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Chapter 14: chapter 14

Elias was laying in the middle of one of the magic circles in Elija's lab. Elija had placed a military helmet on Elias's head with runes on it, he had the same type helmet on his own head and was changing the circle around Elias to a protection circle.

"What's with the helmet?" Elias asked.

"It allows me to see what you see." Elija said. "It is also very safe. You don't have to worry about me getting hurt. I can also contact you mentally."

"That isn't what I meant." Elias said. "First I wanted to know why a military helmet and now I also want to know if it is safe for me?"

"I can carve runes in military helmets." Elija said.

"Is it safe for me?" Elias asked again.

"The circle is ready." Elija said trying his best to ignore Elias. "You can start your astral projection whenever you are ready."

"I feel like you don't want to tell me something." Elias said and then shrugged. "Whatever, its not like I didn't do reckless shit before."

Elias closed his eyes and concentrated the same as last time. His mind was about to slip when he heard Elena come down to the lab.

"Hey, don't tier yourself that much." Elena said. "Remember we are going to go back and meet the special forces tomorrow."

"Don't worry I'll be back from afterlife in no time." Elias said.

"You know, that is concerning." Elena said. "Not the fact that you are going to visit after life or how casually you mention it, but the fact that I find it normal is the most concerning."

"It is all right Elena." Elija said calmly. "You are just accepting the chaos and weirdness of the world. You will soon be one of us, one of the weird ones."

"You even get a matching helmet when you join." Elias said pointing at his helmet.

"I would rather die." Elena said.

"Funny you should say that." Elias said with a smile.

"No fuck that." Elena said and started to leave. "I wouldn't want to get whatever this illness you two have."

"She doesn't knows what she is missing." Elias said.

"True." Elija said. "Now, lets get back to our work."


Elias again concentrated and started to send his mind back toward the purgatory. Elias again was feeling the winds of the purgatory when he felt Elija trying to wake him up so he woke up.

"What happened?" Elias asked as he got back.

"I'm sorry but I can't do it." Elija said, he looked really terrified. "The voices are all too much for me. I just… I don't think I can help you."

"Voices? What voices?" Elias asked completely confused.

"What do you mean what voices?!" Elija said looking a little angry. "There were screams of thousands of people. T-There were voices that begged to be saved, there were animalistic screeches and there were warcries of some."

"I just felt a wind." Elias said.

"You just sounded like a skyrim guard." Elija said.

"I actually just felt the wind." Elias said. "It was the same wind I felt when I first died. I didn't care about it much then but now I understand how gentle this wind felt like."

"But… how is that possible?" Elija said. "I linked my mind to you. I should be able to see, feel and hear the same thing as you. How is it that I heard voices and you didn't."

"Maybe it is because you never died." Elias said. "Maybe what the living feels and hear is different from what I feel. I am also already part of that place while you aren't, that might be a reason too."

"Yeah, maybe." Elija said looking a little thoughtful. "I wonder if I can trick the world to think I am dead. Do you think that would work?"

"Maybe." Elias said and looked around a little. "By the way, how long was I gone."

"Around three hours." Elija answered. "You immediately dropped to a dead state and it took around two hours and forty five minutes for the voices to come."

"Okay, that is weird." Elias said. "The last time I died time moved faster in the afterlife. I was there for almost a day and it was almost an hour in real life. Now it seemed to be the opposite."

"Maybe you are in between the worlds." Elija said.

"What is that?" Elias asked.

"I've read about in some necromancy books." Elija explained. "When people die, sometimes some souls that have hard time pass on stay between life and death until they learn to hunt our world. Time passe in the between is a little weird, some ghosts say it moves faster and some say slower."

"Okay, then I'm doing something wrong." Elias said. "Maybe I should look into some of your books. Learn more about necromancy and astral projection before trying it again."

"Sure, but not tonight." Elija said. "I might be the older sibling between me and Elena but she still scares me. You should go get some sleep and get ready for whatever Elena wants from you. You can also visit the lab whenever you want. There are blood magics that protect this place and allow our close family to enter, that includes you."

