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DC: World of chaos. DC: World of chaos. original

DC: World of chaos.

Author: ali_soltani

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

"Mr Elias Grey, aka the wraith. I believe you are a failure." If only he had a nickel for everytime he was wrongfully called that.

Elias Grey was a young man in his late teens that stood 184cm(6ft) tall with athletic body. He had short dark brown hair, green eyes and pale skin. He usually wore green striped shirt and black cargo pants.

The man talking to Elias was middle aged Caucasian wearing a business suit. both him and Elias were seated on opposite sides of a table and the man had a group of files in front of him. The table between Elias and the man was not very large but it was large enough that Elias couldn't see what was written on the files and Elias being near sighted didn't help either.

Elias was flanked by two of his colleagues, both male and older than him. On each side of the business suit man were two more of Elias's colleagues, one man and one woman. All four of Elias's colleagues wore tactical armor and had glock 22 and combat knife on their belts.

All six of them were inside of a room that was shut off by a giant door of an unknown metal and could only be opened by a keycard. The room was completely soundproof and only had one security camera in a corner and that camera wasn't on.

"With all due respect councilor, I have to disagree with you." Elias said calmly. "My mission reports suggest I'm better than all of the other agents you have."

"You're seventeen, how many mission did you participated in?" the councilor said mockingly.

"I completed my first mission when I was seven." Elias answered. "I would say there are a lot of successful missions. You can also ignore my words and just read my files, you know, the thing in front of you."

"Funny." The councilor said looking a little angry. "I don't need to read your mission reports, I read your powers. I would consider you the weakest psychic warrior we have."

"I have access to abilities that on their own are weak but I can use them in an effective way." Elias explained.

"You have, weak telekinesis, weak clairvoyance and minor energy manipulation. The last one is actually is really useful, my phone needs to be charged soon." The councilor said with a laugh.

"Sir that was only three of my powers." Elias explained.

"The rest is basic shit, enhance human physiology and weak healing factor." The councilor said dismissively. "In your files there are mentions of your siblings and they are way superior to you. How the hell were you born in that family is a mystery."

Hearing the councilor's words, Elias tensed up. He never even knew he had a known biological family, that information was restricted to the highest ranking members of the Doomshaper council. If this guy knew about it then his files then his files were public. This wasn't an investigation, this was an execution and this fucking guy was just hearing his last defense.

Elias stared at the councilor and started to check the four guards around him. His clairvoyance ability was weak but it was permanently around him. He could sense basic things around him in a 10meters(32ft) around him and he could get great details in 3 meters(10ft) around him.

The four psychic warriors all had a pistol and combat knife. The guns these soldiers carried had ammo in it but they were mostly not armed. The way councilor talked made Elias believe that the four psychic warriors probably powerful enough that they didn't need any weapon.

The way the four were positioned in the room meant the two near him probably had close combat abilities and the two that were near the councilor had long ranged abilities. Focusing on the weapons, the one on Elias's left had his pistol armed and the one to the councilor's right kept their gun unarmed they probably kept a gun and a knife on them as a respect to Doomshaper's tradition.

"Why are you looking at me like that?!" the councilor asked.

Elias didn't answer, instead attacked the two warriors near him. Telekinesis is usually using mental energy to move object. Elias started sending telekinesis energy out of his two fists and used energy manipulation like a dam to keep energy from leaving his fist.

Elias stood up fast and punched the two warriors to each of his sides with each hand and released the stored energy at the moment of impact. The energy release and Elias's strength was enough that he felt the left one's windpipe got crushed. The one to the right was hurt but for some reason was hurt but Elias didn't do that much damaged. The guy on the right was hurt and staggered but he was still alive.

Elias immediately rushed to the one to his left that was struggling for breath and pulled out his gun. This was the only armed gun and he immediately aimed it at the female psychic warrior. Elias felt some form of energy from this warrior's eyes and he wasn't going to wait and see what it was so he shot her between the eye.

