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Chapter 67: A Once Over #67

Observing Bruce Gordon trudging through the dense forest, lost in his own world of frustration and contemplation, I struggled to stifle a chuckle. 

From the moment Yolanda mentioned him, I had a gut feeling about the guy, and meeting him in person only confirmed my suspicions. Now, as I watched him, it was all too clear: he saw these people, the Shadow Fighters, as pawns in his game against Eclipso. 

He didn't give a damn about their lives, and his supposed brilliance? Well, let's just say it didn't shine as brightly as he thought. Sure, he might be Earth's go-to guy for solar tech, but when it came to planning, he was utterly clueless.

I mean, who in their right mind infiltrates an island through an underwater cave system? It was a recipe for disaster from the get-go. And then there was the little detail of two conveniently waiting helicopters upon our emergence from said caves. 

Sneak in prepped helicopters under enemy noses? Sure. But sneaking in a bunch of vigilantes and government agents is a no-go? Come on, really? Whether it was sheer incompetence on Gordon's part or lazy writing on the DC comics team, I couldn't say, nor did I particularly care.

What mattered was that if we kept following Gordon's lead, almost everyone would likely end up six feet under. So, I made it my personal mission to mess with him every chance I got from the moment this mission kicked off.

Taking a step back, you might be wondering how I ended up here, in the thick of this mission. Well, let me tell you, it involved pulling just about every string I had in my arsenal. After my sit-down with the Penguin, I hightailed it back to my apartment and launched into an epic brainstorming session that lasted hours. 

By the time I emerged, I had a solid plan of action.

So, back to the Penguin's office, I went, ready to wow him with my strategy. I won't bore you with the nitty-gritty of our meeting, but let's just say it involved me dialing up my persuasion skills to eleven and even letting the Penguin take a spin with my trusty lie-detector ring to quell any doubts he had. 

Eventually, he saw the light and agreed to throw his weight behind my mission.

Next up: getting myself on the actual Eclipso-hunting squad. Surprisingly, that part was a breeze. A quick visit to Livewire, sneaking in a phone for her (courtesy of my shadow storage), and a request for her to work her hacking magic on Belle Reve.

 Livewire was all in, especially since she had a bone to pick with whoever was keeping her locked up.

When I swung back to check on her progress, Livewire had all the juicy details I needed to give Waller a little nudge. Let's just say, after a bit of persuasive conversation, Waller was suddenly very keen on including me in the mission and backing off from Livewire's case. 

Easy peasy, right?

With my spot secured on the team and Penguin's backing guaranteed, I shifted my focus to the quest I'd been handed: Operation Light Brigade. The wording of the quest was what really caught my attention—it wasn't about taking down Eclipso, but rather about gathering allies to confront him. 

That choice of words was one of the main reasons I decided to dive headfirst into the Eclipso situation.

So, off I went, pulling in favors left, right, and center to rally some troops. And you know what? I succeeded. The quest ended as smoothly as it began, with me successfully rounding up allies to face the impending Eclipso showdown.

As for the rewards, they were nothing to sneeze at: a sweet 1500 points and access to the Currency Exchange function. Now, at the time, my point balance wasn't exactly overflowing, but it wasn't the points that had me grinning from ear to ear. 

No, it was the Currency Exchange system that had me doing a little victory dance.

This system's Currency Exchange function was the real VIP, the game-changer. It did exactly what it said on the tin: converting real-life cash into points, and vice versa, at a jaw-dropping rate of one point for every $1000. Crunching the numbers, that meant a cool 1000 points for every million in the bank. 

And guess who just happened to have a tidy ten million sitting pretty in their account? Yours truly!

Despite the pang in both my heart and my wallet, I went ahead and converted 5 million into 5000 points, kicking off a shopping spree that started with the light mojo I'd showcased while facing off against those pesky hyenas. 

The spree ended with me snagging a few tools to perfect my new alter ego: Crusader.

Now, you might be wondering why the disguise? Well, call it a rare moment of caution on my part. Sure, I was gearing up to take down Eclipso once and for all, but the guy had a knack for bouncing back, and if he did make a comeback, I sure as hell didn't want to be his first stop.

As for why I chose this particular character, the answer's simple: no reason at all, really. I've always had a soft spot for the concept of a badass, gun-toting, sword-wielding priest with a flair for light mojo. 

It was just me indulging my inner child and conjuring up a character I thought was pretty darn cool. And hey, no apologies necessary!

Sure, I might not be the most religious person around, but I sure knew how to play the part. The chanting, the gestures—heck, the whole shebang was just an act. Did I need any of it to activate the light mojo? Not really. But hey, why not add a little extra flair?

Now, about that so-called light mojo—it was simply "Light Magic." The key word here being "Magic," not "Control" or "Manipulation" like with my shadow powers. "Magic" encompassed everything associated with light, from healing to buffing allies. 

On the other hand, opting for "Light Control" would have meant zapping foes with light beams and whatnot—not that I couldn't do that with Light Magic, mind you, but it just made the skill way more expensive.

With Light Magic setting me back a hefty 4500 points, it was definitely a splurge. But hey, when you're up against someone like Eclipso, you can't exactly skimp on the utility-power. 

Now, as for the favors I pulled and the allies I recruited, well, that's a story for another time. Why just tell you when I can show you, after all?


The Count, possessed by the malevolent force of Eclipso, lounged in the darkness of his opulent mansion, a stark contrast to the vibrant tropical paradise outside its walls. The lush greenery and colorful flora of Parador's environs stood in stark contrast to the gloomy ambiance within the room.

Amidst the shadows that danced ominously around him, the Count observed intently as floating specters depicted scenes from the Parador Forest. There, Bruce Gordon and his team of hired heroes trudged through the dense foliage, unaware of the sinister gaze fixed upon them.

A twisted grin of amusement twisted the Count's features as he surveyed their progress, relishing the chaos he had orchestrated. In his mind, they were mere pawns in his grand game, destined to fall prey to his cunning stratagems.

"If all has gone according to plan," Eclipso's voice echoed within the Count's mind, dripping with malice and satisfaction, "they should all be dead by now, save for Gordon and the mother of his child...."

A sinister chuckle escaped the Count's lips as he reveled in the thought of their imminent demise, ripped apart by the possessed hyenas. Yet, the sudden appearance of the enigmatic Crusader had thrown a wrench into his carefully laid schemes.

"Ah, but even in chaos, there is opportunity," Eclipso's voice hissed, a gleeful anticipation lacing his words. "They may have stumbled upon an unexpected variable, but they remain within our grasp. They shall not escape so easily."

The Count's grin widened reflecting Eclipso's glee, his eyes gleaming with malevolent intent as he contemplated the impending doom that awaited his unsuspecting prey. With Crusader's interference, the game had grown even more thrilling, and Eclipso relished the prospect of toying with his prey before delivering the final blow.


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