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Chapter 10: Aftermath and progress

"Sir, is something troubling you?" A slightly accented but alluring voice roused me from my thoughts.

I gave the speaker a good look; A young woman of Chinese descent, her facial features respectful and stoic, dressed in a pristine black suit, her posture straight with a minute bow, arms folded behind her.

She was Sandra Wu-San, best assassin of the league of shadows and my trusted personal assistant.

Lady Shiva for the initiatives.

"Sandra, my good woman. Have I ever told you how much I appreciate your services? By guaranteeing my safety, you've allowed me to be much more productive than I would otherwise." I said with a smile, reaching for my phone.

Ain't no harm in praising your employees.

Especially your elite assassin that had been hired to be your bodyguard.

And she really thought that I couldn't fend for myself.

"Thank you very much for your praise sir. I'm just doing my duty, my agency has great respect for your work and sees tremendous potential in a partnership with you."

"I appreciate loyalty above all." I stood from my seat and approached the woman, slinging my arm over her narrow shoulders, I gestured for us to exit the office. "I'll need you more than ever in the times to come. With the existence of aliens and "gods", things are bound to get more… interesting. So, can I trust in you and in your company for more years to come?"

"Of course sir." She lowered her head in a gesture of respect.

"Excellent, I'm truly thankful." I extended my hand for a shake.

She reciprocated "No, thank you Sir."


It's been some days after the invasion ended, the whole world was going crazy over the implications of the invasion.

The fact that there were aliens and gods that looked like humans and that they were super powerful and intelligent beings gave much to imagination.

I myself was living proof of how superior we were.

As I stared at my computer's screen, I was visually taking apart the electronic device in my head, like A CAD simulation, each individual piece was laid bare before my eyes, how each component would compliment another, how various settings would work better than the rest.

Thousands of ways to improve the TV.

Not only that, but the flaws in my chair, how its fabricant was actually wrong in thinking that the seat was helping people's spines, how it's angle of elevation could do many wonders if slightly tweaked.

I was seeing the structure of things and how to make them better.

The connections between vastly different fields, the solutions and problems dancing around in my head.

How to build what my imagination projected.

Some were working models, others were just illustrations, pieces of puzzles that were taking less than a second to complete themselves, pieces of advanced math equations, scientific understanding, anatomical information and much more, years of study had barely suffice to fill the gap of possible knowledge, knowledge required for me to properly construct operational models for my miraculous machines, to build them in the real world.

I needed more knowledge, even with the wisdom of Solomon, I didn't really know what I didn't know.

You can't fill an empty cup with air - unless you compressed it- and expect it to be heavy, it needs something of valid substance - essence.

I needed knowledge to fill the gaps in the machine, the right gears to make it operate well.

Putting everything into more simpler terms...

I'm a walking supercomputer that is evolving by the second.

That said…

My fights and acts were online as well, as the masses insisted on labeling me as a god.

Reporters like Lois Lane even made full reports about everything they uncovered about the invasion and the Earth's champion.

I would have to spend billions to rebuild my hometown, and even some parts of the world that had also suffered from the attack, as Patrick Wayne.

But that didn't really matter to me, I was on my way to become the wealthiest man on earth.

At least with honest and legal work this time.

Now, where's Felicity?

I already miss her apologetically backtracking and her constant babbling.

She amuses me.


After spending some time with adorable secretary, I went back to my work.

"Sir." I heard a voice call for me five minutes after taking my seat, but chose to ignore it.

I was too absorbed in my work.

My hand zoomed across the paper, laying lines then connecting them to another, drawing up whole new shapes and bringing them to life in a detailed artistic view that even I was entranced by, beneath the illustrations were the schematics — like skeleton beneath flesh, the accompanying equations being the muscle fibers the part that moves the skeleton, allowing it to become operational and the sketch of the final product, receiving the cosmetic treatment — the skin.

The clean, sleek outward appearance that would appeal to aesthetics.

