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Luffy decided to sail because he was 17 years old.. He managed to collect and recruit some of his nakama which so far there are a total of 9 people.. Zoro the swordsman and also the vice-captain, Ussop the sniper, Sanji as the chef, Nami as the navigator who his abilities are needed by Luffy as a guide, Chopper as a doctor, Nico Robin as an archaeologist, Franky as a shipbuilder and Brook as a musician .. Various journeys have been passed by Luffy to get his nakama from fighting against captain morgan to get Zoro, fighting with the Captain Pirates Kuro to get Ussop, fight with Don Krieg to get Sanji, fight with Arlong to get Nami, fight with Wapol to get Chopper,fighting with Crocodile to get Vivi which in the end Vivi decided to stay in the Arabasta kingdom because she was the princess and in the end got Robin because Luffy had saved Robin, fought with Ciper Pol 9 agents to get Franky and also saved Robin and fought with Moria in order to get Brook.. Of course Luffy went through it all with difficulty but he remembered Sasuke's words that if he had a nakama he wanted to protect, he would automatically get stronger.. Luffy always wanted to meet Sasuke but always failed because he didn't have the right information. Just where is Sasuke?The information that Luffy knew about Sasuke was 1 year before he set sail that Sasuke managed to escape from Impel Down and after that he disappeared.. Of course Luffy is a little worried about Sasuke but Luffy believes that Sasuke is a strong person.. Second person strongest he met after his grandfather Garp.. So Luffy thought that there was no way anyone could kill Sasuke even if it was an admiral..

Now the Straw Hat crew are at the Saboady Archipelago and are walking with Rayleigh to Shakky's bar with Rayleigh carrying Hacchi one of the fishmen who was shot by the Tenryuubito.

"Rayleigh, it turns out that you've come home.. Very fast and I think you've found Monkey-Chan.." Said Shakky who opened the door while holding a cigarette in his hand..

"Hacchi is seriously injured.. We must immediately prepare a bed for him and treat him.." Rayleigh said..

"What happened!? Forget it! I will prepare a bed for him.." Said Shakky who immediately went back and rushed to prepare the injured Hacchi's mattress..

"O-San, you said you wanted to talk to me?" Luffy asked Rayleigh..

Rayleigh who heard that just smiled at Luffy which made Luffy a little confused..



"WHAT? Luffy asked who couldn't believe what Rayleigh said..

"That's right.. I used to be a vice captain.. Silvers Rayleigh.. Nice to meet you.." Rayleigh said smiling and holding a glass filled with alcohol..

""VICE CAPTAIN!?"" Franky and Nami shouted simultaneously who were shocked by the information they received.. The entire crew of Luffy was also shocked to hear this..

"Hmmm.. you didn't tell them Hacchan?" Shakky said to Hacchi who was being treated by Chopper..

"I thought they just wanted to coat their ship with bubbles so I didn't tell them.." Hacchi said..

"I've heard that name before!" Said Ussop who just realized it..

"His name has been written in various books.." Said Nami who covered her mouth while crying..

"I'm sure everyone knows that name.." Sanji said, breaking out in cold sweat because he saw the living legend firsthand.

"Gold Roger... It seems there was a Rookie with that name in the past.." Brook said while eating his food..

"Why is someone like you friends with that octopus..?" Zoro asked Rayleigh..

"Hacchi saved me when my ship sank in the ocean 20 years ago.." Rayleigh said while playing with the bottle he was holding.

"He owes his life to Hacchi.. Even though he is still a child.." Said Shakky who helped the series of questions from the Straw Hat crew

"Hacchi and I were very close before he joined the sun pirates.." Rayleigh said..

"Arlong huh?" Luffy asked who was still eating food from the fridge in the bar.

"And also… Long time no see Nico Robin.." Rayleigh said smiling at Robin who had been silent for a long time with a sad expression..

"YOU MEET ROBIN!?" Asked Luffy who shouted at Rayleigh..

