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Chapter 24: Author's Note

You guys are awesome.

I just wanted to start out by saying that because I sometimes feel like people need to hear the truth.

Every bit of enthusiasm or interest you guys show in my book is what compels me to keep writing. Every mistake you point out is what makes me want to strive for improvement.

Take pride in knowing that this book is as much yours as it is mine.

Thanks to your support, we've completed the first story arc! And with it, this story has officially passed a whopping 200k+ word mark!!! (Party hats, clapping, balloons, whatever other emoji, etc.)

I got a LOT done in these seven chapters, and I'm glad to see that so many of you liked it. I wasn't particularly happy with the ending since I felt it was a bit bland, but I can see that all of you slept well on the GOAT (Alfred). 

It's thanks to some of your ideas that I managed to set up many hints for future events, plot points, possible adventures, cleared up the power scaling a bit more...

For example, you guys now know more about Ben's psychometry and some of its drawbacks. As time goes on, it won't always be like that, but it's nice to play around with certain parts of his powers and put a few constraints since it makes it more real and imaginative.

Let's be honest. Who expected me to have him copy the Canary Cry? Cause let me tell ya, I dropped hints for that since Chapter 3.

As I've already informed my Patreons, although this started off with me wanting to just improve my writing skills, I feel like my mind expanded as I continued. I want to make this a HUGE project involving many DC characters, but not to the point where I struggle to decide who I should focus on.

In DC, almost everything is interconnected, and while I have a certain main repertoire of heroes and villains I want Ben to be fighting or connecting with, that doesn't mean I can't tie them in with the villains of other heroes or acquaintances.

This fic is not a wish-fulfillment. Not really. I have a message I'm steadily writing to reach the end of, and I want to focus on the journey it takes to get there. 

People in this fic will soon start dying. They may be your favorite character, a new one you'll grow attached to, or they may be someone you don't care about and will relish watching their demise.

I know that doesn't seem like much in a universe where you can bring people back from the dead, but I feel like such a heavy event is a nice way to peek into a character's mentality regarding such intense subjects.

And speaking of death... Ben's conversation with the 'mysterious' woman is an interesting thing that will be explored later in the story and will be discussed at some point. More hints about it will be dropped along the way. I'm still thinking on whether I should post it as an interlude or a flashback. I know I said I'll try not to do any of those, but this might be one of the few times I will due to how essential it is.

Now, another thing I wanted to talk about. Reviews, comments, and speaking out your ideas!

Obviously, just like with previous chapters, there were some things I probably could have done differently. But, that's the point of writing this book. To grow and learn.

All of your ideas are important to me. All of your thoughts. Some of them coincided with my own pre-planned ideas, some made me rewrite a few things, and some made me dream of possibly better directions to take this book. 

So far, just like with everything, I got major support through your 4 star or higher reviews, boosting my story rating and viewership up the charts. I've never interfered in my reviews, and I've left it in your capable hands to tell me what I need to improve on and what you like better that I should highlight more.

But... where there are advocates... there'll always be haters.

I got my first 1-star review a few days ago. I already expected it to happen at some point, but it was still disheartening after all the good things I've seen. Apparently, my character is 'stupid' and 'doesn't remember anything.'


That was literally it. Nothing else to go on.

If you're referring to his photographic memory, then I have to say that a majority of people are under a terrible misconception. Maybe I explained it poorly in the last chapter, but photographic memory only allows you to remember every single detail with 100% accuracy, but only pertaining to visual data. It provides no help in remembering ideas or plans made regarding a certain subject.  Eidetic memory is also related to visual data, but the specifics are a bit different. This once again goes into how I'll be playing around with his power set.

Please, I'm understanding and patient towards the majority of everyone's thoughts, and I welcome any proper criticism and take advice into account without changing much of the narrative I'm working to reach.

But if you're just going to slander my work without so much as telling me how to improve...?

Get lost.

You're doing a disservice to me as a writer and all the other readers who took the time to write reviews that actually benefitted me in improving my skills or providing a morale boost.


Had to get that off my chest.

Now, updates.

I'm trying to keep updates for Sundays, but as I've already informed everyone, studying is ramping up and chewing away at my timetable. I've already told my Patreons that if I miss a week, I'll make it up for them with double chapters (Which I've already done and will have to split up into two chapters again when posting on Webnovel due to the app's word limit per chapter). I have an important event next Sunday, and I won't be able to post at that time. Chapters on Webnovel will resume the week after.

Like with the 'Aftermath' chapter, we'll be seeing the ramifications of Ben's actions for the next couple of weeks. But this time, it'll be all throughout the DC universe. This will allow me to expand on the characters and world as I mentioned earlier, while giving glimpses into the old ones some of you may love. Any of the doubts or questions you had that went on in this chapter will be answered then as well.

And the last thing involves my Patreon...

We actually ended the arc on an even more powerful note than expected, reaching the 40-member goal!

That means from now on I'll be posting an extra chapter for all existing tiers. It will be at some point in two weeks after I reorganize myself. So, if you weren't interested in my Patreon before, maybe this will change your mind now.

I don't want to hold you guys any longer. I repeat my gratefulness for all of your warm words and encouragement, and I wish you all remain happy and healthy for many years to come.


(P.S. Being gone for a week doesn't excuse you guys not giving me stones and reviews. I'll be keeping my eye on you!)

(P.P.S. If it wasn't already obvious enough, leave comments regarding any ideas or thoughts you had on how this arc could've improved or been done differently in this author's note panel so that I can come back to them whenever I feel like it!)

Geo_Ruler Geo_Ruler

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

- Helen Keller

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