I admire my creations, they are as much a work of art as of science, but I never wanted to be stagnant, to be satisfied at this level: I can do better, I can always improve, I repeated, like a mantra to guide my way.

I pushed the paper back, and went back to connecting wires, logic gates and microchips on the latest project's main processor.

On a screen to the left of my workbench, terabytes of codes in an utterly foreign language occupied the whole panel, code being compiled after going through diagnostics and then generated to fit the standard.

The operation systems of all my personal devices were reworked from the ground up, meaning I created and implemented my own operating system and coding language named Knight, massively improving electronic security of my devices and putting them decades, if not centuries, ahead of the current tech standard.

Of course the rest of my family's company tech and products ran on an improved OS named Detective derived from the OS I made for me, fully compatible with any other OS on the planet and adaptable to all other electronic devices, yes even a digital clock or calculator could run its ported OS.

Once again I heard my personal assistant's voice. "Sir, you'll be late for your appointment. You must hurry if you wish to avoid that." She reminded with urgency.

"Alright, I will be ready soon." I told her before whispering in the frequency I had set for my personal AI. "Dots, create digital models of all the illustrations and schematics on the papers. Run operational simulations within preset parameters. Monitor the heat generation in relation to power accumulation."

"[~Understood.~]" An electronic voice stated, with a seductive feminine voice I had personally modulated.

An automated scanner - one of many robotic arms - mounted to one of the workbenches began its operation, stuffing papers and capturing their contents.

I sighed in resignation, finally rising from my seat, as Sandra handed me a cup of fragrant tea.

Sipping on the warm tea as I walked to the exit of the workshop, Sandra in tow. "Is everything set for departure?" I asked, crossing the passage to reach the elevator.

"Of course Sir."

We boarded the elevator, the door shutting behind her.

"Helipad level." I spoke and continued to run various design improvements through my mind. And thinking of what'd I'd sell to my investors this time.

You see all the stuff I've been doing?

All those nifty tech upgrades and revamps, the power consumption of the Wayne Enterprise building the employee salaries, even my own living expenses, they cost a LOT of money.

And do you know where that money mostly comes from, military contracts.

The various other branches haven't started bringing massive profits yet, as they are of a long term business.

The app revenues and other digital content profits are just beginning to take off, the profits aren't that much substantial yet, I know it will be soon, most likely during and after Christmas and the New Year's celebration.

One good thing though is that the Wayne brand name is growing stronger than it had ever been.

I'm really not a cosmetist when it comes to my aesthetics, mostly due to me being already criminally handsome and filthy rich.

Not to mention capable of easily toppling buildings with a casual flick of my fingers.

But I gotta say, Sandra got me a grey suit that made me want to start calling myself James Bond.

And with that done, we set off for the Peterson Air Force Base.


"Agent Trevor." I greeted, shaking the suited man's hand and holding it. "You seem tense." I leveled my gaze at him, meaning I had to bend my head lower as I stool a whole head taller than the man.

He adjusted his glasses, the glaring shine of the afternoon sun reflected on the dark surface of his shades.

"Aliens happened Sir." He answered in a serious tone, firmly pulling his hand away but still managing to keep a neutral smile on his face. "And...huh...gods."

"Aliens and Gods." I let the words simmer.

I could hear his heartbeat with my enhanced senses. It remained steady, trained over the years to be so.

My steely stare turned into a playful smile – if Agent Trevor was disturbed by it, he gave nothing away to show such, except maybe the micro twitch of his jaw and the thin perspiration patch on his nape – things a regular human wouldn't have noticed.

I clapped his shoulders in humor, gesturing for us to proceed and watching him silently groan as he led me along.

"You're taller in person, sir."

"Heh. I hear that a lot." I chuckled.


The General Calvin Swanwick and other high ranking military men sat around a presentation table, dressed in their pristine military uniforms with their ranking badges and medals standing out on their breast pockets and shoulders respectively.