"Hmmm.. About 3 years ago.. He came with his girlfriend and made a bit of a riot here.. Hahhaha.." Rayleigh laughed as he remembered what happened 3 years ago..

"NANIIII!? ROBIN-CHAN HAS A GIRLFRIEND!?" Sanji shouted who was crying and rolling on the floor because he didn't accept that Robin had a girlfriend..

"Robin how come you never told me? Who knew we might find it for you?" Nami asked Robin who was also surprised that Robin actually had a boyfriend.

"Robin-San.. Even though you already have a boyfriend, can you show me your pants and—"

"URUSAIII BROOK!" Said Nami who cut Brook's perverted words with a punch..

"Yohohoho… Nami-San is really good at hitting.. Yohohoho.." said Brook who was already lying on the floor with a lump on his head..

"What's a girlfriend?" Luffy asked innocently..

"How can you not know what Luffy's courtship is? Dating is where a man and a woman have a very special relationship.." Ussop said to Luffy..

Luffy thought hard and remembered who was the man who was close to Robin in the past.. And there was one person that occurred to Luffy and surprised him..

"ROBIN SO YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS CROCODILE!" Said Luffy who was surprised..

""WHAT'S POSSIBLE!" Nami and Ussop shouted at the same time because they were annoyed with the captain's stupidity.

"By the way Robin, why have you been quiet all this time? Is something bothering you?" Zoro asked who realized something was wrong with Robin.. Because since they were on this island, Robin seemed to be silent and didn't utter a single word..

"What's wrong Robin? If something is bothering you just say it and we will help you.. Shishishishi.." Luffy said to Robin while laughing..

Robin, who heard this, squeezed his thighs hard and shed tears. The whole Straw Hat crew who saw it were confused and wondered what was wrong? Was there something wrong with what they said? Or they bring bad memories to Robin when mentioning about his girlfriend..

"Robin-Chan..?" Said Sanji who felt sad seeing Robin cry..

"By the way Nico Robin where is he? Why did you even go in with the straw hat crew? Aren't you guys planning to buy a ship and recruit members? I know he managed to escape from prison?" Rayleigh said seriously and looked at Robin.. Is he dead?

The entire Straw Hat crew became curious as to who Rayleigh and Robin were talking about. They were all in the room waiting for Robin's answer and their eyes were all on Robin.

"I'm the one who put him in prison.." Said Robin who was still crying and lowered his head.


There was a sound of glass breaking and it was the glass Rayleigh was holding. Rayleigh was really surprised by what Robin said. How could that be? As far as Rayleigh knows they are both very close and protect each other..How did it happen..

The whole Straw Hat crew who heard this were shocked.. Robin threw his girlfriend in jail? Who was Robin's boyfriend until he was thrown in jail? And why was he sent to prison again? Why is Robin so stubborn? Or his girlfriend who betrayed Robin..

"I was consumed by stupid words from Akainu so I betrayed him.. I really regret it sob sob sob .." Robin said in between tears..

The entire Straw Hat crew is still confused by Robin's words.. What does it mean that Robin cheated on this person named Akainu?

"Akainu huh? The method is still the same.. Cunning and dirty.." Said Rayleigh who was a little annoyed with Robin's words.. He knew how Akainu thought to divide a pirate member..

"So Sasuke-kun didn't come back to you?" Rayleigh continued who looked at Robin with pity.


All the food in Luffy's mouth came out and scattered everywhere after hearing Sasuke's name being called by Rayleigh..

"Sa-Sasuke!? OOOIII! WHAT SASUKE YOU ARE MEANING IS UCHIHA SASUKE!?" Luffy asked while shouting at Rayleigh..

"That's right.. Akuma no Me Uchiha Sasuke.. I put his wanted poster over there.." Rayleigh said while pointing to one of the walls in the bar.. The whole straw hat crew saw the direction Rayleigh was pointing.. After they saw the poster The fugitives all fell from their seats in shock..

""1 BILLION!?" shouted Nami, Ussop and Chopper who were really shocked to see Sasuke's wanted poster..

