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21.42% DC: The Nomad

Chapter 3: A Whole New World

Around 6 pm I walked to Barbara to the door. She turned to me and said, "Thanks for today I didn't even realize how stressed I was till I got a chance to unwind."

"You're welcome just don't go using alcohol every time you want to relax"

"Don't worry I have first-hand experience with how alcohol can ruin lives"

"Well, I'll see you at school good luck with your 'stuff'"

"Yeah, I'll see you then," Barbara said pulling me into a quick hug before disappearing just as quickly down the hallway. I shut the door and found my burner phone and saw that my suit and weapons were ready. A smile spread across my face as I quickly got dressed and disappeared. Reappeared close to the meeting spot with the other half of the payment.

I waited for the other party to arrive. A little while later they arrived. We wordlessly exchanged goods I opened the case and inspected the promethium-lined suit all in black with a mask that looks similar to Haku's from Naruto except the white is replaced with black and the red is replaced with white. The mask comes equipped with zoom, infrared, and night vision functions. Air filters, audio enchantment, a heads-up display, and its led lined to protect against x-ray vision.

The suit is airtight and has attached air tanks for traversal in space and underwater. Along with two pistols that shot electroshock bullets, they were capable of shooting real bullets just in case I needed to put someone down permanently but I'd only use that as a last resort. I also got two combat knives, a couple dozen or so throwing knives that had various uses, and a katana all made of promethium.

Satisfied I immediately walked away once I was out of sight, I immediately teleported home. Took off my old uniform and replaced it with my newly acquired one my mask now covered my entire head. My suit with a hood had a lot of compartments for a variety of different things such as smoke and gas pellets, tracers, and more. The suit also had the function to send out an electromagnetic pulse that disables cameras. Putting everything on I truly felt like a living Swiss Army knife. My gloves were even with functional stun guns. I decided to try out my suit by teleporting around looking for any criminals I could test its functions on.

While I was patrolling rooftops, I truly felt like I was unshackled from the constraints of my past life. As I traversed the rooftops, I spotted some suspicious activity men with guns patrolling while another set of men were loading some sort of cargo onto trucks. I used this opportunity to test out my stealth skills teleported behind the guards grabbed them and teleported both of us away soundlessly taking them out. I didn't kill them because that would draw the wrong kind of attention from the wrong kind of people.

Once all the armed guards were taken out, I used a series of teleports to build up kinetic energy before unleashing it into the face of one of the people loading the cargo sending him flying. By testing out my powers I discovered I could use my powers to teleport consecutively toward something to unleash a huge amount of force. I then blinked behind the next guy and used my gloves to tase him leaving him convulsing on the ground. The last guy took off running when he realized he was out of his league. I drew one of my pistols and took a shot at him but it missed completely so I just put it away and did a series of quick teleports hitting him in the back of the head effectively knocking him out.

I then inspected the cargo discovering that they were all filled with drugs just I was wondering how to get rid of them I noticed I was being watched from a nearby rooftop. I figured I had a one-out-three chance to have some fun. While I didn't hate the other two, I doubted I'd get an interesting reaction out of the older one or his younger male protege. So, taking a gamble I immediately blinked behind the shadowy figure.


A fist immediately came flying at my face without any hesitation. Dodging backward I put up my hands in surrender. "Woah calm down I was just messing around."

"Teleportation huh that's new"

"Well if it isn't Batgirl to what do owe this pleasure," I said realizing my gamble was a success. Looking at the teenage vigilante dressed in a skin-tight costume wearing a mask that had bat ears attached to it and a cape on her back.

"I was investigating suspicious activity and happened to come across your handy work"

"Well, I was just testing a few things out they just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time"

"How unfortunate for them"

"Well you're just in time to decide what to do with cargo my first instinct was to burn it but I might end up getting half the block high"

"Why not leave it to the police?"

"Why so the corrupt ones can steal it out of evidence and sell to make a quick buck for themselves?"

"Ok, then what did you have in mind?"

"How bout I teleport it to the middle of the desert and then burn it there is no second-hand smoke situation"

"You can do that?"

"Yeah, wanna see?"

"I guess I should make sure that you're actually getting rid of them with my own eyes"

"Wow you don't trust me I'm hurt"

"Well seeing how we just met less than five minutes ago yeah"

"I'm kidding let's go "

Putting my hand on her shoulder I blinked back to the truck full of cargo before blinking the crates to the middle of the Sahara Desert it took a couple of trips but I collected them all. Before I blinked away for a few minutes before coming back with a filled container of gasoline.

"You didn't steal that did you?"

"No, I used my hard-earned cash to fill this baby"

"What about the container?"

"Let's not talk about that"

"I knew it"

"Well to be fair I was gonna put it back after no will even know it was missing"

"Fine let's just get this over with"

"Alright let's go" The next moment the two of us were in the middle of the desert.

"Was that a Mario reference?"

"Yeah so?"

"You're dating yourself"

"Please Mario is timeless"

"Yeah, yeah let's get this over with I'm already starting to sweat"

"Alright stand back I'll light the beacon"

"Wow your just full of references aren't you"

"I could do this all day"

"I didn't get that one"

'Hmm guess they don't have Marvel movies in this universe'

"Alright just get ready for the show"

I blinked and immediately dowsed all the cargo in gasoline then lit a torch a threw it at the pile before immediately I blinked back to a safe distance.

"Well, that's certainly one way to keep drugs off the streets"

"Anyways while the fires going is there anywhere in the world that you always wanted to go but never could"

"Hmm I don't know I rarely leave Gotham"

"That really tugs at my heart strings… alright let's go"

In a blink, we were standing on top of a bridge overlooking an aquamarine river.


"Yeah, that was the reaction I was looking for"

For the next hour, we walked around enjoying all that Venice had to offer.

Before we reluctantly returned to Gotham

"Well, I'll see you around it's a small world after all"

"Wait what's your name?"

"Hmm my name huh… well I never really thought of one but it would suck if someone gave me a shitty one so I guess just call me Nomad"

"Later" and in a blink I was back in my apartment.

"Well, that was eventful… I need a shower."

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