Before Elias could turn to the last warrior, he felt a small explosion of energy in his location and when he looked that direction, no one was there. Elias then felt the same energy behind him and without hesitation he turned back and shot his gun toward the location he felt the energy, and there he was the last warrior seemingly teleported behind Elias.

"You shot me you bastard." The teleporter shouted. The bullet seemed to pierced his right shoulder and forced him to drop the knife he was holding.

"I did." Elias simply said as he just shot the teleporter again. The teleporter seemed be out of focus and couldn't teleport as the bullet pierced his forehead.

Elias turned to the last remaining psychic warrior and shot him twice in the head. To Elias's horror, the bullets only managed to damage the skin. The warrior patted the crushed bullets off of his forehead and rushed toward Elias.

Before the warrior could reach Elias, Elias dropped the gun, grabbed his first victim that was still alive but he was getting closer to death. Elias then picked him up with a little help from his telekinesis and threw it at the last psychic warrior. The psychic warrior punched the half dead guy and his fist was powerful enough that it went through the guy's body, showring Elias with blood.

The super strength warrior, tried to kick Elias. Elias dived out of the way toward the teleporter's corps and grabbed his knife. Elias then used the combination of telekinesis and energy manipulation to create a thin layer of energy around the blade.

The super strength warrior walked to Elias and tried to uppercut him. Elias dodged to the side and slashed his wrists. With this type of energy around a blade, Elias would usually be able to cut someone's hand of, but not this guy. The blade managed to cause a deep wound but the hand was still there. Also the warrior didn't look in pain, he just grunted and pressed the attack.

The super strength warrior first swinged his damaged hand, forcing Elias to duck down. The super strength warrior then used his other hand to punch downward, aiming for Elias's head. Elias rolled out of the way and as he did, he sliced one of the warrior's achilles tendon. The warrior went on one knee for a moment and immediately stood up.

Elias and the warrior both stood up and got ready to rush each other again when suddenly Elias felt the councilor going for a gun, armed it and aimed for Elias's head. Elias used his enhanced senses to sense when the councilor is about to shoot. The moment that Elias was sure the bullet would be shot he started to move his head to the side. As the bullet left Elias was already out of the way and the bullet missed his head.

The councilor didn't know how Elias managed to dodge the bullet and the things he just did seemed all new. Fearing that Elias was hiding his true power he dropped his gun and raised his hands up.

Thinking he got a moment of distraction, the super strength warrior rushed toward Elias. Elias waited until the super strength warrior was in attacking distance until Elias sidestepped and slashed the warrior's side.

The super strength warrior tried to punch Elias with his uninjured hand. Elias ducked down and rushed forward, toward the warrior and slashed his armpit. The warrior was almost out of option so he tried to headbutt Elias. Elias simply took a step back and slashed the warrior's neck open.

The last warrior was on the ground and bleeding to death. With everyone else dead or dying, Elias started to walk to the still shaking councilor. As he walked, he used telekinesis to pick up the gun councilor just used and aimed it at him.

"I-I had no idea you had hidden powers." The councilor said with a shacky voice. "If I knew you had useful powers like that, I would have never treated you like that. I can see you wanted to test us by hiding your real powers from us and we failed, but I assure you we will make amends."

"I have hidden powers but that wasn't it." Elias said as he slowly got closer to the councilor. "Everything I used was listed in my files. I never needed to use any secret technique because you guys are all simply pathetic. I was willing to work with you if you stayed respectful but that isn't an option anymore. I guess I have to kill you all."

"WAIT, listen…" the councilor started but Elias silenced him forever with a shot between the eyebrows.

Elias pocketed the councilor's keycard then took his suit and wrapped it around his own files. Elias then walked to the girl and checked her eyes. Elias pointed the face away from himself and used his energy manipulation on her, that caused the girl's eyes to glow like it was about to shoot lasers. It seemed like the girl's eyes used to be connected to an energy source and the connection was steel there.