"O-Oi Robin! Your boyfriend is a monster you know that!? Ussop said to Robin while pointing at the wanted poster.

"Akuma no Me Uchiha Sasuke, I've heard the news.. He was the one who defeated Aokiji and their battle took place here.. The proof of their fight is the hole in Grove 21.. Isn't that right Rayleigh-San?" Franky asked Rayleigh..

Franky suddenly broke out in cold sweat and tried to remember if he ever hurt Robin with his actions or words.. If anything, then he must apologize right now before Akuma no Me comes and beheads him..

"""BEAT AOKIJI!?""" Again Nami, Ussop and Chopper screamed at the same time.. They only imagined how fierce, fierce, and powerful Uchiha Sasuke is.. They only wished they never met Uchiha Sasuke..

"OO-Oi Lufyy! Why do you react like that? Have you ever fought with him?" Zoro asked Luffy who saw Luffy sitting down with an expression that could be considered shock..

"Lu-Luffy!? Why….?" Robin asked Luffy who was confused by Luffy's reaction..

"Uchiha Sasuke! SASUKE IS MY BROTHER!" Shouted Luffy..

"EEEEHHHHHHHH!?" Everyone was shocked.. I don't know for how many times today they all heard information that was very shocking and made their hearts beat faster..

"Y-your brother? What do you mean?" Robin asked the captain who was still sitting on the floor.. Because if it was true that Sasuke was Luffy's older brother, he would be in big trouble.. He sailed with the younger brother of the person he betrayed..

"Sasuke is my brother.. I have a brother besides Ace that is Sasuke.. Sasuke is the eldest.. He is 5 years older than me.. We lived in Colubo Mountain and grew up together.. Sasuke is the person I fear the most in this world .." Luffy said while swallowing saliva..

"O-oi? Is he that strong?" Zoro asked Luffy.. Zoro is now a little afraid of Sasuke after hearing what Luffy said earlier.. Zoro has never heard of Luffy being afraid of someone before..

"Ahh.. Sasuke is the strongest person I've ever met besides Ji-Chan.. I was able to get as strong as I am now because of the training that Sasuke gave.." Luffy said with a smile and tilted his head up while remembering his memory with Sasuke..

"Sasuke-kun is your brother?" Robin muttered very quietly.. Her body trembled with fear from the reality she received.. After this what should she say Luffy..

"Uhmmm… Sasuke is my brother and my idol.. I really want to be strong and cool like him.. Even though his face is as flat as a wall, but he's very kind to me.. He always defends me when Ace hits me and always gives me meat rations so I can eat more.. I have 2 dreams, besides becoming the pirate king I want to beat Sasuke in a 1 on 1 battle and if I can beat then I can only become the pirate king.. That's my promise to him.. Luffy said..

Hearing all that Robin immediately stood up and approached Luffy.. He looked at Luffy for a moment after that he knelt before Luffy while crying..

"Robin-chan?" Sanji who saw this couldn't do anything.. Sanji really understood what was happening and decided to shut up..

"Ro-Robin ..." Nami who saw Robin was sad because Nami also knew that Robin must feel very sorry for Luffy right now..

"Hmmm.." Luffy who saw Robin kneeling in front of him was also confused..

"I'm sorry! Because I… Because I'm Sasuke caught by the navy.. Because of my stupidity he should be in prison! If you want to get me out of the crew then do it.. I'm not worthy to sail with you anymore .. " Robin said while lowering his head. He didn't dare look at Luffy.. Really looking at Luffy reminded him of the man he loved and betrayed..

"Don't be like that.. I told you not that you are my nakama and your past doesn't affect me at all.. Everyone makes mistakes in the past.. After all he managed to escape from prison right? No one can stop him.. He's that super human who is very strong.. After all, Sasuke will understand if you explain.. Shishishishi.." Said Luffy who smiled at Robin while holding his shoulder..

