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Chapter 5: chapter 5

It had been a weird day. Elias was taken to what looked like a very advanced military base back in Gotham. He expected to be placed in a bunk with other soldiers but he wasn't military so he was placed in an apartment near the base. These apartments were heavily guarded as this was where the scientists, doctors and other none military personal were placed

The room was bigger than his previous room in the doomshaper buildings. The room he was given was like a small one bedroom apartment and he was also provided clothing in his size. Elias felt hidden cameras in the room and they were removed when he asked. The door had the ability to be locked from the other side and it was locked when the others left him.

Some blood sample was taken from Elias and he was left in this room. Elias was then left alone to rest in this apartment.

The first thing Elias did was to take a shower and change his clothing and his own leather gloves. The magic jacket he had was fixing itself so Elias left it in the apartment for now.

He then meditated a little, trying to see if he was changed after taking energy from a corps. It turns out he wasn't changed at all, he only felt very refreshed. He probably had to take more death energy.

The next thing he did was to check the computer he was provided. The computer didn't have the strongest system but it was connected to internet. Elias wanted to check and see if his doomshaper password would still allow him to get information but he didn't test that immediately.

There was a good chance that his search would be monitored. To make sure no one would learn what he was doing Elias searched for the most fucked up porn videos and played them. Elias decreased the volume and started to do some physical training away from the computer, he really didn't want porn to effect his mind when he was marked for death. He made sure to come back and play another video from time to time.

Elias kept this up for more than half an hour then came back to his computer. Elias used his doomshaper name and password and he was able to access information. He wanted to find Virgil but didn't want to attract attention to him so he searched for the names and addresses of scientists that worked in that building. He managed to write down five names and addresses then shut down the computer.

Elias checked the area around him with his senses. There seemed to be two guards posted outside of his room both armed to the teeth. Other than that, he knew that he was in the fifth floor and the door was locked from the other side.

Elias could get out of this place with ease but he didn't want to harm his only allies. The special forces also got back to thinking Elias was weak as they checked that Quan chi guy's body and found older wounds.

It was night time and Elias wasn't tired at all. He expected Elena to come visit him in the morning but he couldn't sleep so he spent that time training, meditating and reading some bullshit on the internet.

Elias kept going until he saw the sun was slowly rising. Couple of hours after the sunrise, Elias heard someone knocking on the door. Elias felt it was Elena so he wen and opened the door.

Elena wasn't wearing any military equipment. She wore a black leather jacket over a black top and jeans. She also carried her saber with her.

"Hey Elias." Elena greeted with a smile.

"Hello." Elias said.

"Can I come in?" Elena asked.

"Sure." Elias allowed her in.

Elena came in sat on the one of the chairs around a dinner table. Elias looked outside and realized the guards were leaving meaning Elena probably had a job for him.

"I'm guessing you have a job for me." Elias said as he sat in front of Elena.

"Not exactly." Elena said. "The special forces are getting ready to attack one of their biggest enemies and they want to use you as a bait. They are still in preparation stage so you will have a couple of days. I also got permission to leave until the preparation for the mission is complete."

"So, what should I do now?" Elias asked.

"The tests came, Now I am sure you are my brother." Elena said.

"That was a fast test." Elias said.

"Your reactions makes me feel like you don't want a family." Elena said with a little hint of anger.

"I never had a family so I wouldn't know how to act." Elias said.

"I'm sorry." Elena said lowering her gaze. "Listen, it would be a bad idea to introduce you to our parents but our siblings are good people and they might want to meet you."

"You do know there are people looking to kill me?" Elias said.

"Yes, that is why the special forces sees you as bait." Elena said looking a little ashamed. "You really don't have to be worried about much. I don't want to be an asshole but you are the weakest in our family. The others can defend themselves a lot better than you."

"Okay." Elias said.

"Can you speak more than a sentence." Elena said a little annoyed.

"What do you want me to say?" Elias said. "The answer to most of your questions is short. If you want to have a conversation then you should start saying something interesting."

"I don't know what to do with you." Elena said.

"That is how I feel about everyone that I don't want to kill." Elias said.

"Okay, that is sad." Elena said. "Do you want to go out and meet the others? Maybe meeting the others can change you for the better."

"I said it before I am willing." Elias said. "I should also probably eat something. I haven't eaten anything for two days."

"WHAT?!" Elena shouted.

"I haven't eaten anything for two days." Elias repeated himself.

"Why are you so fucking calm about it." Elena said as she stood up. "Come on we are going out to get you something to eat before you starve to death."

"Okay." Elias said and stood up following Elena.

"Good thing you can act like a brother." Elena said with a laugh. "Like all brothers you act like you are made to anger your sibling."

Elena led Elias outside and to her car. She then drove away from the military base. She drove Elias to a diner that was nearby. Elias again ordered same food he ordered last time and Elena ordered some pancakes. A few minutes later, their orders came and they started to eat.

"So, what are your powers?" Elias asked while eating. "You said that I was weak that means you are very powerful. Can you talk about your powers a little."

