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62.5% Death March Danmachi / Chapter 9: Ch9. Babelicious

Chapter 9: Ch9. Babelicious

'Why is it so tall?' Haru had thought to himself the closer to the massive tower he got.

Looking up at the massive structure had made him nervous, his intrusive thoughts wanting to see if he could fly…

'Not today inner demons!' Haru steeled his heart.

It had been a couple of eventful days to say the least.

First and foremost was the clingy Bell who absolutely refused to leave Haru's side for the past two days, not like Haru minded the company really.

Then there was that grumpy old guy who came and insulted Miach up and down.

Haru didn't like that guy and was happy when the man stormed off with the silver looking prosthetic arm.

Another thing was the New shop and clinic that the Freya and Loki familias gave too Miach. It was located on the third floor of Babel, which was now ready for its grand opening!

Haru was a little nervous to use his ability openly, but Miach and the others ensured that no one would cause trouble for him.

"HARU!!!!" Looking up to see who had called him revealed Loki with both Bete and Gareth standing either side of her.

Haru waved back and smiled making the goddess recoil like she was hit with an arrow….in the knee.

(AN: I tried to avoid it, I really did.)

'That smiles so dangerous!' Loki recovered from the overload and composed herself as Miach, Naaza and Haru finally stood face too face with her.

"Good morning Loki, Bete, Gareth. Hope you're all doing fine today." Miach gave each person a slight nod and smile.

"Of course we are! Todays the day!" Loki fist pumped the air in excitement, she had won massively in this agreement.

The store front was a gift to her for her service to the city and cost her nothing and Freya had furnished it, yet her children would get free healing for serious injuries for the next five years!

Cost her next to nothing, her favorite type of deal, and hey if it made her look good in Haru's eyes then all the better!

"You excited Haru?" Loki moved closer to Haru and reached for his head to pat it only for her hand to be slapped away by Miach.

"Nuh uh, only I can do that." Miach wouldn't let Loki have this, Haru's hair was off limits to anyone who wasn't in the family.

Loki took this personally.

'You can't keep an eye on him all the time, when you least expect it Miach, I Will give him head pats!' Loki began to set up her plans in her head as she and the others started to make their way into the tower.

"You see the new shop yet?" Loki asked Miach as they headed towards the stairs, the elevators were busy and it was only three floors.

"No I've been busy with orders from the Ishtar Familia." Miach let out a sigh.

"They've increased their rate of stamina potions they order from us by ten fold." Miach knew why, but he wouldn't get blindsided, at any sign of foul play he would ban Ishtar and her children.

"She wants you to feel indebted to her most likely, not like that'll work. I gave you an entire new shop and you won't even let little old me give Haru a head pat!" Loki scoffed at the weak veiled plot that Ishtar was running.

That stupid Woman always thought she was so cunning, and she usually was… if you didn't keep an eye on her that is.

But both Loki and Freya are watching her like a hawk and at any sign of her plans against Haru, both women would act.

Reaching the third floor, a few shops came into view, mostly selling clothes, jewelry and other Knick-nacks.

"This floor mostly deals with lower end consumer products, your shop is the only one of its kind in a sea of look alikes on the third floor." Loki lead them through the crowds of regular citizens and adventurers that were shopping about.

Looking over towards the far end, a massive crowd could be seen gathering in front of a decent sized and lavishly decorated shop.

However it wasn't the shop but four people who were standing in front of it.

Hestia, Bell, Freya and Ottar could be seen with both Freya and Hestia giving each other dirty looks as Bell sheepishly looked between the two and Ottar stood at guard against the forming masses.

The eyes of Freya lit up as she spotted Haru and the others shifting through the crowd, seconds later they came to a stop in front of her and Freya felt her heart beat as the boys gaze meet hers.

"Welcome, To the Second Grace Pharmacy!" Freya spoke loudly as she opened her arms and charmed the crowds behind Haru.

Freya had sent someone to ask the boy what name he would like and he did not disappoint, it had a certain ring to it.

Even Miach liked the name, admittedly his naming sense had always left something lacking in Freyas opinion.

Freya removed a key from the cleveage of her dress and went to hand it over to Haru, however Hestia snatched it and wiped it clean on her dress before causally tossing it to Haru who barely caught it as he fumbled for it.

"Was that necessary?" Freya gave Hestia a dark look, she felt slightly insulted.

"Didn't want poor Haru catching something." Hestia nonchalantly spoke as she ignored Freya.

Ok, now Freya felt slightly MORE insulted.

"Hmph, why don't I get you a step ladder so you can come up and say that to my knee caps pipsqueak." Hestia's mouth made an O shape as Freya fired back.

She couldn't even be mad, that one was good.

"If you two are done?" Loki felt her eyebrow twitch, these two were always like this. It was an odd friendship.

"I guess I can show some mercy today, it is an important day after all." Freya gave a side glance to Haru as she stepped out of the way.

"You may have the honors Haru." Miach spoke up as he rubbed his hand over Haru's hair….

'This really is quite addictive.' Miach felt Haru moved from his palm and walk over to the double doors with colored glass inlay and push the key into the lock.


Just like that the door unlocked and Haru pushed it open to reveal a beautifully well decorated shop.

Clean and neat ebony wood shelves, the counter done in the same wood with gold accents in the shape of a flying bird as it swirled around a featureless man standing with his arms wide.

The floor was done in a light grey marble stone, while magic stone lights hung from the walls and a magic stone chandelier hung in the center of the shop.

On the shelves were various potions and remedies that Miach had made over the week.

The god had decided to make them off sight at the old pharmacy and deliver them to the shop to sell to those who came in to be healed.

"Alright, let's get you settled in and get your first customer healed!" Loki grabbed Haru by his hand and dragged him into a back room.

Once they arrived she tossed him a large pair of pants and gave him a 'just in case' look and left the room.

After stripping down, Haru felt the mana in his body shift as he thought of the skill, when he opened his eyes the world and objects atound him seemed… smaller.

He had come to understand that the skill Pheonis's Grace would force him into a 'perfect' state based on his body.

He looked 25 years old and felt powerful as he put on the tight dark leather pair of pants that Loki left for him.

Walking out of the room, Haru rubbed the back of his neck. This would be the first time he showed them this form.

He told them he could use the ability and they set up the clinic and shop on good faith, and now would be the first time they get to see him like this.

Walking out in nothing but the dark leather pants Haru heard all the commotion in the shop halt.

Suddenly a random voice could be heard in the pin drop silence.

"Marry me!"

Shadow_of_death Shadow_of_death

Lady, he’s twelve…

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