"Okay and thank you." Elias said.

Elias said and left the lab. Elias went back to his room and slept. Sir whiskers decided to sleep on Elias's face and Elias thought it was cute so he allowed it. Elias soon entered the darkness of his sleep.

Elias was awake the next day sooner than the others. He and Sir whiskers went to the kitchen and cooked the only thing he could, scrambled eggs. He and Sir whiskers had a normal breakfast after two days, it was nice.

Elias then trained his with his old and new abilities. He tried to see if he could strengthen his spells with the extra energy from his telekinesis. Elias found out he couldn't change the energy from his body. He did find that he can use his telekinesis to make spells like necro fire and his acid spit to move faster. It was also impressive how much damage Elias did to the uptown roads.

Elena woke up next. She ate some breakfast and got ready. It was obvious for Elias that Elena wasn't a mourning person. She didn't talk much until she had her breakfast and bought her coffee.

"Mourning Elias." Elena finally said.

"Good mourning to you too." Elias said. "I'm guessing mourning isn't your favorite part of the day."

"No, it isn't." Elena said.

"So, are we going to go now?" Elias asked.

"Yes, we are going now." Elena said. "Listen I did act like that I really need you to come with me but that isn't the case. I would be happy if you followed me since I might need your help but you don't have to. The only reason I acted like that was to save you from Elija."

"Don't worry, I love to help." Elias said. "Well I mostly want to get the chance to kill assholes that deserve it to see what I can do with their souls and life energy."

"That sounded a little fucked up but I'm fine with it." Elena said.

The two then got to Elena's car and drove out of the uptown and toward Stevensburgh. which was south of Gotham. That area had been completely destroyed in a big gang war and now was a small military base. Having military bases in cities like Gotham wasn't that weird anymore.

When they reached he base, Elias could see that they had normal fences and some sort of forcefield around the base. The forcefield was created by devises that inside the base and protected all of the base and only leaving two entrances unprotected.

The special forces base was not just a military base, it was also a research facility. There were things like barracks and training areas and also a building that didn't look military at all.

Elena drove to one of the gates. The guards seemed to recognized Elena and allowed but they still scanned her face and took their phones then allowed her in. Elena drove to a parking area that probably belonged to none military personal. She then asked one of the soldiers where she could find the commander and got direction.

Elena and Elias started to walk toward the command center. Elias got weird looks from soldiers as he was basically a civilian holding a cat. Yes Elias brought the cat, after learning Sir whiskers was very useful he decided to bring him everywhere.

They entered the command center and were led by one of the staff to a lead them to a map room with only the three people that Elias saw from before around a high tech map table. He remembered that one of the was called Johnny and the woman was Commander blade, he didn't remember who the blind guy was.

"Commander." Elena nodded toward the commander.

"Elena, what the hell happened." Commander Blade said, she looked a little angry. "I received your report but I still don't understand how and why did this happened."

"Well, Elias here is going to explain what happened to the black dragons." Elena said pointing at Elias.


"Yes." Elena answered.

"Okay fine." Elias said. "So, I died, then I got better. That lifted the bounty on my head and that would have fucked with your plan. As a form of apology I went and killed your enemy. I was also attacked by an undead guy but that doesn't really matters."

"You died and got better?" Johnny said while trying his best not to laugh. "How do you die and get better?"

"By making new friends." Elias said.

"That makes sense." Johnny said.

"Wait, that made sense to you?" The blind guy said.

"Yeah." Johnny said.

"Okay, shut up." Commander Blade said looking at Johnny then turned back to Elias. "You said you just decided to kill them, was their leader Kano with them? He is the guy with half of his face fucked and replaced with cybernetics."

"Yeah, he was the second one to die." Elias said.

"How did you killed him?" Commander Blade said.

"By ambushing him." Elias said.

"Can you explain, with more than three words?!" Commander Blade said now looking a little angrier.

