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Chapter 14: Starting Point?

Slate POV


Slate: And thats how Hades became my Eidolon.


Noctis: Wow... Thats alot to comprehend. What exactly are you now? Can you show us your Materium Menu?


Slate: Sure. Here you go



Slate Clean


10 Years old


Triple Divine Beast-Kin

(Bunyip/ Raiju/ Death Knight)


Health: 200


Mana: 200


Attack: 10


Magic: 10


Passive: Esunaga, Regen, Blood Saber(Trigger), Death Dust Bones


Spells: Thunder(1), Aqua(1), Dark(1), Blind(1)


Affinities: Thunder(High), Water(High), Dark(High), Death(High), Ice(Avarage), Poison(Avarage), Earth(Avarage), Holy(Limited), Gravety(Limited), Fire(None), Cure(None), ???


Primary Class: Freelancer LVL 1


Secondary Class: Black Mage(X) LVL 1


Unequipped Classes: Red BattleMage(XII), Dark Knight(X-2), Psychic(X-2), Gun Mage(X-2), Ravager(XIII), Commando(XIII)


Profession: Miner(XIV), Gold Smith(XIV), Carpenter(XIV)


Dark King Arms:

Dark Kings Blade(1HS),

Dark Kings Wake(2HGS),

Dark Vipers Polearm(2HP)

Death's Dark Scythe(2HS)


Crystarium Points: 0



Lulu: My gods... Its true. 11 Classes all active at 10 years old and your able to have more too.


Noctis: You might very well grow to be the strongest of us all...


Slate: That is my plan. I need to level my classes though. Ill get right to that when I turn 15. Till then, I need to find my 3 party members. My DPS, Mage and Healer.


Lulu: Ah, I completely forgot... The princess is the Mage you are looking for.


Noctis/ Lunafreya/ Slate: WHAT?!


Hades: So that is what that link means... I thought it was your soulmate pulse but that made no sense as there are 2 more in the distance.


Noctis: 2 MORE!? (Pulls out Axe)


Lunafreya: Unfaithful Son-in-Law?! (Pulls out Trident)


Hades: At least. (hehehe)


Slate: ... Oh sheeeeeyaaaatttt fukyouhadesyoushinytolietbowl!!





Lulu POV


Well... that was fun. Kiddo is running around with Lord Hades laughing right behind him telling how close Noctis and Luna are.


After watching for a few minutes all 3 of them stop in their tracks.




The Princess is awake.





That was a nice nap. I feel like a feather. When I sit up I remembered I took my shirt off because my back was itchy. OH!! My present! Lets see my tail!! I bet its more fluffy then tail boys.




I dont have a tail. My life is over. How can this happen? Momma said I would get a tail because I helped save Tail Boy. Oh? I hear Momma, Father, Ms.Lulu and Tail Boy coming. Even without a tail, I am still the Princess. I need a shirt on when meeting people. What if tail boy sees me all flat like Ms.Yuffie? I touch my chest and freeze.




My gift was boobies!! They are not big but they will grow. Im bigger then before. Good, Really Good, Really Really Good. What is taking Momma so long? I heard her outside like 5 minutes ago.


Ughhhhh Why cant I put my shirt on? Is it because of my new boobies? Yes, they are to huge for my clothes. That makes sense. I will hide under the covers until Momma can get me new clothes.



Lunafreya POV


Noct cant warp due to some mana interference from the Light Cocoon so we ran. We heard her yell No then Yes so She seems ok but I wont feel right until I see her.


When we arrive at Noct and my bedroom I hear Ink yell.


Ink: Momma, Dont let tail boy or Father come in! I cant put my shirt on. My boobies are too huge.


What the heck is she saying?


Lunafreya: Noct, Slate... I will be right back. Lulu, will you join me?


Lulu: Of course.


We walk in and I see Ink hidden under the covers. She is fine. thank goodness.


Ink: Momma! Ms.Lulu! Look! They are huge!!


She jumps out from under the covers and she proudly sticks out her chest. She is right. They ARE huge. The Beautiful Purple Gold Fairy Wings sticking out of her back that is.


I am at a loss for words.


Lulu: Princess, are you ok? Have you looked in the mirror yet?


Ink: No but great idea! I bet I look sexy!


Before I could stop her she jumps off the bed... and starts flying.


Ink: Ms.Lulu... can you let me down?


Lulu: Im not holding you up. You are flying on your own. Your gift is more then a little growth here.


She points to her chest.


Lunafreya: Ink sweetie... cover your chest with your hands. Im calling in your Father.




Noctis POV


I run in and see my baby girl flying in the air with Butterfly Fairy Wings. She doesnt seem to have noticed them yet. Before I can say anything... they start to shrink. She lowers to the ground.


Ink: So Father was holding me up?


