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Chapter 1: Quirk Awakening

Author Note{I am writing under the assumption that the reader has read or watched MHA (or BNHA if you're going to be that guy) to at least the Gentle the Criminal fight's conclusion.  No manga spoilers for at least like 15 (bare minimum probably more) chapters assuming I keep writing that long. I will operate under the assumption you know how the quirks of various characters work unless I am going to define some finer details the manga did not bother two ie. the exact light levels under which dark shadow is controllable (I may not need to set this one specifically just an example).  I will not operate under any assumption you have read UnOrdinary and will therefore thoroughly explain Aura Manipulation from UnOrdinary as far as my best guesses based upon what has been shown in the story}

            A five-year-old Izuku Midoriya walked nervously into the doctor's office, All Might action figure in hand.  After they took their seats the doctor spoke "In my professional opinion it is probable and I am going to emphasize not that it is not guaranteed that you will develop a quirk."  Izuku couldn't help but smile. He would be happy as long as there was a chance. Any chance at all that he could become a hero who would save people with a smile like All Might the greatest hero in the world.  The doctor went on to explain some studies about quirks and how they tend to be connected to the lack of a joint in the toe. Izuku, while interested, was more focused on his quirk possibilities given his parents abilities.


            Now 6 years old Izuku was beginning to wonder if he really wouldn't develop a quirk.  Katsuki Bakugou, his best friend, began to question this as well. This also when they began to grow apart as Izuku would try to defend people from Bakugou which went about as well as one would logically expect (very poorly).  Time continued to pass, and people began to accept that Izuku was quirkless. This included Izuku who by this point came to be called Deku do to cruel play on words thought up by Bakugou. Deku however began to learn more about quirks especially those of heroes and other powerful individuals all with one goal in mind he would become a hero with a quirk or without one. 

Then suddenly one day in his 2nd year of middle school he started to sense something when he was around others, something like a presence or aura even when he wasn't looking at them as long as they were within 30 meters of him he could sense them.  He could use this to gather their positions and it flared up when they used their power. Bakugou's aura was bright orange with streaks of red and flowed more wildly than most coming from every part of his body but especially his palms. If Deku had to describe it he would say something like "A constant explosion, always volatile and very dangerous".  Deku had an aura of his own. It was a dark green, like his hair with lighter green streaks more reminiscent of his eyes. After a few days he told Bakugou about this. Bakugou simply said "You Finally have a quirk huh Deku? Well my explosion is still far more powerful and will one day make me the greatest hero, even surpassing All Might himself. So don't think you can compete with me," all the while causing small explosions to emphasize his point.

"Of course not," Deku said, scared of the blond bully who was once his best friend.  "I'm not trying to compete with you." As Deku said this he could not help wishing that he had the explosive power his once best friend has. Then suddenly Deku's aura changed although much of it still just kind of floated doing nothing, some of it moved to match Bakugou identically.  Suddenly his hands popped with emerald and forest green sparks.

"What the Hell was that Deku?" Bakugou practically snarled.

"I don't know either.  I have never been able to do that before." Answered Deku, almost as confused as his one time friend.

"Alright…  wanna test it out, shitty Deku?" He said with a cruel grin, shifting into a battle stance.

"What do you have in mind?" said Deku, curious of what's going to happen.

"A spar." with those simple words Bakugou nearly gave him a heart attack.  Before Deku could even respond Bakugou jumped forward with an exploding right hook that had to narrowly dodge. The fight had begun. Izuku awkwardly countered with his own explosive left hook.  Bakugou dodged easily but was close enough to know in an instant that Deku's blast was more powerful than his own. 'Impossible!' he thought 'That bug cannot be more powerful than me". Bakugou then kicked Deku in the chest, winding him and then the blond prodigy sent him flying into the air and subsequently falling into the ground with an explosive uppercut.  The fight was over Bakugou had won but his pride didn't escape unscathed. Deep down Bakugou knew that if it was just in terms of quirks he was totally outclassed. He had only won because he was physically stronger and a better fighter.

When Izuku came to, he noticed 3 things… 1) his  gut hurt from the uppercut 2) his shirt was slightly charred 3) his aura was back to normal. He willed it back to the way it was during his fight, but nothing happened. It was then he realized he had copied Bakugou's quirk.  What's more he had aura to spare meaning he might be able to use more than one quirk. He looked up at Katsuki who merely looked at him and said "You're still not stronger than me but in a few years your welcome as my sidekick when I make the big leagues" before walking away.

That night Deku explained to his mom everything that had happened although he claimed he had asked Bakugou to spar to avoid creating any trouble.  She helped him test this quirk by letting him copy her quirk. Once again, he seemed to be able to attract bigger objects and move them a little faster.  In short, he didn't just copy quirks but he buffed them.

Author note {Chapter one is done. What are your thoughts, and do you think that I should go with the rule of 4 or the level-based idea?  If you don't know what I was just asking, then I recommend you read UnOrdinary or just ignore it}

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