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33.33% Death Apostle

Chapter 4: Contact

Boring...half an hour passed and I already want to move.

"Ok, change of plans, during those 30 minutes I've noticed some small souls passing through and while not a lot, at least I gathered some mana, any normal animal should have less...I hope."

As I said that I decided to move, the next hour and a half I planned on moving on the outer edges of the forest and summoning 'gate' over and over, this way I hope to find a good spot to syphon more mana.

Surprisingly one hour passed relatively fast, and also without a problem, with me being able to gather mana in peace.

For the next 30 minutes I tried sticking near the river in hopes of finding some local wildlife to feed myself on and hoping it wouldn't be too strong for me, I mean what are the chances of something strong being on the outer edges of the forest...right?

Fortunately I found my first target relatively fast and also fortunately it looked to be a sort of wild boar. I activated mana eyes and for the first time in the new world I found someone with less mana than me.

"Ok so in theory I should instantly kill him." As I said that I started approaching my new target.

Sadly, my stealth skills sucked and I got detected quite fast. The boar turned to me and started analyzing me.

"Hey, big boy, how is life, how is wife?" I awkwardly said that as I slowly approached the boar, trying to get into my kill range.

The boar only took a couple seconds analyzing me and deciding that I was a good prey charged.

I reacted fast and the moment he was before me dodged to the right. While dodging I snapped my fingers, which was the kill command for the reaper, and the boar was killed middle charge.

"Son of a...well I guess you took that personal." As I approached the fallen body of the boar I felt my mana increasing a little bit, signifying that the soul of this boar was sent to the underworld successfully.

What was interesting though was that the body didn't disappear. I waited for a couple minutes and the body remained intact which slightly confused me. I snapped my fingers again with the intention of 'killing' the body of the boar.

This time I didn't receive any mana, but the body proceeded to disintegrate.

"Hmmm, well at least It looks like I'll have no problems disposing of bodies." I said that with a light chuckle.

I proceeded to search for more boars and apparently there are a decent amount of them nearby. For about an hour I proceeded to massacre the local wildlife, well not all of it, just the boars. Honestly it was pretty interesting, I was increasing my mana while also gaining actual combat experience.

Until my death I was just a normal person, in this world though I'd assume I'd have to get used to actual combat, so the earlier the better.

With such thoughts I was trying to cook a boar. I'll skip the details about how I made fire and got the meat off the boar...all I'm gonna say is that I wasted about 2 more hours than I initially planned and it was still considered a good time in my circumstances.

"I don't know if it's the hunger, or the flavor of local boars but the meat is bloody delicious...shame you can't taste it skelly." I said that while looking at my good friend...the reaper. I've summoned him while eating in case the smell would attract unwanted attention but fortunately everything looked fine.

After I finished my small meal I've decided to finally move to my next destination, the civilization.

In 10 minutes I reached the road and I had a dilemma.

"Hmmm, left or right, whatever, I feel like going left, my guts today are on point so let's keep the streak going."

While walking I checked the time and by the looks of it the sun would still be up for some couple of hours at least. I was hoping to reach civilization before the sunset but if push comes to shove let's hope I can find some wildlife to feed off.

"Wait, let's suppose I find people, how do I talk with them?" As I walked the road I suddenly thought of that. In theory there still should be a language barrier. I don't think people in this world talk English, like what are the chances of that am I right?

"Please tell me I have the regional pack installed, or rather" I mean it would be pretty stupid sending someone as your representative in another world and not giving him at least the basic ability to talk with other people...right?"

"My beautiful and considerate mistress couldn't probably forget about such a thing...right?" I said that not really expecting an answer but at least, I don't know, a hint.

"Oh come on, drop a dead bird before me or something...please."


"Maybe she isn't looking, I mean ok, fair point, she's probably busy being Death and everything, no time to check how's her apostle doing at all."

Ok I should calm down. If she isn't responding then there must be a reason. Also don't talk shit about the boss, especially about a boss that can read your mind and does that without your consent.

