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Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Kenzou woke up sweating, he didn't know why but his body was hot.

He thought without opening his eyes. 'It's hot, I have to turn on the air conditioner.'

He got up on his butt without opening his eyes.


His eyes instantly shot open and he looked at where the sound came from, a beautiful naked woman with a blush on her face and and a loving look on her face had her hands wrapped around his naked body. She was glued to him like a koala.

'Why is she looking at me like that? Don't women usually regret it after having sex with someone when they're drunk?'

She kissed him on the lips and said. "Good morning."

He looked down at her with a surprised expression and no words came out of his mouth.

She looked at him worriedly and said. "What's wrong?"

Kenzou snapped out of it and shook his head with his eyes closed. "Nothing, I was just thinking about something. Let's go take a shower."


She got off of him and started walking ahead of him, her ass jiggled when she walked so Kenzou normally took a peek. He already had morning wood and this was just the right way to cure it.

Unknown to him a very small smirk made its way onto his face, it was barely noticable. Chisato naturally noticed this so she stopped walking.

Kenzou came from behind her and hugger her while fondling her breast. "Let's do it one time and then go shower."


After he showered and dressed himself he looked at the time and saw that it was 8 am, he still had time to get to school.

Today he got dressed in a black t-shirt with black short jeans and a white belt.

Chisato had to dress in one of his hoodies, which were large for her and some black jeans that again were a little oversized.

While Kenzou was styling his hair in the mirror he asked. "By the way, which school do you work at?"

She told him the name of the school and it was exactly the school he goes to.

"What a coincidence, I guess we will met each other everyday there."

She looked at him with a surprised expression and said. "What?"

"I transferred there some time ago but I was in the forest training under teacher's orders. So I only got to go there for one day."

"Then what about our relationship?!"

"Why are you getting so riled up? You can keep it public or private if you want. Whatever is more convenient for you."

She looked a little sad and she said. "I guess we'll have to keep it private, if word goes out of a staff dating a student, and a minor at that, things could get ugly."

"You're right, we'll just have to keep it down at school and when we're outside of school we can just be like a normal couple. Don't you think that's fair?"

"It's alright, I guess."

Kenzou looked at her from the corner of his eyes and said. "If you really want to, we can always act normally in private. Even if word goes out about us I can just silence them."

"What do you mean silence?"

"Don't worry about it. You are my lover and first friend so I'll try to keep this whole thing under the wraps how you like it to be.

But just so you know, we can always come out with it. I am over the age of consent and you career won't be compromised at all, there will just be a lot of jealous boys."

She smiled and said. "That is true, but I still think that our relationship being secret is the best option."

"Alright, I was just suggesting."

After that Kenzou zoned out while doing his hair, he was thinking about the smile Chisato gave him in the morning, that smile reminded him of his mother. The only person he ever loved in his entire life.

They were the same, his mother loved him and she used to smile like this when he was little, but now seeing another person smile so lovingly at him gave him mixed emotions. One part of him liked it but the other part found it somewhat weird.

Other than his mother he never received love from anyone, his brothers tortured him both physically and mentally under the pretext of training and his father's wife just showed fake love to him so she can amplify the abuse he was receiving. He can remember clearly that one time when his mid-bro was beating his ass while he was on the ground and his mother passed by them, she looked at him with the usual fake smile and just ignored the fact that he was getting beaten.

His father was a busy person so he barely interacted with him.

Only his friends from his old world actually cared for him, and they were maximum 10 people who did.

So seeing one more person who actually loves and cares for him is new to him, he doesn't know how to respond to these feelings or how to act.

He decided to go along with whatever she does that doesn't cross with his beliefs and goals.

And then there's the fact that she doesn't really know him all that good, the things he did in the past and will continue to do are absolutely fucked up and only people with a screw loose would accept someone like that.

And Kenzou knows for a fact that he will never change his way of doing things nor will his personality just because a woman entered his life.

He is looking forward to her face when she sees him mutilating people, he really wants to see what kind of reaction she will make, what kind of face will she make?

But that can come later. Sine he isn't really a violent person in the first place, his fighting style has been developed for countering attacks and ending the fight as fast as possible.

And he isn't in a rush either, since he sees her as a friend and not as an actual lover.

After he finished doing his hair he didn't put on a mask today since it's supposed to be just a normal school day.

Today he was dressed in a black and white overcoat, black jeans and black shirt.

They got outside and Kenzou made Chisato drive since he's technically not 18 yet.

As they got near the school Kenzou said. "Stop here."


"We can't park outside of school and get out of the same car, people will get suspicious."

"You're right."

She parked the car and Kenzou said. "You go first, it will look weird if we walk together to school."

"Come on, we can walk together, you're a student. I can just say I met you my way here."

Kenzou closed his eyes and said. "No can do, we didn't meet at school since I was only there for one day so you knowing me will not make sense. Remember that you were the one who wanted to keep this relationship secret, you have to go through with it."

"Alright, alright. No need to be so serious all the time. See you at school!"