Even when relaxed their postures were straight, their gaze forward and disciplined.

Years of conditioning and training the men in this room had gone through gave them that, Swanwick nodded in pride.

His eyes wandered over the various pristine jet fighters being proudly showcased lined along the length of the hanger, next to the helicopters and various exposed engines about to be fitted to their respective vehicles — displaying the military might of the Airforce Base.

Swanwick noticed the raven haired man in a slick black suit, leading others who carried briefcases behind him walking towards the table.

He immediately recognized the young man.

He knew about the famous Patrick Wayne, a celebrity business capitalist.

Not the usual merchant of death he was used to deal with.

This was a man with a purpose in his steps and confidence in his chest.

The fire in his eyes was infectious, as was the enthusiasm in his handshake.

Patrick Wayne spread his arms wide apart and greeted. "Good afternoon Gentlemen, thank you for having me, I know you're all very busy so without much ado let's cut right into the meat here." He said, pulling off his coat and sliding his gloves on.

Swanwick was impressed, normally people would beat around the bush trying to butter their buyers up before offering their products.

His was the more get to the point type of guys.

"Firepower, that's what you need, it's what you've been asking for so long, well today will perform all about it." Wayne started by opening the largest briefcase.

He easily retrieved a matte black machine gun, by the looks of it it should've been heavier than it seemed in his hands.

"This is the HM - 160, dragon, medium machine gun. Six individual barrels, each, twenty-two inches in length. Seven sixty-two Cal, nato standard. 3000 ~ 8000 rpm rate, max range of 1,932 yd."

Some whistled at the Firepower that weapon carried.

Wayne smiled before continuing. "I know you're asking yourselves why I'm picking this up like it's a piece of paper. Well that's thanks to a new alloy developed by Wayne Enterprises Research and Development. What you need to know is that it weighs 90% less than it normally should. And the recoil? That's the fun part, these right here are magnetically charged inertia dampeners, state of the art shock absorbers. So state of the art in fact that you won't find them anywhere else but in Wayne Industries. Hence the increased rpm, the other specs include…." The young man began explaining.

Swanwick watched in a trance as the man before him stole everyone's hearts and had them salivating with each new and improved weapon he showcased more tasty than the last.

This man is going to rule the world, the general was certain of it.

He might not openly admit it, but he was more than satisfied.

Perhaps impressed was the more appropriate term.

Wayne Enterprises really turned their game up a notch with this young man.

These weapons were necessary to secure the interests of his nation, to ensure the peace within its borders and to deter its enemies.

"Don't you sometimes just wish you can take apart a tank with a single shot? How about obliterating that bunker with just one hit? And it doesn't even have to be one of those large air strike missiles, you don't need a tomahawk or the MOAB. No, not when you have this, something you can carry around in your pocket." Wayne reached onto the smallest case, pulling out what looked to be a silver colored cigar sized missile with small circular furrows along the length of its head.

Treating it with uncharacteristic gentleness, he raised it high. "This baby is the definition of Firepower. The rotating drill head will give it access through the thickest sheets of metal or concrete, allowing it to then detonate it's payload after reaching it's set destination. It will rip a bunker, out of a bunker, hidden in a bunker. It will tear apart a tank like a sledgehammer through glass, this is the mangog micro missile. Don't judge it by its size, judge it by its might, because this thing won't stop until it causes absolute devastation." He said, with emphasis on the last word as he deposited the weapon back into the grey molded foam inside the briefcase.

"So, Gentlemen, tell me which one you prefer and let's talk about those contracts." Wayne flashed a brilliant smile.

"Wayne, I gotta say son, you have your head in the right place." Swanwick praised shaking his hand.

"Just doing the best I can for my country, and to keep our soldiers safe."

The Major General decided to interject. "Ain't that an understatement. Wayne, see the senator's been breathing down my neck for us to "deal" with the situation of the aliens and that "god". I'll need you to continue working on your magic."