Robin really felt embarrassed and very sad to hear Luffy's words.. After everything he did, Luffy was still being nice like this and still considered him a nakama and didn't scold him at all.. Robin's crying was getting louder..

"Arigato Luffy!" Robin hugged Luffy tightly to let out all his sadness..

"Don't worry about it… Shishishishi.." Luffy laughed, who also hugged Robin back..

Luffy let go of Robin's arms and smiled at Robin as if to tell Robin that he needn't worry and will help him to meet Sasuke again.

"Well Robin… Tell me about your journey with my sister. She must always annoy you, right?" Luffy asked Robin..

"Hmm okay.." Said Robin who wiped all her tears and smiled..

"Hahahaha you're the one who pulled Luffy.. It looks like your storytelling should be put on hold for a while.. I'll line your ship now and considering you saved Hacchi then you don't have to pay.." Rayleigh said to Luffy

"WAHHH! THANK YOU O-SAN! YOU'RE SO GOOD!" Said Luffy who shouted with joy..

"Thank you Rayleigh-San.. You really are a legend.." Nami said who was very happy because she didn't have to spend money..

"Okay.. I'll see you later when I've finished my task with your ship.." Said Rayleigh who had brought all his equipment and left the bar..

(Grand Line: Arabasta)

"Please enter this is the royal palace of Arabasta and introduce my name Vivi.. Nefertari Vivi, princess of the kingdom of Arabasta.. Nice to meet you Sasuke-San.." Said one of the blue-haired women who is the princess of the kingdom of Arabasta..

Vivi is one of Luffy's nakama who decided not to go sailing with Luffy because she is the daughter of the royal heir and she loves her country very much. When Ace told her that Sasuke Uchiha was his brother and Luffy's older brother, Vivi was shocked and asked Ace's help to meet him with Sasuke Uchiha. about 3 years ago.. After hearing that Vivi left Arabasta and kept looking for Uchiha Sasuke but to no avail.. Ace who heard this also told Vivi that he had to believe in Luffy..You don't need Sasuke to beat Crocodile, Luffy can definitely help him and free Arabasta from Crocodile's tyranny.. In the end Ace's words came true and Crocodile was defeated by Luffy.. Vivi was very grateful to Luffy after that..

This time he finally met Uchiha Sasuke who he didn't expect that Sasuke would visit Arabasta.. As many people say, Sasuke is a handsome man and he doesn't mind at all to make him the prince of Arabasta especially when he sees now Sasuke is wearing a cloak and turban ( Sasuke's appearance now is like in Naruto The Last) like the original prince of the desert kingdom.. Therefore Vivi invites Sasuke to his palace to chat and talk casually and ask what Sasuke needs to come to Arabasta..

"Thanks Hime.." Sasuke said agreeing to Vivid's invitation and stepped into the main room of the palace.

"Father.. Introduce this is Uchiha Sasuke.. He is Luffy's older brother.. and don't call me Hime.. Just call him Vivi.. Your sister also used to call me like that hihihi.." Vivi said with a small laugh..

"Ohhh Sasuke Uchiha?

"Actually I just wanted to buy a few things here but I met your daughter and she invited me here.." Sasuke said smiling at Cobra..

"Sasuke-San please have a seat and we will prepare you a meal.. Do you want something?" Vivi asked Sasuke..

"The warm is enough.." Sasuke said to Vivi..

"Alright.. Waiter! Please make some hot tea for Sasuke-san immediately!" Vivi shouted to one of her maids who was standing in front of the door.


Sasuke and Vivi walked to the chair in front of Cobra and sat in front of Cobra.

"So… Did you have a special purpose in coming to this country?" Cobra asked Sasuke..

"Actually I'm looking for someone.. But it seems that person has been brought by my sister.." Sasuke replied

"Nico Robin huh?" Cobra asked who looked at Sasuke intensely..

"Hmmm.. I heard he's messing around here with Crocodile.." Sasuke said seriously while looking at Cobra..

"Miss All Sunday? You have a relationship with Miss All Sunday Sasuke-San?" Vivi asked Sasuke who looked at Sasuke in confusion..