Noctis: No Ink... You have wings. Big Pretty Fairy Wings.




She spins around a few times. On her back is a new Materium Mark. Her old one was a Book but this one is of her Wings.


Ink: I dont see any wings Father...


Noctis: Go ahead and put your shirt on then open your Materium Menu for us. Maybe it will tell us how to make your wings come back.


Ink: But I need a bigger shirt because my boobies are too huge now...


Lunafreya: Here you go sweetie. This is one of Lulu's shirts from when she was your age.


Ink: Ms.Lulu's shirt?! Ok... that might fit.


She tries her shirt from before and it fits.


Ink: IT FITS!!


Lets not tell her just yet...




Everyone is in my room now. There is Momma, Father, Ms.Lulu, Tail Boy, and...


Ink: Tail boy... what is that shiny head?


Hades: What a rude little girl. I am Hades, King of Death.



Ink: The shiny head can talk?! COOL! Shiny head, say something else...


Hades: Hey Flatboard Princess. My name is HADES.




Hades: First, I dont have eyes. Second, How can you compare your Mosquito bites to the Busty Witch's 102 I Cups of glory? Your 15 years too early Your Flatness.


Ink: OH YEAH?!


I storm off to the kitchen, grab 2 potatoes and run back to my room. I slam the 2 potatoes into shiny heads face. They get stuck where his eyes go.


Ink: Now you have eyes. Do you see my greatness NOW?




Ink: Ahahahaaa I like the shiny head. Hes funny. Momma, are you ready to see my Menu?


Lunafreya: Yes sweetie. But be nice to the Hades. He is Slate's Eidolon Partner. He saved Slate's life.


Shiny Head saved Tail boy's life? I take the potatoes from Shiny Head.


Ink: Mr.Shiny Head. Thank you for saving Tail Boy.


Hades: Ofcourse kid. Look at me. There is nothing I cant do. Look at my Beautiful Shiny Skull.


Ink: Can you take potatoes out of your eyes?


Hades: Your Flatness, fight me. Slate, Ill go to sleep. Call me when we are are alone. we must talk.


Shiny Skull went into Tail boys arm.


Noctis: Show us your Menu Ink.


Ink: Ok father.



Ink Fleuret Caelum


10 Years old


Twin Divine Humanoid

(Fairy Queen/Queen Banchee)


Health: 100


Mana: 6000


Attack: 2


Magic: 300


Passive: Flight(Trigger), 1/4 Mana Cost, Echolocation


Spells: Fire. Water. Aero, Blizzard, Shake, Thunder, Light, Bind, Slow, Stop, Haste, Sonic, Silence


Affinities: Fire(High), Water(High), Aero(High), Blizzard(High), Earth(High), Thunder(High), Holy(High), Dark(Avarage), Cure(None), ???


Primary Class: Black Mage(X) Tier 2


Secondary Class: Blue Mage


Unequipped Classes: Freelancer Tier 2


Profession: Tamer


Mage Queen Arms:

Queens Ribbon Crystal Ball



Slate POV


Noctis and Lunafreya are talking about Ink's new race change. Lulu is complaining how Ink's now got 7 high affinitys.


Slate: What is this Queen Crystal Ink?


Ink: Its my Crystal Ball. It lets me cast my spells and heals me if im hurt. It was made from Fathers potato chip. It has a colorful Ribbon inside it. ... Want to try it on?


Slate: Lets go with no. Well im going home to sleep. Ill see you tomorrow. Now that I know your the Mage im looking for, ill train with you before I go looking for my healer and attacker.


Slate: Good night everyone.




Slate: Hades, we are alone. Come on out.


Hades: Good. I have some bad news... We need to talk about your left arm. It's your flesh and blood arm but the bones within it were mine. It will hurt for a few weeks as your body gets use to it. You also should pick up the Pugilist Class Orb to make the best use of your stronger body.


Hades: There is also this Drive thing. I will absorb the dark form to Reforge my body ok?


Slate: Thats fine, I cant use that form yet. Its yours till I can control it.


Hades: Your Dark King Arms are sealed. Your body cand handle them. They will protect you from danger once a week though but only in times of extreme danger.


Hades: And lastly... I can only feel your party members for about another week or so. Ill end up sleeping after that till you turn 15.


Slate: Ok... So I have lost My Weapons, My Strongest Form, My arm is weak for a few weeks, Ill lose my Support Summon Eidolon in a week, and I need to find my 2 remaining party members before you hibernate?


Hades: Pretty Much. Are you ready?


Slate: Damn right I am.

Bevis Bevis

There will be a time skip after Slate collects his party. Everyone will get a teacher before the team takes to the wild.

Hope you enjoy the chap

Let me know what you think so far and what could be better. Thanks in advance

Im trying new spacing. let me know if its better.

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