" 'By ambushing him' is three words." Elias said.

"Hey body, you might want to stop that." Johnny said with a laugh. "You got points from me for that but Sonya is going to kill you if you keep that up."

"Who is Sonya?" Elias asked.

"Her." Johnny said and pointed at Commander Blade.

"Enough." Commander Blade slammed her hand on the table in front of her and the map flickered a little. "Tell me, did you or did you not kill Kano. If you did, then do you have any proof."

"I did kill him." Elias said. "I don't have a proof but you probably can find Kano's cybernetics on a bone in their fight club area. There was a shock wave of energy that stripped everyone of their flesh."

"So we don't know if he is dead?" Commander Blade said.

"I did kill him." Elias said.

"But we can't be sure." Commander Blade said.

"That is your problem not mine." Elias said.

"I don't like him." Commander Blade said looking at Elena.

"And I like him." Johnny said.

"May I ask if you have a mission for us." Elena said trying to change the subject.

"I do." Commander Blade said with a sigh. "Quan chi is dead and the black dragons haven't bothered us so your brother might be right. That leaves us open to attack one of the city gangs. I want you to take a group of special soldiers and attack another one while our mission is on the way."

"Which one?' Elena asked.

"I leave that to you." Commander Blade said.

"I say we attack the joker and his gang." Elias suggested.

"Let me rephrase that." Commander Blade said. "You can choose to attack whoever you want except the joker."

"Why not?" Elias asked.

"The Joker's followers are fanatics." Commander Blade explained. "You kill the joker and you will turn hm to some sort of a martyr for all of these anarchists. Things can go from bad to worst with just killing one asshole."

"You are thinking about it the wrong way." Elias said. "You are seeing our situation as a chess game. You are thinking about taking about taking out important targets while I am thinking about terror tactics. You see, a lot the people that follow the joker are people that had enough of society shitting on them and now they are now working for a guy that offers a lot of escapism. If I go and start murdering their members in horrible ways. I'm talking skinning faces, chopping up arms and legs. We then leave them screaming for others to hear, that would change a lot of minds."

"Okay, what the fuck." Johnny said.

"Yeah, as a military group we can't do that." Commander blade said. "Other than my own moral problems, I don't think people would take kindly of military skinning people."

"I'm not military." Elias said. "I am willing to go and do all of that if you are willing to pay. I can do all of that alone if you want."

"What is your price?" Commander blade asked.

"Wait hold on, you actually want to do this?!" the blind guy said.

"She isn't doing anything." Elias said. "She is just paying me to do horrible things."

"And I'm not going to let you do this." Elena said. "I'm not going to let my brother go around torture random people."

"Don't worry, they aren't innocents." Elias said. "Anyon that joins a gang like joker's gang are probably horrible assholes."

"I'm not worried about that." Elena said. "I'm more worried about you. Do you know what kind of effect does that kind of work can have on someone, especially a young guy like you."

"I do know that." Elias said. "I also know that the first two missions like that are the ones that effect you after that you will be fine."

Hearing that the room got a little quiet until Elena said. "We need to talk about that later."

"Sure." Elias said and turned to Commander Blade. "This job is really easy so I only want a hundred thousand dollars."

"That is very cheap compared to our budgets." Commander said. "Of course I wouldn't be paying you until the job is done and there won't be any contract since we don't want any connection to this mission."

"That is understandable." Elias said. "I just want you to know that if you don't pay me after the job then I will start killing your people."

"That won't happen." Commander said. "Me and your sister, Elena trust each other. I won't destroy that trust for some money."

"Good, then I'll be leaving for my mission." Elias said.

"Wait, I'm coming too." Elena said.

"No you're not." Elias said. "You have a mission of taking down another gang. I also don't think what I'm going to do is going to be good for you."


"I get it you want to take care of me." Elias said. "I appreciate you caring but right now you aren't going to help me. You are only going to hurt yourself if you follow me in this mission. Also this is a good thing, you can now take another gang down with the people they have."

