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Chapter 10: The Hunt

Foot on the sweltering ground, Alexander cautiously carried a strange creature, roughly the size of a rabbit, perched on his shoulder. He moved with agility, his eyes darting about the eerie forest filled with devil's trees, whose twisted branches seemed to writhe hungrily at the touch of anything living, eager to ensnare and trap their prey.

As he ventured deeper into the dark forest, Alexander skillfully maneuvered around the gnarled branches, their malevolence palpable. The legends warned that even the slightest brush with these branches could result in a frantic and deadly entanglement. He had no intention of becoming their next victim.

Between the grotesque trees, Alexander spotted numerous areas adorned with dense, ghostly white spider webs. The sight made him shudder, for it signified he had entered the hunting grounds of the arachnid predators. He treaded carefully, wary of the unseen dangers lurking amidst the silken traps.

Suddenly, a peculiar cry echoed through the forest. Alexander's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly dropped to the ground, gently placing the strange creature he was carrying before lying motionless himself. Overhead, a massive black shadow soared, yet it seemed oblivious to Alexander's presence as it flew on.

With relief washing over him, Alexander knew he had been fortunate this time. He had been prepared to relinquish his prey if the shadow had detected him, fearing it might seize what he had on his back.

Having successfully averted various perils, Alexander eventually reached the edge of the forest, finding solace under the massive remains of a deceased tree. Its roots formed a naturally hollowed-out sanctuary that would be his abode.

Before entering the tree's shelter, Alexander scanned his surroundings, checking the camouflage he had left behind. Satisfied that it remained undisturbed, he cleared away the rotten branches and leaves, making way for him and his newfound prey to enter the hideaway.

Gently placing the creature on his shoulder down inside the cave, Alexander finally exhaled a long-held breath. He had spent over a week in this underground realm, and with each passing day, he was gradually adapting to the enigmatic life below. While dangers still lurked around every corner, Alexander's meticulous observation allowed him to navigate his new surroundings cautiously.

In this week, he had made significant strides in learning the art of hunting. Survival was essential, and he had come to understand that he, too, needed to eat. Though the variety of prey he could capture was limited, he made do with what he could find.

Within the subterranean realm, he encountered a plethora of creatures, ranging from demonic beings to fearsome monsters. Alexander noticed that many of the lower demons displayed primal instincts—driven by the urge to hunt, kill, and destAlexander—much like the monstrous beings.

They might have low IQ but each of them posess potential that far outweights a normal human or any other creature for the matter.

From the tiny cubs, they gradually evolved into powerful adults, their bodies becoming stronger with time. Survival in this hostile environment was the key to unlocking their true potential. Those who endured and persevered eventually ascended to the pinnacle of the demon food chain.

Alexander was eager to find the entrances to the lower world, where the demons' true might resided. His limited explorations had yet to reveal those elusive portals, but he remained persistent in his quest.

As he reflected on his own growth, Alexander noticed the subtle changes in his body. His strength had increased by 2 points, and he was slightly faster, though he hadn't breached the 1.2-meter mark. The system's feedback was intriguing, particularly the enigmatic "activity" attribute, which he believed was linked to his vitality and ability to withstand injuries.

In the dimly lit underground cavern, Alexander's curiosity and determination fueled his desire to uncover the secrets hidden in this realm. The air was thick with an otherworldly scent, a mixture of damp earth and faint traces of sulfur from distant lava streams. The underground silence was occasionally broken by eerie echoes that seemed to whisper ancient tales of the demon world.

Settling down to prepare his well-earned dinner, Alexander felt an odd sense of belonging in this strange subterranean realm. The rough texture of the ground beneath him grounded him, reminding him of the unusual life he led. The darkness that surrounded him was not terrifying; it was the canvas of his adventures, painted with excitement and mystery.

With careful hands, Alexander prepared the prey he had caught, a grin of satisfaction spreading across his face. He was perplexed as he examined the peculiar creature he had captured. It resembled a chubby bug with four claw-like thighs, similar to an ant without pincers, but what puzzled him most was the gaping hole in its head, as if it had been shot by something before he caught it.

In his hand, Alexander held a revolver he had modified, resembling the iconic Colt Python. After tweaking its body to ensure better accuracy, he realized it was a potent weapon, especially against the lower demons he encountered. However, facing the adult demons with their heavily armored chitinous carapaces, he knew his current weapon wouldn't cut it unless he spent a fortune to upgrade it with special attributes like [broken armor] and [penetration].

"Looks like it's time for a change of strategy," Alexander muttered to himself, contemplating the limitations of external weapons. He knew that true strength lied within oneself, especially for creatures like demons. He wondered if he could harness the power within his own body.

The prospect of transformation intrigued him. Through the system, he could alter his form and become something greater than the usual lower-ranked demons. If he followed the usual path, he would eventually reach the top of the lower ranks, but that seemed rather uninspiring. Thanks to the system, he now had a new choice.

With a grin, he thought about using his artistic talents to paint a new form and exchange souls for human delicacies, like the mouth-watering braised beef. But for some reason, he preferred the thrill of hunting and accumulating souls. The souls he collected from his prey weren't of the highest quality, but they were sufficient for his upcoming transformation.

Over the past week, Alexander managed to capture four creatures, each yielding a small soul light group. Although they weren't as potent as the soul he obtained from the four-eyed little devil earlier, he felt they would do just fine for his plans.

Now, seated near a campfire in the forest, Alexander stared at the grotesque insect monster he had hunted. Hungry and a bit hesitant, he decided to go for it. Roasting cooked food might attract unwanted attention, so he had to settle for the raw and bloody option. The forest was filled with strange smells anyway, so one more wouldn't make a difference.

As he devoured the creature, he couldn't help but feel a bit squeamish, but he knew he had to tough it out until he gained the power he desired. After satiating his hunger, he called up the system interface, his excitement palpable as he prepared for his first physical transformation.

"Alright, let's do this!" Alexander exclaimed, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes. He was ready to embark on a journey that would transform him into something far greater than he had ever imagined.

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