Elias used his knew combat knife to cut the flesh around the girl's neck and then ripped the head off. Elias stabbed the back of the girl's head but made sure the blade wouldn't damage the girl's brain and he made sure the holes were big enough for his fingers.

Elias stuck his left hand's fingers inside of the holes, pointed the head to the councilor's corps and manipulated the energy. The girl's eyes took two seconds to heat up and then and a wave of energy shot out of it. The wave managed to cut the councilor's corps in two like butter. He tested the wave on the super strength guy and it took it a little but it managed to cut through his skin.

Elias walked to door with his new weapon and used the keycard. The door opened and two guards moved toward the room, expecting the councilor only to see Elias. Before the guards could do anything, Elias used his new laser weapon to cut both of them in half.

Getting out of the room, Elias entered a white hallway. The hallway had two doors in the each sides and there were three more rooms like the one Elias just exited and near each of the doors there were footlockers positioned. In the hallway there were also two security cameras that Elias destroyed with two laser waves.

Elias went to the footlocker and grabbed his belongings. He picked his beretta 92fs, a trench knife, a Smith & Wesson Model 317 revolver and ammo for both of his guns. He then wore his two leather gloves, picked his sling backpack, went inside and placed his files inside of the bag. He then retrieved his laser "gun" and started to move.

Elias started to move away from the door that would lead to the exit and went deeper in the facility. The door he chose to enter would lead to the holding cells for gifted people that doomshaper society planned to do research on.

As Elias entered the cell area alarm went on and Elias felt movement in the floors higher and lower than him. Elias moved a little closer to the cells and he stopped when he saw two guards running toward him but they have weapons out.

"Hey," one of the guards shouted. "Do you know what's going on?" the guards asked and he stopped in his place when he finally managed to see the head Elias was holding.

"Headhunt." Elias said as he lifted the head up. "Some traitors killed a councilor and we have orders to kill them. As you can see, I got one of them."

The guards wanted to say something but they were stopped by an announcement that informed everyone of Elias's treason, his description and his abilities. The two guards looked at Elias for a moment and one of them reached for his gun and the other started to charge energies in his fists. Unfortunately for them the head was already up and Elias was charging the eyes. Elias sent a wave of laser eyes, first to the one with gun and then to the fist guy, cutting them both in half.

Elias made his way to the prison security room. There were three guards inside that were ordered to keep an eye on the prison monitors to make sure no one escapes. These were normal humans that were paid to keep an eye on the equipment. These guards were simply no match to Elias and he simply killed all three.

Elias entered the security room and checked the state of the prisoners. There were two sets of prison cells the A wings that were filled to the brim by monsters and people that could be considered monsters and the B wings that only had three prisoners and they were innocents that were abducted by the doomshapers.

Elias positioned the dead guards in a way that could be seen by the people outside and then opened the A wings cells. Elias immediately ducked down in a corner and waited. A few minutes passed and Elias felt prisoners coming toward the room, looked at the dead bodies and left.

Elias kept his senses on the prisoners. They didn't fight each other but they attacked the first person that looked like they worked for doomshapers. The prisoners managed to kill a bunch of low level warriors and then Elias felt them leave his range of power.

Elias simply waited for fifty minutes, making sure the place was empty. Before he ran, he wanted to open the B wing and leave but he stopped when he saw the cameras in the B wing. There were three boys around the same age as Elias. they were held in separate cells and they didn't look that healthy.

Seeing these three he remembered when he was six and was brought to the same cells as these guys. The only thing that kept him sane was a teenage boy with the ability to create mist and shape them. That boy used his mist to play tic tac toe from afar. That boy was too old to be turned to an agent so he was just a test subject and was killed when they were done with him. Elias knew that the same thing that happened to the mist boy would happen to these guys.