"I agree with him." Commander blade said

"Good. Now, I should go." Elias said. Elena

Elias left without any other words. Elena seemed to want to say something but Elias was already out of the room. Elias could hear Commander blade talking to Elena telling her about a new team that are inexperienced but powerful and they were going to follow Elena in the fight. He could also hear Johnny talk about how Elias was a little weird.

As Elias walked to the gates, he started to cast Saurian spells to turn Sir whiskers to a lizard cat. Elias was allowed to leave as he was already seen to enter and as he exited, he started to turn to his half Saurian form.

Elias was still angry from his meeting with the guardian of time. He was going to attack a gang sooner or later. Now he had a good reason to do it. Now he could release his anger and get paid.

Elias casted the ghost of machine and started to run. He ran until he reached the first building in the area and climbed it and continued running on rooftops. Elias ran toward the area controlled by the joker's gang.

It was mourning but there was still chance of finding a lot of gang members hanging around. They were really enjoying their time, burning random things, shooting walls for no reason and things like that.

Elias placed Sir Whiskers on top of a building that would allow him to see most of the area and then started his hunt. Elias could connect to Sir whiskers while his senses stayed up. It was a little disturbing at first but by now he was used to it.

Elias found a group of five thugs wearing clown makeups standing in an alleyway. They were standing around, having drinks and having a good time. Two of them were women and carried submachine guns and baseball bats while the men did also have submachine guns but they had other melee weapons like pipes, sticks and even one had a machete.

Elias walked to the edge of the building he was standing on. He looked down on the thugs and puked acid one them. The acid landed on one of the guys and started to eat his skin and flesh. In a few moments the screaming man dropped to the ground and was mostly dissolved.

The other thugs immediately went for their guns. Elias didn't give them time, he jumped down while casting necrotic fire in each of his hands. Elias couldn't make the fires stronger but he could make them weaker but cover a large area.

Elias moved his hands and sent the black flames in a large but weakened wave of fire toward his enemies. The fire hit the thugs and it started to darken their flesh and their flesh started to fall. They all grunted and screamed in pain but it wasn't enough.

The building Elias was standing on was around five stories tall and when Elias landed on top of one of the women she was splattered to the ground while Elias looked completely unharmed. Elias then immediately looked at two of the thugs and spit poison in their eyes while he punched the other one hard enough that sent her to the wall.

Elias moved to the two guys he poisoned and slashed their legs with his claws. His sharp claws and his enhanced strength was enough that to cut through flesh and bone, separating their legs from the knee. Now these two started to scream louder and attracting attention.

Elias turned to the last one. She was raising her gun toward Elias. Elias could have reached her and ripped her arms off but more thugs were showing up and he decided to scare them by trying something new.

Elias used his now stronger powers to create a layer of telekinesis energy around himself. The woman aimed her gun toward Elias's chest and started to shoot. The bullets managed to pierce the telekinesis shield but the bullets were weakened enough that his though skin was barely damaged. There was still some damage to his skin but that was mostly flesh wounds.

"Are you done?" Elias said with a wide smile.

The girl looked horrified. She didn't say anything and was just frozen there. At first Elias wanted to let this one go and let her inform the others but as it turns out more thugs came and they saw Elias being unharmed by the bullets so he just kicked the girl's head to the wall with enough strength that her head popped like a watermelon.

Elias then turned to the other thugs. There were twenty of them and they were all scared. Elias didn't let the thugs get their shit together and started to rush toward them.

A couple of thugs managed to aim their guns toward him and managed to shoot a couple of bullets before Elias reached them. Elias started to rip and tear, making sure every kill was as painful as possible. He would gouge out eyes, rip hearts out of chest and cracks skulls. He would make sure the ones that looked the most cowardly ones would see how bloody the massacre was before they started to run.

The thugs were a little more than twenty and Elias left only three alive. He let these go so they would inform the others of his coming. Elias didn't take any souls since they were useless and only too their life energy and then moved to a different part of the gang area to hunt more. The number of these thugs was probably more than a thousand if they could make problems for army and that just meant more energy for Elias.