"I have more than one power." Elena answered. "My most obvious power is my powerful telekinesis, I can create lances of telekinesis that can rip people apart or move a truck with my mind. I also have short range teleportation and ability to shoot lighting. I have some other tricks up my sleeves but I rather keep those to myself."

"That's cool." Elias said nodding. "What about the rest of the family? Who are they? How are they? What can they do? How old they are?"

"I think its better if you meet them and ask them. I don't want to say something I shouldn't have." Elena said.

"I understand." Elias said with a nod. "Hey by the way can you take me to meet a couple of my friends."

"Sure, but who do you want to see?" Elena asked.

"Well, there are five people." Elias started to explained. "Currently three of them might be at work so I want to meet the two that are home. I have their home address, I will tell you where to go."

"Okay." Elena said and continued eating.

Elias finished his sandwich and a couple of his mozzarella sticks. He then started to put the rest of his mozzarella sticks in his pocket. That action grossed out Elena but she didn't say anything.

Elias didn't have any money so Elena paid and they left the diner. Elias told Elena to drive to uptown Gotham.

Elias kept his mind sharp for any for of attack but fortunately nothing happened. Weirdly enough Gotham was very quiet that day.

It took them twenty minutes to reach the bridge leading to uptown, the place all the rich assholes lived. The bridge was heavily guarded by armed forces. Everyone was checked to see if they would be allowed to enter.

Elena's car was stopped in the middle of the bridge by an automatic system that brought a metal barricade in front of the car. Elias grabbed her credentials and showed it to a little eye like device. The device checked her credentials and allowed them in.

"Holy shit." Elias said as they were allowed to move. "I thought I was going to be forced to swim to the uptown. How the hell where you allowed in uptown?!"

"What can I say, I am a very important person." Elena said with a self satisfied smile.

Elias was really confused. He never cared for anyone and that wasn't changed at all. But there was still something weird about being able to trust someone a little more than normal people.

Elias led Elena to a couple of blocks away from his destination. He didn't want to attract attention to Elena so he planed on walking the rest of the way.

"Where does your friend lives?" Elena asked.

"A little away from this place." Elias answered. "There is a good chance Doomshapers have people watching him to catch me. I am going to sneak inside. I will meet you here when I'm done with the job."

"I can help." Elena said.

"No that is too dangerous." Elias said. "I would prefer it if you kept watch for any trouble and signaled me somehow. "

"I got something for that." Elena said as she checked the glove box and took a burner phone out. "I programed my number in it. I wanted to give this to you later but I think now is the best time."

"Thanks." Elias said as he accepted the phone. He placed the phone in the pocket that he didn't have any food.

Elias got out of the care and bend down touching the ground. The uptown was a lot cleaner and prettier than other parts of Gotham so he couldn't find stones lying on the ground so he started to make some by sending telekinesis waves through the asphalt and broke it. He collected the stones he broke off and walked toward his destination.

Uptown was full of security cameras. Not wanting to be seen Elias started to put telekinesis energy behind the stones and used energy manipulation to hold the in place. He kept doing that until the stones had enough energy to be shot like a bullet. It took ten seconds for each stone to reach that state so it wasn't good for fights but it was good for shooting down security cameras without people knowing.

Elias cleared the area of cameras and then walked away from the building. He looked around at the buildings, they were all tall but most of them had gothic architecture, that meant they were easy to climb.

Elias marked a building for climbing and walked away from it. He still had a couple of stones left so he fused one with energy and waited. A few moments later Elias shot the tires of a fancy car that was driving slightly faster than normal. That caused the car to crash badly and that attracted people's attention.

Elias used the distraction to move to his marked building and started to climb when people weren't looking at him. This building was around 35m(115ft) tall. Even with Elias's enhanced physics, it took him a minute to climb it.

Elias reached his destination building and started to climb it. When he was near the ledge, he felt something that made him slightly angry. He felt two guards, they both had combat armor, a glock 22 and combat knife on their belts. They had no extra ammos with them. it was obvious these were the new gen Doomshapers.

Hearing about telekinesis spear and what h did last night when he fused his teeth with telekinesis gave Elias an idea. Elias held on and didn't climb up, he held on while he started to fuse energy around his right hand's pointer finger. He created the energy in form of a claw and kept fusing. The power took ten seconds but Elias had time tight now.

Elias waited until one of the guards started to walk toward the ledge. When the guard was close enough, Elias brought his hand up, pointed his finger at the guy and shot it forward. He didn't expect to for it to work the first time but it did. The telekinesis bullet hit the guy in the neck and killed him.

After killing the guy, Elias jumped on the roof and rushed toward the other guard while fusing his hand with energy. He reached the guard as the guard turned around. Elias punched the guard in the face and unleashed the energy. The energy and Elias's strength broke the guard's skull but Elias wasn't sure if the guy was dead so he grabbed the guard's knife and slit his throat.

Now that the both guards were dead Elias took their pistols and knives. Elias took a few moments to take the death energy from these guards and then started to leave. Elias was going for the penthouse but he didn't take the elevator and used the stairs.