"I guess I'm pretty tired from a mental point of view, a lot of stuff happened and it's pretty hard to adapt. I forced myself to accept all that as it is but now that I have time to think things through, it's actually crazy. Death is my boss...talking about promotions in life...or better said...death?" I said that and proceeded to sigh.

"I wonder how my family is doing after my death..." I started getting a little bit sad thinking about that.

What saved me from those depressive thoughts was the sight of a village in the distance. It had a wooden wall for protection and some wooden towers here and there. In a couple more minutes I reached the gate and then I heard someone shouting at me from above.

"Stop right there, name yourself."

I was very happy, I could understand what he was saying. Thank you mistress for not making this humble servant waste a butt load of time learning a new language.

"Good day to you sir, my name is Max Goldwin, just a poor merchant whose caravan was attacked by some bloody bandits. I could barely run away with my life from those animals. Would you village be so kind to please provide this poor soul with housing for the night?"

Yes this was the name and the story I thought off, the clothes that I had looked really expensive so I had to be either a noble or merchant in the eyes of a normal person. Nobility would be a risky concept so I went with the merchant one this time. It should've been pretty convincing but I still had some fears in my heart.

"Those bastards are getting more and more daring, if only the kingdom sent us some manpower we would've long annihilated them but alas..." Luckily it did look like the village experienced a bandit issue so my story passed with flying marks.

"As for your request, I sympathize with your case, but I have no power in deciding something like that, allow me to guide you, good sir, to the village head, he is the one deciding important matters here." As he said that he went down the tower and opened the small gate.

"Then I'll be in your care." I said that when he got near me and we proceeded to walk to the village head's house.

We didn't talk during the walk so I had time to study the village. The sight wasn't impressive. Just a normal village with people buzzling with life. I could see a group of children playing together, a group of men working on something, and a few women taking care of some animals that looked to be horses.

The houses looked to be in good shape and overall the village looked well maintained. I had a hunch that it had to do more with the village head being competent rather than the kingdom being wealthy.

The biggest house was in the middle of the village and we were heading that way so I already knew who lived there. When we arrived and the guard knocked at the door, a 60 years old man opened the door and greeted us.

"Oh, hello Mark, what business brought you today to my home?"

"Hello village head, this mister here says that he's a merchant and his caravan was attacked by the bandits. He asks us for housing for the night."

As he finished speaking I intervened.

"Hello there, my name is Max Goldwin and as this mister just said my caravan was robbed by those bloody bandits. Sadly I lost all my possessions while escaping but if you offer me a place to stay for the night I promise that in the future I'll repay the kindness." I said that while looking distressed and furious, cursing my misfortune.

"Hello there good sir, my name is Harold and I'm this village's head, no need to be humble, those bastards are being quite bold recently, attacking even our hunter parties so we can relate to your misfortune. My house has a spare room, I'll prepare it for you, it's not a lot but I hope that at least you'll be able to have a good sleep."

"Thank you very much for the hospitality mister Harold."

"Thank you for the services Mark, you can go back to your post, mister Max, follow me please."

As he said that he motioned me to follow him. We went to the second floor where he opened a door to one of the rooms and said the next words.

"This will be your room mister Max, my wife should be back soon and then we plan on having dinner, I sincerely hope you could join us."

"Thank you for the invitation, it would be my pleasure."

"I'll inform you when the table is prepared, have a good rest until then." As he said that he closed the door.

The house looked good on the outside and the inside was the same. The room, while not luxurious was pretty decent, clean and big.

"Well then, looks like the objectives for the first day were completed." I said that while approaching the only window in the room and looking through it.

"My main focus now should be information, I don't know how much could a village head offer, but it should still be more than I know at the moment. I have to quickly assess the situation in the kingdom, the progress of the war and the so called...heroes."

Now that I think about it, I have a lot to main concern are the heroes though, let's hope they are not a bunch of idiots.

With those thoughts I decided to rest a bit.

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