Elias kept hunting and hunting. Elias lost count after the hundredth kill. Elias didn't kill all of the time, he sometimes stopped and skinned people or some other horrible shit. He did that until he could feel the heartbeat of the thugs all sounded scared.

Elias also made sure to torture location information out of the thugs before killing them. It was afternoon when the thugs he tortured all said the joker had decided to retreat to his castle with the best and the most loyal of his gang.

Elias could feel that his body was slowly changing the more he killed. Elias didn't feel his power get stronger but he felt something change in his body. After he felt the change set, Elias went back to Sir whisker and saw the cat wasn't a kitten anymore and looked a lot older.

Elias used Sir whiskers eyes to look at himself. He first realized that he probably needed new clothing as he looked a little taller. The other thing he saw was his eyes were now yellow and a little animalistic.

Elias could also feel that he had just unlocked a new power but he didn't know what they were. He really wanted to test and see what he had but he was afraid Batman would be alerted to this situation and decided to end things first.

He moved to the Joker's hideout. The hideout was basically a giant clown castle and the area around it looked like a giant circus. The situation made it impossible to sneak building to building. Elias had to attack them openly.

There were around a hundred thugs around the castle while more were scattered around in the circus. They also seemed to have a more advanced weapons like acid weapons and energy weapons. Elias had learned that acid doesn't works on him but energy weapon was a different situation. It was also a weird thing to see a group of thugs with energy weapons that many military soldiers don't have.

Elias was about to attack when he heard the sounds of fighting. Elias checked and saw the two face gang were attacking in full force. That was both a good thing. This meant that Elias taking a whole day of ripping people apart had some effect if these guys were making a move and the Joker.

Elias decided to stop his attack and watch from afar to see what happens. These guys would probably lose since the Joker's remaining gang members had better weapons and a better understanding of the area. still this fight would weaken the joker enough to make his death that much easier.

Elias expected to the fight would go to Joker gang's favor and was until they were attacked by more people. These weren't gangs they were super people, or at least some of them were.

The first people that attacked the joker's gang were two women. One of them had green skin, red hair and seemed to control plants and the other one was a blond clown lady that had her hair in a pigtail style and was attacking the thugs with a baseball bat and was followed by hyenas. That was really weird.

Then there came the heroes. First there were the bat family, then there was a team of all woman superheroes. These people came in with higher tech equipment and started to beat people but not kill them.

The bat family could turn to a problem really fast if they are allowed to reach the joker so Elias started to act. He started to run toward the castle as fast as he could. There were still the hundred guards there and people really didn't dare to attack so Elias still had the chance to reach the joker before the others.

Elias dashed passed every small fight until he was in range of the hundred thugs. The acid guns were the first to start shooting, they ate through Elias's clothing but not his flesh. Then the energy weapons came.

Elias was using his powers to create a shield around himself and weaken the effect of lasers, but they still did a lot of damage. Elias could feel the lasers cut through skin and flesh and stop just before they reached the bone. Elias was even shot in the face once, the shot hit him to the side of the cheek and destroyed bone and flesh, leaving Elias's jaw in a half hanging state.

Elias started to cast and hurl necrotic flames toward the laser gunners. The flames would hit these people in the face and completely strip their head off of any flesh, leaving only a skull.

This shooting game didn't last long as Elias reached the group of thugs. Instead of ripping the thugs to bloody ribbons, Elias attacked one of the acid gunners. Elias slammed his claws into the canister, holding the acid, that caused the cannister to explode and Elias immediately used his telekinesis to direct the small explosion toward the other thugs.

The acid killed a bunch of the thugs and forced the thugs to back away from Elias. Elias could have kept using this tactic to wipe them out but they could still get back to their feet and stop the other attackers so he just used the momentary confusion to rush to the castle.