"Of course captain, you have my number." Wayne replied. "At the moment I'm working on this." Drawing out his phone he clicked a hard button below the phone's touch screen, a hologram projection flared to life, displaying a 3d interactive image of four six legged Vehicle with various armaments and weapon systems he swiped at the projection and a sleek aerodynamic black drone shaped like a missile with foldable wings took the place of the six legged vehicle, micro rotors were seen on the inside of the wings, and various payloads and heavy duty machine guns on the underside of the machine.

Some of the men silently gasped in wonder, at both the phone's technology and the vehicles.

'This should keep you all happy enough for a good time.' Patrick thought. "This is the Manticore: An all terrain and - got your back navy- aquatic, smart stealth UAV tank, with as much Firepower and armor you can dream of. Next to it is the wasp: for when you just need flight, absolute stealth and a healthy dose of destruction above all else. And the best part, we don't even have to send our men out to the battlefields, they could be in bases like this and control the deployed machines. Of course it's all in a conceptual phase right now, but by next year it could be reality"

"I like where you're heading with this." Another praise.

"Is that phone on the market yet?"

"Actually today's the Grand unveiling, which I have to get to right about now. I'll send over an exclusive contract for you military folks with specialized versions. Consider it an early Christmas present, trust me you'll love it." Wayne saluted with a smile, making his exit.

"Based on all I've seen today, there ain't a reason not to." Said Swanwick.

'I'm sure you do Martian.' I thought, challenging him to read through my thoughts. But I've learned a spell that was made to severely punish the mind of whoever tried to influence my mind.

Not as unbreakable as my telepathic immunity in my magical form, but really tricky for those unaware of it.

Since Sawnwick kept his composure with no clear sign of knowing that I knew about his secret, I concluded for now that he wasn't a threat.


The bright lights were focused on the stage entrance, all around the hall were Christmas decorations.

A young man stepped through the entrance.

The audience applauded euphorically as the man walked to the center of the stage.

Patrick looked nothing like a regular scientist, with his open neck long-sleeve and black trousers and shoes.

In fact he looked more like a model that spent much time working on his physique.

His charisma became evident when he smiled.

"Hi everyone, I'm Patrick Wayne CEO of Wayne Enterprises. But you already know that." The audience applauded and cheered.

The dark haired man reached into his pocket and withdrew a phone. "This is the one reason why you're here today. The Grand unveiling of Wayne's phones and a variety of other products. This is the Wayne X Phone, 7in organic lcd touchscreen, 13MP front and 22MP back camera with dual LED flash, 32gb internal storage, 4gb ram, running the latest version of DOS - Detective operating system-, 4g capabilities, yadda yadda yadda. Too much technical talk, you can get a more in depth list of the specs on your pamphlets. Now let's get to the good stuff. What does it do that any other phone can't right now? A lot. First let's try a simple test. Is it waterproof?"

He walked to a clear glass jar of water and dunked the phone inside while still playing a video on it. "That's a yes. The Wayne X, is the first of its kind in the world, don't believe me? Google it right now." Minor exclamations rang through the audience. "Tired of your screen breaking everytime your phone falls? Get a look at how much punishment this phone can take."

He placed the device on the stage floor, as multiple men came raising their sledgehammer over their heads, they brought it down furiously on the phone.

They were gasps from the audience accompanying the resultant bangs with each swing he took at the phone.

"Phew." He exhaled comically after the men left the stage, picking up the phone, still in one piece and still playing the video.

The only evidence of the previous punishment it suffered being the thin scratches on its exterior and micro cracks on its screen. "It's one tough phone to kill." He joked, earning him applause and laughter.

"A hundred and sixty-eight hour usage time on a single hour charge alone - were already at work to lessen the charge time even more. Thanks to our pioneering trilayer graphene batteries. And last but definitely not least, ladies and gentlemen, people of Earth, I give you the first fully functional holographic array on a handheld device."