Elias took of one of the guard's clothing off and wrapped it around the decapitated head he held. He made sure only the back of the head was open and then opened the B wing cells. Elias then moved to the B cells to meet the three boys.

It was a short walk to the B cells and as he entered, two of the boys got ready to fight him. The last boy even though he looked the toughest of them all, he wasn't in any shape to fight. The last boy didn't look physically that hurt but there is a chance he was subject to something like shock therapy and a lot of blood was taken from him.

One of the boys, the one near the hurt one, had light green skin. His hair was dark green and his eyes were also green. He had long elf like ears that with his skin color made his ears look like goblin ears. He was short and thin and he was shaking as he stood in front of the hurt boy.

The hurt boy was taller and a lot more muscular than the other two. He had short black hair, light skin and green eyes. This guy tried to stand up but his legs couldn't support him.

The last guy was a black skinned guy with neck long dreadlocks and brown eyes. Elias could feel electricity moving between this guy's finger's as he stood between the other two and Elias.

"Calm down," Elias said with one hand held high and his cloth wrapped weapon pointed at the electric guy. "I just want to get out of this place then saw you guys in the security cameras. I thought to myself the enemy of my enemy is my friends and hopefully you guys would agree on that. So, do you guys wanna get out of here with me or do you want to attack me for no reason."

"Who the fuck are you?!" The electric guy asked. The guy was trying his best to sound brave but the shake in his voice betrayed him.

"I'm wraith." Elias said as he slowly brought down his right hand. "We don't have much time for pleasantry, we need to get out now."

"How do we know we can trust you?!" the electric guy asked without dropping his guard.

"You can't." Elias said with a shrug. "I'm all you got. You can stay here and wait here for the guards to come back and gun you down or you can risk it with me."

The three looked at each other for a moment and then nodded. They were a little suspicious of the bloody object Elias held but they weren't really in the mental state to question a good chance to get out.

"All right, follow me and stay close." Elias started to move but he stopped and turned back. "One small thing you should know. I don't need eyes to sense things so if you move to attack me, I will kill you."

The green guy shapeshifted to a horse and the electric guy helped the hurt one on the back of the horse. They all started to follow Elias but they kept a little distance.

"I'm Virgil by the way." the electric guy introduced. "The weird horse is Garfield and the other guy is Conner."

"Pleasure." Elias said without looking back.

Elias led the three to the hallway he just came from. The ground in the hallway was littered with bodies of former prisoners and psychic warriors.

The building they were in was known to house some of the weakest warriors and was mostly a prison for certain types of enemies. Even with weaker psychics, they were still strong enough to hold their own. There was a good chance one or both side would be wiped out and the other side would be too weak to stop Elias, that is what he wanted.

Elias made his way toward the place he usually visited, the armory. Armory was close to the garage, so going there was two birds with one stone.

As the group got closer to the armory, the sound of battle got closer. There weren't that much corpses in their way. most of the battles seemed to take place in the way of the main entrance.

Elias led the group to the armory and opened the door with the keycard he got. Entering the armory, even though it wasn't that impressive it had enough weaponry that Virgil whistled as he saw the weapons.

"I'm not a gun person but this is still cool." Virgil said and the green horse nodded his head. Connor didn't look that good and he didn't say anything.

"Grabb any weapon you need." Elias said as he himself started to listen to his own orders.

Elias grabbed three duffle bags and filled one with different guns, one with ammunition and one with explosives. Elias gave the duffle bags to Virgil and Virgil gave put it on the green horse. Garfield the horse was a little annoyed but he really couldn't say anything.

Elias then led the group toward the garage. As he got closer to the garage, he felt six people there. The six seemed to be fighting and the fight didn't take that long as four of the people died. Whoever was doing the killing must have been very good at it.

Elias motioned to the group to move slowly and quite. It was hard to move stealthily with the sound of the horse's hooves but the sound of distance battle muffled the hooves a little. Elias still walked a little faster than others to reach there first.

