bump their head very hard with letting go of them to the ground as both groan in pain.

The black chain disappears as I cross my arm seeing speedsters who now try to stand up but fails. Seems they still did not know they have lost a leg.

"Yoohoo speedsters. Look like you are missing a leg." I say as both speedsters look at their leg as their eyes widen and both feel pale seeing both of the lost a leg.

"Y-you demon," Rival says to me as I smirk seeing this knowing this is not the first time anyone calls me a demon.

"Demon huh?" I say as I crouch down and tap the ground with me activating geokinesis that makes the earth spike stabs his other leg as he howls in pain.

"Rival. How can you do to him?!" Flash says to me but I just smile.

"He is a villain. Why do you care about him? People like him deserve to be treated like this. Trash that is ready to be destroyed at any time." I step over Rival's facing adding a gravitiy force as Rival face now is buried deeper on the ground as Flash start to move his hand very fast and blast a kinetic ball toward me.

But sadly for him, the kinetic ball did not approach me as my warp gate appears in front him and another one appears just above his head with the kinetic ball hit his head as he grit his teeth enduring the pain.

"For the fastest man alive, you did not live up to your name huh?" I tease Flash as he tried to speed crawl to me but sadly he gets pressured to the ground because of my Strength Force.

"Geez. Do not be so angry Flash. I just make your job easy you know killing this evil speedster. Be honoured since no more evil speedster that wants to harm innocent lives except for Zoom who I am going to kill the next time I meet him. Besides, with no villains, you can have your free time with your girlfriend, unless you did not have one." I say to him with a smile even though he did not hear me because being pressured by the gravity force I set on him.

*Whoosh* Something is about to hit me but I did not even turn back as I activate my zone as I turn my back to see an old Flash, the real Jay Garrick who is wearing his attire with his helmet.

"Oh, look what we got here, the first Flash. Dude, why you come here? Rescue your successor. Well, you are late since I have rescued and injured him at the same time. Geez, do the speedsters always at the like this. Speedsters love to arrive late like a knight in shining armour. But sadly for you, this world did not need that." I snap my hand sending a gravity force that pushes the first Flash to the car.

Poor old man, you should just get rest at your home but decide to rescue your predecessor instead. Oh well, speedsters heal fast so yeah, time to kick his old butt too.

"Gravity X5," I mutter as the first Flash get send on his knee before he fell flat on the ground as I sigh in disappointment seeing how easy it took to defeat him until I notice he punch his helmet many time sending shockwaves to me as I get push a few step backwards releasing him from being pressured.

He sped to me aiming to punch me many time but the ground beneath him has turned into many spikes as he winces in pain as the spikes stab his soles.

But this old hero pushes himself to delivers a straight punch to my face.

"Wind Dome." I muttered as a black done of wind appears as the old speedster get thrown backwards after his fist made contact with my wind dome.

2 big earth hand them grab him tightly as I stared at him.

"And here I thought some old heroes will be able to challenge me. What a disappointment." I mutter as he smiles wryly hearing this.

"At least I can distract you." He says to me as I just smirk hearing this.

"Yeah, I know that. " I replied as I activated my Zone that makes Superman who is about to knock me out fails miserably.

Well, when you cast a magic spell, Enemy Detection, Dangerous Presence and lastly wind presences, you will be able to detect movements around you, even a Kryptonian.

Looking straight at Superman's eyes, I can see his determination to knock him out but sadly he did not succeed.

"Wait for a minute, this is the perfect golden opportunity since I get Superman here, which is the World Strongest Superhero, as everyone proclaimed with the original Overhaul is hailed as the strongest being in this planet, stronger than Superman.

" Well, Clark, be honoured as I will be taking your beloved DNA for myself," I say as I activated by a quirk, Overhaul and touch the entire his right body.

And then I notice how my quirk is slow to disassemble his body making me click my tongue seeing my speed to disassembled at a strong being is slower when I disassembled matters.

Only half of Superman's body get disassembled after 20 minutes passes which make me dizzy due to using both Still and Strength Force at the same time for a long time.

"Take note, keep using both Force for a long time to make me able to endure the side effect. "

Activating my Quirk, Rewind, my body did not get tired but my mind is another case as my head throb in pain due to using many powers more powerful and longer than before.

I touch my own body and merged with half of Superman's disassembled blood as both get to merge.

Then I touched the human blood of mine merging with Superman's body which means he now is half Kryptonian and half human like his clone, Conner Kent.

With him having my blood does not mean he gets my power as I merely changed him with my completely normal human blood.

Besides, I am sure his Kryptonian blood will soon start to dominate over his human blood which will make both types of blood clash with each other, meaning Superman's strength now has been cut to half.

It is a theory I come up with based on the notes of this universe Overhaul as he used the same technique toward Ares to make him an Olympian Deity Physiology making his body became a lot stronger as in his blood contain an Olympian Deity bloodline as he use it when he and Diana battled against the Deity of War.

But there is a side effect where his body keeps breaking despite him having Wolverine's healing ability. It takes him 3 days for his body to completely adapt to its new physiology.

Which is one of the reasons why this universe Overhaul is strong.

That is why I did this to Superman because as much I dislike this alien superhero, his physiology is interesting as the only thing I need to avoid is a red sun flare and kryptonite but I already prepare a countermeasure to overcome that weakness.

Time begins to resume as Superman fell to the ground with me fell to my knee as I can feel the raw strength coming from my body as it feels very hurt as my blue fire automatically activated upon my new blood seems to be heating up my quirk.

"Shit. This is going to be bad." I quickly use my Half Cold to cool down my other half which now seems to be losing control as my blue flame seems to be growing powerful with my sixth sense now start to haywire.

"I need to bail right now." I make a black mist appear behind me as I walk through it leaving 2 missing org speedster, an injured Kryptonian who now has lost half of his strength and an old hero who now is cracking his whole body after being freed from being pressured on tr ground by Brendan.


Arriving at my headquarter, I fell to the floor as my vision start to show me the layout of the headquarter with zooming in and out making me recall about one his power as I know Superman has many different kinds of vision in his eyes as Sebas approaches me.

" Bring me back to my bed right now," I say to him as he guides me to my bed as I unequip my hero suit leaving me only with my blue shirt and blue short pant as I right now start to get used to my Kryptonian's powers.

Activating my quirk: Rewind to heal my internal injuries for hours, I endure the procedure for hours before I passed out but Sebas let out a sentence before I pass out.

"Young master, congratulations, you have succeeded in making yourselves a Half-Human and Half Kryptonian sir." I smile hearing that knowing I get a power-up courtesy of the Man of Steel.


"How are they?" Martian Manhunter asks Batman who has just check on Flash, Jay Garrick and Superman.

"I barely call it fine as Flash has missed his left leg completely. As for Superman, I cannot tell you right now but I will tell you what Overhaul does to him when Superman wake up. Jay is fine as he seems to be aching due to being pressured by Overhaul." Batman tells the Martian who seems to be in deep thought.

"What shall we do now Batman?" The alien asks the Dark Knight.

"For now we wait for Flash and Superman to wake up. J'onn, I need you to help Kid Flash on his patrol. Then ask for Diana to help Supergirl and Powergirl to patrol Metropolis." Batman says to Martian Manhunter who nods his head as the alien walk away leaving the Dark Knight alone in his deep thought.

"What difference is this young Overhaul and this universe Overhaul? Both of them are powerful. I need to come up with a new plan to defeat this younger Overhaul and prepare for the returns of the true Overhaul." Batman thought in his head as he also walks away leaving the med bay.

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