The castle doors were mostly made of wood so Elias just smashed through the door, cooler aid man style. He then started to rush forward to the highest point of the castle.

A few seconds of running, Elias felt the ground in front of him was fake and under it were spikes. It seemed like there was another layer of ground with pillars under it for normal days when people want to walk. That second layer and the pillars seemed to be removed when they were attacked. To bypass this trap, Elias dug his claws to the walls and started to crawl on the walls.

Some time later Elias reached an area with hundreds of tiny holes in the wall. Elias could feel the poison darts. How did he avoid that trap? He crawled to the roof, he then started to punch it while sending telekinesis waves through the roof. He did that until he created a hole on the roof. Around fifteen minutes he managed to crawl to the next floor.

Elias could feel that there were guards in these floors. He could also feel that there were guards in the next too floors. And on the fourth floor, Elias could feel only two people.

Elias could fight through the guards but again that would be pointless. Instead, Elias started to run as fast as he could. The guards were all normal people and didn't get the chance to react to Elias running pass them.

Elias ran until he reached the top floor where only two peoples were in. He slowed down as he got closer to a giant room where these two where in. He slowly started to hear a conversation as he got closer.

"No, you can't go out there." A female voice said. "You can't join that chaos. There are people down there that will kill you."

"You know what, Harley would have understood me better." A male voice came and then a gunshot. "I guess I'm breaking up with you."

Elias then heard the man laugh maniacally. Elias never had met the joker but the guy was always on the news. One thing was for sure, this was his laugh.

"Knock, knock." Elias said as he opened the door to the room. Elias's jaw was still damaged so he used telekinesis to talk and that created a scary hissing sound.

"Oh great." Joker said without looking. "A new wannabe superhero. I guess I have to be busy with you until batman arrives."

Elias saw the joker with his back to him. There was a clown girl with a bullet hole on her forehead. This woman's clothing and hairstyle really made her look like that clown girl that was with the green lady.

"Wait, you don't look like a hero." The joker said as he finally looked at Elias.

"No." Elias said.

Joke didn't say anything, he just aimed his gun and was about to shoot. The gun was a 500 Magnum Smith and Wesson, that gun shot 50 cal bullets and was going to punch through Elias's defense and cause a lot of damage.

Elias's eyes went to pinpricks. Elias felt the world go slower as he started to move his head as the joker was about to shoot. When the joker shot Elias, Elias was already halfway out of the way. Elias had his movement, even though the bullet was way faster than Elias he was able to dodge the bullet completely.

"Wait, what happened?" The joker said as he started to look at his gun. "Is something wrong with the gun. I'm sure I was aiming for your head. It must be because I bought the gun, I jinxed it when I paied for something."

"No, the gun is good." Elias said.

"Fine, you win." The joker said. "Everyone is a master of dodging bullets these days suddenly. It is just not fair. Whatever, just take me to Arkham."

"No." Elias said.

"What, you want to kill me?" Joker said.

"Wrong again." Elias said.

The joker wanted to aske more but Elias didn't give him a chance. Elias pounced on the joker and dug two of his claws to the joker's eyes. For the first time, the joker's smile didn't look that wide as he screamed in pain.

Elias wasn't done with the joker, he pulled out his claws and jammed it to the side of the joker's jaw. He then used his other hand to claw the joker's tongue out. He then lifted the joker up with two hands and brought him down on his knee with enough strength to break his back.

Elias looked around the room, everything was styled in form of clowns. There wooden tables and chairs, a bed and some bookshelves all having clown face on them. There was also a giant window in the shape of open mouth of a clown that led to a balcony overlooking the area.

Elias moved to the table and chairs and pulled the nail of them. Elias then took the joker to the balcony and nailed him to the wooden railings of the balcony. He let the joker's legs dangle off of the balcony in form of a weird crucifixion.

Soon Elias could hear the sound of battle dying down as the joker's still living and screaming body got everyone's attention. Elias thought that this might be enough fear factor to stop people acting like the joker. Elias's job was done.

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