"You look hurt." A male voice came as the group got closer.

"Just a flesh wound." A female voice answered.

The garage was one of the four in this building. The garage wasn't that big, it only had place for four vans and tools you could find in most garages. The two warriors that Elias felt were standing near the van closest to the door that led to Elias.

Elias reached the door. He located his two targets, unsheathed his knife and attacked. Elias stabbed the woman in the back of the neck and used the head to shoot the man. The woman breathed her last but for some reason the man was still standing. Elias stopped the laser wave to see what was the problem and saw the guy's skin was made of steel the steel looked red from the laser.

Elias left the blade in the girl's neck and shot the steel warrior again with a continues wave of laser. The steel warrior seemed to be a little hurt but he started to push forward. Elias kept the wave going until he felt the laser melt parts of the head and completely destroyed the fabric in front of it.

The steel warrior slapped the head out of Elias's hand hard enough that Elias felt the skull shattered as it left his fingers. The steel warrior grabbed Elias by the neck and lifted him up. The warrior then started putting pressure around Elias's neck. The metal around Elias's neck was really hot and it felt like burning. The heat and the pressure would have killed most but thanks to Elias's training and enhanced toughness he was still alive.

Elias started to punch the steel warrior's chest. Elias did his best to aim his punches toward the heart. At first the punches looked like a desperate person fighting back but in reality, Elias was using his abilities to send energy waves toward the heart and keeping it from working. The waves were short but they were strong enough to keep the warriors heart from working.

It took four punches for the steel warrior to drop Elias and tried to clench his chest. Before the warrior's hand could reach his chest, Elias punched his hand away with all of his strength and a some energy and punched the warrior's chest two mor times. The warrior dropped to the ground, suffering a forced heart attack. This was lucky situation, Elias was able to do that because the surface of this man's body was metal and energy would pass through it easier.

Elias's neck was burned a little, so was his fingers. He would heal in time, his body would heal almost anything if he gets enough energy. Elias could go and eat something to replenish his energy or he could absorb some energy from nature.

"What the hell just happened?" Virgil shouted

"I killed him." Elias answered.

"How? You just punched the guy!" Virgil said.

"That doesn't matter." Garfield shouted as he turned back to human, dropping everything from his back to ground. "He killed two people. He is a murderer we shouldn't help him."

In answer Elias pointed to a corner of the room. In that corner the group saw the four people that Elias felt die. Not only they were killed their bodies were mutilated and their heads were ripped off. the visual made the three boys sick and Garfield tried to puke but he couldn't since he didn't have anything in his stomach.

"That doesn't change anything." This time it was the hurt guy Conner that talked. "He killed two people, that is wrong." And he started to cough.

"Oh good, you can talk." Elias said as he grabbed the three duffle bags. "You are going to need the ability to talk when the others come here. You can pray out loud while they add you to the pile of corpses in that corner."

"Fuck you, you piece of shit." Garfield shouted.

"Sure, I'm a piece of shit." Elias said as he placed the bags in an armored van. "I'm a murderer and I'm not a good person, but I'm a guy that didn't try to kill you and offered you help. I'm going to take this van and get the fuck out of this place, you guys can follow the not good person with low chance of death or you can leave on your own and have a higher chance of dying."

The three boys looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Elias simply didn't care about the boys anymore, he simply walked to roller door and opened it.

"Guys, I know you don't like killing, but he acted in self defense. " Virgil said in low voice. "Even the members of justice league or even titans kill when they have to. If the Doomshapers attack us we will have more chance with this guy than on our own."

"I don't know, I feel wrong about trusting him." Garfield said and Conner nodded.

"I understand but we aren't in any state to fight, we need help." Virgil said.

The other two boys thought about Virgil's words and they decided to follow Elias. It turned out that their timing was good since Elias just started the car. Virgil decided to get in front beside Elias and the other two entered from the back.

"Good choice, now lets get the hell out of here."

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