A projection of light from the ends of the phone screen brought to life a 3d image, alternating between various settings, themes and videos.

"Fully interactive, fully operational, with zero lags and bugs. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the future, and it's here. Wayne Enterprises, putting the power in your hands!"

His energetic presentation earned him an even more lively reaction from the audience.

"Oh, I almost forgot, everyone in this auditorium is getting a free Wayne X and logo shirts, Merry Christmas you wonderful People!"

The sound of thunderous applause and uproarious cheers filled the hall, as the man bowed, grabbing his demonstration phone and tossing it to an excited fan, handing the stage over to his employees who would give an in depth explanation as well as showcase the rest of the products.

As he retreated to the reception area, where he would politic with advertisers, creators, potential suppliers and buyers over a glass of fine wine and calm music.

He retired for the night with a reporter for company, she got an intimately in-depth scoop, as they did more than just let their mouths speak, using their bodies to communicate on the most personal level.

Her name was Lois Lane, by the way.

Kal-El woke up at midnight, gently lifting the covers as he rose from the soft bed.

Tucking the reporter in - whose name had already begun to be pushed to the back of his mind by the various plans, schematics, devices that needed constructing and various alterations that he could make.

He left the room, walking down the hallway and boarding the elevator that would lead to his workshop.


"Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the man of the year, inventor extraordinaire, sole CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Patrick Wayne!" The stunningly dressed presenter said with a tone of glee as she gestured, amid the loud applause, towards the black haired young man confidently walking onto the stage.

She smiled, shook his hands with added enthusiasm and offered him a seat to her left.

She took hers, and for a moment she was lost in a vision of her future and what was to come.

This scoop today would rocket her career to brand new peaks.

It could cement her amongst the greats, she would stand on the same stage as the ones she once looked up to.

She, Vicki Vale, was ready for action.

Her eyes refocused with added zeal, looking straight at the young man who sat across her.

Short black hair faded at the sides that drew out his already pronounced masculine features, complemented by clear blue eyes that stared back at her with slight amusement and sharp confidence.

She was expecting his eyes to trail down her cleavage – they did, she just never noticed it – but instead found them looking into hers.

She took that as her cue to begin "So, Mr. Wayne, as we all know, you are on every cover of every significant magazine. Your company is making phenomenal waves throughout the planet, all the while bagging a multitude of awards, in fact just yesterday you won the Nobel prize in both categories of Physics and Chemistry and you're the first weapons manufacturer in history to be nominated for the peace prize….It must be really good to be you right now?" She joked at the end.

Earning her a chuckle from the young man and mild laughter from the audience.

He shifted in his seat to take a more comfortable posture."What can I say? I put the work in and the results follow." He answered with a smile. "Its as simple as that"

"And so did the money. You're number one in the top ten list of billionaires now." She announced with a seductive smile. "Oh, yes people, you didn't know? Wayne Enterprises has gone on to surpass every other industry in the market for technology, and that's not even limited to consumer tech." Turning to the audience she made an exaggerated expression of shock. "The tipping point happened two weeks ago when this young man seated here had his presentation at Gothic Metropolis Expo. He unveiled an assortment of very advanced technology made readily available for the general public, among those the most sensational to being the Hover Line range of vehicles and the E-Scape Fully-Immersive Virtual Reality visors, that has been driving everyone crazy!" She concluded energetically, the same way the audience responded with a loud applause and uproarious cheers.

Calming the voices, she once again continued.

"Now, let's be honest, you're a bad guy aren't you Mr. Wayne? There's a lot of speculation going around that you do what you do just for the profit?"

"Haha." He laughed, leaning deeper into the seat. "No, despite seeing no harm in enriching thanks to honest work, those rumors are all false. I am definitely the good guy." He clarified, sending a small wink at the camera, causing the audience to burst out in laughter.

Vicki raised her arms in surrender. "Ok, I believe you." She said. "But some people don't. They say one minute you send a message that humans should unite in peace to further the advancement of our race, but the next you make weapons to spread bloodshed and wars. Why not follow a more pacifist path if you really want to make the world a better place?"