"Hmmm.. I once sailed with him.." Sasuke answered briefly..

"Hime-Sama, here's the tea.." Said one of the waiters who put the tea in front of Sasuke's table and bowed after that he left the room because he understood that there was an important conversation.

"Please drink Sasuke-San.." Vivi said to Sasuke and Sasuke nodded and drank the tea slowly..

"While here, Nico Robin is the representative of Crocodile and well like you said he's causing a lot of trouble here. He lied to Crocodile about the writing on the Poneglyph and Crocodile stabbed him.. Nico Robin almost died at that time but your sister saved him.. Maybe that's the reason he became part of the straw hat.. Cobra said explaining to Sasuke everything that happened to Nico Robin..

"I thought after the fight with me, he won't be looking for Pluton anymore but it still is.. Humans are hard to change.." Sasuke said with a sad smile.. He was annoyed because Robin was almost killed by Crocodile..

"At that time we were looking everywhere for you to ask for help to defeat Crocodile.. But the world says you suddenly disappeared after escaping from Impel Down.. You are the second person who was able to escape from there after Kinjishi no Shiki.. And in the end It was your sister who liberated this country hahaha.." Cobra said while laughing..

"Hmmm.. It turns out that he has become strong.."Said Sasuke who smiled imagining how Luffy is now..

"Luffy-San is truly extraordinary Sasuke-San.. He helped this country without asking for anything in return.." Said Vivi who smiled at Sasuke..

"Looks like Luffy has done a lot for this country.." Sasuke muttered who didn't think his stupidest brother could save a country...

"And again Uchiha Sasuke if you are the brother of Monkey, D, Luffy then you must have a relationship with Portgas, D, Ace right?" Ask Cobra seriously..

"Hmmm..." Sasuke answered simply.

"Then this will be bad news for you.." Said Cobra who closed his eyes and took one of the newspapers and gave it to Sasuke..

Sasuke took the newspaper and opened it to see what news Cobra meant.. Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise at the news he read..


Sasuke crumpled the newspaper and his eyes turned sinister and the air around the room felt cold and tense which made Cobra and Vivi shiver and fear.

"Sa-Sasuke-San..?" Said Vivi who was scared to see Sasuke..

Sasuke who saw the 2 people around him scared calmed himself and took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Sorry I got carried away.. Cobra-San..How long will it take me to reach Marineford if I leave here?" Sasuke asked Cobra..

"1 Week.. The time you have is really limited Sasuke-San.. If you want to go there, then you have to go today as the execution time is only a week away.." Cobra said to Sasuke..

"Okay then thank you for your dinner I will leave now .." Said Sasuke who stood up and immediately took his sword and rushed to leave the room but Vivi's voice stopped him.

"MATTE KUDASAI SASUKE-SAN! Take this Log Pose so you don't get lost.. This Log Pose goes straight to Marineford. Sasuke..

Sasuke immediately took it and put it in his hand and smiled at Vivi..

"Thank you… Vivi .." Sasuke said and immediately nodded towards Cobra which indicated that he would soon leave and immediately left the room..

"Guards! Take Sasuke-San to the harbor!" Cobra said to his bodyguard..


"Thank you.. From here I will go alone.. Convey my thanks to the King and Princess.."Said Sasuke who immediately pulled the sail and the ship was already moving forward..

"SASUKE-SAN'S HEART! GOOD LUCK!" Shouted the guards who escorted Sasuke..

' Wait Ace… I'm coming..'



Note: Sasuke's appearance is now like in Naruto The Last..

Thank you readers who are still loyal to this fic heheh :D

And answering questions from readers who asked if Sasuke's hand was still intact, the answer was that he was still intact.. Because when Sasuke came to the world of One Piece he returned to the age of 12 so all his limbs were intact..

And for age:

Sasuke: 22 years old

Ace : 20 years

Luffy: 17 years old

Robin : 28 years old

Thank you so much :D

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