There were no cameras in the building and the stairs were separate from the main hall and the door leading to the stairs were locked. Of course a locked door was nothing for Elias as the combination of his senses and telekinesis made it easy to pick the lock.

When Elias reached the floor, he felt two guards in the same floor. Elias took unlocked the door and opened the door a little. Elias held the door half open with his leg while he held both of the knives in his hands. He started to put energy behind them.

When Elias waited until he was sure he fused enough power in the knives and suddenly opened the door. Elias threw both knives toward his enemies. The knife from Elias's right hand hit one of the guard in the head and killed. The one on the left unfortunately saw Elias faster and teleported before the knife hit him.

Elias didn't even need to sense where the teleporter went. The rookie teleporters will always teleport behind so he turned around in time to see the guy appear with knife in hand. Elias then grabbed the guy by the wrist and redirected the knife to the guard's own throat. The guy was strong but Elias was stronger and he was caught off guard so he couldn't stop the dagger.

"I have to always prove I am better than you guys." Elais said as he slowly let guard drop to the ground.

Elias ejected the only mag the guard had in their guns and placed put it on his own belt. He then retrieved his two new knives and took the death energy from them. At this point taking energy from these bodies felt a little like he just had a shower and decided to have another one, it felt good but it was pointless.

Elias walked to the door and saw that it was an anti theft door so it was almost impossible to open but Elias still had a way to open it. This door like all doors had a weakness, their frame was connected to weak spots. Elias started to send telekinesis waves to the weak spots and weakened them to the point that he could just push the door off of the frame.

"What the hell was that sound." An angry male voice came. "I told you that I am fucking busy. Can't you fucking goons take a simple order and stay the fuck out?!"

Elias rushed toward the location where the voice was coming from. As he got closer, he felt a man working on something that felt like a human body.

Elias reached the room that he felt the guy and opened the door. Inside he saw a room that looked a like a medical room. He saw the doctor he was looking for basically playing doctor with the corps of a young boy and the body looked a fresh like he was killed a few hours ago.

"Hello doctor Boyd." Elias said as he pulled out a gun and aimed at the guy.

Doctor Boyd was very old but he looked like he was in his thirties. He had short blond hair, blue eyes and a fit body. He was very good looking but even the heartless Elias felt a little angry at the guy.

"You are the one that wants to kill me?" Doctor Boyd said nervously. "Listen, I said it to the others I say it to you, I had no hand in your training or experiments on you."

"No don't worry this isn't personal." Elias said without any emotion. "I am looking for a couple some guys you worked on. You know the superhumans that I released."

"Oh thank god." The doctor said with a sigh of relief. "I have their files are on the table in the corner. I didn't get to do that much research on them so I am willing to depart with their files.

Elias kept his gun on the doctor and walked to the table with files on it. He checked it a little and saw the files about the three. He opened the file and the first page had all of their information.

"Thank you doctor." Elias said and shot the doctor twice in the head.

Elias walked to the doctor and took energy from him. The energy taken from this doctor was different. Taking from him filled Elias with rage. That rage stayed for a few moments and disappeared. Elias then tried to take energy from the corps that this doctor was working on. The body didn't have that much energy, it was like the energy had faded over time.

Elias searched the house a little and found a satchel bag. Elias placed every file that looked important including the files about the three inside of the bag and put the bag around his neck. Elias double checked to see if he had missed anything and then left. While leaving Elias used telekinesis to remove blood from his face and clothing.

Elias went back to the roof and climbed down to the building next to it. He moved to a building that didn't look that important and entered it from the roof. He then simply took the elevator down like a normal person.

Getting out of the building Elias gave Elena a call. Elena was still where she was and told him that she didn't see anything suspicious. Elias just walked back to the car and entered.

"So how did it go?" Elena asked as Elias entered the car.

"The Doomshapers had gotten to him before me." Elias said as he took one of the files out and started to read.

"What do you mean by that?" Elena asked a little worried.

"The doctor is dead." Elias said. "They didn't leave that much guards there so I was able to ambush them and kill them. Fortunately, they hadn't got the important files about people I can save."

"All right." Elena said looking a little determined. "Where are these people we can save? And how much time do we have to get to them?"

"From what I am reading, Virgil is in Bludhaven." Elias said as he read the file. "Bludhaven is a city close to Gotham. It is an hour away from here."

"I know where it is, we are going." Elena said and started the car.

"Wait, What? Now?" Elias asked confused. "Don't you work for the special forces? I know you got permission to leave but you are still military. Leaving the city can cause a lot of problems for you."

"I am not military." Elena said as she kept driving. "I have the same contract as a scientist does with the special forces. I am more combat focused employee but I still have a lot more freedom than the others."

"Still, you don't have to hurry." Elias said. "I mostly want to go and see this guy because he has some of my things. I don't think he is under immediate danger."

"I prefer to check on him as fast as we can." Elena said with a frown. "When we came here we didn't know your friend was going to be attacked and he was. I prefer to save the life of this guy and I saw the picture on the file, that guy looked very young so I think we should go now."

"All right whatever you say. Lets go and meet with static shock."

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