After that she started walking towards the school while Kenzou entered a shop so he can buy something to drink.

As he got out of the store he saw a blond dude smoking on a bench, he was sweating a little and his breathing was a little ragged, you could tell he was just done working out.

Kenzou started walking towards him with his usual expression, the man noticed the person approaching him and his face instantly got serious. He could tell that the guy in front of him was trouble.

Kenzou stopped in front of him and said with his eyes closed. "That's no good."

The man glared at him and said. "Huh?!"

Kenzou's eyebrows crossed and he said. "Smoking is even worse for you than normal...

right after working out."

The man looked surprised by that and then he said. "S-so what? I know that!"

"No... You don't.

Cigarette smoke and tar irritate and destroy the alveoli. So when you smoke, it vastly decreases your body's ability to take in oxygen.

And because it's difficult for your body to release enough dopamine without nicotine, it also leads to a decrease in your physical strength and explosive force, and your super compensation slows down."

The man looked at Kenzou with a deadpanned expression because he couldn't understand all the terms he used.

"In short, the results of your workout will be diminished."


Kenzou closed his eyes and continued. "It's said that smoking has a calming effect, but that's just a delusion caused by the relief of feeding an addiction.

So to people who work out...

Smoking is all pain, no gain!"

The man looked at the cigarette in his hand and then he dropped it to the ground and stepped on it.

Kenzou looked at his watch and saw that it was about time he shows up to school.

He turned around and said. "You can ignore what I said, but you were doing your best to improve yourself so I couldn't hold myself back."

The man had small tears in his eyes and he thought. 'What a man! I didn't know there were youngsters like these nowadays.'

The man got up from his chair and said. "Thank you for the advice!"

Kenzou looked turned his head around a bit and said nothing, he then turned around and raised his hand waving goodbye to the total stranger he just guided in life.

While he was walking Kenzou suddenly stopped and said to himself. "This is the opposite way to school." As soon as he finished speaking he turned around and started running at insane speeds so he can get to school in time.


Kenzou was in the principal's office since he got called to be there.

He was sitting in front of the principal who had a weird expression on his face.

He took out his phone and said. "Kenzou-kun can you explain this?"

He gave the phone to Kenzou and saw that it was a recording of him having dinner with his teacher.

"He invited me to dinner so I had to accept."

He started the video from the start and saw himself standing by himself at the table and then after some time Yuujirou Hanma entered the room and walked in front of his table.

'Why the fuck were people recording me before teacher even entered the room?'

"It looked like he knew you."

Kenzou narrowed his eyes at the principal and he flinched. He closed his eyes and said "He's my teacher when it comes to fighting, actually the reason I couldn't come to school was because I was kidnapped by him."

"I see... now it makes sense."

Kenzou opened one eye and thought. 'How does that make sense to you? I said he kidnapped me not that he took me to a trip in the mountains.'

The principal took out a pen and paper and said. "Can you sign this for me? My son is a big fan of mister Hanma and an autograph from his disciple would make him happy."

Kenzou stared at the paper and then a the principal, he wrote on the paper 'Kenzou' in a weird style.

The man shook his hand and thanked him for signing the paper and promised not to tell anyone in school about this.

'If you, the principal already know about this, do you think that the teenagers who are glued to the internet won't know too?'

As he was walking down the halls he saw the man he gave advice on the street, their eyes met and Kenzou thought. 'What's up with these crazy coincidences.'

The man approached him and said. "I didn't expect to see you here! Are you a student in this school by any chance?"

"Yes, class 3-C."

The man looked like he realized something and he said. "OOOHH! You are the student who was missing for a month, I just became the homeroom teacher of that class actually some time ago."

He put his hand forward and said with a smile "Eikichi Onizuka, nice to meet you!"

Kenzou took his hand and said. "Shimohara Kenzou."

As they shook hands a woman with long black hair passed by them, as soon as she did Onizuka turned his neck and looked at her with a perverted expression.

After staring at her for a bit he turned and saw Kenzou looking at him with no expression. "Why are you looking at me like that? despite her age she still looks good."

"That's just my normal face."

Onizuka came close to Kenzou and put one hand over his shoulder. "Hey, let me put you in on something since we're friends. In this school there are a lot of beautiful girls, since you are somewhat good looking why don't you go and talk to them. And after that we can go on a double date, sounds good right?"

Kenzou put one hand under his chin and said. "Why would I do that?"

"What do you mean? Don't you want to lose your virginity? You're at the age so there's no need to be ashamed of it."

Kenzou looked at him from the corner of his eye and said. "Who said anything about me being a virgin?"

Onizuka looked at him with a surprised expression and he took two steps backwards. "Y-you a-are not??"

"I'm not a virgin, don't tell me that at your age you are actually still a virgin?"

Onizuka looked offended and he said. "What's wrong with that?! I just didn't find the right woman yet!"

"Nothing wrong with it, I was just surprised."