"The weapons I make are for protection, especially after recent events. The protection of lives has never been as important as it is now. That's what weapons were ideally made for, but this isn't an ideal world is it? There are many gray areas and lines that aren't all straight. My weapons are all strictly monitored and regulated under stringent requirements, that no other gun-makers on the planet even employ. I know exactly who I sell them to, who uses them, and where it's being used. I ensure that they are used for protection. And if you're talking about making the world a better place, I believe I'm doing my part." He brought out a slick black device from the breast pocket of his coat, tapping on the screen, various full color holograms began to be projected out from the phone's screen.

"These are all places all over the globe benefiting from the altered crops and the fluid generators." He pointed at images of once deserted, arid regions that now contained a lush forest of crops and pools of water. He gestured to the next. "These are all the mobile labs deployed to every single continent, but mostly concentrated in various African nations and here in the states. These labs provide adequate hands on training for anyone interested, training – focused more on technology – that doesn't lose out to what we have here, enabling them to receive whatever jobs they might so desire. Working in tandem with the various Wayne institutions of free study where the younger individuals not only receive free education on an international standard, but various other necessities. These are a few of the many ongoing projects. And I don't think I've to even mention all the jobs my various branches have provided for the world's populace, just look at the numbers, they don't lie." He finished amidst the loud applause, reclining back to his new sweet spot on the lushly cushioned chair.

"...Wow!" Vicki exclaimed. "And we haven't even got to the revolutions you made to space travel— the new manned-moon exploration mission planned for next year. The various probes that have already made touchdown, and the mining projects that you've been talking about." She flipped through a list of papers. "Let's see, some of your smaller projects include pollination drones, Coral reef cooler and ocean clean-up, Paper upcyclers, Air-ink, multi-purpose solar panels and Thermal Hydrolysis." She took a deep breath. "I don't think we will have enough time to cover everything on this list, but we sure will try." She said, leaning forward, placing both elbows on her desk supporting her face on open palms.

After taking a more in-depth discussion regarding Wayne Enterprises current and future projects.

"Phew! I believe we covered as much ground as we could in such a short period of time. But before ending this important meeting, let's ask the big question. I don't believe there's any special woman or man in your life, is there?"

"Oh, sadly, I'm still single." He replied with a sigh, earning himself loud wolf whistles from the women in the audience.

"But is there a special someone you're after? Someone you have a crush on?"

The man laughed and gestured her forward, while he leaned in, his scent almost intoxicated her. "I'm going to tell you, but you'll have to keep it a secret." He said, as he leaned in even closer.

She could feel his warm breath on her nape, sending shivers down her spine and giving her goosebumps.

And then he whispered something to her.

He reclined back to his seat with an innocent smile.

Vicki slowly peeled her gaze away from him, and with her flushed face she turned to the camera. "Thank you for coming Mr. Wayne!"

The audience gave waves of applause and cheers as the interview ended.


There have been so many different models and actresses on my bed that I couldn't begin to tell you a list of them.

What's not to love about me?

I was young, super rich, and damn handsome.

And there was no way I was going to let all that go to waste.

I did things I only ever dreamed of dreaming of, believe me when I say; I rocked the world.

Back to business, Swanwick got his hands on my first version of my exoskeleton armor.

Which had been completely refitted with weapons, to say that I knew about the intricacies necessary to build an "Iron Man suit" akin to how a spider knew its web, would be an understatement.

I might have gone a little overboard with the weapons I put on my "war machine", but that was why I presented it as the War Machine.

It was a full body matte camouflaged power suit with silver highlights.

Made for brute force and defense.

Pure unadulterated brute power, the ultimate offensive.

Plasma weapon systems, arm mounted rail cannons, shoulder mounted mangog missiles, reactor beams systems and repulsor propulsion and defense systems.

