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Deathly Energy Deathly Energy original

Deathly Energy

Author: Hiro_Volpez

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Attunement

A young man with black hair and grey eyes comes walking outside of the forest with a deer slung across his shoulder. He is dressed in a leather jacket with a fur neck and a bow and quiver slung across his back.

He was walking into the clearing that surrounded the town of Cline which had a population of around seven to ten thousand people.

Mark, the young man, walked for several minutes through town until he came to a larger building compared to the other on the street. It has two stories which was normal, but it also was twice as wide compared to the rest on the street. Which was a necessity because this was the hunters association and it was a trading place for many game hunters in the area.

Mark walks into the building thinking about why so few people were in line. Typically there would be a thirty minute wait at this time of day but one of the stalls only had two people. Which is a rarity for Thursdays when most people are trying to get some spare change to spend on having fun during the weekend.

Mark gets into line while guessing how much he may get for this deer. This one is about a 100 kilograms before he gutted and bled it. Now he is thinking it should go for about twelve silvers. It would probably be worth only 6 for all of the meat one for the nice sized antlers that can be made into handles, and 5 for the fur that only has two blemishes caused by the arrow that went through its windpipe cleanly. That shouldn't affect the cost because the skin around the neck is cut when skinning a deer anyways. Mark learned that it is better to kill through the neck instead of the heart because the hide will sell for more.

When it was marks turn at the window he placed the deer on the hunter and said "good evening to you George." Which was was met with a "And a good night to you Mark. Are you excited for tomorrow?" This came from the taller then average receptionist who took the deer and started to skin it with this weird green light that formed a sort of blade around his hand. He was very experienced and it would only take a minute or two for him to finish.

"What's special about tomorrow that would make me excited?" asked Mark with curiosity.

"It's only the atonement ceremony that will start your journey along the path of a adventurer." Said George with heavy sarcasm. He know that sometimes Mark gets so focused that he sometimes forgets everything else.

"IT'S TOMORROW!" Shouted Mark causing everyone in the room to look at him with curiosity. He calms down quickly and states "I can't believe I had forgotten what day it is. It's already the 31st of January. Which means tomorrow is my attunement ceremony." This realization dawned on Mark causing him to think about many things and one being how ready was he. "Was I able to save enough gold to become an adventurer after I gain control of my energy." Mark thought out loud.

Mark spent a good amount of time by himself which caused him to start think aloud sometimes.

"HahAHa" Laughed George as he was finished dissecting and now was putting different things on a scale.

"I can't believe you forgot, your probably the only one on the continent." Exclaimed George between hearty laughs.

"Do you even want to gain control over your energy." Said George with no seriousness at all.

"I was so busy hunting this last month that I forgot to keep count of how many days have passed." Mark said with a bit of bashfulness that he didn't often show. " You know I have brought in some type of game every day for the past month. This shows you how busy I have been." mark says in his defense.

George turns around and puts down fourteen silver and thirty bronze coins the size of my thumbnail.

"Not to complain but why so much?" Mark asks because he estimated around twelve and got much more then he though. "Price of meats gone up a bit due to lack of hunters because of the preparations for the festival tomorrow." George said like it was common sense. Mark just nodded in understanding .

"I would love to chat but it seems I need to make some last minute preparations for tomorrow." Mark says while walking out with a grin from the unexpected pay increase.

Even though Mark said that he needed to make preparations that was a lie because he has been preparing for years to become an adventurer. Who would train there energy until they could us it to hunt and kill monsters found in the wilds. Mark has wanted this profession for as long as he can remember.

Mark starts to jog away from the city of Cline to his hide out in the woods. Its not that he didn't like living in the village it is just that he likes to have some privacy from prying eyes also living in the woods lets him hunt more. After fifteen minutes of light jogging he gets to his base of operations or the den as he likes to call it. It is a cave that has a narrow entrance that he has put a door in front of that is covered with the same vines as the rock walls around it. On the inside there is a fire pit that is in the center of the cave but not even ashes remain because he put out the fire in the morning with water from the river two kilometers away. The den has a bed filled with furs of different animals and colors, and a chest Mark uses to hold clothes. He also has a barrel filled with forty something arrows that are sharp enough to kill a man.

Most of Marks money goes into arrows or savings as he doesn't need to spend it on food that he could just get from the forest. From all of his savings he has about three hundred-thirty silvers which is three whole golds in only a month. Where casual hunters probably only get a gold a year. That's is mostly caused by them needing to pay for more things like tax and food and clothing for family while Mark only really hoards his money.

"It will be worth it because tomorrow I will attune to my energy and will need some money to learn what my energy's nature is like and how to best progress in me magic studies."

Magic is the study of energy and how to use different types for different means. Everyone is born with a natural synchronism to a certain energy which is given from genetics mostly but then as you grow the energy becomes more then an inheritance and changes depending on a persons actions, thoughts, needs, struggles, and overall life time experiences.

Marks parents had a fire type attunement and a life type attunement which made them very popular. Marks dad made wares using his fire attunement which allowed him to sell for a good price and his mom would heal wounds with her life attunement. The life energy was extremely rare and made whoever had it precious, but fire was relatively common among villages depending on the potency of the energy or skill of the user. Marks mom always told him its not the energy that is powerful but the users abilities. She was madly in love with my hot headed father who took pride in everything he forged. This caused her much content with her family tough because she could have found someone richer or more powerful but instead she settled for love.

Mark stopped thinking about his parents because he knew it would only make him shed more unnecessary tears.

"I wonder what type of energy I will start with? Since I have fire and life it could be one or the other but I have a feeling it will be a combination of the both." Mark pondered

"Doesn't matter to much because I will be an adventurer that slays all monsters that would dare hurt human kind." Mark said with determination before he started making a fire from a stack of sticks he had.

"It would be nice to be able to start a fire with energy." Mark said while using a flint and steal that he had bought from the town a while back. He could buy a lighter and make his life much easier but it would run out of energy after a while and since he made fires a lot it was better to be able to know when he needed to get a new flint instead of just hoping the lighter still worked.

Mark cooked a rabbit he killed earlier and put some of his favorite spices on it and in just some moments later he dug in. "That was mighty delicious if I do say so myself." He applauds himself on a good meal as he throws the bones into a pile on the other side of the den. " I ought to throw those in the forest soon before they start to smell bad." The bones are from all of the things he has eaten over the last couple of weeks so it had gotten pretty big.

"Goodnight world can't wait to see you tomorrow." Mark says while looking up into the crack in the ceiling that lets light and oxygen in and smoke out. Mark throws one more log on the fire then gets into bed and covers himself with his makeshift blanket.

"I hope my energy is strong." was Marks last thought before letting sleep take him away.

Hiro_Volpez Hiro_Volpez

Hey this is my first novel. I don't know wjat I am doing but I will learn fast and take help where I can get it so if you find errors please tell me. if you have ideas share them. I will try to be consistent. Thanks every who enjoyed.

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