Onizuka looked at his watch and said. "I have somewhere to be, consider my offer more carefully in the meantime."


After Onizuka left Kenzou started walking towards his classroom while thinking. 'There's no way I'm considering his offer.'

As he got into the class all of the people present stared at him, he just ignored their stares and went to his desk.

He started to look at his classmates and saw that there really were a lot of beautiful girls in here, maybe too many.

There were even 5 girls who looked the exact same. 'Are they quintuplets ? How did the mother give birth to all of them? That's mad.'

As he was thinking of who to make friends with suddenly someone entered the classroom.

He was a gigantic man with all kinds of bandages on him, he looked like he just got out of the hospital.

Kenzou recognized the man as Jack Hanma and he just started at him, Jack looked around the classroom and he saw Kenzou.

He came in front of his desk with an angry face and said. "Let's get out of here, I don't think you want to settle it in a public space."

"No need, I don't really want to fight you."


Jack sent a punch towards Kenzou but he just hit his chair, Kenzou was standing on his head with one hand.


He kicked Jack to the ground and came over him.

Kenzou came over him while his face was stuck in the ground and he raised one hand up while the other was holding him down by the neck.


He hit him in the back of the head a lot of times and then got up and kicked him hard in the spine.

Kenzou heard his spine break so he stopped and got up on his feet.

He looked around and saw that all of the students were looking at this scene with terrified expressions.

"I can't kill you now since we're in a school out of all places, but that doesn't you will get out of this situation."


He grabbed Jack by the leg and threw him out of the window. He then jumped down from the third floor and grabbed Jack by the collar.

While he was dragging him on the street he called mister Tokugawa.

"Yes Kenzou?"

"Mister Tokugawa, Jack just attacked me while I was at school. I am thinking of killing him or at least making him a vegetable, but I changed my mind. I think selling him to you as a slave sounds like a much better option for both of us."

"WHAT? No don't kill him! He's a valuable fighter and I didn't get to see the full extent of his new biting style. I am willing to buy him off of you."

"500 million yen, I think that's a good price for me to spare his life."

"I'll pay it."

"Okay then, bye."

Out of nowhere he heard a familiar voice. "Wait!"

Kenzou looked back and saw Chisato. He stopped walking and turned around.

"What's wrong?"

Chisato came near him and asked. "What just happened?!"

Kenzou looked at her with his usual stoic expression and said. "This man attacked me while I was in class so I beat him up, now I'm taking him to where he came from."

"That doesn't answer my question!"

Kenzou let go of Jack and embraced Chisato. She was taken aback by the sudden gesture but she hugged him back. "I'll explain it to you tonight at home, you're not thinking straight right now since it's your first time dealing with this kind of thing. I think you should just go home since school will be closing because of this situation."

She calmed down and said. "Alright, I'll wait for you at your place."

Kenzou again grabbed Jack by the collar and said. "I will be using the car, so can you give me the keys?"

"Ah right."

After she gave him the keys he said goodbye and went towards his car, started strangling Jack since he wasn't unconscious yet, he just couldn't do anything because his spine was broken.

As he saw him go unconscious he put him in the trunk and started driving to a place he found especially for burying and torture.

As he arrived to the junkyard he took him out of the trunk and started dragging him with one hand.

As they arrived in a place that was fully surrounded by junk, Kenzou grabbed one of Jack's fingers and bend it in an unusual way.

Jack instantly was awake but he couldn't do anything since his spine was broken, he couldn't even cry or yell. He was trapped in his own body.

"Hello, I have to say that you're quite lucky since someone paid me to keep you alive, but I still don't understand how you got out of the hospital and decided to attack me so fast."

He got no response so he continued.

"Look, I don't care about your warrior mentality or your feud with your father. But unlike you pathetic losers who fight for fun or to see who's the strongest, I am different. Don't drag me into useless fights when you know you will lose."

He closed his eyes and said. "I know I said I will keep you alive but after I'm done with you....

You will wish to be dead."

He opened his mouth and started pulling his teeth out one by one. Jack couldn't even cry or yell, he was forced to endure the pain with sheer willpower.

"Impressive, you didn't pass out from this."


After four hours of continuous torture Kenzou finally stopped because Jack was losing a little too much blood.

He got up from the ground and threw the bloodied tree branch cutter in the fire he started some time ago.

He looked at Jack who was beyond recognizable, Multiple limbs were in weird angles, one of his eyes was plucked out and there were multiple missing fingers. There were all kinds of wounds and scars on his body.

His whole face was cut open with the tree branch cutter he just used.

If even a person used to violence and gore would see this up closely they would vomit everything they had in them.

He took his phone out and called mister Tokugawa. "Call a private doctor to the address I sent immediately or Jack will really die."

"W-What did you do to him?"

"I just had a talk with him on why he shouldn't have messed with me. Now if you excuse me I would like to leave before someone sees me here."

He closed the call and went to his car, he started driving towards his apartment. "This will serve as a warning to anyone who wants to mess with me for no reason."

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