I used technomagic for implementing interior and exterior expansion or miniaturization and compartmentalization, making my product even harder to replicate by the competition.

Not to mention I had big plans for channeling systems for complete invisibility and even intangibility.

Life support systems for extreme environments ranging from deep water to outer space.

Best of all, having a self sufficient power source.

Not only running on nuclear power, but also on threads of quantum energy just to make my work somewhat familiar for the "genius" of my time.

I've gotta say, quantum energy is off the charts as its power output ratio is unbelievably high.

And that exponentially increased the offensive output of my suits.

I would be scared of its current firepower if those weapons weren't made by my own hands.

Or if they could at least tickle me on my weakest form.

However, the War Machine was a model more suited for facing the toughest of warzones.

For more subtle operations I made a slim powered exoskeleton, slim and light enough to be worn beneath normal clothes.

I described it as ideal for stealth and maneuverability to field agents.

The old generals almost had a fourth heart attack when I presented them my "super soldier serum" and explained what it could do.

Besides the boring stuff of making subjects turn instantly into a bodybuilder, with strength power to reach the tons in lifting capacity, I made sure to describe the enhancement of senses that it provided thoroughly.

The soldier perception, reaction, agility, constitution, strength and vitality were dialed to an eleven.

Their neural pathways were enhanced, increasing their overall intellect.

Their vision was beyond what was thought to be human, subjects with impaired vision would have no need for glasses anymore.

Not when their eyesight was like wearing hi-def binoculars without the tunnel vision.

When they cut themselves, which in and of itself is not an easy task to accomplish, their wounds closed up at speeds visible to the naked eye, as flesh rushed to reknit itself.

Their stamina would feel virtually limitless, like they could run a marathon forever and not get tired.

Their hearts would turn into a perpetual self sufficient engine that not only pumped blood through them, but also showed hints of a warm energy.

That's right, my serum could unlock latent potential like metahuman genes or potential for magic.

They were basically evolved humans.

Peak specimens of their collective species, with a chance of accessing different types of energy manipulation.

Of course the law of equivalent exchange was still applied, since they would need to consume insane amounts of calories to sustain their bodies.

That kind of resource I would gladly provide.

For a fair price, of course.

Space and sea exploration are after all parts of my plans.

Look, I know others in my situation wouldn't risk sharing this kind of power with the army.

And maybe they're right, but on the scale of powers my serum might make regular human beings go beyond olympic medalists and maybe some metahumans.

But in comparison to a regular Kryptonian under the effects of a yellow sun, oh boy they would be next to nowhere high on that scale.

Don't even think about comparing them to other celestial beings that had duke it out with the blue boyscout and lived to tell the tale.

Not to mention that my designs were really expensive.

A single powered exoskeleton armor of mine can cost up to an excess of billions of dollars.

But the serum itself makes that price seem modest.

And that's me talking, the manufacturer with the power to make diamonds with my grip and transform rocks into pure gold through my alchemist magic.

Besides, I've got a different problem.

The sensation of living in a world made of cardboard is already kicking in.

My magical powers were supposed to give me perfect control over my kryptonian powers, but since I've been forcing myself to go past my limits, that task has become a chore.

Don't get me wrong.

Always having to constantly care not to break something or someone and never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, was a hell of a training.

But I wanted to have more fun with the beautiful ladies that practically begged for my dick.

Discipline and great restraint during sex was just not as appealing as one might think it is.

Ok, I'll come clean.

I was actually tempted to create the "sentry serum" with the "kryptonian growth codex" just to let loose completely.

But I will reserve taking further the role of god only with my own kind, after I make them obedient to me.

And let me tell you, Faora-Ul was really a stunningly beautiful woman.



*Hope the chapter is of your liking. If there's anything that you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

If there're any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

** Sorry, but it seems I can't avoid writing arrogant and cringy protagonists. 😅😐😓

*** Check out my new fic, Ben 10: Apex Hero!

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